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abate, Abbreviated, absorption, abundant, accomplished, accrual, accuracy, accurate, accurately, add, added, adding, adjacent, adjuvant, advice, aerosol, afforded, aid, aim, allegedly, alpha, alter, aluminum, amortizable, ANADA, analytical, Animale, anionic, announced, anti, antibody, anticorruption, antigen, antitrust, Aon, Appendix, approach, aquaculture, aquatic, AquaVet, Argentine, arriving, ASC, assert, asserted, asserting, assertion, ASU, attempt, attempted, attention, attest, attestation, attractive, auditor, authoritative, automatic, automatically, Avian, aware, bacteria, bacterium, ban, banned, banning, Bar, basic, Bayer, Beit, BFI, billion, biofuel, Biosaf, blister, blood, body, Boehringer, Boviprol, branch, breadth, breakdown, bred, bribed, Bribery, bribing, bring, broker, brought, Bureau, Bursal, buy, buying, CAA, calcium, cancer, capable, carefully, Carol, carrier, carryback, carryforward, casualty, category, causality, caution, cautionary, cell, Cerdimix, Cerditac, cerevisiae, certified, cessation, Ceva, chain, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chancery, charter, chicken, choice, Chromax, chromium, circumvent, circumvented, CIS, civil, classification, cleanup, cloud, coarse, cobalt, coccidia, Codex, Codification, coincide, coli, collaborate, collaboration, commensurate, comment, Commerce, commingled, compete, competitor, complement, complementary, composed, compromised, compulsory, concept, conclusion, concur, confidence, conflicting, controversy, convened, convenience, convert, converted, convertible, converting, cooperation, copy, copying, copyright, Corcoran, corroborated, Corrupt, corruption, costly, counterfeit, counterfeiting, counterparty, cow, crime, curve, CVM, daily, deductible, deducting, deduction, deemphasize, deepen, defense, delay, delaying, delivered, departmental, deteriorate, deterioration, devote, dialogue, diet, difficulty, diminish, diminished, disadvantage, discourage, discretionary, disgorgement, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, distiller, distinct, disturbance, divert, diverted, divide, divided, dividing, doctrine, domain, downturn, drinking, driven, DSO, easily, EDS, education, effervescent, egg, EHS, EIR, Elanco, Eli, encountered, endangerment, endorsed, enjoining, entirety, envisaged, epidemic, Epitopix, Eurocurrency, eventual, exacerbated, exclusive, exclusively, exclusivity, exotic, explanation, export, exported, exporting, expression, expressly, expropriation, extract, extreme, factual, faecium, fastest, fault, FCPA, fear, Fenner, fight, fire, flood, floor, fluctuate, fluctuating, foodborne, footnote, footprint, forma, format, forum, franchise, frequent, frequently, fresh, fuel, fullest, GAAP, GFI, golden, grain, graph, grazing, greatest, green, greenhouse, grow, growing, Gumboro, hail, half, halt, halting, hand, Hannibal, hearing, Heath, heavily, heightened, herd, hereof, Hewitt, HFS, hierarchy, hinder, hire, hired, hiring, holistic, Huvepharma, IB, ice, immaterial, imminent, immune, implied, imposition, impossible, improper, inapplicable, incompatible, incomplete, increasingly, India, ineffective, infection, inference, influence, influenced, Influenza, infrastructure, infringe, infringement, Ingelheim, inhibit, inhibiting, injectable, injure, injury, innovation, innovative, instability, insufficient, interact, interactive, interrupted, interruption, intestinal, intramammary, intrinsic, intrusion, investee, iodine, IPO, judicial, Jumpstart, knowable, Kyoto, lack, Lactrol, Lallemand, language, lapse, lawfully, lawsuit, laying, leaving, Legacy, lender, licensee, licensor, lifecycle, Likewise, Lilly, linked, litter, lose, lost, lung, Lynch, macroeconomic, main, MAPA, Mayflower, meat, membership, merger, Merrill, metric, MIA, microbial, misappropriated, misappropriation, Missouri, misuse, molybdenum, moment, monovalent, MSD, multiplied, Mutual, Naot, NASDAQ, nearby, Nebraska, necessitate, neighboring, Newcastle, NIS, NOL, nominee, nonbinding, nonconvertible, observable, obviate, odor, offsite, OGR, Omaha, Omega, OmniGen, open, optimal, optimize, Oregon, outbreak, outlining, outweigh, Pacific, packaged, panel, parachute, parasitic, parity, path, pathogenic, pathway, Paul, penetration, Pennfield, perception, persist, persuasive, physical, Pierce, pipeline, platform, plc, plentiful, plume, poisoning, police, population, pork, portray, pose, preemptive, preferential, prescribed, prescribing, presence, Preservation, preserve, prevalent, prime, prioritize, privacy, pro, problematic, Procreatin, procure, procurement, procuring, profile, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibitive, prolonged, promptly, protein, Protocol, Provia, purported, put, rainfall, rata, reauthorization, rebrand, recall, recombinant, reconciliation, recruit, referenced, reform, regime, regularly, reissued, rejected, relabel, relief, remeasurement, remitted, repeal, replied, reputation, reputational, resell, retroactive, robust, Room, rounding, route, royalty, ruminant, run, Russell, Russia, Safmannan, Salmonella, Sanofi, Sant, satisfactorily, scarcity, scientific, scientifically, scrutiny, sealed, seasonal, secret, sector, segregation, shekel, Shemesh, Sheva, shift, shortage, Similarly, simultaneously, sinking, Smith, snow, software, soliciting, sophisticated, source, sourcing, Southeastern, spray, sq, SRP, St, staffing, staggered, stake, Stanley, stop, stoppage, straight, streptogramin, strictly, strike, subscription, substandard, successor, sue, suffer, suffered, suitable, summarized, summary, super, superior, suspected, suspended, sustain, sustainable, switching, symbol, Synercid, TAbic, taxation, team, Teaneck, territory, Teva, therapy, threat, threatened, threshold, tied, timeline, today, tort, traditional, trend, trial, tripicolinate, turnover, unanticipated, unattractive, unauthorized, uncertificated, undergo, underneath, undesignated, undrawn, unemployment, unenforceable, unexpected, unforeseen, unobservable, unpredictable, unqualified, unreasonable, unregistered, unusual, unusually, upgradient, UTB, vaccine, valid, validity, vancomycin, variant, variation, vehicle, version, veterinarian, VFD, vigorously, viii, viral, Virbac, virulence, virulent, visit, vital, VREf, vulnerability, vulnerable, wall, warranty, wastewater, weaken, weather, website, weigh, West, wholesome, workplace, Wrenn, yield, Zealand, zinc
absence, accrue, acid, administer, adult, advanced, aerospace, aggregated, aggregating, Agtrol, allocated, alternate, amino, Annex, annuity, annum, antibiotic, appeal, applicability, applicant, appraiser, approximated, arbitration, arm, arranged, assigned, assume, attained, attaining, attainment, attendance, authorizing, avoid, baby, bankruptcy, began, begun, beneficiary, Berkshire, biannually, birthday, blending, Bordeaux, borrowing, Bremen, broken, build, building, bulk, buyer, CA, calf, capped, carbide, career, CCA, Chapter, characterization, chart, chemically, chemistry, circuit, citation, cite, climatic, closely, coating, coccidial, Cohen, commencing, Commissioner, commitment, compensated, compensatory, compliant, composition, comprising, confirmation, confirmed, connected, consecutive, consolidating, constant, constantly, Constructive, consummated, conventional, coordinate, cousin, credited, crop, curtailed, curtailment, customary, customize, cycle, damaged, dandricide, dated, David, deal, death, declare, defer, deferral, degraded, desirable, destabilizing, destructive, DHEC, diarrhea, Dice, differentiation, digestion, diligence, dirt, disability, distributed, disulfide, divestiture, DL, dose, drafted, dry, DTSC, duration, Ecolab, emergency, Empire, enhancer, enjoy, enjoyed, erupt, escrow, etchant, Euro, evident, exchanged, exclude, excreted, executed, exempt, exited, expired, Extraordinary, facilitate, factory, Feasibility, fee, feet, FIFRA, fifteen, FIN, fine, Fleet, fluoride, foregoing, formalized, formally, formed, formula, Fort, fourth, France, frozen, Garland, geographically, guaranteed, guarantor, hair, hardship, hazard, head, heat, hereto, housing, IEPA, IL, imposing, impoundment, inactive, inception, inclusion, indenture, indexed, Indiana, inorganic, Institutional, insuring, intake, intensive, interfacing, interfering, Intersegment, Intifada, investigatory, ionophore, Iowa, Island, ISO, Jericho, joining, Joseph, killing, lactating, larval, Laserdyne, Lee, leveraged, lieu, LLP, loading, lot, LP, Ltda, lump, male, mandate, Marion, Marvin, Mathison, matter, McBeath, metabolism, military, mitochondrial, mixed, mode, modern, monitored, mortality, MRT, NADE, NDA, NFA, niche, nitrogen, nodular, Norway, Notwithstanding, Nufarm, objective, obsolescence, obtainable, odda, Oesophagostomum, omitted, operationally, opt, ordered, originally, oxidative, oxide, PAH, palatable, Palladium, Panthenol, parking, participant, pasture, PBCI, Penick, percent, Peter, Pfizer, PHC, philipp, phosphorylation, pig, pivotal, Planalquimica, PMC, pneumonia, post, postmarketing, potent, preapproval, preceded, pregnant, premix, preventive, preventively, Prima, printed, probationary, procedure, promissory, promulgate, propose, protecting, protozoan, provisional, pump, PwC, qualifying, question, rampant, RAP, rapid, rapidly, reassessed, recommendation, recommended, recommending, recovering, recreational, red, redeemable, redeemed, reimbursed, relation, reliably, relocation, remedy, reorganization, repayable, replaced, reproduction, reserve, residential, resubmitted, returned, reverse, RFA, RFI, Rhode, Rixensart, Road, role, rotation, roundworm, routine, rumen, SC, scale, science, secured, semiconductor, send, sensitive, settled, shampoo, shareholder, sharing, sheep, simply, slowdown, slump, Smelteverk, sodium, speak, sponsored, spouse, spp, square, stability, standing, Steven, stricter, study, subclinical, submitting, subordinated, subsurface, sulfate, surface, surrender, survivor, Sussman, suum, synthetic, Thailand, therapeutically, threonine, timetable, toll, toothpaste, top, Township, tracking, trained, translated, transport, Treasurer, Troy, trust, TX, unabsorbed, uncollectible, unconditionally, uncoupler, undertook, underway, undue, unpaid, unrelated, unsaleable, unsecured, upgrading, variable, Venezuela, vest, violence, vitamin, warranted, Western, wet, wheat, whichever, wholly, wife, William, Wilmington, withdrew, wood, Woodbridge, Wychem, York, young
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Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, each of the undersigned certifies that this periodic report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that information contained in this periodic report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the issuer.
| Dated: September 18, 2014 | | | /s/ Richard G. Johnson Chief Financial Officer | |
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