Residential Calculator – Harborside 1 Bedroom Househ old R e s i dent R e sident Annua l Househol d Inc om e Less: Income Tax (1) Federal FICA State Local Subt ota l : Inc om e T a x $150, 000 $150, 00 0 - - $200, 00 0 $200, 00 0 - - $ 250,000 $250, 0 00 - - 20.2% 6.7% 6.3% 3.6% 36. 8% ($30,290) (10,111) (9,478) (5,354) ( $55, 232) 20.2% 6.7% 5.0% 0.0% 31. 9% ($30,290) (10,111) (7,429) 0 - - (2,049) (5,354) ( $ 7, 403) - - 21.6% 100.0% 13. 4% 22.8% 5.4% 6.4% 3.6% 38 . 3% ($45,690) (10,836) (12,803) (7,178) ( $76, 50 6) 22.8% 5.4% 5.3% 0.0% 33. 6 % ($45,690) (10,836) (10,614) 0 - - (2,189) - - 17.1% 25.3% 4.33% 6.48% 3.60% 39 . 7% ($63,190) (10,836) (16,200) (9,002) ( $99,227) 25.3% 4.3% 5.5% 0.0% 35. 1% ($63,190) (10,836) (13,799) 0 - - (2,401) - - 14.8% (7,178) 100.0% ( $9, 36 7) 12.2% (9,002) 100.0% ( $47, 82 9) ( $67, 139) ( $87, 8 24 ) ( $11, 4 03 ) 11. 5% Less: Rent Class A Apartment 1 Bedroom 750 SF Di sposa bl e I nc om e $70 PSF (52,500) $50 PSF (37,500) ($15,000) 28.6% $70 PSF (52,500) $50 PSF (37,500) ($15,000) 28.6% $70 PSF (52,500) $50 PSF (37,500) ($15,000) 28.6% 2 Bedroom Househ old R e s i dent R e sident Annua l Househol d Inc om e Less: Income Tax (1) Federal FICA State Local Subt ota l : Inc om e T a x $150, 000 $150, 00 0 - - $200, 00 0 $200, 00 0 - - $ 250,000 $250, 0 00 - - 20.2% 6.7% 6.3% 3.6% 36. 8% ($30,290) (10,111) (9,478) (5,354) ( $55, 232) 20.2% 6.7% 5.0% 0.0% 31. 9% ($30,290) (10,111) (7,429) 0 - - (2,049) (5,354) ( $ 7, 403) - - 21.6% 100.0% 13. 4% 22.8% 5.4% 6.4% 3.6% 38 . 3% ($45,690) (10,836) (12,803) (7,178) ( $76, 50 6) 22.8% 5.4% 5.3% 0.0% 33. 6 % ($45,690) (10,836) (10,614) 0 - - (2,189) - - 17.1% 25.3% 4.33% 6.48% 3.60% 39 . 7% ($63,190) (10,836) (16,200) (9,002) ( $99,227) 25.3% 4.3% 5.5% 0.0% 35. 1% ($63,190) (10,836) (13,799) 0 - - (2,401) - - 14.8% (7,178) 100.0% ( $9, 36 7) 12.2% (9,002) 100.0% ( $11, 4 03 ) 11. 5% ( $47, 82 9) ( $67, 139) ( $87, 8 24 ) Less: Rent Class A Apartment 2 Bedroom 1,050 SF Di sposa bl e I nc om e $70 PSF (73,500) $50 PSF (52,500) ($21,000) 28.6% $70 PSF (73,500) $50 PSF (52,500) ($21,000) 28.6% $70 PSF (73,500) $50 PSF (52,500) ($21,000) 28.6% (1)Reflects 2018 tax rates for single filers. Federal Income Tax values reflect rates from US Tax Center at, a private sector financial services company. FICA rates reflect those listed for Social Security & Medicare Withholdings on New Jersey State Income Tax reflect rates from the New Jersey Division of Taxation’s Website. New York State Income Tax reflect rates listed on the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance’s website. New York City Personal Income Taxes reflect rates listed on 29 $32, 4 03 41. 9% 43.9% $109, 6 76 30. 9 % $77,273 $30, 36 7 60.7% 40. 2% $80, 36 1 25.0% $49, 99 4 $28, 403 133. 6% 33. 1 % $49, 67 1 14. 2 % $21, 268 $250,00 0 Hou sehol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i c t Ha r bor si de Del ta $200,00 0 Househol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i c t Ha r bor si de Del ta Resi de nt Resi de nt $15 0,000 Househol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i ct Ha r bor si de Del ta Res i de nt Res i de nt $26, 4 03 26. 9% 49.9% $124, 6 76 39. 3 % $98,273 $24, 36 7 34.3% 47. 7% $95, 36 1 35.5% $70, 99 4 $22, 403 53. 0% 43. 1 % $64, 67 1 28. 2 % $42, 268 $250,00 0 Hou sehol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i c t Ha r bor si de Del ta $200,00 0 Househol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i c t Ha r bor si de Del ta Resi de nt Resi de nt $15 0,000 Househol d Fi na nc i a l Di str i ct Ha r bor si de Del ta Res i de nt Res i de nt