Regulation and Rates Disclosure | Regulation and Rates General Rate Case PSE filed a GRC which includes a two year MYRP with the Washington Commission on February 15, 2024, requesting an overall increase in electric and natural gas rates of 6.7% and 19.0% respectively in rate year one (expected to approximate calendar year 2025) and 8.5% and 2.1%, respectively in rate year two (expected to approximate calendar year 2026). PSE requested a return on equity of 9.95% for the first rate year beginning in 2025 and 10.5% for the second rate year beginning in 2026. PSE requested an overall rate of return of 7.65% in rate year one and 7.99% in rate year two. The filing requests recovery of forecasted plant additions through 2024 as required by Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 80.28.425 as well as forecasted plant additions through 2026, the final year of the MYRP. The procedural calendar for the adjudication of the case is set, with evidentiary hearing occurring on November 4th and 5th of 2024. The Company estimates the approved rates from this proceeding will become effective by statute approximately 11 months after filings. On August 6, 2024, intervenor response testimony was filed with the Washington Commission, to which PSE filed rebuttal testimony on September 18, 2024. On December 22, 2022, the Washington Commission issued an order on PSE’s 2022 GRC, which was filed on January 31, 2022 that approved a weighted cost of capital of 7.16%, or 6.62% after-tax, a capital structure of 49.0% in common equity in 2023 and 2024, and a return on equity of 9.4%. On January 6, 2023, the Washington Commission approved PSE’s natural gas rates in its compliance filing with an overall net revenue change of $70.8 million or 6.4% in 2023 and $19.5 million or 1.7% in 2024, with an effective date of January 7, 2023. On January 10, 2023, the Washington Commission approved PSE’s electric rates in its compliance filing with an overall net revenue change of $247.0 million or 10.8% in 2023 and $33.1 million or 1.3% in 2024 with an effective date of January 11, 2023. Per the 2022 GRC Final Order in Docket No. UE-220066, power cost only rate case (PCORC) rates were set to zero as of January 11, 2023 and PSE agreed not to file a PCORC during 2023 and 2024, the period covered by the two-year rate plan agreed to in the GRC settlement. Per the 2022 GRC Final Order in Docket No. UG-220067, PSE was authorized to seek recovery of the costs related to the Tacoma LNG Facility concurrent with its 2023 PGA filing. On April 24, 2024, the Washington Commission issued Final Order 07 under Docket No. UG-230393. The order determined that PSE acted prudently in developing and constructing the Tacoma LNG Facility after the initial decision to build in September 2016. Further, there were two main outcomes that resulted from the order. First, the Washington Commission did not authorize recovery of the portion of the Company’s deferred return on its investment in the Tacoma LNG Facility that was recorded between February 1, 2022, the date the facility was placed into service, and January 11, 2023, the date PSE’s 2022 GRC rates went into effect. Second, the Washington Commission directed PSE to increase the allocation of distribution pipeline investment to Puget LNG. The Washington Commission determined that the allocation should be tied to the relative flow of natural gas across these facilities, resulting in a higher allocation to Puget LNG than was originally filed. On May 3, 2024, PSE made the compliance filing required by Final Order 07. On May 24, 2024, Public Counsel and the Puyallup Tribe of Indians each filed a petition for judicial review of the Washington Commission’s Final Order 07. The petitions were filed in Thurston County Superior Court and are expected to be consolidated. Both petitions allege that the Washington Commission (i) failed to properly apply the updated public interest standard, (ii) failed to disallow all costs related to PSE’s redesign of the pipeline and development of waste gas disposal methods, and (iii) failed to conduct an independent determination of reasonable attorney fees. For further information, see Note 4, "Regulation and Rates" in the Combined Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in Item 8 of the Company's Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2023. Climate Commitment Act Deferral On December 29, 2022, PSE filed accounting petitions with the Washington Commission requesting authorization to defer costs and revenues associated with the Company’s compliance with the CCA codified in law within RCW 70A.65. On February 28, 2023, in Order 01 in Docket No. UE-220974 and UG-220975, the Washington Commission granted PSE approval to defer the cost of emission allowances to comply with the CCA and the proceeds from no-cost allowances consigned to auction beginning January 1, 2023. On August 3, 2023, the Washington Commission approved PSE's request for CCA rates in Docket No. UG-230470, subject to refund, effective October 1, 2023, to recover the estimated ongoing allowance costs and proportionate pass back of credits to customers from estimated auction proceeds during the period of August 2023 through December 2023. On October 26, 2023, the Washington Commission approved PSE's request for CCA rates in Docket No. UG-230756, subject to refund, effective November 1, 2023, to recover the estimated ongoing allowance costs and proportionate pass back of credit to customers from estimated auction proceeds during the period of January 2023 through September 2023. On November 22, 2023, PSE filed proposed revisions to its natural gas rates to incorporate allowance costs and auction proceeds in Docket UG-230968. In the filing PSE sought to update rates pertaining to amounts deferred from January 2023 through September 2023 and to add new language to the tariff that would enable PSE to fund decarbonization projects using a portion of the projected no cost allowances revenues. The request, as revised by PSE on December 19, 2023, represented a revenue increase of $29.1 million. The Washington Commission suspended the tariff sheets but allowed the rates to go into effect on an interim basis, subject to refund, on January 1, 2024. The Washington Commission had a hearing for the issue of risk sharing of CCA compliance costs on October 9, 2024 and has not yet issued an order. As of September 30, 2024, PSE has not sought cost recovery for its allowance costs for electric operations. The ongoing recovery of allowance costs and pass back of proceeds from the sale of consigned no-cost allowances for PSE's natural gas operations is consistent with the approved accounting petitions in Dockets No. UG-220975 and UG-230471. As of September 30, 2024, PSE recorded a regulatory liability of $89.9 million, which represents the amounts to date collected in customer natural gas rates for CCA obligation costs, net of the expense incurred for the purchase of allowances for electric and natural gas operations. Additionally, PSE will continue to consign for auction at least the minimum amount of no-cost emission allowances allocated for natural gas operations in compliance with the CCA, the proceeds of which will continue to be used for the benefit of natural gas customers, as determined by the Washington Commission. PSE does not record a regulatory liability to defer the proceeds until consigned allowances are sold at auction. As of September 30, 2024, PSE recorded a regulatory asset of $26.9 million, which represents the proceeds from the sale of consigned natural gas GHG emission allowances passed back through customer rates, net of proceeds received from the sale of consigned allowances sold at auction. Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Mechanism PSE performed an analysis to determine if electric and natural gas decoupling revenue deferrals would be collected from customers within 24 months of the annual period, per ASC 980. If not, for GAAP purposes only, PSE would need to record a reserve against the decoupling revenue and corresponding regulatory asset balance. Once the reserve is probable of collection within 24 months from the end of the annual period, the reserve can be recognized as decoupling revenue. Based on the analysis as of September 30, 2024, $0.1 million and zero reserve adjustment was recorded to electric and natural gas decoupling revenue as of September 30, 2024, respectively. No reserve adjustment was recorded for electric or natural gas decoupling revenue as of September 30, 2023. Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism PSE currently has a PCA mechanism that provides for the deferral of power costs that vary from the “power cost baseline” level of power costs. The “power cost baseline” levels are set, in part, based on normalized assumptions about weather and hydroelectric conditions. Excess power costs or savings are apportioned between PSE and its customers pursuant to the graduated scale set forth in the PCA mechanism and will trigger a surcharge or refund when the cumulative deferral trigger is reached. The following graduated scale is used in the PCA mechanism: Company’s Share Customers' Share Annual Power Cost Variability Over Under Over Under Over or under collected up to $17 million 100 % 100 % — % — % Over or under collected between $17 million - $40 million 35 50 65 50 Over or under collected beyond $40 million 10 10 90 90 For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, in its PCA mechanism, PSE under recovered its allowable costs by $111.1 million of which $75.5 million was apportioned to customers and $2.3 million of interest was accrued on the deferred customer balance. This compares to an over recovery of allowable costs of $66.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, of which $38.5 million was apportioned to customers and $3.6 million of interest was accrued on the total deferred customer balance. Power Cost Adjustment Clause PSE exceeded the $20.0 million cumulative deferral balance in its PCA mechanism in 2022. During 2022, actual power costs were higher than baseline power costs, thereby, creating an under-recovery of $110.1 million. Under the terms of the PCA’s sharing mechanism for under-recovered power costs, PSE absorbed $39.0 million of the under-recovered amount, and customers were responsible for the remaining $71.1 million, or $76.4 million including interest and adjusted for revenue sensitive items. On April 28, 2023, PSE filed the 2022 PCA report in Docket No. UE-230313 that proposed a recovery of the deferred balance, which included a revenue requirement increase of 0.9% in overall bill for all customers, with rates proposed to go into effect from December 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. On September 29, 2023, PSE filed its variable power cost rates update as part of the 2022 GRC Order requirement in Docket No. UE-220066. The filing was approved in part on December 22, 2023, with updated rates effective January 1, 2024. PSE exceeded the $20.0 million cumulative deferral balance in its PCA mechanism in 2023. During 2023, actual power costs were lower than baseline power costs, thereby creating an over-recovery of $51.1 million. Under the terms of the PCA’s sharing mechanism for over-recovered costs, PSE’s share of the over-recovery was $26.2 million and customers were due the remaining $24.9 million, or $22.2 million including interest and adjusted for revenue sensitive items. On April 30, 2024, PSE filed the 2023 PCA compliance report, in Docket No. 240288, that proposed to pass back 2023 deferred balances from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, resulting in credits to customers of $22.2 million. Additionally, PSE requested to recover the forecasted 2024 deferred balance of $98.2 million from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025. On September 26, 2024, the Washington Commission approved the filing as proposed with rates going into effect October 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025. Purchased Gas Adjustment Mechanism In October 2022, the Washington Commission approved PSE's request for PGA rates in Docket No. UG-220715, effective November 1, 2022. As part of that filing, PSE requested an annual revenue increase of $155.3 million, where PGA rates, under Schedule 101, increase annual revenue by $142.1 million, and the tracker rates under Schedule 106 increase annual revenue by $13.2 million. In November 2022, the FERC approved a settlement of a counterparty, FERC Docket No. RP17-346. Under the terms, PSE was allocated $24.2 million related to PSE natural gas services, which was recorded on December 31, 2022 and included below. The 2022 GRC order required PSE to amortize the refund in 2023 as a credit against natural gas costs and therefore pass back the refund to customers through the PGA mechanism. On October 26, 2023, the Washington Commission approved PSE's request for PGA rates in Docket No. UG-230769, effective November 1, 2023. As part of that filing, PSE requested an annual revenue decrease of $309.4 million, where PGA rates, under Schedule 101, decrease annual revenue by $93.9 million, and the tracker rates, under Schedule 106, decrease annual revenue by $215.5 million. The annual 2023 PGA rate decreases include the aforementioned counterparty settlement pass back of $28.1 million under Supplemental Schedule 106B. On October 24, 2024, the Washington Commission approved PSE's request for PGA rates in Docket No. UG-240708, effective November 1, 2024. As part of that filing, PSE requested an annual overall revenue increase of $124.4 million, where PGA rates, under Schedule 101, decrease annual revenue by $2.6 million and the tracker rates, under Schedule 106, increase annual revenue by $127.0 million. The revenue increase in Schedule 106 is primarily due to the cessation of the counterparty refund of $28.1 million, mentioned above, that was amortized as a credit in 2023 and $142.8 million in commodity deferrals that were passed back to customers. The following table presents the PGA mechanism balances and activity for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the twelve months ended December 31, 2023: Puget Energy and (Dollars in Thousands) At September 30, At December 31, 2024 2023 PGA (liability)/receivable beginning balance $ (132,082) $ (3,536) Actual natural gas costs 287,111 404,897 Allowed PGA recovery (210,102) (521,882) Interest (5,410) (7,639) Refund/interest from counterparty settlement — (3,922) PGA (liability)/receivable ending balance $ (60,483) $ (132,082) Storm Loss Deferral Mechanism |