PENSION PLANS AND OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS | 30) PENSION PLANS AND OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS a) Accounting policy The Company and its subsidiaries individually sponsor pension funds of post-retirement benefits for active and retired employees, in addition to a multisponsor supplementary retirement plan and health care plan for former employees. Contributions are determined on an actuarial basis and recorded on an accrual basis. Liabilities relating to defined benefit plans are determined based on actuarial evaluations at each year-end, in order to ensure that sufficient reserves have been set up for both current and future commitments. Actuarial liabilities related to defined benefit plans were calculated using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized immediately in equity (in other comprehensive income). For plans with defined contribution characteristics, the obligation is limited to the contributions payable, which are recognized in the P&L in the respective accrual periods. The asset or liability related to defined benefit plan to be recognized in the financial statements corresponds to the present value of the obligation for the defined benefit (using a discount rate based on long-term National Treasury Notes - “NTNs”), less the fair value of plan assets that will be used to settle the obligations. Plan assets are assets held by a privately held supplementary pension plan entity. Plan assets are not available to the Company’s creditors or those of its subsidiaries and cannot be paid directly to the Company or its subsidiaries. The fair value is based on information on market prices and, in the case of securities quoted, on the purchase price disclosed. The value of any defined benefit asset then recognized is limited to the present value of any economic benefits available as a reduction in future plan contribution from the Company. Actuarial costs recognized in the statement of income are limited to the service cost and cost of interest on the defined benefit plan obligation. Any changes in the measurement of plan assets and obligations are initially recognized in other comprehensive income, and immediately reclassified to retained earnings in P&L. The Company and its subsidiaries manage and individually sponsors a health care plan for retired employees and former employees with fixed contributions to the plan, in accordance with Law No. 9656/98 (which provides for private health care and health insurance plans). As provided for in Articles 30 and 31 of said law, participants shall have the right to the health care plan in which they participated while they were active employees. b) Critical estimates and judgments The cost of pension plans with defined benefits and other post-employment health care benefits and the present value of the pension obligation are determined using actuarial valuation methods. Actuarial valuation involves use of assumptions about discount rates, future salary increases, mortality rates and future increases in pension and annuity benefits. The obligation for defined benefits is highly sensitive to changes in these assumptions. All assumptions are reviewed on an annual basis. The mortality rate is based on publicly available mortality tables in the country. Future salary increases, and pension increases are based on expected future inflation rates for the country. c) Information on pension plans and other post-employment benefits The plans sponsored by the Company and its subsidiaries and the related benefit types are as follows: Plan Type Entity Sponsor PBS-A Defined benefit (DB) Sistel Telefônica Brasil, jointly with other telecoms resulting from privatization of the Sistema Telebrás PAMA / PCE Defined benefit (DB) Sistel Telefônica Brasil, jointly with other telecoms resulting from privatization of the Sistema Telebrás Healthcare - Law No. 9656/98 Defined benefit (DB) Telefônica Brasil Telefônica Brasil, Terra Networks, TGLog and TIS CTB Defined benefit (DB) Telefônica Brasil Telefônica Brasil Telefônica BD Defined benefit (DB) VisãoPrev Telefônica Brasil VISÃO Defined contribution (DC) / Hybrid VisãoPrev Telefônica Brasil, Terra Networks, TGLog and TIS The Company has participation in the decisions that directly affect the governance of the plans, with members nominated for both the Deliberative Council and the Fiscal Council of the administrators Sistel and Visão Prev. The defined benefit obligation is made up of different components, according to the pension characteristic of each plan, and may include the actuarial liabilities of supplementary pension liabilities, health care benefits to retirees and dependents or compensation for death or disability of members. This liability is exposed to economic and demographic risks, such as: (i) increases in medical costs that could impact the cost of health care plans; (ii) salary growth; (iii) long-term inflation rate; (iv) nominal discount rate; and (v) life expectancy of members and pensioners. The fair value of plan assets is primarily comprised of fixed income investments (NTN's, LFT’s, LTN's, repurchase agreements, CDBs, debentures, letters of guarantee and FIDC shares) and equity investments (highly liquid, well regarded, large company shares and investments in market indices). Due to the concentration of fixed income and floating rate investments plan assets are mainly exposed to the risks inherent in the financial market and economic environment such as: (i) market risk in the economic sectors where variable income investments are concentrated; (ii) risk events that impact the economic environment and market indices where variable income investments are concentrated; and (iii) the long-term inflation rate that may erode the profitability of fixed income investments at fixed rates. The companies that administer post-employment benefits plans sponsored by the Company (Visão Prev and Sistel) seek to meet the flows of assets and liabilities through the acquisition of fixed income securities and other long-term assets. With the exception of the Companhia Telefônica Brasileira ("CTB") and the healthcare plan under Law No. 9656/98, generally all benefit plans that have funds constituted present a surplus position. The economic benefit recorded in the Company's assets or that of its subsidiaries does not reflect the total surplus determined in these plans. The economic benefit stated under assets considers only the portion of the surplus which presents a real possibility of recovery. The means of plan surplus recovery is solely through reductions in future contributions and given that not all plans currently receive enough contributions for full recovery of surpluses, the economic benefit recorded under assets is limited to the total possible recovery amount in accordance with projected future contributions. The position of plan assets is on December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, and plan assets were apportioned based on the Company’s actuarial liabilities in relation to the total actuarial liabilities of the plan. The actuarial gains and losses generated in each year are immediately recognized in equity (in other comprehensive income). The following is a summary of the pension plans and other post-employment benefits: c.1) Post-Employment Health Benefits Plans The actuarial valuation made for the PAMA health plan used the registration of the participants with a base date of October 31, 2019, while the actuarial valuation made for the health plan Law No. 9,656/98 used the registration of the participants with a base date of December 31, 2019, both plans projected for December 31, 2019. For comparative exercises, the actuarial valuation made for the PAMA health plan and health plan Law No. 9,656/98 used the participants of October 31, 2018 and September 30, 2018, respectively, both plans projected for December 31, 2018. c.1.1) Healthcare Plan to Retirees and Special Coverage Program (PAMA and PAMA-PCE) The Company, together with other companies of the former Telebrás System, at shared cost, sponsor health care plans (PAMA and PAMA-PCE) to retirees. These plans are managed by Fundação Sistel and are closed plans, not admitting new members. Contributions to the plans are determined based on actuarial valuations prepared by independent actuaries, in accordance with the rules in force in Brazil. The funding procedure is the capitalization method and the sponsor’s contribution are at the fixed percentage of payroll of employees covered by the Telefônica BD plan. c.1.2) Health care plan – Law No. 9656/98 The Company manages and together with its subsidiaries sponsors a health care plan to retired employees and former employees with fixed contributions to the plan, in accordance with Law No. 9656/98. As provided for in Articles 30 and 31 of said law, participants shall have the right to the health care plan in which they participated while they were active employees. Benefitted participants are classified as retirees and their dependents and dismissed employees and their dependents. Retirees and dismissed employees, in order to keep their right to the benefits, must make contributions to the plan in accordance with the contribution tables by age bracket established by carriers and/or insurance companies. c.2) Post-employment Social Security Plans The actuarial valuation made for the pension plan (CTB, PBS-A, Telefônica BD and Visão Plans) used the registration of the participants with a base date of July 31, 2019, projected for December 31, 2019 and the registration of the participants with a base date of July 31, 2018, projected for December 31, 2018. On August 15, 2018, Visão Prev obtained approvals from the National Superintendence of Private Pension Plans (“PREVIC”) for the incorporation of the TCO Prev plan into the Visão Telefônica and Telefônica BD plans. Thus, as of November 1, 2018, all participants in the TCO Prev plan became participants in the Visão Telefônica and Telefônica BD plans, according to their profile. This unification preserves all acquired rights and provides the participants of the merged plan with access to the benefits of the Visão Telefônica and Telefônica BD plans. The main objective of the spin-off and merger is to create greater synergy in the benefits offered to participants. They include the PBS Assisted Plans (“PBS-A"), CTB, Telefônica DB and Visão. c.2.1) PBS Assisted Plan (PBS-A) The PBS-A plan is a defined benefit private pension plan managed by Sistel and sponsored by the Company jointly with the other telecommunications companies originating in the privatization of the Telebrás System. The plan is subject to funding by sponsors in the case of any asset insufficiency to ensure pension supplementation of participants in the future. The PBS-A plan comprises assisted participants of the Sistel Benefit Plan who were already retirees on January 31, 2000, from all the participating sponsors, with joint liability of all sponsors to the plan and Sistel. According to PREVIC Ordinance No. 1,061, of December 5, 2019, published in the DOU on December 9, 2019, Sistel approved the distribution of part of its surplus, in the form of PBS-A's special reserve, with reversal of values to sponsors and improvement of benefits, in the form of temporary income, to those assisted. The participation corresponding to the Company in the distribution of this reserve was calculated in the amount of R$215,328, with expected distribution in the form of 36 monthly payments, the first in the amount of R$5,981 (amount already received by the Company in December 2019) and the others in same amount but corrected by the plan's income (Note 10). Even considering the distribution of the reserve approved by PREVIC, PBS-A still has assets in excess of actuarial obligations as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. These surpluses were not recognized due to the lack of legal provision for their reimbursement and, as they are not a contributory plan, no deduction is possible in future contributions. c.2.2) CTB Plan Contributions to the CTB plan are determined based on actuarial valuations prepared by independent actuaries, in accordance with the rules in force in Brazil. The funding procedure is the capitalization method and the sponsor’s contribution are a fixed percentage of payroll of employees covered by the plan. The Company also individually manages and sponsors the CTB plan, originally provided to former employees of CTB who were in the Company in 1977, with whom an individual retirement concession agreement was executed to encourage their resignation. This is an informal pension supplementation benefit paid to former employees directly by the Company. These plans are closed, and no other members are admitted . c.2.3) Telefônica DB Plan The Company individually sponsors a defined benefit retirement plan, the Telefônica DB plan. In order to improve allocation of Telefônica DB plan assets and analyze the coverage ratio of plan obligations in future years, a stochastic ALM study was prepared by Visão Prev and Willis Towers Watson. This ALM study aimed at projecting the ratio between coverage of liabilities (solvency ratio) and the risk of mismatching measured by the standard deviation of the solvency ratio. The study concluded that the plan presents sustainable projection of their coverage ratio with the current investments’ portfolio. At the time of the concession, a benefit is calculated, which will be paid in a lifelong form and updated by inflation. This plan is not open to new accessions. The contributions are defined according to the costing plan, which is calculated considering financial, demographic and economic hypotheses in order to accumulate enough resources to pay the benefits to the participants who are already receiving them, and to the new pensions. c.2.4) VISÃO Plans The Visão Telefônica and Visão Multi plans will hereinafter be shown jointly under the name VISÃO, due to their similarity. The Company and its subsidiaries sponsor defined contribution pension plans with defined benefit components (hybrid plans), i.e. the VISÃO Plans, managed by Visão Prev. The contribution is attributed to each subsidiary in the economic and demographic proportion of its respective obligation to the plan. The contributions made by the Company and subsidiaries related to defined contribution plans totaled R$27,963 on December 31, 2019 (R$39,967 on December 31, 2018). The contributions to the Visão Telefônica and Visão Multi plans are: (i) basic and additional contribution, with contributions made by the participant and sponsor; and (ii) additional, sporadic and specific contribution, with contributions made only by the participant. In addition, the participant has the possibility to choose one of five investment profiles to apply to their balance, and they are: Super Conservative, Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive and Aggressive Fixed Income Long-Term. c.3) Consolidated information on pension plans and other post-employment benefits c.3.1) Reconciliation of net liabilities (assets): 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post- Post- Post- Post- retirement retirement retirement retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Present value of DB plan obligations 2,429,478 2,016,614 4,446,092 2,011,355 1,313,157 3,324,512 Fair value of plan assets 3,696,914 1,001,112 4,698,026 2,999,669 763,325 3,762,994 Net liabilities (assets) (1,267,436) 1,015,502 (251,934) (988,314) 549,832 (438,482) Asset limitation 1,128,691 57,371 1,186,062 1,056,682 50,281 1,106,963 Current assets (71,776) — (71,776) 0 — 0 Non-current assets (149,163) 0 (149,163) (10,997) 0 (10,997) Current liabilities 6,937 18,620 25,557 8,114 11,553 19,667 Non-current liabilities 75,257 1,054,253 1,129,510 71,251 588,560 659,811 c.3.2) Total expenses recognized in the statement of income: 2019 2018 2017 Post- Post- Post- Post- Post- Post- retirement retirement retirement retirement retirement retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Current service cost 3,155 16,293 19,448 2,931 13,722 16,653 3,044 7,606 10,650 Net interest on net actuarial assets/liabilities 5,713 56,612 62,325 6,074 45,892 51,966 5,258 29,325 34,583 Total 8,868 72,905 81,773 9,005 59,614 68,619 8,302 36,931 45,233 c.3.3) Amounts recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) 2019 2018 2017 Post- Post- Post- Post- Post- Post- retirement retirement retirement retirement retirement retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Actuarial (losses) gains (188,889) 412,416 223,527 (186,170) 184,527 (1,643) 325,292 208,195 533,487 Asset limitation effect (24,297) 2,430 (21,867) 188,259 (93,125) 95,134 (309,780) (52,411) (362,191) Total (213,186) 414,846 201,660 2,089 91,402 93,491 15,512 155,784 171,296 c.3.4) Changes in amount net of liability (asset) of defined benefit, net 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Net defined benefit liability (asset) at the beginning of the year 68,368 600,113 668,481 67,148 454,957 522,105 Business combinations — 1,994 1,994 — — — Expenses 8,868 72,905 81,773 9,005 59,614 68,619 Sponsor contributions (8,776) (16,985) (25,761) (9,874) (5,860) (15,734) Amounts recognized in OCI (213,186) 414,846 201,660 2,089 91,402 93,491 Distribution of reserves 5,981 — 5,981 — — — Net defined benefit liability (asset) at the end of the year (138,745) 1,072,873 934,128 68,368 600,113 668,481 Actuarial assets per balance sheet (220,939) — (220,939) (10,997) — (10,997) Actuarial liabilities per balance sheet 82,194 1,072,873 1,155,067 79,365 600,113 679,478 c.3.5) Changes in defined benefit liability 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Defined benefit liability at the beginning of the year 2,011,355 1,313,157 3,324,512 1,861,651 1,050,576 2,912,227 Liability assumed after acquisition of company — 1,994 1,994 — — — Current service costs 3,155 16,293 19,448 2,931 13,722 16,653 Interest on actuarial liabilities 175,695 121,088 296,783 173,842 103,617 277,459 Benefits paid (165,929) (53,724) (219,653) (136,916) (37,838) (174,754) Member contributions paid 323 — 323 451 — 451 Actuarial losses (gains) adjusted by experience 93,699 226,928 320,627 80,126 64,278 144,404 Actuarial losses (gains) adjusted by demographic assumptions — (44,249) (44,249) — 46,122 46,122 Actuarial losses (gains) adjusted by financial assumptions 311,180 435,127 746,307 29,270 72,680 101,950 Defined benefit liability at the end of the year 2,429,478 2,016,614 4,446,092 2,011,355 1,313,157 3,324,512 c.3.6) Changes in the fair value of plan assets 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year 2,999,669 763,325 3,762,994 2,585,679 726,060 3,311,739 Benefits paid (159,001) (36,774) (195,775) (128,991) (32,011) (161,002) Participants contributions paid 323 — 323 451 — 451 Sponsor contributions paid 1,848 35 1,883 1,949 33 1,982 Interest income on plan assets 266,287 69,137 335,424 245,014 70,690 315,704 Return on plan assets excluding interest income 593,769 205,389 799,158 295,567 (1,447) 294,120 Distribution of reserves (5,981) — (5,981) — — — Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 3,696,914 1,001,112 4,698,026 2,999,669 763,325 3,762,994 c.3.7) Changes in asset limitation 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total pension plans health plans Total Asset Limitation at the beginning of the year 1,056,682 50,281 1,106,963 791,177 130,440 921,617 Interest on the asset limitation 96,306 4,661 100,967 77,246 12,966 90,212 Changes in the assets limitation, except interest (24,297) 2,429 (21,868) 188,259 (93,125) 95,134 Asset Limitation at the end of the year 1,128,691 57,371 1,186,062 1,056,682 50,281 1,106,963 c.3.8) Results projected for 2020 Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total Current service cost 3,037 26,575 29,612 Net interest on net defined benefit liability/asset (10,386) 82,150 71,764 Total (7,349) 108,725 101,376 c.3.9) Sponsoring company contributions projected for 2020 Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total Sponsor contributions 2,189 6,937 9,126 Benefits paid directly by the sponsor 38 18,630 18,668 Total 2,227 25,567 27,794 c.3.10) Average weighted duration of defined benefit liability Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans In 2019 8.3 years 18.1 years In 2018 7.8 years 16.5 years c.3.11) Actuarial assumptions 12.31.19 Post-retirement pension plans Post-retirement health plans Discount rate to present value of defined benefit liability Visão: 6.6% PAMA and PCE: 7.4% Future salary growth rate CTB and PBS-A: N/A N/A Medical expense growth rate N/A Nominal annual adjustment rate of pension benefits N/A Medical service eligibility age N/A Female participants: 59 years Estimated retirement age PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: 57 years Female participants: 59 years Mortality table for nondisabled individuals PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: AT- AT-2000 Basic segregated by gender, down-rated by 10% Mortality table for disabled individuals PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: RP- RP-2000 Disabled Feminina, down-rated by 40% Disability table Telefônica BD: Light-Forte Light-Forte Turnover PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: N/A PAMA and PCE: N/A 12.31.18 Post-retirement pension plans Post-retirement health plans Discount rate to present value of defined benefit liability Visão: 9.0% Future salary growth rate CTB and PBS-A: N/A N/A Medical expense growth rate N/A Nominal annual adjustment rate of pension benefits N/A Medical service eligibility age N/A Eligibility on retirement 100% to 57 years Estimated retirement age PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: 57 years 57 years Mortality table for nondisabled individuals PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: AT-2000 Basic AT-2000 Basic segregated by gender, down-rated by 10% Mortality table for disabled individuals PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: RP-2000 Disabled RP-2000 Disabled Feminina, down-rated by 40% Disability table Telefônica BD: Light-Forte Light-Forte Turnover PBS-A, CTB and Telefônica BD: N/A PAMA and PCE: N/A Further to the assumptions stated above, other assumptions common to all plans were adopted in 2019 and 2018 as follows: (i) Long-term inflation rate 3.8%; and (ii) Annual increase in the use of medical services according to age: 4.0%. c.3.12) Changes in actuarial assumptions in relation to the prior year In order to adjust some actuarial assumptions to the economic and demographic reality, a study was conducted for the plans administered by Visão Prev and Sistel, which adopted the definition of the assumptions in their Deliberative Councils. The main economic and financial assumptions that have changed in relation to the previous fiscal year and that interfere with the defined benefit liability are: (i) rates for discount to present value of the defined benefit liability; (ii) long-term inflation rate; (iii) rate of future wage growth; (iv) rate of growth of medical costs; and (v) annual nominal index of adjustment of social security benefits. The impacts on the plans’ defined benefit liabilities due to the new definition of the actuarial assumptions are as follows: Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total Defined benefit liability, based on current actuarial assumptions 2,429,478 2,016,614 4,446,092 Defined benefit liability, based on prior-year actuarial assumptions 2,118,297 1,625,737 3,744,034 Difference from change in actuarial assumptions 311,181 390,877 702,058 c.3.13) Sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions The Company believes that the significant actuarial assumptions with reasonable likelihood of variation due to financial and economic scenarios, which could significantly change the amount of the defined benefit obligation, are the discount rate used to adjust the defined benefit liability to present value and the rate of growth of medical costs. Sensitivity analysis of the defined benefit liability for scenarios involving a 0.5% increase and a 0.5% decrease in the discount rate used to discount the defined benefit liability to present value is as follows: Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total Defined benefit liability, discounted to present value at current rate 2,429,478 2,016,614 4,446,092 Defined benefit liability, discounted to present value considering a rate increased by 0.5% 2,331,330 1,860,204 4,191,534 Defined benefit liability, discounted to present value considering a rate decreased by 0.5% 2,536,178 2,193,844 4,730,022 The following is a sensitivity analysis of the defined benefit obligation for scenarios of 1% increase and 1% reduction in the rate of growth of medical costs: Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans Total Defined benefit liability, projected by the current medical cost growth rate 2,429,478 2,016,614 4,446,092 Defined benefit liability, projected by the current medical cost growth considering a rate increased by 1% 2,429,478 2,384,419 4,813,897 Defined benefit liability, projected by the current medical cost growth considering a rate decreased by 1% 2,429,478 1,724,584 4,154,062 c.3.14) Allocation of plan assets 12.31.19 12.31.18 Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement Post-retirement pension plans health plans pension plans health plans Investments with market value quoted in active market: Fixed income investments National Treasury Note (NTN) 3,067,926 940,144 2,437,547 702,946 Treasury Financial Letter 270,676 60,968 177,319 60,379 Repurchase operations 172,895 — 196,830 — Debentures 16,818 — 13,487 — Treasury Financial Letter (LFT) 14,238 — 12,556 — FIDC shares / Others 24,517 — 2,356 — National Treasury Notes (LTN) 282 — 462 — Bank Deposit Certificates (CDB) — — 232 — Variable income investments Investments in energy sector — — 138 — Investments in food and beverage industry — — 17,921 — Investments in mining sector — — 287 — Investments linked to funds and market indexes 6,265 — 4,242 — Investments in other sectors (1) 622 — 1,580 — Real estate investments 100,701 — 111,417 — Loans to participants 19,870 — 20,561 — Structured and overseas investments 2,104 — 2,734 — Total 3,696,914 1,001,112 2,999,669 763,325 (1) Investments in variable income in the following industries: oil, gas and biofuel; telephony; steel and metals; construction and engineering; sales and distribution; transportation; wood and paper; education; financial services and banks; real estate, among; others. |