EEI Nov. 2009
Progressive pure-play
electric utility
Transmission focus
(FERC Regulated)
Ø Virtually 100% regulated
Ø Long history of National 1st quartile reliability performance
Ø 20 year leader in Conservation & Load Management programs
Ø Smart Grid - - ahead of the curve
Ø Estimated 38% of 2009 total rate base
Ø 2009 composite return on equity of approximately 12.5% and capital structure of 50% equity
Ø Identified future investment opportunities
Ø Recent distribution rate case includes favorable items such as revenue decoupling mechanism,
pension tracker and cost of debt tracking mechanism
Ø Expected enhanced stability and predictability of earnings
Ø 2009 blended transmission & distribution allowed return on equity of approximately 10.2%
UIL: progressive pure-play electric utility with significant growth opportunities and an attractive dividend yield
Conservative financial
Ø Commitment to investment grade credit profile
Ø Disciplined capital investment program
Ø Consistent history of dividend payments
High probability
Ø $1.7 billion of projected regulated capital and equity investment for 2009-2018
Ø Base plan provides significant growth 90+% probability of occurrence
Ø GenConn: cost-of-service electric generation development underway
Ø Proven ability to execute on capital projects, e.g. Middletown-to-Norwalk transmission line
Investment Highlights