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aai, absorb, absorbed, absorption, abstinence, Academy, accredited, accurate, accurately, acetaldehyde, addendum, ADH, adiponectin, adjoining, administer, administered, administering, adolescent, ADP, advisor, Africa, aggregat, aggressive, Agreem, al, alanine, alcohol, alcoholic, aldehyde, ALT, Alza, Amarin, Amgen, aminotransferase, amor, Amylin, Anderson, Anesthesiology, Angiochem, Ann, Anthony, antibiotic, antithrombotic, Appendix, AramGen, Aran, ARB, Arrow, ary, ASB, ASC, Asia, Asian, aspartate, assified, assignee, AST, ASU, asymptomatic, Aug, Australia, Avenue, awaiting, Ayer, background, Bahnhofplatz, Bartholemew, baseline, Batten, Bay, Beauty, begun, Beijing, benchmark, beneficiary, Bennu, Berkeley, betaine, beverage, Biersch, bifurcated, bindi, biochemistry, Biogen, biologist, BioMarin, Biomedical, bioorganic, bitartrate, Blacklow, bleeding, bloo, Blvd, BMI, Bo, bone, bordering, boutique, Box, breast, Brewing, Brigham, British, broader, broker, BS, Bu, bullet, BV, Byetta, cal, Calltrade, Cambrex, Canadian, capsule, captioned, captured, carcinogen, Cardiff, career, cargo, Carrier, catastrophic, cautionary, ce, cell, cent, Centre, CEO, cern, Certicom, charter, chelator, childhood, Children, chili, China, Chiron, Choice, Christopher, CHU, CIC, cl, Clan, claudication, clearance, Cleveland, cliff, clusive, CMO, coated, Codification, CodificationTM, codified, coenzyme, collecti, College, Columbia, commen, commerce, Compan, competitor, complicate, composed, con, concurrent, concurrently, confidence, conjugated, conso, constant, construction, constructively, consumption, cont, content, contest, context, convivia, ConviviaTM, counted, CPI, creatinine, credibility, crossover, crystallography, cum, cumulat, curative, cycle, cyclooxygenase, Cystagon, cysteamine, cystine, cytokeratin, daley, Dana, de, deal, dealer, Dean, death, Dec, deci, deep, Deerfield, defective, deferral, degenerative, dehydrogenase, deliverable, density, Depository, derecognition, derecognized, derecognizing, Desk, deteriorate, Deutsche, devel, diagnostic, diet, difficu, diffusion, digestive, disaggregation, disaster, disregarding, distinguished, Distinguishing, divided, dividing, DMS, doctor, Dohil, Dresdner, drink, ds, dstream, dy, ear, earthquake, easier, East, ECP, ect, ed, Edison, Editorial, ef, eighteen, eighty, electronic, ellectual, EMA, empowered, en, encode, energy, England, ent, enterprise, entirety, envisaged, eosinophilic, Epidemiology, EPISTAT, epithelial, Epworth, Erich, es, estate, ethanol, Ethypharm, eu, evolved, exam, excretion, exempt, exemption, exercisab, Exit, expec, expenditure, expiry, exploit, expressly, extreme, extremely, facsimile, factor, Farber, fast, fatal, fate, Fatty, fault, Feb, feel, fellow, Fermentation, FerroKin, ficacy, fifteen, finder, FINRA, fis, Floor, Florida, Flower, flushing, Fogarty, foodservice, foregoing, frame, Franklin, freely, French, fro, fundamental, fundraising, fusion, fut, Gastroenterology, gather, GCP, gelatin, Genetique, George, German, Gilead, Glycomed, Glyko, Goodwell, Gordon, graduated, greatest, greatly, Groupement, GRP, guarantee, guaranteed, Guggenheim, Guilford, Guojun, Haldol, harbor, hardware, Harvard, HCC, HCCC, HD, headquartered, heir, hepatic, hepatocellular, Hepatology, HepTide, HepTideTM, Highland, history, Hoffman, Huntington, ICON, ics, idely, ill, imbedded, imp, Imperial, inactive, inate, incl, Indenture, indirectly, ineffective, inefficient, Infostat, inherited, inoperable, INSERM, insolvent, Instill, insulin, int, Integrelin, integrin, intent, intention, interfere, interfering, internationally, intestine, intrathecal, intrusive, invasive, invented, invention, IP, iron, issuab, ity, ized, Jacksonville, Jan, Janu, ject, Jerry, JHU, JMP, Journal, judged, justified, juvenile, Keltner, kidney, Kim, Klonopin, Krestrel, Ladenburg, LaMont, lapse, laude, LDL, le, leasehold, leaving, lengthy, lessor, licensure, lidated, lier, lifestyle, Lifetime, Limetree, Lincoln, Lion, lipid, lipophilic, lipoprotein, liver, Llew, lost, Louisiana, Lowenstein, LPC, lt, ly, lysosomal, magnitude, malignant, managerial, Manitoba, Mannitol, MannKind, Mar, marker, marrow, Master, Mateo, Mathematical, Mayer, Mayo, MBA, mbursement, mechanistic, Medicale, Meditest, Medivation, Medtronic, mencing, mentioned, Mesd, mesoderm, metastasized, Metastat, metastatic, MetricStream, Mexico, Mgmt, microbead, Microcomputer, Milano, Military, milk, minimal, minimally, minimize, minocycline, mitigate, mmediately, Modernization, Moexipril, moiety, Moleculaire, mood, Morrell, Mylan, NAFLD, NASH, nationwide, ncrease, nearest, nephropathic, network, Neurochem, Neurodegeneration, neuromedical, neuropathy, neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Neurotech, NeuroTransTM, newly, ng, NGX, NIH, Niigata, Noncompliance, Noncontrolling, nongovernmental, nonspecific, nonsubstantive, Notch, notified, Nov, Novato, nts, nual, Nutrition, nutritional, NY, obese, obesity, observable, occasionally, occupational, Oct, ogy, Ohio, oil, onvivia, Operati, opment, optimal, orderly, ordinary, Oread, Orego, Oregon, orphan, orthwestern, ortland, osmotic, outlook, outpatient, overarching, Overexpression, overseeing, ovide, owe, owed, owing, pace, paper, par, Park, PartsRiver, pat, Patheon, Pathfinder, pathologist, Patrice, PD, penalty, pendi, perception, perfused, permeation, Phairson, pharmacokinetic, Pharmacologie, phone, photocopier, physiological, Physiologically, Physiology, Pilger, pilot, PK, plaintiff, platelet, Plavix, po, political, popular, portal, pose, positi, post, postdoctoral, posted, postgraduate, potent, pr, preapproval, preclini, predecessor, predetermined, predominantly, pressure, pric, principle, problem, procee, Profarmaco, prominent, promissory, prorated, prototype, proven, provisional, Pulse, purcha, quantity, quotient, rack, rangi, Ranjan, rant, RAP, rapid, Rapt, raptor, rare, rata, ratio, raw, Raymond, recapitalization, Recherche, recipient, Recordati, recurrent, Reed, referenced, reformulate, reformulating, regenerative, regularly, rei, reluctant, remedy, renegotiated, Repligen, representation, repurchase, repurchased, repurpose, resale, resection, residual, resist, resistant, resp, respond, reven, ribution, Richard, Rioux, rol, rolling, rope, RPC, RPTP, RPTPD, rtion, safer, Sager, salesperson, saminase, Sante, scientist, score, sectio, sector, seller, Sept, serum, ses, sessing, shelf, shipped, shock, signaling, signatory, sixty, skull, Society, solid, solution, solve, SPA, SpatiaLight, spectrum, speeding, spent, St, stability, Stanford, Starr, startup, stem, Stephen, stoc, stomach, strain, stream, stricter, stringent, Subordinated, subscribe, subset, Subtopic, sue, Sumitomo, summa, superseding, supplier, surface, surgical, survey, swap, Swedish, switch, Switzerland, Syntex, SyntheMed, Syracuse, tachycardia, tail, Taiwan, Takeda, Tarix, teaching, Tech, techniqu, technique, technol, Ted, tenant, tenure, terminology, tetrahydroisoquinoline, Thalmann, ther, thereof, thereon, thereverse, thirty, thistle, threatening, thrombotic, thromboxane, timetable, tissue, tization, TM, Todd, Topic, tPA, track, tract, tradable, traditional, tragic, training, tran, transcytosed, transformation, transglutaminase, transplantation, transport, transported, transporter, transporting, Transurgical, travel, Treasurer, Trental, triangular, ts, Tsuchimoto, Tucker, tumor, turnover, ual, uch, UCSD, ues, ult, unbilled, unclear, uncontrollable, undergo, undergoing, undergone, undergraduate, underserved, undertook, undue, unexercised, unexpired, Uni, unified, unintentionally, unique, Univasc, unobservable, unrecorded, unstable, untreated, unwelcome, unwilling, ur, ure, usage, Valeant, Vancouver, var, variance, variant, Vasogen, ve, vein, vely, vendor, vi, vii, viii, Virginia, Vital, Vitamin, vitro, VP, vulnerable, Wallace, warra, Warrantholder, Washington, WBC, week, Weizmann, Western, white, wholesale, wider, willfully, Winnipeg, Wnt, WntTide, WntTideTM, wnttide™, world, xclusivity, Xenazine, Xenoport, Xenova, Zankel, Zealand, Zecotek, Zenith, Zug, Zurich
abbreviated, absolute, accessible, accidental, accuracy, adult, advancing, advertise, advice, afford, agonist, agree, aid, allege, alleged, alternate, ANDA, animal, answer, antidilutive, API, apparent, applicant, approvable, arm, arrange, artificial, asserting, assistance, assume, assured, asterisk, attack, attribute, bargaining, bear, bearing, Belgium, belong, bioequivalence, bisnorcymserine, Book, borrow, borrowed, bound, breadth, bring, Bruinsma, calculating, capable, Carlo, carried, carryforward, centralized, certainty, certifying, challenged, characterized, cited, clause, clear, cognitive, collateral, collateralized, collectibility, collective, commercialized, commercializing, commit, committed, comparing, compendia, complaint, complying, component, Composite, compounded, comprehensive, conceived, concentrated, conclusive, confirmed, consistent, consistently, constrict, constricting, contamination, contracted, contracting, contractor, contrary, convenience, cooperation, cord, core, County, creditable, curtail, debarment, decade, decentralized, declaratory, dedicate, defendant, defense, deleage, deny, deposited, detailing, detain, detected, determinable, disappointing, discharge, discontinue, dispersed, distinct, distraction, distributed, District, divert, drafted, drew, drop, earliest, ease, Eisner, elderly, eliminate, emerged, employ, environment, Equivalence, Ernst, eventual, exceeding, exclusion, execute, expedite, expended, export, extensively, factual, false, FastTrack, feasibility, financed, fisherman, flexibility, fraud, frequently, frustrate, functional, functionally, functioning, geographically, global, Gosse, graph, GSM, hamper, hand, hausman, hinder, hypersensitivity, identify, identity, IIa, IIb, implied, importation, imposition, impossible, improper, inadvertently, incorporating, indefinitely, indemnification, indexed, inflation, influencing, informed, infrastructure, infringed, inhibited, innovative, input, inspected, installation, instituting, integrated, intercompany, interruption, introduced, invalid, invalidity, invested, investigation, invoice, issuing, jason, jean, jeopardize, Jolla, judicial, kurtz, largest, launching, lawful, lawfully, litigate, LLP, logo, long, lowering, LSRI, marketplace, marvin, matched, matter, Medicaid, Medicare, medicinal, merit, mild, misleading, modulate, modulator, molecule, monetary, Monte, motion, motivate, muscarinic, mutual, negotiation, neil, neurotransmitter, noncancelable, noncompetitive, nonstatutory, novelty, optimum, Orange, overlap, painful, panel, parity, passage, passed, patentable, path, perfection, periodically, persuasive, peter, phenserine, posiphen, practicable, preference, preliminary, prescribing, prevail, procedure, prohibiting, promising, promote, promoted, purity, question, rated, ratoff, readily, receivable, receiving, recommence, recommendation, reconsider, recordkeeping, recovered, redeem, redemption, redundant, refundable, refuse, regular, regulated, reinterpreted, reinvested, relief, relieve, relinquish, remeasured, render, renewed, reproduced, requested, resolved, restoration, restrict, restriction, restrictive, retaining, revalued, reversed, revise, Road, run, satisfaction, satisfying, secret, securing, seize, sensitive, setback, shareholder, shortened, significance, silence, simplified, simplify, simulation, soliciting, sooner, sound, Southern, speak, specialty, spinal, sponsor, stating, stead, steven, stop, strength, strike, subjective, sublicensing, substantiation, substituted, sued, sufficiently, suit, superiority, supplemental, Supreme, surrogate, susceptible, suspended, syndrome, telephone, temporary, territory, theory, therapeutically, thing, thousand, tolerated, Torrey, toxicology, trademark, translated, translation, trauma, treble, tree, true, turn, UIRF, unamortized, unaudited, unchanged, uncured, undertaken, undesirable, unenforceable, unfavorable, uniformly, unpaid, unpatented, unspecified, user, utilized, validate, validated, validity, valuable, variability, varying, viable, vigorously, vote, waived, warning, whichever, withhold, yield, young
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Exhibit 21.1
List of Subsidiaries
Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp., wholly-owned subsidiary of Registrant | Delaware, United States | |
Raptor Discoveries Inc., wholly-owned subsidiary of Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp. | Delaware, United States | |
Raptor Therapeutics Inc., wholly-owned subsidiary of Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp. | Delaware, United States | |
Raptor Pharmaceuticals Europe B.V., wholly-owned subsidiary of Raptor Therapeutics Inc. | The Netherlands |