| a. | The provisions described in this Addendum supersede other provisions of this Adoption Agreement and/or the Base Plan Document in the manner described. These provisions have not been pre-approved by the Internal Revenue Service and must be disclosed as modifications to the pre-approved language. |
Item 1: Employer Matching Contributions (Section 15)
As of the last day of a Contribution Period, the Employer shall allocate a Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution on behalf of each “Benefiting Participant,” who is an Eligible Employee of such Employer. A Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution on behalf of a Benefiting Participant shall be in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Benefiting Participant’s Elective Deferrals for the Contribution Period which do not exceed five percent (5%) of the Benefiting Participant’s Compensation for the Contribution Period, provided, however, that each Benefiting Participant shall receive a “Minimum Annual Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution” equal to 50% of the first $4,000 of the Benefiting Participant’s Elective Deferrals for the Plan Year.
Any contribution necessary to provide a Benefiting Participant with the Minimum Annual Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution shall be treated as a Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution for all purposes under this Plan. For avoidance of doubt, any Participant who is a Benefiting Participant for a Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution with respect to any Contribution Period in a Plan Year shall be a Benefiting Participant for purposes of the Minimum Annual Non-Safe Harbor Matching Contribution, if applicable to such Benefiting Participant, for such Plan Year.
Item 2: Post 70-1/2 Distributions – Required Beginning Date (Section 27.4)
Notwithstanding the election set forth in Section 27.4 of the Adoption Agreement, a Participant who continues employment beyond April 1 of the calendar year following the year he attains age 701⁄2 may elect to commence retirement benefits as of that date while still employed with the Employer.
Item 3: Western Digital Stock Fund
Section 1. Purpose of the Western Digital Stock Fund
The purpose of the Western Digital Stock Fund is to permit Plan Participants to invest in the common stock of the Sponsoring Employer (“Sponsor Stock”) through the Plan. Subject to the discretion of Evercore as set forth in this Addendum, the Western Digital Stock Fund is intended to be a feature of the Plan that is invested exclusively in Sponsor Stock. “Sponsoring Employer” shall mean the Plan Sponsor.
Section 2. Named Fiduciary for the Western Digital Stock Fund
Western Digital, in its capacity as the Sponsoring Employer of the Plan, has appointed Evercore Trust Company, N.A. (“Evercore”) as the named fiduciary and investment manager of the Western Digital Stock Fund under the Plan. Notwithstanding any provision of the Base Plan Document or the Adoption Agreement to the contrary, Evercore shall be the exclusive named fiduciary and investment manager with respect to the Western Digital Stock Fund. Neither the Company in its capacity as Plan Administrator or Investment Fiduciary, the Retirement, Administrative and Severance Committee, nor any Plan fiduciary other than Evercore shall have any authority to restrict or eliminate the Western Digital Stock Fund as a Plan investment option; and no Plan fiduciary, including Evercore, shall have any authority to add to the Plan any investment option the purpose of which is to invest primarily or exclusively in Sponsor Stock.