In accordance with the Code of Ethics, Employees are strictly prohibited from trading in shares of New Energy, clients or suppliers as a result of any inside information.
New Energy is committed to running its business in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. New Energy’s objective is to ensure that its business operations have the minimum adverse environmental impact commensurate with the legitimate needs of its business operations.
New Energy Employees are expected to fully disclose any personal interest(s) which could impinge or might reasonably be considered by others to conflict with their business dealings with industry.
New Energy Employees must not engage in personal activities and financial interests that may conflict with their responsibilities and obligations to the Company or give assistance to competitors, in conflict with the interests of New Energy or its clients.
Under all circumstances, Employees must obtain the formal consent of New Energy management if they intend to become partners, shareholders, or Directors, or participants in companies outside the New Energy corporate structure.
At all times, Employees are expected to respect the confidentiality of information received during the course of business dealings and must never use such information for personal benefit or gain.
Employees are expected to give information during the course of business which is truthful, complete and fair and never intended to mislead.
Employees cannot disclose New Energy trade secrets, confidential or proprietary information, or any other such information without the written, formal authorization of management. Such information may not be disclosed as a means of making profit, gains or benefits.
At no time can Employees use Internet bulletin boards, chat rooms, messaging services, or other electronic systems to discuss issues, affairs, or opinions related to New Energy or any of its industries, or to respond to comments about the Company. New Energy considers electronic postings to be the same as “speaking to the media”.
New Energy is committed to vigorous yet fair competition and supports the development of appropriate competition laws. Each Employee must avoid any business arrangement that might prevent the effective operation of fair competition.
New Energy’s Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the standards outlined in the Code of Ethics are fully communicated to all Employees and are similarly understood and