Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.2 EX-10.2 Eltip Psu Agreement
- 10.3 EX-10.3 Eltip Rsu Ratable Agreement
- 10.4 EX-10.4 Eltip Rsu 1 Year Agreement
- 10.5 EX-10.5 Eltip Rsu 2 Year Agreement
- 10.6 EX-10.6 Eltip Rsu 3 Year Agreement
- 10.7 EX-10.7 Eltip Stock Option Agreement
- 31 EX-31.A(1) Xerox Holdings Corp CEO Certification
- 31 EX-31.A(2) Xerox Corp CEO Certification
- 31 EX-31.B(1) Xerox Holdings Corp CFO Certification
- 31 EX-31.B(2) Xerox Corp CFO Certification
- 32 EX-32.A Xerox Holdings Corp Sox Certification
- 32 EX-32.B Xerox Corp Sox Certification
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Basis of Presentation
- Recent Accounting Pronouncement
- Revenue
- Lessor
- Acquisitions
- Divestitures
- Supplementary Financial Informa
- Accounts Receivable, Net
- Finance Receivables, Net
- Inventories and Equipment on Op
- Lessee
- Restructuring Programs
- Debt
- Financial Instruments
- Fair Value of Financial Assets
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox H
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox
- Other Comprehensive Income (Los
- Earnings per Share
- Contingencies and Litigation
- Subsequent Event
- Recent Accounting Pronounceme_2
- Leases, Codification Topic 842
- Revenue (Tables)
- Lessor (Tables)
- Divestitures (Tables)
- Supplementary Financial Infor_2
- Accounts Receivable, Net (Table
- Finance Receivables, Net (Table
- Inventories and Equipment on _2
- Lessee (Tables)
- Restructuring Programs (Tables)
- Debt (Tables)
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_2
- Employee Benefit Plans (Tables)
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox_2
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox (
- Other Comprehensive Income (L_2
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Contingencies and Litigation (T
- Recent Accounting Pronounceme_3
- Revenue - Disaggregation of Rev
- Revenue - Narrative (Details)
- Revenue - Incremental Direct Co
- Lessor - Components of Lease In
- Acquisitions - Additional Infor
- Divestitures (Details)
- Supplementary Financial Infor_3
- Supplementary Financial Infor_4
- Supplementary Financial Infor_5
- Accounts Receivable, Net (Detai
- Accounts Receivable, Net - Acco
- Finance Receivables, Net (Detai
- Finance Receivables, Net - Allo
- Finance Receivables, Net - Cred
- Finance Receivables, Net - Agin
- Inventories and Equipment on _3
- Inventories and Equipment on _4
- Inventories and Equipment on _5
- Lessee - Additional Information
- Lessee - Components of Lease Ex
- Lessee - Operating Lease ROU As
- Lessee - Supplemental Informati
- Restructuring Programs - Additi
- Restructuring Programs - Inform
- Restructuring Programs - Summar
- Restructuring Programs - Certai
- Debt - Interest Expense and Inc
- Financial Instruments - Additio
- Financial Instruments - Summary
- Financial Instruments - Summa_2
- Financial Instruments - Summa_3
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_3
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_4
- Employee Benefit Plans (Details
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox_3
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox_4
- Shareholders' Equity of Xerox_5
- Other Comprehensive Income (L_3
- Other Comprehensive Income (L_4
- Earnings per Share - Computatio
- Earnings per Share - Anti-Dilut
- Contingencies and Litigation -
- Contingencies and Litigation _2
- Subsequent Event (Details)