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abandoned, ability, abroad, absence, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accident, accommodate, accompanying, accomplished, account, accounted, accounting, accrual, accrued, accruing, accumulated, accurately, achieve, acquire, acquired, acquisition, act, acting, active, actively, activity, actuarial, actuarially, added, addition, additional, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adhere, adhered, adjudication, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, ADS, advance, advancement, advantage, advent, adverse, adversely, advertising, advice, advisor, advisory, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, affiliated, afforded, Africa, Agata, age, agency, agent, aggregate, aggressive, aggressively, agree, agreed, agreement, AIG, aircraft, Akane, Akira, alliance, allocate, allocated, allocation, Alpha, alternative, amended, America, American, amortization, amortized, amount, amounted, amounting, ample, analytical, analyze, analyzed, Andersen, announced, annual, annually, anticipated, APB, applicable, applicant, application, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appraisal, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximate, approximately, April, arbitrary, area, arise, arising, arrange, arrangement, array, Arrendamento, Arthur, Article, ascertain, Asia, Asian, assessed, assessing, asset, assigned, assist, Assistant, assume, assumed, assumption, assurance, assure, attached, attempt, attractive, attributable, attributing, auction, audit, audited, auditing, auditor, August, Australia, authority, authorized, auto, automated, automation, automobile, average, averaged, averaging, aviation, aware, backed, backup, balance, Banc, bank, banking, bankruptcy, base, baseball, based, basic, basically, bearing, began, beginning, behalf, Belgium, belong, beneficial, big, billion, board, Boeing, bond, book, borrower, borrowing, Bradesco, brand, breakdown, bridge, bring, broad, broadly, broken, brokerage, bubble, building, built, buying, cabinet, calculated, calculation, calendar, call, Canada, cancel, cancelable, cancellable, cancellation, cap, capable, capital, capitalize, capitalized, captive, card, care, careful, carefully, carried, carry, carrying, case, cash, casualty, categorized, category, CDs, center, centralized, certification, certified, chairman, chance, characterized, charge, charged, chart, check, checking, Chicago, Chief, choice, choose, chose, civil, claim, classified, classify, clearing, client, close, closely, closing, club, Code, collapse, collar, collateral, collateralized, collect, collected, collectibility, collection, combined, combining, commenced, commercial, commission, commitment, committed, committee, common, communication, company, comparable, compared, comparing, compensate, compensation, compete, competed, competent, competition, competitive, complementary, complex, compliance, complied, comply, component, composed, composite, composition, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, computation, computed, computer, concentrated, concentration, condensed, condition, condominium, conduct, conducted, conducting, conform, conformity, conjunction, connection, consent, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, consolidated, consolidation, consortium, constitute, constituting, construction, construed, consultancy, consultation, consulting, consumer, context, contingently, continually, continue, continued, contract, contractual, contrary, controlled, controlling, convenience, convention, conversion, converted, convertible, cooperating, cooperation, coordinate, coordinated, coordinating, cope, core, corporate, corporation, corrective, cost, counsel, country, coupled, court, cover, coverage, covered, covering, create, created, credit, criteria, cultivating, cumulative, currency, custodian, customarily, customary, customer, cycle, daily, data, date, deal, dealer, Dean, debt, decade, decide, decided, deciding, decision, declaration, decline, declined, declining, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, deductible, deemed, default, defaulting, defendant, deferral, deferred, deficit, defined, degree, delay, delinquent, deliver, delivering, delivery, demand, Denmark, denominated, department, departmental, depend, dependent, depending, deposit, depositary, deposited, Depository, depreciate, depreciated, depreciation, depressed, Deputy, deregulation, deregulatory, derivative, derive, derived, Description, designated, designed, desired, detailed, deterioration, determination, determine, determined, determining, develop, developed, developing, development, diagnostic, differentiate, differentiation, difficult, difficulty, diluted, dilution, direct, directly, director, disclose, disclosed, disclosure, discount, discounted, discounting, discrete, discussed, discussion, dispersing, disposal, disposed, disposition, distinct, distinctive, distribute, distributed, distribution, District, diverse, diversification, diversified, diversify, diversifying, divided, dividend, dividing, division, documentation, dollar, domestic, domestically, domicile, double, doubtful, downgrade, downgraded, drop, Dublin, due, duly, duty, earlier, earn, earned, East, Eastern, Eco, economic, economically, economy, effect, effecting, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, electromagnetic, element, eliminated, eliminating, embedded, emerging, emphasized, employ, employed, employee, employment, enable, enabled, enacted, enacting, end, ended, ending, endowment, enforceability, enforced, engineering, enhance, enjoy, ensure, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entirety, entitled, entity, environment, Environmental, EPS, equal, equally, equipment, equity, equivalent, essential, essentially, establish, established, establishing, establishment, estate, estimate, estimated, euro, Europe, European, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, eventual, evidence, evidencing, examine, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellent, excessive, exchange, exchanged, excluded, excluding, executed, execution, executive, exempt, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exhaustive, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expatriate, expect, expected, expedient, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, expertise, expire, expired, exposed, exposure, expressed, expressly, extend, extended, extensive, extent, external, facilitated, facility, factor, factual, failure, fair, fairly, fall, FASB, faster, favorable, February, federal, fee, figure, file, filed, filing, final, finance, financed, financial, financing, Finland, fire, fiscal, fixed, fleet, floating, floor, flow, fluctuate, fluctuation, focused, focusing, force, forced, forecast, foreign, foreseeable, Forfeited, form, formal, formula, forward, forwarded, Fourth, France, fraud, free, frequently, fuel, Fuji, Fujiki, Fukushima, full, fully, functional, fund, funded, funding, furnished, future, GAAP, gain, gaming, gap, gathered, general, generally, generating, geographic, geographical, Germany, gift, globalization, goal, golf, goodwill, govern, governed, government, Graduate, grandfathering, grant, granted, granting, greater, greatly, grew, group, grow, growing, grown, growth, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, guide, half, hand, handle, handled, handling, Harada, Hattori, head, headquartered, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, heir, hereof, hereto, high, higher, highly, Hiroaki, Hiroshi, Hirotaka, Hiroyuki, historical, Historically, Hitotsubashi, hold, holder, holding, home, Hong, housing, hypothetical, identical, identifiable, identified, identify, identifying, identity, ii, iii, image, immaterial, impact, impaired, impairment, implemented, implementing, importance, important, imposed, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inaccurate, inadequate, incentive, include, included, including, inclusion, income, incorporated, incorporation, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incur, incurred, incurring, independent, index, India, indirectly, individual, Indonesia, Indonesian, industrial, industry, influence, informal, information, Infrastructure, inherent, inherently, inheritance, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, innovative, inspect, instability, installment, institution, institutional, instrument, insufficient, insurance, intangible, integral, integrated, intercompany, interest, interim, intermediary, internal, internally, international, internet, interpreted, interview, interviewing, intrinsic, introduce, introduced, introducing, inventory, invest, invested, investee, investigation, investing, investment, investor, involved, involving, ireland, Ishida, Isogai, issuable, issuance, issue, issued, issuer, issuing, Italy, item, IX, January, Japan, Japanese, joint, judgment, judicial, July, June, jurisdiction, Katsuo, Kawanaka, Kearney, key, kind, Kingdom, Kinki, Kobayashi, Kong, Korea, labor, lack, ladder, large, larger, largest, Latin, law, leader, leading, lease, leased, leasehold, leasing, led, legal, legality, legatee, legislation, leisure, lender, lending, length, lessee, lesser, lessor, level, liability, liable, liaison, LIBOR, license, life, lifetime, light, likelihood, limit, limited, line, link, linked, liquid, liquidation, liquidity, list, listed, litigation, lived, LLC, loan, local, located, locating, location, London, long, longer, lose, low, lower, machinery, made, mail, main, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, make, making, Malaysia, manage, managed, management, manager, managerial, managing, mandatory, manner, manual, manufacturer, manufacturing, March, margin, marginal, Marine, mark, marked, market, marketable, marketing, marketplace, Masaaki, Masahiro, Masaru, match, matched, matching, material, materially, Matono, matter, maturity, maximize, maximum, McKinsey, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, mechanism, media, medical, medium, meet, meeting, member, mentioned, Mercantil, merger, met, method, methodical, methodically, middle, milling, million, Minato, minimal, minimize, minimum, Minister, ministerial, ministry, Mirai, mismatching, misstatement, mitigate, Mitsubishi, mix, Miyahara, Miyauchi, model, moderate, modified, modify, Moneylending, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, mortality, mortgage, move, multinational, Nagoya, Nakajima, Nakamura, nationwide, nature, negative, negotiation, net, network, newspaper, Nikkei, Nippon, Nishina, Nobuyuki, noise, noncompliance, nonlife, North, Norway, note, noted, notification, notional, November, obligation, obliged, obligor, observable, obsolescence, obsolete, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, oceangoing, Oceania, October, offer, offered, offering, office, officer, offset, oil, omitted, Ono, open, opening, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, opinion, optimal, option, order, ordinary, organization, organizational, organized, organizing, Orient, originate, originating, origination, orix, Osaka, outsourcing, outstanding, overdue, overhead, oversight, owner, ownership, package, page, paid, Pakistan, par, paralleled, partial, partially, partner, party, passive, past, pay, payable, paying, payment, pending, penetrating, pension, percent, percentage, perception, perform, performance, performed, performing, period, periodic, periodically, permanent, permanently, permission, permit, permitted, person, personal, personnel, perspective, PFS, plan, planned, planning, pledge, pledged, Poland, policy, political, pollution, Polska, poor, portfolio, portion, position, potential, potentially, practicable, practical, practice, preceding, preliminary, premium, preparation, prepare, prepared, prepay, prepayment, prescribed, presence, present, presentation, presented, presently, president, prevailed, prevailing, prevent, previously, price, pricing, primarily, primary, principal, principally, principle, prior, priority, private, privately, proactive, problem, procedure, processing, procure, procured, procurement, produced, producing, product, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, progressive, prohibited, project, projected, projection, promote, prompt, prompting, promptly, property, proportion, proposed, protection, protracted, prove, proved, provision, proxy, public, published, pulp, purpose, pursuant, pursued, qualified, qualifying, Qualitative, quality, quantitative, quarter, quarterly, quick, quoted, range, ranging, rapid, rapidly, rate, rating, ratio, read, readily, ready, real, realistically, realize, realized, recalibration, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, recession, recessionary, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommend, reconciled, reconciliation, record, recorded, recoup, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovery, recreational, redeem, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refer, referred, referring, refinancing, refining, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reform, regime, region, regional, register, registered, registrant, registration, regular, regularly, regulate, regulated, regulation, regulatory, rehabilitate, reinsurance, reinvested, relate, related, relating, relation, relationship, release, relevant, reliable, reliance, relied, Relief, rely, remained, remaining, remarket, remedial, remuneration, renamed, rent, rental, Rentec, repaid, repair, repatriated, repayment, replacement, report, reportable, reported, reporting, repossession, represent, representative, represented, representing, repriced, repricing, repurchasing, request, requested, require, required, requiring, resale, research, reserve, reserved, residence, resident, residential, residual, resolution, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, responsive, rest, restricted, restriction, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retirement, retiring, retroactively, return, revaluation, revenue, review, reviewed, revised, revision, risk, role, roll, rupiah, sale, salesperson, satisfy, Sato, scenario, schedule, scheduled, scope, secondary, section, sector, secure, secured, securing, securitization, securitized, security, seek, seeking, segment, segregation, select, selected, selection, selective, sell, selling, senior, seniority, sensitivity, separate, September, sequentially, serve, service, serviced, servicer, servicing, set, settlement, share, shareholder, sharing, sheet, Shintaro, ship, shipping, short, shorter, shortfall, show, shown, Shunsuke, significant, significantly, similar, Similarly, simple, Singapore, single, site, sizable, size, sizeable, slightly, sluggish, small, smaller, Softbank, solicitation, sophisticated, sought, source, Southeast, space, Spain, specialist, specific, specifically, spectrum, spending, split, spread, stagnation, stake, stamp, standard, standing, stated, statement, stationed, statutory, steady, stemmed, step, stock, Stockton, stood, stop, strategic, strategy, strength, stringent, strong, structure, structuring, subdivision, subject, submitted, subordinated, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, Subtotal, succeeding, successful, suffer, suffered, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, suitable, suited, sum, summarized, summary, supervised, supervising, supervision, supplemental, supply, support, supported, supporting, Suruga, suspended, sustained, swap, Sweden, Switzerland, symbol, system, systematic, systematize, systematized, table, tabular, tailor, tailored, Taiwan, Takeda, Takeshi, Takeuchi, Tamio, Tamura, target, targeted, Tashiro, Tatsuya, tax, taxation, taxpayer, team, technical, technology, telephone, temporary, tenant, term, terminate, terminated, termination, Teruo, test, testing, thereof, thereon, thereto, thereunder, therewith, thousand, ticket, tightening, time, timely, timing, title, Tokio, Tokyo, top, Toronto, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traditionally, trained, training, transact, transaction, transactional, transfer, transferred, transferring, transition, translated, translation, transport, transportation, travel, treasury, treated, treatment, treaty, trend, trust, turmoil, turn, twelve, type, typical, ultimate, Umaki, unable, unamortized, unanticipated, unauthorized, uncertainty, unchanged, underlying, undersigned, understanding, undertaken, underwriter, underwriting, undiscounted, undistributed, unearned, unemployment, unforeseen, unfunded, unified, union, unique, unit, United, University, unpaid, unrealized, unrecovered, unregulated, unsecured, unwilling, update, upgrade, USA, usage, user, utilize, utilized, utilizing, valuation, variable, variety, vary, varying, vehicle, vendor, venture, vest, Vice, view, Violation, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, warrant, Warsaw, Washington, waste, weak, weakening, website, weight, weighted, wholly, wide, widely, withdraw, withdrawal, withholding, work, working, workout, worsening, written, wrong, wrote, Xerox, Yamaichi, Yasuhiko, year, yen, yield, yielding, Yokohama, Yokoyama, York, Yoshiaki, Yoshihiko, Yoshinori, Yoshio, Zealand
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