4. Expenses. You shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable travel and other out-of-pocketexpenses necessarily incurred in the performance of your duties hereunder, upon submission and approvalof written statements and bills in accordance with the then regular procedures of the Company. Expensesexceeding $500.00 for travel and$100 for meals and other incidentals must be approved in writing by theCompany prior to your seeking reimbursement for the same,
5. Your Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant to the Company that (a)you are under no contractual or other restriction or obligation which is inconsistent with the execution ofthe Agreement, the performance of your duties hereunder, or the other rightsofthe Company hereunder,and (b) you are under no physicalormental disability that would hinder your performance of duties underthis Agreement, and (c) you are not party to any ongoing civil or criminal proceedings, and have notbeenparty such proceedings within the past five years, and do not know of any such proceeding that may bethreatened or pending against you,and(d) you are not currently engaged in activities and will notknowingly engage in future activities that may cause embarrassment to the Company or tarnish thereputation or public image of the Company, including but not necessarily limited to association with orparty to:anycriminal behavior(s) such as drug use, theft, or any other potential or active violation of law;political controversy, civil disobedience, or public protest;lewd, lascivious behavior.
6. Non Competition; Non Solicitation, (a) In view of the unique and valuable services it isexpected that you will render to the Company, your knowledge of its trade secrets, and other proprietaryinformation relating to the business of the Company and in consideration of the compensation to bereceived hereunder, you will not, during the term of this Agreement, engage in,orotherwise directly orindirectly, be employed by, or act as a consultant or lender to, or, without the prior written approval of theBoard, beadirector, officer, owner, or partnerof,any other business or organization that is engaged inthe same field of research and development as is the Company. Nothing herein shall be deemed topreclude you from being an off icer, director, owner,investor in, or partner of, any business ororganization which is not competing with the Company, provided the same does not in any mannerwhatsoever impair your ability to perform your duties under the Agreement.
(b) During the term of the Agreement, and for a period of one year following terminationof the Agreement, you will not directly or indirectly reveal the name of, solicit or interfere with, orendeavor to entice away from the Company any ofitssuppliers, customers, or employees,
(c) During the term of the Agreement and thereafter following the termination of theAgreement, youshallnot make any critical or disparaging statements about the Company or any of itsemployees, directors or products to any other person or entity.
(d) Sinceabr each of the provisions of this Paragraph6 could not adequately becompensated by money damages,theCompany shall be entitled, in addition to any other right and remedyavailable to it, to an injunction restraining such breach orathreatened breach, and in either case no bondor other security shallberequiredinconnection therewith, and you herebyconsent to the issuanceofsuchinjunction. You agree that the provisionsofthis Paragraph 6 are necessary and reasonable to protect theCompany in the conductof itsbusiness. If any restriction contained in this Paragraph 6 shall be deemedto be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by reason oftheextent, duration, or geographical scope thereof, orotherwise, then the court making such determination shall have the right to reduce such extent, duration,geographical scope,orother provisions hereof, and in its reduced form, such restriction shall then beenforceablein the manner contemplated hereby. This Paragraph(i shall survive the termination of theAgreement.
7. Intellectual Property. Any interest in patents, patent applications, inventions, copyrights,developments, and processes ("Intellectual Property") which you now, or hereafter during the period for