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AA, AAA, ABS, absence, accident, accompanying, accomplished, accrued, accumulated, accumulation, accurately, achieve, achieving, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adequate, adjudication, adjust, adjustable, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administration, administrative, adverse, adversely, advisor, advisory, affect, affected, affiliate, affiliated, AFS, age, agency, aggregate, aggressive, aging, agreement, agricultural, agriculture, Alberta, ALDA, allocated, allocation, alongside, alter, alternative, Alternatively, America, American, amortization, amortize, amortized, amortizing, amount, amounted, amounting, Annex, anniversary, announced, annuitization, annuity, anticipated, AOCI, applied, apply, applying, appraisal, approach, approximately, arise, arising, arose, arriving, Aset, Asia, asset, assigned, assume, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, Asuransi, Atlantic, attained, August, automatically, automobile, average, aviation, avoiding, back, backed, backing, balance, balanced, Bangkok, bank, banking, bankruptcy, bargain, base, based, basic, BBB, bear, bearer, begin, beginning, behaviour, belong, benchmark, beneficiary, Berhad, Berkshire, Bermuda, Bhd, bilateral, billion, block, BOLI, bond, book, borne, borrowed, borrower, borrowing, bps, brand, branded, breadth, breakdown, broad, broader, broker, brokerage, brought, buffer, buy, buyer, calculate, calculated, calculation, Calgary, California, call, called, CALM, Cambodia, cancellation, cancelled, capacity, Captive, captured, card, carried, carrying, case, cash, casualty, categorized, category, CDS, ceded, ceding, cent, Central, CGU, challenged, challenging, charge, charged, Chi, China, Chinabank, CHT, CIA, claim, classified, cleared, clearing, client, CMB, CMHC, COI, coinsurance, collateral, collateralized, collect, collected, collection, collectively, combination, combined, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, commodity, commonly, Commonwealth, comparable, comparative, compared, comparing, comparison, complement, complex, complexity, component, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, computation, computed, concentration, Conceptual, condensed, condition, conditional, confidence, conform, conformity, conjunction, conservatism, consideration, constant, consume, consumption, contingent, continue, continued, contract, contravention, Conversely, convertible, coordinate, correlated, corroborate, corroborated, COSO, cost, counterparty, country, court, COVID, CPI, creation, credit, credited, crediting, creditor, criteria, critical, cumulative, currency, curve, customary, customer, Cycle, daily, de, deal, dealer, dealing, death, debenture, debt, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declined, decrease, deducted, deductibility, deemed, default, defendant, defer, deferral, deferred, deficiency, degree, Delaware, delegated, demutualization, denominated, denoted, dental, department, depend, dependent, depending, deposit, deposited, depreciation, depth, derecognized, derivative, derived, design, designated, designed, detail, detailed, detect, detection, deteriorate, deterioration, develop, developed, developing, development, deviation, differentiated, diluted, dilutive, directly, disability, disaster, discharge, discharged, disclosed, discontinuation, discontinued, discount, discounted, discounting, Discovery, discretion, disparity, disposal, disposed, disposition, disruption, distributable, distributed, distribution, District, diversified, dividend, documentation, documented, dollar, domiciled, downturn, drawn, DRIP, driven, driver, DSU, duration, dynamic, dynamically, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, economic, economically, effect, effective, effort, EIS, eligibility, eligible, eliminated, elimination, embedded, employee, enable, enacted, enforce, enforceable, enforcement, England, ensure, ensuring, entered, entering, entirety, entitle, entitled, entity, environment, equal, equally, equipment, equity, equivalent, error, ESOP, estate, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, Europe, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, evidence, evidenced, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exclude, excluded, excluding, exempt, exit, expedient, expense, expensed, experience, expire, expired, expiry, explained, explanation, explicit, exploration, export, exposed, exposure, expressed, extent, extrapolated, face, facilitate, facilitated, facility, facto, Failure, fair, fairly, fall, favourable, feasible, feature, federal, federally, fee, fewer, FHLBI, final, finance, financing, finite, Fitch, fixed, floating, flow, footnote, force, forced, forecasted, forecasting, foreign, foreseeable, forestry, forfeiture, formula, forward, found, fourth, frame, framework, fraud, free, frequency, frequently, full, fully, functional, fund, funded, funding, future, FVTPL, gain, gas, geographic, geographical, geographically, global, globally, goodwill, grant, granted, greater, group, grow, growing, GSOP, guarantee, guaranteed, guideline, half, halted, Hamilton, Hancock, hand, health, hedge, hedged, hedging, HELOC, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highly, hired, historical, Ho, hold, holder, holding, Home, Hong, honour, horizon, host, Housing, HVPH, IAS, IASB, ICA, identical, identifiable, identified, identify, identifying, ii, iii, impact, impacted, impair, impaired, impairment, implement, implementation, implemented, impose, imposed, impractical, improvement, inability, inactive, inadequate, inception, incidence, income, increase, increased, increment, incremental, incurred, indefinite, indefinitely, index, indexing, indirectly, individual, individually, Indonesia, ineffective, inflation, influence, influenced, infrastructure, inherent, inherently, initial, initially, initiated, input, insolvency, Institute, institutional, instrument, insufficient, insurability, insurance, insured, insurer, insuring, intangible, integral, integrated, integrity, intercompany, interpretation, interrelationship, invest, invested, investing, investment, investor, involve, involved, involvement, involving, issuable, issuance, item, iv, Jackson, Jakarta, January, Japan, JH, JHFC, JHNY, JHUSA, Jiwa, John, joint, judge, judgement, July, June, jurisdiction, key, knowledge, Kong, Kuala, lack, lapse, large, largely, larger, largest, lead, leading, lease, leased, leasing, led, legacy, lent, level, leverage, leveraged, levied, liability, liable, LIBOR, LICAT, licensed, lieu, life, lifestyle, lifetime, likelihood, limit, limited, limiting, line, linear, linked, liquid, liquidate, liquidation, liquidity, list, LLC, loan, loaned, local, located, location, London, long, longer, longevity, lost, low, lower, lowered, lowest, LTC, Lumpur, macro, mainland, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, Makati, Malaysia, Manajemen, manner, manual, March, margin, market, marketing, marketplace, master, match, matched, matching, matrix, matter, mature, matured, maturity, maximum, MBS, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, medical, Medicare, mentioned, merged, merger, met, method, methodology, MFC, MFCT, MFLLC, MFLP, MHDLL, Michael, Michigan, million, Minh, minimize, minimum, misestimation, mismatch, misstatement, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mix, MLI, mobility, model, modification, modified, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, Moody, morbidity, mortality, mortgage, movement, multiple, multiplied, mutual, Myanmar, NAL, narrow, National, natural, nature, NCIB, negative, negatively, negotiated, net, netted, netting, network, neutral, NHA, nil, North, notify, notional, November, Oakville, objective, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occasion, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, OCI, October, offer, offered, offering, offset, offsetting, oil, older, ongoing, open, operate, operated, operating, operation, opinion, opposing, opposite, optimal, Optimizing, option, optional, order, orderly, ordinarily, organization, organized, original, originate, originated, origination, OSFI, OTC, outcome, outlined, outlook, output, overdraft, overhead, overnight, owed, ownership, paid, pandemic, paper, par, partial, partially, participant, participate, participating, partnership, party, passed, pay, payable, paying, payment, payout, PCAOB, PCMT, peer, pending, Penh, pension, percentage, percentile, permanent, permissible, permit, permitted, persistency, personnel, perspective, pertain, Phnom, plaintiff, plan, planned, planning, Platinum, plc, pledged, policyholder, pool, pooled, Poor, portfolio, portion, possession, potential, potentially, power, practical, practice, predetermined, predominantly, predominately, preferential, preferred, premature, premium, preparation, prepared, preparing, prepayment, prescribed, prevailing, prevalence, prevent, prevention, price, priced, pricing, primarily, prior, proactive, procedural, processing, product, production, profile, profit, program, project, projected, projecting, projection, prolonged, promise, property, proportionate, proprietary, prospect, prospectively, protected, protection, Province, proximity, prudence, Prudential, PSU, PT, Pte, PTY, publicly, published, put, puttable, qualified, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quota, quoted, rabbi, range, ranged, ranging, ranking, rate, rated, rating, read, readily, real, realistic, realizable, realization, realized, Reassurance, recalculation, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, reclassification, reclassified, reclassifying, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, reconciliation, reconsidered, record, recorded, recording, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovery, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reduction, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reform, refunded, region, regional, reimbursed, reinsurance, reinsure, reinsured, reinsurer, reinsuring, reinvest, reinvestment, REIT, released, reliability, reliable, relief, relieve, rely, remain, remaining, remeasurement, remote, remuneration, render, rendered, renew, renewable, renewal, renewing, rental, repaid, repayment, replaced, replacement, replacing, replicate, represent, representing, reserve, reserved, reset, residential, residual, resilience, resolved, Resource, restricted, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retained, retainer, Retaining, retention, retire, retired, retiree, retirement, retrospective, retrospectively, return, returned, revealed, revenue, revolving, RGA, roll, routinely, RSU, salary, sale, sample, satisfied, satisfy, scenario, scheduled, scope, SE, sector, secured, securitization, securitized, security, seed, segment, segmented, segregated, selected, selection, sell, Seller, selling, sensitive, sensitivity, separate, separately, September, served, SEs, settle, settled, settlement, sex, Shanghai, share, shared, shareholder, short, showed, shown, significance, significant, significantly, similar, similarly, simplified, simultaneously, Singapore, single, size, skill, smaller, software, solvency, source, Southern, specific, specifically, sponsor, sponsored, Sponsoring, SPPI, spread, St, standalone, standby, startup, state, stated, statute, statutory, strain, strategy, strictly, structure, structured, study, Subcommittee, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, subsidy, subsisting, substance, substantial, substantially, substantive, substantively, successful, successfully, suffered, sufficient, suggest, suggested, sum, summarized, summary, supplemental, support, supported, supporting, surrender, survivorship, swap, symmetrical, table, Taipei, Taiwan, target, targeted, tax, taxable, taxing, taxpayer, technology, temporary, terminal, terminate, terminated, termination, terrorism, test, tested, testing, Thailand, thereon, threshold, timber, timberland, time, timely, timing, Tokyo, trade, traded, trading, transacted, transaction, transfer, transferred, translated, translation, transparency, Treadway, treasury, treat, treaty, trend, trust, trustee, type, typically, UL, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unamortized, unauthorized, uncertain, uncertainty, uncollectible, unconditional, unconditionally, unconsolidated, underlying, understanding, underwriting, undiscounted, unearned, unexpected, unexpectedly, unfavourable, unfunded, uniform, uninsured, universal, unlimited, unobservable, unpaid, unqualified, unrealized, unrelated, unreported, unsatisfied, unsecured, unwilling, upstream, utilize, utilized, valuation, variability, variable, variety, vary, varying, vendor, venture, vest, vested, vesting, Victoria, Vietnam, VIU, void, voidable, volatility, volume, voluntary, voting, WAM, warrant, warranted, water, Waterloo, wealth, weighted, welfare, Western, wholly, wide, widespread, withdrawal, Worsening, worst, written, Yangon, yearly, yield
Accountant, AIF, amendment, approve, assistance, attestation, billed, Bloor, CEO, Certification, chair, Chairman, chapter, charter, check, Chief, code, Codification, complying, Consent, covered, description, domestic, duly, East, electronically, Expended, Expert, extended, furnish, GAAP, Gallagher, Gori, governance, head, heading, hereto, Identification, implied, independence, independently, Industrial, Interactive, interfere, law, MA, mandate, mark, Mine, Nominating, Officer, person, posted, Presiding, previously, privately, promptly, referencing, registrant, requested, Roy, Safety, Secretary, sheet, Street, submit, submitted, Tabular, telephone, theInsurance, thereto, undersigned, viewing, Washington, website
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