Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Shar
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Description of Business
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Investments
- Goodwill
- Intangible Assets
- Property, Plant and Equipment,
- Other Liabilities
- Non-Current Other Liabilities
- Employee Benefits
- Equity Incentive Schemes and St
- Government Grants
- Share Capital
- Income Taxes
- Restructuring Charges
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Disaggregation of Revenue
- Accounts Receivable, Unbilled R
- Provision for Doubtful Debts
- Business Segment and Geographic
- Supplemental Disclosure of Cash
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Operating Leases
- Debt - Senior Notes
- Impact of New Accounting Pronou
- Related Parties
- Net Income Per Ordinary Share (
- Subsequent Events
- Impact of Change in Accounting
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- Investments (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Other Liabilities (Tables)
- Non-Current Other Liabilities (
- Employee Benefits (Tables)
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _2
- Government Grants (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Restructuring Charges (Tables)
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Disaggregation of Revenue (Tabl
- Accounts Receivable, Unbilled_2
- Provision for Doubtful Debts (T
- Business Segment and Geograph_2
- Supplemental Disclosure of Ca_2
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Operating Leases (Tables)
- Net Income Per Ordinary Share_2
- Description of Business (Detail
- Significant Accounting Polici_4
- Significant Accounting Polici_5
- Significant Accounting Polici_6
- Investments - Available For Sal
- Investments - Narrative (Detail
- Investments - Available For S_2
- Goodwill - Schedule of Goodwill
- Goodwill - Narrative (Details)
- Goodwill - Summary of Estimates
- Goodwill - Summary of Proforma
- Intangible Assets - Summary (De
- Intangible Assets - Narrative (
- Intangible Assets - Future Inta
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Other Liabilities (Details)
- Non-Current Other Liabilities_2
- Employee Benefits - Narrative (
- Employee Benefits - Funded Stat
- Employee Benefits - Change in B
- Employee Benefits - Change in P
- Employee Benefits - Components
- Employee Benefits - Net Periodi
- Employee Benefits - Amounts Rec
- Employee Benefits - Assumptions
- Employee Benefits - Expected Lo
- Employee Benefits - Actual Plan
- Employee Benefits - Plan Asset
- Employee Benefits - Annual Bene
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _3
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _4
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _5
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _6
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _7
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _8
- Equity Incentive Schemes and _9
- Government Grants - Summary (De
- Government Grants - Narrative (
- Share Capital (Details)
- Income Taxes - Components of In
- Income Taxes - Components of Pr
- Income Taxes - Consolidated Rep
- Income Taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Income Taxes - Tax Effects of T
- Income Taxes - Expected Expiry
- Income Taxes - Reconciliation o
- Restructuring Charges - Recogni
- Restructuring Charges - Narrati
- Restructuring Charges - Prior P
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Disaggregation of Revenue (Deta
- Accounts Receivable, Unbilled_3
- Accounts Receivable, Unbilled_4
- Accounts Receivable, Unbilled_5
- Provision for Doubtful Debts (D
- Business Segment and Geograph_3
- Business Segment and Geograph_4
- Business Segment and Geograph_5
- Business Segment and Geograph_6
- Business Segment and Geograph_7
- Business Segment and Geograph_8
- Business Segment and Geograph_9
- Business Segment and Geograp_10
- Business Segment and Geograp_11
- Business Segment and Geograp_12
- Business Segment and Geograp_13
- Supplemental Disclosure of Ca_3
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Operating Leases - Lease Costs
- Operating Leases Operating Leas
- Operating Leases Operating Le_2
- Debt - Senior Notes (Details)
- Impact of New Accounting Pron_2
- Related Parties (Details)
- Net Income Per Ordinary Share -
- Net Income Per Ordinary Share_3
- Subsequent Events (Details)
- Impact of Change in Accountin_2
- Uncategorized Items - iconplc20