Now, therefore, in view of the representations above, which fully portray their respective intentions and wills, the PARTIES have RESOLVED to establish the following clauses and conditions, which they irrevocably and irreversibly agree to abide by and comply with:
1.1 The EMPLOYEE represents and accepts that WHIRLPOOL is the exclusive owner, without limitation, of all industrial property, industrial technology, and intellectual property, including trade dress, in any products researched, manufactured, distributed, sold, imported, or exported by WHIRLPOOL, as the case may be, in Brazil and abroad, including patents, trademarks, industrial and trade secrets, research, development, and manufacturing methods and processes, confidential information, customer lists, experiences, market research, business plan, product launch strategies, formulas, product specifications and composition, innovations, improvements, organization methods, production methods and processes, know-how, maps, surveys, cost, price, and commercial margin calculation criteria, business and business negotiations, technical or non-technical data, customer names or lists, customer purchase volumes, purchase volumes of WHIRLPOOL, supplier lists, price lists, price structuring, businesses relating to the image of WHIRLPOOL, health, legal, and compliance issues, documents marked as “Confidential” or “Proprietary,” information known to be confidential or otherwise regarded as such by a person of common sense or confidentially transmitted by WHIRLPOOL or by its distributors, suppliers, or other persons, and any other data, papers, documents, records, and files used by WHIRLPOOL, whether or not registered with the relevant entities (hereinafter “Confidential Information”).
1.2 The EMPLOYEE understands and agrees that his position at WHIRLPOOL implied a relationship of confidentiality and full trust with regard to all Confidential Information that was disclosed to him, obtained by him, or created by him in the performance of his duties or came to his attention for any reason. Accordingly, the EMPLOYEE agrees not to disclose to any third parties, directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information or documents, in originals or copies, relating to Confidential Information on WHIRLPOOL or its affiliates or customers and shall keep such knowledge and information strictly confidential, refraining, without limitation, from making any type of use of any Confidential Information for his own benefit or to the detriment of WHIRLPOOL.
1.3 The EMPLOYEE shall comply with the principles of good faith and honesty and with the duties arising therefrom, such as those of loyalty, secrecy, cooperation, and information, refraining from adopting any conduct that harms the interests of WHIRLPOOL in any way.