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AAMG, absorb, accessed, accessible, Accreditation, accredited, accrual, AchievaMed, adjacent, administered, aging, AHMC, AI, Albert, Alhambra, AllCare, Allied, Alpha, ambulatory, American, AMG, ancillary, antidilutive, APA, APAACO, APC, APCMG, applied, applying, Arroyo, Arteaga, Article, assign, assigned, assignment, assist, Aurion, back, bank, banking, belief, belong, Bernardino, bone, bore, bought, Branch, broad, budgeted, building, CAIPA, Canada, Cancer, capacity, cardiac, carefully, CCHCA, CDSC, CECL, ceiling, certified, charged, Chase, Chinese, clarified, clarifying, client, Clinigence, Coalition, collar, College, column, commensurate, comply, composed, concentration, conclusion, Concourse, conducive, conduct, confirming, Constant, constitute, constrained, constraint, construction, consummate, core, correlation, corroborated, credentialing, criterion, CT, curve, Daly, DCE, de, deem, deemed, deeply, deliver, delivering, densitometry, Department, deposit, detected, deterioration, diagnostic, dictate, digital, disaggregated, discontinue, display, disposition, disqualifying, distinct, dividend, DMG, DMHC, duration, East, eastern, ecosystem, edition, effort, Eleanor, embedded, empower, empowering, enable, enablement, endorsement, enrolled, ensure, ensuring, entirety, entry, envision, error, estate, Eurocurrency, evidence, evidenced, exemption, expedient, Explanatory, exposed, exposure, fairly, fall, family, Fargo, FDIC, feedback, fewer, fiduciary, finite, floor, foreign, founded, Founder, framework, Francisco, fulfilling, Fulgent, furnished, FYB, Gabriel, gain, gave, global, governmental, GPDC, guarantor, Hacienda, headcount, heading, Headquartered, Hellman, highest, HSMSO, human, hypothetical, IA, ICC, imaging, implicit, important, inadequate, incentivize, inception, incorrect, index, Inflation, influence, influenced, infrastructure, insight, insolvency, instrument, insufficient, intensivist, intersegment, investee, IPO, isolation, Jade, joint, Journal, JPMorgan, lab, Laboratory, Lam, land, LaSalle, law, lease, leased, leasing, Led, lender, length, letter, Leung, leverage, leveraging, license, licensed, lien, listed, LMA, local, located, main, mammography, mandated, margin, matter, meaningful, MediPortal, mental, metric, mezzanine, midpoint, misleading, misstatement, monitored, monitoring, Monterey, MPP, MSO, MUFG, necessarily, NGACO, ninety, NMM, nominee, northern, notification, notified, notifying, Notwithstanding, nuclear, Nutex, objective, occupied, Oncology, Orma, outlined, outlook, output, overnight, oversight, overstatement, owner, Pacific, Park, partially, partner, partnered, partnering, partnership, PC, perfunctory, permanent, pertained, pertaining, pharmacy, platform, PMIOC, PMPM, portal, portfolio, power, powered, precision, preferential, preferred, prepayable, prescribed, prevented, processed, processing, promote, proposed, proprietary, published, qualified, qualify, qualitative, quantitative, rata, ratio, rationale, readily, ready, real, reassessing, recast, receipt, reconciliation, reconsideration, recourse, recreate, redesigned, reiterating, relief, remittance, renamed, rent, rental, renting, reputable, residual, resolved, retention, reward, Riverside, routinely, Royal, royalty, RPM, San, scenario, seek, shift, short, simple, simultaneously, single, situation, smart, SOFR, software, Song, sooner, spectrum, sponsorship, spread, stakeholder, stand, strategic, stream, Street, strong, structure, subscriber, subscription, substantive, substantively, substitute, successfully, sum, Sun, Sunny, surgery, Surgical, suspend, swap, swingline, Tag, technological, technology, temporarily, terminology, thereof, therewith, TNE, track, transmittal, transparency, transportation, treatment, Truist, trust, trustee, type, UCAP, UCI, ultrasound, unadjusted, unallocated, unavailable, unbilled, uncertainty, understanding, understatement, undiscounted, unfinanced, unilaterally, Union, unique, Universal, unknown, unpredictable, unrealized, unsatisfied, unspecified, urgent, usage, vacant, Valley, venture, vi, VIE, view, viewed, Village, vision, Vista, volume, voluntarily, VOMG, voting, Wall, West, Western, wide, withholding, women, World, wrongdoing, yield, York, ZLL
exhibit, extension
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