The Plan allowed Gen Re to make additional discretionary contributions for USAU participants in 2020 based on age and salary through December 31, 2020. Such discretionary contributions ranged from 5% to 8% of salary. In 2020, the Plan allocated $1,168,500 in these discretionary contributions using shares of Berkshire Common Stock.
Gen Re participants are automatically enrolled at a 6% (4% for USAU participants) pre-tax deferral rate upon becoming eligible to participate in the Plan and may elect to change or discontinue deferrals at any time. Gen Re eligible employees who are not participating in the Plan as of the last payroll period ending before April 1st of any year will be automatically enrolled in the Plan at a 1% pre-tax deferral rate. Gen Re participants who contribute less than 6% (4% for USAU participants) of their compensation will automatically have their contribution rate increased by 1%, unless they affirmatively elect not to have their contribution rate increased.
Refer to the Interfund Transfers section for information on Gen Re and GEICO participants’ rights to diversify contributions out of the Berkshire Common Stock.
Payment of Benefits - Upon termination, Gen Re participants are required to receive a lump sum distribution to the extent that their vested account balance is $1,000 or less. If a participant’s account balance is greater than such amount, distributions will be made either in a lump sum or on a periodic basis, as defined in the Plan Document. Active participants may withdraw Pre-Tax and Catch-Up contributions beginning at age 591⁄2 without penalty.
Prior to the transfer of assets by the Plan to the GEICO plan effective June 1, 2020, GEICO participants were permitted, upon termination, if a participant’s vested account balance account equals $1,000 or less and the participant does not elect otherwise, the participant will receive a lump sum distribution. Upon termination, if a participant’s vested account balance exceeds $1,000 but is equal to or less than $5,000 and the employee does not elect otherwise, the vested account balance will be rolled over to an IRA held at Vanguard Group Inc. If the vested account balance exceeds $5,000, a participant is entitled to a lump sum distribution. However, if the termination is due to death, disability or retirement, a participant or beneficiary may elect to receive an amount equal to the value of the participant’s vested interest in his or her account in either a lump-sum amount or in monthly or annual installments which provide payments for a period certain of 5, 10 or 15 years.
Participant Accounts - Each Gen Re participant’s account is credited with the participant’s contributions, which includes amounts transferred from other plans (“rollovers”), Gen Re contributions and Plan earnings. The benefit to which a participant is entitled is the benefit that can be provided from the participant’s vested account. Participant accounts are valued daily.
Vesting - All Gen Re participant contributions vest immediately. Gen Re participants are not allowed to withdraw contribution amounts that have not been in their account for at least two years. While actively employed, participants become 50%, 75%, and 100% vested in the value of Gen Re contributions after two, three and four years, respectively, of Gen Re service.
Prior to the transfer of assets by the Plan to the GEICO plan effective June 1, 2020, while actively employed, the value of contributions to GEICO participants typically vested based on years of service and years of vesting service, at the following rates: 20% after two years, 40% after three years, 60% after four years, 80% after five years, and 100% after six years. A GEICO participant becomes 100% vested upon reaching age 65 or if he or she dies while still employed by GEICO.
Forfeited Accounts - Forfeited nonvested accounts are allocated at Gen Re’s discretion to other participants’ accounts based on terms as defined in the Plan agreement. For Gen Re, during 2020 forfeitures totaled $236,277 and no forfeitures were allocated to participant accounts.
Interfund Transfers - Gen Re participants are permitted to change the investment of their interests in any of the participant directed funds on a daily basis subject to certain limits. As a result of the Pension Protection