Electronically issued / Delivre par voie electronique : 19-Jun-2023 Court File No./N° du dossier du greffe : CV-23-0O697453-OOCL Toronto Superior Court of Justice / Cour superieure de justice Commercial List Court File No. CV-23-00697453-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE COMMERCIAL LIST THE HONOURABLE MR. ) FRIDAY, THE 16th JUSTICE OSBORNE ) DAY OF JUNE 2023 ) ° IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 182 OF ® THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT (ONTARIO) R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16, AS AMENDED CO 2 AND IN THE MATTER OF A PROPOSED PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT § OF THOMSON REUTERS CORPORATION THOMSON REUTERS CORPORATION Applicant ORDER THIS APPLICATION made by Thomson Reuters Corporation (“Thomson Reuters”), for approval of a plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) pursuant to section 182 of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16, as amended (the “OBCA”), was heard this day at 330 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. ON READING the Notice of Motion, the Notice of Application issued on April 5, 2023, the affidavit of Jennifer Ruddick, sworn April 19, 2023, and the exhibits thereto, the Interim Order, made April 21, 2023, the affidavit of Jennifer Ruddick, sworn June 14, 2023, and the exhibits thereto, the affidavit of mailing of Winnie Lee, sworn May 12, 2023, and the affidavit of mailing of Dirk Nicholson, affirmed May 18, 2023, ON HEARING the submissions of counsel for Thomson Reuters, and on being advised that the Director appointed under the OBCA does not consider it necessary to appear on this application, no-one appearing for any other person, including any shareholder of Thomson Reuters, and having determined that the Arrangement, as described in the plan of arrangement attached as Schedule “A” to this order, is an arrangement for the purposes of section 182 of the OBCA and is fair and reasonable in accordance with the requirements of that section,