The technical report entitled “Technical Report with an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Waterbury Lake Property, Northern Saskatchewan” dated December 21, 2018 was authored by Serdar Donmez, P.Geo.,E.I.T., Dale Verran, Pr.Sci.Nat., P.Geo., and Paul Burry, P.Geo. of Denison, Oy Leuangthong, P.Eng, and Cliff Revering, P.Eng, of SRK, Allan Armitage, P.Geo, of SGS Geostat and Alan Sexton, P.Geo, of GeoVector Management Inc. (“GeoVector”). Each of Messrs. Leuangthong, Revering, Armitaage and Sexton, and their respective firms, are independent in accordance with the requirements of NI43-101.
Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (“RPA”), which was retained to independently review and audit the mineral reserves and mineral resources in accordance with the requirements of NI43-101, prepared the following technical reports: (a) the technical report entitled “Technical Report on the Denison Mines Inc. Uranium Properties, Saskatchewan, Canada” dated November 21, 2005, as revised February 16, 2006 by Richard E. Routledge, M.Sc., P.Geo. and James W. Hendry, P.Eng.; (b) the technical report entitled “Technical Report on the Mineral Resource Estimate for the McClean North Uranium Deposits, Saskatchewan” dated January 31, 2007 by Richard E. Routledge, M.Sc., P.Geo.; and (c) the technical report entitled “Technical Report on the Sue D Uranium Deposit Mineral Resource Estimate, Saskatchewan, Canada” dated March 31, 2006 by Richard E Routledge, M.Sc., P.Geo. and James W. Hendry, P.Eng.
The technical report entitled “Technical Report with an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Midwest Property, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada” dated March 26, 2018 was authored by Dale Verran, MSc, Pr.Sci.Nat. and Chad Sorba, P.Geo, of the Company and G. David Keller, PGeo, formerly of SRK, and Oy Leuangthong, PEng, of SRK. Each of Messrs. Keller and Leuangthong and SRK are independent in accordance with the requirements of NI43-101.
To the knowledge of Denison as of the date hereof, each of RPA, GeoVector, SGS Geostat, and SRK and each of their respective partners, employees and consultants who participated in the preparation of the aforementioned reports, or who were in a position to influence the outcome of such reports, are the registered or beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of less than one percent of the outstanding Common Shares.
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You may read any document we file with or furnish to the securities commissions and authorities of the provinces of Canada through SEDAR and any document we file with, or furnish to, the SEC at the SEC’s public reference room at Station Place, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC atl-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms. Certain of our filings are also electronically available on EDGAR, and may be accessed at
We are a company incorporated under the OBCA. Some of our directors and officers, and the experts named in this prospectus, are residents of Canada or otherwise reside outside the United States, and all or a substantial