| (f) Where a given number of days’ notice, or notice extending over any period, is required to be given, the day of service shall be counted in such number of days or other period. |
98. | On any sale of the undertaking of the Company, the Board or the liquidators on a winding-up may, if authorized by a majority vote at a meeting of shareholders, accept fully paid up shares, debentures or securities of any other company, whether Israeli or foreign, either then existing or to be formed, for the purchase, in whole or in part, of the property of the Company, and the Board (if the profits of the Company permit), or the liquidators (on a winding-up), may distribute such shares or securities, or any other property of the Company, amongst the shareholders without realization, or vest the same in trustees for them, and the shareholders of the Company at any General Meeting may provide for the distribution or appropriation of the cash, shares or other securities, benefits or property, in accordance with the legal rights of the shareholders or contributors of the Company, and for the valuation of any such securities or property at such price and in such manner as the meeting may approve, and all holders of shares shall be bound to accept and shall be bound by any valuation or distribution so authorized, and waive all rights in relation thereto, save only in the case the Company is proposed to be, or is, in the course of being wound up, such statutory rights (if any) under the provisions of the Statutes as are incapable of being varied or excluded by these presents. |
| 99.1 | Insurance - Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law including the receipt of all approvals as required therein or under any applicable law, the Company may enter into an agreement to insure an Officer for any liability that may be imposed on such Officer in connection with an act performed by such Officer in such Officer’s capacity as an Officer of the Company, with respect to each of the following: (i) breach of the duty of care of the Officer towards the Company or towards another person; (ii) breach of the fiduciary duty towards the Company, provided that the Officer acted in good faith and had reasonable grounds to assume that the action in question would not be detrimental to the best interests of the Company; and (iii) a financial obligation imposed on the Officer for the benefit of another person. |