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UPM-Kymmene Corporation Stock Exchange Release February 1, 2007 at 12:00
UPM’s result clearly improved
Sales exceeded EUR 10 billion
Operating profit for 2006 grew 30%
UPM’s President and CEO Jussi Pesonen comments on the Financial Review 2006:
“UPM’s operating profit improved clearly over the last year and the profitability of all business areas developed well. In the spring, UPM launched a profitability programme that improved the company’s competitiveness in the paper industry and laid the foundation for sustainable profitability. In 2006, UPM Raflatac developed into a major global business and the reorganisation of the Wood Products Division had a positive impact on the business area’s profitability. UPM made good progress.”
“The year was a turning point for UPM, but the ongoing industry transformation is not over. The forest industry’s business environment will continue to be challenging. Only efficient production and supply can guarantee future success. UPM got off to a good start in this race last year.”
“What’s critical is that customer deliveries from the closed, unprofitable paper machines were successfully transferred to UPM’s other machines. During the year, mill productivity improved and we can use our own capacity more effectively and profitably than before,” says Mr. Pesonen.
“We expect the Group’s profits to grow this year. Despite the increase in wood, raw material and energy prices, the increase in the company’s overall costs is expected to increase moderately, 1-2%. This year, the annual cost savings of the profitability programme are estimated to amount to EUR 110 million.”
“Demand forecasts are largely positive across the board. Demand for printing papers is forecast to grow somewhat from last year. The strongest growth in demand will be in emerging markets. In North America, weak demand is expected to continue. We expect paper deliveries to increase over last year. Average paper price is slightly higher in the first quarter of 2007 than that of the fourth quarter of 2006.”
“Demand for self-adhesive labelstock is expected to grow in all markets and prices are forecast to remain stable. Demand for industrial wrappings is also expected to grow slightly. In wood products demand for plywood and sawn timber will remain good,” says President and CEO Pesonen.
For more information please contact:
Mr Jussi Pesonen, President and CEO, UPM, tel. +358 204 15 0001
Mr Jyrki Salo, Executive Vice President and CFO, UPM, tel. +358 204 15 0011
News conference and conference call information
A news conference on the Financial Review for 2006 will be held today, February 1, 2007, at UPM’s Head Office in Helsinki at 14:00 Finnish time (12:00 GMT, 07:00 EST). The briefing can be followed live on the Internet at the address A recording of the briefing will be available at this address for the following three months.
To participate in the UPM conference call, please dial +44 (0)1452 542 300 at 17:00 Finnish time (15:00 GMT, 10:00 EST). The conference call title is: UPM Financial Results 2006, access code: 5921648. A recording of the discussion can be heard until February 7, 2007 by calling: +44 (0)1452 550 000, access code 5921648#.
In the United States and Canada, the Conference Call toll free number is +1 866 220 1452. The recording can be heard at the toll free dial in number +1 866 247 4222, access code: 5921648#.
UPM Financial Review 2006
Earnings per share for 2006 were € 0.65 (€ 0.50 for 2005), excluding non-recurring items € 0.80 (€ 0.54). Operating profit for the year was € 536 million (€ 318 million), excluding non-recurring items € 725 million (€ 558 million). Operating profit for the fourth quarter was € 247 million (€ -58 million), excluding non-recurring items € 252 million (€ 202 million). The profitability programme improved prerequisites for sustainable profitability. Customer deliveries from closed production lines were successfully retained.
Key figures
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 2006 | | Q4/ 2005 | | Q1-Q4/ 2006 | | Q1-Q4/ 2005 | | Q1-Q4/ 2004 |
Sales, €m | | 2,583 | | 2,574 | | 10,022 | | 9,348 | | 9,820 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 467 | | 423 | | 1,678 | | 1,428 | | 1,435 |
% of sales | | 18.1 | | 16.4 | | 16.7 | | 15.3 | | 14.6 |
Operating profit, €m | | 247 | | -58 | | 536 | | 318 | | 685 |
excluding non-recurring items, €m | | 252 | | 202 | | 725 | | 558 | | 470 |
Profit before tax, €m | | 203 | | -91 | | 367 | | 257 | | 556 |
excluding non-recurring items, €m | | 202 | | 160 | | 550 | | 399 | | 341 |
Net profit for the period, €m | | 195 | | -77 | | 338 | | 261 | | 920 |
Earnings per share, € | | 0.37 | | -0.15 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.76 |
excluding non-recurring items, € | | 0.30 | | 0.22 | | 0.80 | | 0.54 | | 0.49 |
Diluted earnings per share, € | | 0.38 | | -0.15 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.75 |
Return on equity, % | | 10.8 | | neg. | | 4.6 | | 3.5 | | 12.6 |
excluding non-recurring items, % | | 8.7 | | 5.9 | | 5.7 | | 3.8 | | 3.4 |
Return on capital employed, % | | 8.8 | | neg. | | 4.7 | | 3.4 | | 6.0 |
excluding non-recurring items, % | | 8.7 | | 6.5 | | 6.2 | | 4.5 | | 4.3 |
Equity to assets ratio at end of period, % | | 50.4 | | 47.3 | | 50.4 | | 47.3 | | 48.2 |
Gearing ratio at end of period, % | | 56 | | 66 | | 56 | | 66 | | 61 |
Shareholders’ equity per share at end of period, € | | 13.90 | | 14.01 | | 13.90 | | 14.01 | | 14.46 |
Net interest-bearing liabilities at end of period, €m | | 4,048 | | 4,836 | | 4,048 | | 4,836 | | 4,617 |
Capital employed at end of period, €m | | 11,634 | | 12,650 | | 11,634 | | 12,650 | | 12,953 |
Capital expenditure, €m | | 197 | | 220 | | 699 | | 749 | | 686 |
Personnel at end of period | | 28,704 | | 31,522 | | 28,704 | | 31,522 | | 33,433 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges, and excluding the change in value of biological assets, the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures and non-recurring items. |
The market in 2006
Demand for printing and writing papers in Europe remained good, showing an increase of 2% from the previous year, while in North America, demand for printing and writing papers decreased by 1%. In other markets - most notably in Asia - demand for printing and writing papers continued to grow rapidly.
Spending on advertising globally increased from the previous year. While spending on printed advertising increased, it decreased as a proportion of total advertising. Of the various types of printed advertising, direct-mail advertising showed the strongest growth.
Average market prices for magazine papers in Europe and North America were about the same as last year. Standard newsprint market prices in Europe were on average 5% higher, but prices for coated and uncoated fine papers decreased by about 2%. In Asia, fine paper prices increased from last year.
Demand for self-adhesive labelstock grew in the main markets: North America, Europe and Asia. Average prices for self-adhesive labelstock were slightly higher than in the previous year. Demand for industrial wrappings remained at the previous year’s level. Prices were unchanged.
In wood products, birch plywood demand continued to be strong in all markets. Spruce plywood markets maintained a good balance. Plywood prices increased slightly in comparison to last year. Also, the markets for veneer and further processed goods were solid. Redwood and whitewood sawn timber markets improved and prices increased. The supply of logs tightened, exerting upward pressure on costs.
Changes in reporting classifications
From the beginning of 2006, the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures related to business operations is reported in operating profit. In previous years, the results were reported after operating profit. Also from the beginning of 2006, part of the results of derivative instruments relating to cash flow hedges are allocated to the respective division. Comparative years have been revised accordingly.
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Sales for the fourth quarter of 2006 were € 2,583 million, slightly higher than the € 2,574 million for the fourth quarter of 2005. Paper deliveries were 2,892,000 tonnes (2,907,000 tonnes).
Operating profit was € 247 million (loss of € 58 million), 9.6% of sales (-2.3%). Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was € 252 million, 9.8% of sales (€ 202 million, 7.8% of sales). Operating profit for the fourth quarter includes non-recurring charges net of € 5 million (€ 260 million). The main non-recurring items were a provision of € 13 million mainly for personnel expenses for the profitability programme and of a gain of € 10 million from the sale of the Rauma power plant to Pohjola Voima Oy.
Profitability of all divisions improved from last year. Transfer of production from the closed production lines to UPM’s other paper machines improved capacity utilization. Profitability benefited from higher newsprint and fine paper prices and lower fixed costs. On the other hand, energy prices especially in Central Europe and the UK were higher than a year ago.
The share of results of associated companies and joint ventures was € 9 million (€ 14 million).
Profit before tax was € 203 million (loss of € 91 million) and excluding non-recurring items € 202 million (€ 160 million). A gain of € 6 million from the sale of shares was reported after operating profit as a non-recurring gain. Interest and other finance costs net were € 46 million (€ 33 million). The average interest rate on borrowings increased; on the other hand, net interest-bearing liabilities decreased. Exchange rate and fair value gains and losses resulted in a gain of € 4 million (€ 0 million).
Income taxes were € 8 million (€ 14 million positive). Fourth-quarter income taxes include income of € 35 million primarily from a receivable arising from the change in German tax legislation.
Profit for the fourth quarter was € 195 million (loss of € 77 million) and earnings per share were € 0.37 (€ -0.15). Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items were € 0.30 (€ 0.22).
Return on equity was 10.8% (neg.) and return on capital employed 8.8% (neg.). Excluding non-recurring items, the respective figures were 8.7% (5.9%) and 8.7% (6.5%).
2006 compared with 2005
Deliveries and results in 2005 were affected by the labour dispute in Finland during the second quarter of 2005.
Sales for 2006 were € 10,022 million (€ 9,348 million) showing an increase of 7% from the previous year’s figure. Paper deliveries were 10,988,000 tonnes (10,172,000 tonnes).
Operating profit was € 536 million (€ 318 million), 5.3% of sales (3.4%). Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was € 725 million, 7.2% of sales (€ 558 million, 6.0% of sales). Operating profit for 2006 includes non-recurring gains of € 144 million and charges of € 333 million, for a net figure of € 189 million in charges (net figure of € 240 million in charges).
Due to the profitability programme announced in March 2006, an impairment of € 135 million mostly attributable to the closure of Voikkaa paper mill, and a provision of € 61 million from personnel expenses and other restructuring charges, in total to € 196 million were reported as non-recurring charges. An impairment of € 115 million was made from the production facilities at the Miramichi
magazine paper mill in Canada, mainly due to the negative currency impact on the profitability. In addition, a loss of € 10 million from the sale of the UPM-Kymmene Loulay S.A. plywood mill in France, a charge for a donation of € 5 million to UPM-Kymmene Cultural Foundation and other charges of € 7 million were reported as non-recurring charges.
Reported as non-recurring gains were a capital gain of € 41 million on the sale of Group Head Office real estate, a € 93 million tax-exempt capital gain on the sale of the Finnish building materials merchant Puukeskus Oy and a gain of € 10 million on the sale of the Rauma power plant to Pohjolan Voima Oy.
The profitability of all divisions improved from last year. Transfer of production from the closed production lines to UPM’s other paper machines improved capacity utilization. Energy prices, especially in Central Europe and the UK, were higher. Limited availability of wood raw material in Finland due to unusual weather conditions in the autumn put upward pressure on wood procurement costs. The increase in UPM’s net costs was, however, moderate partly due to the high self sufficiency in chemical pulp and electricity.
The fair value of biological assets decreased by € 126 million (increase of € 34 million) mainly due to an increase of half a percentage point in the discount rate, 7.5% applied in forest valuation, and higher fellings from own forests.
Deliveries of magazine papers were higher, and average prices increased slightly. Newsprint deliveries increased and average prices were higher than a year ago. Also fine paper deliveries increased. Average prices of fine papers were slightly down from last year. In the Converting division, profitability of UPM Raflatac’s self-adhesive labelstock improved, and was good. Also Walki Wisa’s profitability improved. The profitability of plywood was good. Sawmilling improved its profitability, and operating profit turned positive due to higher prices and increased deliveries. The operating profit of Other Operations was lower than a year ago the main reason being decrease in the fair value of biological assets and lower availability of hydropower.
The share of the results of associated companies and joint ventures was € 61 million (€ 41 million).
Profit before tax was € 367 million (€ 257 million) and excluding non-recurring items € 550 million (€ 399 million). A gain of € 6 million on the sale of shares was reported after operating profit as a non-recurring gain. Interest and other finance costs were € 185 million (€ 147 million) net. The average interest rate on borrowings increased; on the other hand, net interest-bearing liabilities decreased. Exchange rate and fair value gains and losses resulted in a gain of € 18 million (loss of € 4 million).
Income taxes were € 29 million (€ 4 million positive). Taxes include, as a negative item, a reduction of € 22 million in the deferred tax assets of Miramichi due to a decrease in the income tax rate in Canada, and as positive items € 20 million from the increase in deferred tax assets related to the change in the Group’s structure in Canada, and € 28 million from a receivable arising from the change in German tax legislation.
The effective tax rate was 7.8% (positive 1.6%). Excluding the effect of non-recurring items, the effective tax rate was 24.4% (29.0%).
Profit for the year was € 338 million (€ 261 million) and earnings per share were € 0.65 (€ 0.50). Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items were € 0.80 (€ 0.54). Operating cash flow per share was € 2.32 (€ 1.63).
Return on equity was 4.6% (3.5%) and return on capital employed 4.7% (3.4%). Excluding non-recurring items, the respective figures were 5.7% (3.8%) and 6.2% (4.5%).
Paper deliveries for the year were 10,988,000 tonnes (10,172,000 tonnes). Magazine paper deliveries were 4,761,000 tonnes (4,486,000 tonnes), newsprint 2,677,000 tonnes (2,592,000 tonnes) and fine and speciality papers 3,550,000 tonnes (3,060,000 tonnes).
Plywood production was 955,000 cubic metres (916,000 cubic metres) and sawn timber production 2,357,000 cubic metres (2,147,000 cubic metres).
Cash flow from operating activities, before capital expenditure and financing, was € 1,215 million (€ 853 million). The decrease in net working capital amounted to € 21 million (increase of € 234 million).
The gearing ratio as of 31 December was 56% (66% on 31 December 2005). Net interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the year came to € 4,048 million (€ 4,836 million). In December 2006, UPM bought back three leased hydropower plants located on the Kymijoki river in Finland from the mutual pension insurance company Varma for a total of € 126 million with no impact on UPM’s balance sheet. The average maturity of borrowings at year end was 7.1 years (7.5 years).
In 2006, UPM’s credit ratings were unchanged. At the end of the year, the ratings for UPM’s public bonds were BBB from S&P and Baa2 from Moody’s.
In 2006, UPM had an average of 31,039 employees (32,949 employees). At the beginning of the year the number of employees was 31,522 and at the end of the year 28,704, a decrease of 2,818 persons. Of this, a decrease of 2,371 was due to the closures of production lines and rationalisation of operations and 608 due to the sale of Puukeskus. In UPM Raflatac, the number of employees increased by 161.
Capital expenditure
In 2006, capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions and share purchases, was € 631 million, 6.3% of sales (€ 705 million, 7.5% of sales). Including acquisitions and share purchases, capital expenditure was € 699 million, 7.0% of sales (749 million, 8.0%).
In 2006, acquisitions and share purchases consisted mainly of an investment in shares of the Metsä-Botnia pulp mill in Uruguay for € 56 million (€ 21 million).
In 2006, a decision was made to rebuild the recovery plant at the Kymi pulp mill. The total investment cost is € 325 million and it is planned for completion in the summer of 2008. At the Jämsänkoski mill, € 45 million will be invested to convert coated magazine
paper machine 4 to produce label papers. The conversion is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2007. The investment plan announced in August 2005 to build an uncoated magazine paper machine in Continental Europe was postponed. At the plywood mills in Savonlinna and Jyväskylä, € 8 million will be invested to improve production efficiency and product quality. The investments are scheduled for completion by the end of the first quarter of 2007.
A € 25 million investment will be made in bleached pulp production at the Tervasaari mill, where a new bleaching line is scheduled to start up in autumn 2007. An investment of € 6 million will be made in plywood manufacturing at the Chudovo and Heinola mills.
A new self-adhesive labelstock factory will be built in Dixon, Illinois, in the United States. The value of this investment is approximately USD 109 million, and the new factory is slated for completion in the first quarter of 2008. At the Jämsänkoski mill, € 38 million will be invested in the quality of uncoated magazine paper. The investment will be completed in the second quarter of 2008.
A new power plant using biofuels will be built at the Caledonian mill in Irvine, Scotland - the investment cost, net, is approximately € 72 million and start-up is projected for the third quarter of 2009.
The modernization of Tervasaari release paper machine 8 was completed at the end of February 2006. This investment increased annual production capacity by 45,000 tonnes to 175,000 tonnes and further improved the quality of the paper. Walki Wisa’s converting factory in China started its operations in March 2006. In September, at the Nordland and Docelles paper mills, the rebuilds of two paper machines were completed. These investments substantially improved product quality and efficiency of the production lines. Completed in September, the modernisation investment for the film lamination line at the Tampere labelstock factory doubled the filmic self-adhesive labelstock capacity of the factory and further strengthened UPM Raflatac’s position in the growing filmic labelstock market. At the Shotton paper mill in Wales, the new sludge boiler entered production use at the end of the year. The investment further improved the mills´ energy self-sufficiency and increased the use of biofuels. UPM Raflatac’s new production plant in China started commercial production, ahead of the original schedule, in December.
The biofuel-fired power plant investment for the Chapelle Darblay mill in France is proceeding according to plan, with completion scheduled for the first quarter of 2007. In Uruguay, UPM’s associated company, Metsä-Botnia, is constructing a pulp mill with an annual capacity of 1 million tonnes. The construction project began in 2005 and is on schedule for a Q3/2007 start-up. The governments of Uruguay and Argentina are engaged in a dispute over the environmental impact of the mill.
Changes in the Group’s structure
In March 2006, in connection with the Uruguayan pulp mill project, UPM sold its shares in the Uruguayan forestry company Compañia Forestal Oriental S.A. to Metsä-Botnia for € 36 million. Control over Wisapower Oy was transferred from UPM to PVO in April. The transaction decreased the Group’s assets net by € 152 million from those held on 31 December, 2005. The Group Head
Office real estate was sold for € 77 million in June, which generated a € 41 million capital gain. UPM will continue to occupy the premises under a lease contract. In August, UPM sold its Finnish building materials merchant Puukeskus Oy to the private equity investor Triton and Puukeskus’s management. The sale resulted in a € 93 million capital gain. Puukeskus had annual sales of approximately € 400 million and employed 600 people. Also, UPM sold the Rauma power plant to Pohjolan Voima Oy in December. The sale had no material impact on the Group’s assets and liabilities.
Profitability programme
In March 2006, UPM announced an extensive programme for 2006-2008 to restore its profitability. The profitability programme includes a reduction of approximately 3,600 employees over the three year period and closures of uncompetitive paper production capacity. When finalized, the programme is estimated to result in annual cost savings of approximately € 200 million. The annual cost savings in 2007 are estimated to amount to € 110 million.
As part of the programme, in June UPM closed the Voikkaa paper mill, which had an annual capacity of 410,000 tonnes of coated magazine paper, and Kymi paper machine 7, with an annual capacity of 150,000 tonnes of coated fine paper. In the first quarter of 2007, UPM will stop the production of coated magazine paper on Jämsänkoski paper machine 4, which has an annual capacity of 120,000 tonnes of coated magazine paper. The paper machine will be converted to produce label papers in the third quarter of 2007. UPM will close Tervasaari paper machine 6, with an annual capacity of 115,000 tonnes of brown sack paper and semi-alkaline pulp (SAP) line, with an annual capacity of 60,000 tonnes during the first half of 2007.
Most employee negotiations relating to the profitability programme were completed in July 2006.
In 2006, UPM shares worth, in total, € 16,021 million were traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange (€ 11,358 million). The highest per-share quotation was € 20.91 in March and the lowest € 15.36 in June. On the New York Stock Exchange, the company’s shares were traded to a total value of USD 310 million (USD 338 million).
The Annual General Meeting held on 22 March 2006 approved a proposal by the Board of Directors to buy back a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 49,825,000 own shares. The meeting authorised the Board to decide on the disposal of shares so purchased. No shares were purchased based on this authorisation in 2006. The meeting also authorised the Board of Directors to donate 162,000 own shares held by the company to a cultural foundation to be established. Subsequently, the company does not hold any own shares.
Additionally the meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on an increase in the share capital, disapplying the pre-emptive rights of shareholders, by issuing new shares and/or convertible bond loans in one or more issues. On the basis of such issues of new shares or convertible bonds, the share capital can be increased by a maximum of € 169,405,000, representing no more than 99,650,000 new shares having a book value of € 1.70 per share.
In 2006, 4,300 shares were subscribed for through exercising of outstanding share options. The number of shares entered in the Trade Register on December 31, 2006 was 523,259,430. Through the issuance authorisation and share options, the number of shares may increase to a maximum of 647,101,130.
Apart from the above, the Board of Directors has no current authorization to issue shares, convertible bonds or share options.
The company has received following notifications from shareholders: On December 15 2006, the Capital Group Companies Inc. held 51,660,753 shares representing 9.78 per cent of share capital, of which shares it held voting rights representing 7.86 per cent of the share capital of UPM-Kymmene Corporation. On March 7 2005, the Franklin Templeton Group and its affiliated investment advisers of Franklin Resources held 10.11% of the voting rights of UPM-Kymmene Corporation.
The listing of UPM 2005F share options commenced on October 2 2006.
Company directors
The Annual General Meeting of 22 March 2006 elected Ms Ursula Ranin, LLM, B.Sc. (Econ.), a former General Counsel of Nokia Corporation as a new member to the Board of Directors. In addition, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, former President of the Republic of Finland; Mr Michael C. Bottenheim, LLM, MBA; Mr Berndt Brunow, President and CEO of Oy Karl Fazer Ab; Mr Karl Grotenfelt, LLM, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Famigro Oy; Dr. Georg Holzhey, former Executive Vice President of UPM and Director of Haindl’sche Papierfabriken KGaA; Ms Wendy E. Lane, Chairman of American Investment firm Lane Holdings, Inc; Mr Jorma Ollila, Chairman and CEO of Nokia Corporation; Ms Françoise Sampermans, BA Psych, Publishing Consultant and Mr Vesa Vainio, LLM were re-elected to the Board of Directors.
At the Board of Directors’ assembly meeting, Mr Vesa Vainio was re-elected as chairman. Mr Jorma Ollila and Mr Berndt Brunow were elected as vice chairmen. In addition, the Board of Directors elected from its independent members an Audit Committee, with Mr Michael C. Bottenheim as chairman and Ms Wendy E. Lane and Ms Ursula Ranin as members. A Human Resources Committee was elected with Mr Berndt Brunow as chairman, and Mr Georg Holzhey and Ms Françoise Sampermans as members. Furthermore, a Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee was elected with Mr Jorma Ollila as Chairman and Mr Karl Grotenfelt and Mr Georg Holzhey as members.
The competition authorities are continuing investigations into alleged antitrust activities with respect to various products of the company. The US Department of Justice, the EU authorities and the authorities in several of its Member States, Canada and certain other countries have granted UPM conditional full immunities with respect to certain conducts disclosed to the authorities. During 2006, the investigations of the U.S. labelstock industry and European fine paper, newsprint, magazine paper, label paper and self-adhesive labelstock markets were closed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission competition authority. In December 2006, the Finnish Competition Authority decided not to propose a fine for UPM in its investigation of raw wood procurement in Finland.
UPM has been named as a defendant in multiple class-action lawsuits against labelstock and magazine paper manufacturers in the United States. The remaining litigation matters may last several years. No provisions have been made in relation to these investigations.
In March 2006, UPM paid a fine of € 56.55 million imposed by the European Commission concerning antitrust activities in the market for plastic sacks but has appealed the decision.
Events after the balance sheet date
On 30 January 2007, M-real announced to sell 9% of Metsä-Botnia’s shares to its parent company Metsäliitto for € 240 million. Consequently, M-real rejected UPM’s offer made in November 2006 to buy 15% of Metsä-Botnia’s shares from M-real for € 500 million.
The Group’s management is not aware of any other significant events occurring after 31 December 2006 which would have had an impact on the financial statements.
Outlook for 2007
Demand for printing papers is forecast to grow somewhat from last year. In North America weak demand is expected to continue. The strongest growth in demand will be in emerging markets. UPM expects its paper deliveries to increase from last year. UPM’s average paper price for the first quarter of 2007 is slightly higher than that of the fourth quarter of 2006.
Demand for self-adhesive labelstock is forecast to grow in all markets. Labelstock prices are forecast to be stable. Demand for industrial wrappings is expected to grow somewhat.
In wood products, demand for plywood and sawn timber will remain good.
Wood, raw material and energy prices continue to rise. As a result of expected cost savings from the ongoing profitability programme, the increase in the company’s overall costs is expected to remain at the level of 1-2%.
Capital expenditure is forecast to be about the same as 2006.
The Group expects its profits to increase from last year.
Dividend for 2006
The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 27 March 2007 that dividend of € 0.75 per share be paid in respect of the 2006 financial year (€ 0.75 for 2005). It is proposed that the dividend be paid on 10 April 2007.
Financial information in 2007
The Annual Report for 2006 will be published on the company’s website, (main page on 12 March 2007. The printed Annual Report will be published in the week beginning 19 March 2007.
Publication schedule of interim reports:
Interim Report January-March 2007: 25 April 2007
Interim Report January-June 2007: 26 July 2007
Interim Report January-September 2007: 30 October 2007
Divisional reviews
Magazine Papers
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales, €m | | 905 | | 861 | | 817 | | 771 | | 928 | | 726 | | 697 | | 743 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 157 | | 155 | | 145 | | 113 | | 163 | | 155 | | 59 | | 130 |
% of sales | | 17.3 | | 18.0 | | 17.7 | | 14.7 | | 17.6 | | 21.3 | | 8.5 | | 17.5 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -88 | | -209 | | -210 | | -97 | | -262 | | -103 | | -102 | | -99 |
Operating profit, €m | | 75 | | -62 | | -85 | | 16 | | -99 | | 35 | | -43 | | 31 |
% of sales | | 8.3 | | -7.2 | | -10.4 | | 2.1 | | -10.7 | | 4.8 | | -6.2 | | 4.2 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | 6 | | -126 | | -133 | | — | | -156 | | -17 | | — | | — |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring itemsand amortization of goodwill, €m | | 69 | | 64 | | 48 | | 16 | | 57 | | 52 | | -43 | | 31 |
% of sales | | 7.6 | | 7.4 | | 5.9 | | 2.1 | | 6.1 | | 7.2 | | -6.2 | | 4.2 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t | | 1,288 | | 1,227 | | 1,148 | | 1,098 | | 1,308 | | 1,048 | | 1,020 | | 1,110 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales, €m | | 3,354 | | 3,094 | | 3,308 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 570 | | 507 | | 497 |
% of sales | | 17.0 | | 16.4 | | 15.0 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -604 | | -566 | | -535 |
Operating profit, €m | | -56 | | -76 | | -67 |
% of sales | | -1.7 | | -2.5 | | -2.0 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | -253 | | -173 | | -104 |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 197 | | 97 | | 95 |
% of sales | | 5.9 | | 3.1 | | 2.9 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t | | 4,761 | | 4,486 | | 4,940 |
Capital employed (average), €m | | 4,010 | | 4,397 | | 4,749 |
ROCE (excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill), % | | 4.9 | | 2.2 | | 2.0 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding non-recurring items. |
2) | Non-recurring items in the second quarter 2006 include personnel charges of € 20 million related to the profitability programme, |
| and impairment charges of € 113 million related to the closure of the Voikkaa paper mill. In the third quarter 2006, non-recurring items include personnel charges of € 8 million and impairment charges of € 3 million at Voikkaa, and impairment charges of € 115 million for Miramichi. In the fourth quarter, non-recurring items relate primarily to the capital gain on the sale of Rauma power plant. Non-recurring items in 2005: impairment charge of € 151 million for Miramichi and € 5 million in non-recurring depreciation at Augsburg (4th quarter), and € 17 million provision for pension costs at Miramichi (3rd quarter). |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Magazine Papers increased by € 12 million to € 69 million. Sales for the fourth quarter decreased to € 905 million from € 928 million. Paper deliveries had a volume of 1,288,000 (1,308,000) tonnes.
The fourth-quarter profitability of Magazine Papers improved on account of fixed costs being lower. Average prices for magazine papers when translated into euros were 2% lower than in the previous year. The decrease was mainly due to the weaker US dollar and decreased prices in North America.
2006 compared with 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Magazine Papers increased from € 97 million to € 197 million. Sales increased from € 3,094 million to € 3,354 million. The paper delivery volume was 4,761,000 tonnes (4,486,000 tonnes).
Profitability of magazine papers improved from the previous year. Higher deliveries and average prices improved profitability, while the lower US dollar exchange rate had a negative effect. The Voikkaa magazine paper mill was closed at the end of June, and its production was transferred to UPM’s other mills, improving their utilisation of capacity. The Miramichi magazine paper mill experienced a three-month shutdown in the first half of the year.
Translated into euros, average prices for magazine papers were slightly higher than those for 2005.
In Europe, coated magazine paper demand was flat. Uncoated magazine paper demand increased by 7% from the previous year. In North America, demand for coated magazine paper increased slightly while the uncoated magazine paper figure decreased by 3%. In other markets, especially in Asia, demand for magazine papers continued its rapid growth. Average market prices for magazine papers in Europe and North America were about the same as last year.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales, €m | | 380 | | 360 | | 351 | | 345 | | 379 | | 296 | | 320 | | 313 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 89 | | 98 | | 86 | | 72 | | 75 | | 75 | | 60 | | 65 |
% of sales | | 23.4 | | 27.2 | | 24.5 | | 20.9 | | 19.8 | | 25.3 | | 18.8 | | 20.8 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -48 | | -48 | | -47 | | -47 | | -55 | | -48 | | -48 | | -47 |
Operating profit, €m | | 39 | | 50 | | 34 | | 25 | | 20 | | 27 | | 12 | | 18 |
% of sales | | 10.3 | | 13.9 | | 9.7 | | 7.2 | | 5.3 | | 9.1 | | 3.8 | | 5.8 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | -2 | | — | | -5 | | — | | -5 | | — | | — | | — |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 41 | | 50 | | 39 | | 25 | | 25 | | 27 | | 12 | | 18 |
% of sales | | 10.8 | | 13.9 | | 11.1 | | 7.2 | | 6.6 | | 9.1 | | 3.8 | | 5.8 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t | | 697 | | 666 | | 660 | | 654 | | 736 | | 593 | | 631 | | 632 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales, €m | | 1,436 | | 1,308 | | 1,304 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 345 | | 275 | | 229 |
% of sales | | 24.0 | | 21.0 | | 17.6 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -190 | | -198 | | -224 |
Operating profit, €m | | 148 | | 77 | | 7 |
% of sales | | 10.3 | | 5.9 | | 0.5 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | -7 | | -5 | | 2 |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 155 | | 82 | | 33 |
% of sales | | 10.8 | | 6.3 | | 2.5 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t | | 2,677 | | 2,592 | | 2,719 |
Capital employed (average), €m | | 1,921 | | 1,900 | | 2,002 |
ROCE (excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill), % | | 8.1 | | 4.3 | | 1.6 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding non-recurring items. |
2) | The non-recurring cost booked for 2006 relates mainly to the profitability programme, and for 2005 is due to one-time depreciation at Augsburg. |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Newsprint increased to € 41 million from € 25 million. Sales for the fourth quarter totalled € 380 million (€ 379 million). The total volume of paper deliveries was 697,000 tonnes (736,000 tonnes).
The profitability of the Newsprint division benefited from higher paper prices. This period’s average prices for both standard and improved newsprint when translated into euros were up about 6% on the figures for the equivalent period of 2005. Higher recycled paper and wood prices had a negative effect on profitability.
2006 compared with 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Newsprint increased from € 82 million in 2005 to € 155 million. Sales amounted to € 1,436 million, 10% higher than in 2005. Paper deliveries were 2,677,000 tonnes (2,592,000 tonnes).
The main contributor to the improved profitability was the higher price of newsprint. Average prices for standard and improved newsprint were about 6% higher than in 2005, when translated into euros. Capacity was in good use. Higher energy prices in Central Europe and the UK negatively affected results. The average price of the most important raw material, recycled paper, was about the same as in 2005.
In Europe, demand for standard and improved newsprint showed a 2% increase compared with the year before. In Europe, standard newsprint market prices were, on average, 5% higher. Also in the other markets, with the exception of North America, growth in demand increased.
Fine and Speciality Papers
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales, €m | | 667 | | 626 | | 627 | | 640 | | 626 | | 574 | | 495 | | 539 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 104 | | 106 | | 76 | | 82 | | 88 | | 92 | | 34 | | 95 |
% of sales | | 15.6 | | 16.9 | | 12.1 | | 12.8 | | 14.1 | | 16.0 | | 6.9 | | 17.6 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges, €m | | -56 | | -55 | | -71 | | -55 | | -68 | | -56 | | -51 | | -49 |
Operating profit, €m | | 44 | | 50 | | -13 | | 27 | | 20 | | 36 | | -17 | | 46 |
% of sales | | 6.6 | | 8.0 | | -2.1 | | 4.2 | | 3.2 | | 6.3 | | -3.4 | | 8.5 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | -3 | | -2 | | -36 | | — | | -8 | | — | | — | | — |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 47 | | 52 | | 23 | | 27 | | 28 | | 36 | | -17 | | 46 |
% of sales | | 7.0 | | 8.3 | | 3.7 | | 4.2 | | 4.5 | | 6.3 | | -3.4 | | 8.5 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t. | | 907 | | 878 | | 884 | | 881 | | 863 | | 793 | | 684 | | 720 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales, €m | | 2,560 | | 2,234 | | 2,286 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 368 | | 309 | | 367 |
% of sales | | 14.4 | | 13.8 | | 16.1 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -237 | | -224 | | -199 |
Operating profit, €m | | 108 | | 85 | | 171 |
% of sales | | 4.2 | | 3.8 | | 7.5 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | -41 | | -8 | | 3 |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 149 | | 93 | | 173 |
% of sales | | 5.8 | | 4.2 | | 7.6 |
Deliveries, 1,000 t | | 3,550 | | 3,060 | | 3,074 |
Capital employed (average), €m | | 2,760 | | 2,843 | | 2,640 |
ROCE (excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill), % | | 5.4 | | 3.3 | | 6.6 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding non-recurring items. |
2) | In 2006, non-recurring items include personnel and impairment charges related to the profitability programme. In 2005, one-time depreciation was booked for the rebuild of Nordland’s paper machine. |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Fine and Speciality Papers increased to € 47 million (€ 28 million). Sales were € 667 million (€ 626 million). Paper deliveries were 907,000 tonnes (863,000 tonnes).
Operating efficiency improved in the fourth quarter and deliveries increased. Increasing raw material prices had a negative effect on profitability. Average prices for fine and speciality papers translated into euros were up 1%.
2006 compared with 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Fine and Speciality Papers was € 149 million (€ 93 million). Sales were € 2,560 million (2,234 million). Paper deliveries increased from 3,060,000 tonnes to 3,550,000 tonnes.
Energy and raw material costs increased from the last year but the negative impact of these was partially offset by improved operating efficiency. Kymi paper machine 7 was closed at the end of June. Its production was transferred to other machines at the Kymi and Nordland Papier mills due to which their capacity utilisation improved. Speciality paper capacity was in good use. The new paper machine, started up in May 2005 in China, contributed to the volume increase. Average prices for fine and speciality papers translated into euros were slightly down from last year.
In Europe, demand for coated fine papers increased by 2% and for uncoated fine papers by 1% compared with the previous year. For label and packaging papers, the good demand continued. In Asia, demand for coated and uncoated fine papers increased. Market prices for coated and uncoated fine papers in Europe decreased by about 2%. In Asia, fine paper prices were higher than a year ago.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales, €m | | 323 | | 312 | | 316 | | 323 | | 297 | | 343 | | 346 | | 361 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 25 | | 23 | | 26 | | 28 | | 18 | | 22 | | 17 | | 32 |
% of sales | | 7.7 | | 7.4 | | 8.2 | | 8.7 | | 6.1 | | 6.4 | | 4.9 | | 8.9 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -9 | | -11 | | -9 | | -9 | | -11 | | -11 | | -11 | | -12 |
Operating profit, €m | | 16 | | 12 | | 17 | | 19 | | 8 | | 36 | | 6 | | 20 |
% of sales | | 5.0 | | 3.8 | | 5.4 | | 5.9 | | 2.7 | | 10.5 | | 1.7 | | 5.5 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 1 | | 25 | | — | | — |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 16 | | 12 | | 17 | | 19 | | 7 | | 11 | | 6 | | 20 |
% of sales | | 5.0 | | 3.8 | | 5.4 | | 5.9 | | 2.4 | | 3.2 | | 1.7 | | 5.5 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales, €m | | 1,274 | | 1,347 | | 1,414 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 102 | | 89 | | 122 |
% of sales | | 8.0 | | 6.6 | | 8.6 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -38 | | -45 | | -53 |
Operating profit, €m | | 64 | | 70 | | 71 |
% of sales | | 5.0 | | 5.2 | | 5.0 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | — | | 26 | | 2 |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill, €m | | 64 | | 44 | | 74 |
% of sales | | 5.0 | | 3.3 | | 5.2 |
Capital employed (average), €m | | 489 | | 603 | | 654 |
ROCE (excl. non-recurring items and amortization of goodwill), % | | 13.1 | | 7.3 | | 11.3 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding non-recurring items. |
2) | Non-recurring items in 2005 include a gain of € 26 million from the sale of Loparex. |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Converting was € 16 million (€ 7 million). Fourth-quarter sales for the division came to € 323 million (€ 297 million).
UPM Raflatac’s self-adhesive labelstock profitability was good. Prices were slightly higher than a year earlier. UPM Raflatac’s sales increased in all markets. The internal efficiency of Walki Wisa improved, but price increases for oil-based raw materials had a negative effect on the result. Sales of Walki Wisa increased.
2006 compared with 2005
For 2006, Converting’s operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, increased to € 64 million from € 44 million. The division’s sales came to € 1,274 million (€ 1,347 million). The Loparex Group, with approximately € 340 million in annual sales, was sold in August 2005.
The profitability of UPM Raflatac’s self-adhesive labelstock improved and was good. Volumes were higher, and sales increased by 15% to € 987 million. Notable growth took place in North America and Europe but also in Asia. Sales growth in Asia Pacific accelerated towards the end of the year, led by good development in China. The new factory in Changshu made its first commercial deliveries at the end of December. Prices of raw materials remained largely unchanged. The growth in sales volume for RFID tags accelerated towards the end of the year.
The profitability of Walki Wisa’s industrial wrappings improved, mainly as a result of internal measures. Sales amounted to € 287 million, 7% higher than for 2005.
Demand for self-adhesive labelstock grew in North America, Europe, and Asia. Average prices for self-adhesive labelstock were slightly higher. The demand for industrial wrappings continued to be strong, at the previous year’s level; however, competition remained fiery as well. Prices were unchanged.
Wood Products
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales, €m | | 287 | | 310 | | 378 | | 346 | | 331 | | 302 | | 343 | | 314 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 24 | | 22 | | 33 | | 25 | | 22 | | 9 | | 26 | | 29 |
% of sales | | 8.4 | | 7.1 | | 8.7 | | 7.2 | | 6.6 | | 3.0 | | 7.6 | | 9.2 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -10 | | -11 | | -11 | | -11 | | -40 | | -11 | | -12 | | -12 |
Operating profit, €m | | 14 | | 104 | | 22 | | 4 | | -23 | | -2 | | 14 | | 17 |
% of sales | | 4.9 | | 33.5 | | 5.8 | | 1.2 | | -6.9 | | -0.7 | | 4.1 | | 5.4 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | — | | 93 | | — | | -10 | | -32 | | — | | — | | — |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items, €m | | 14 | | 11 | | 22 | | 14 | | 9 | | -2 | | 14 | | 17 |
% of sales | | 4.9 | | 3.5 | | 5.8 | | 4.0 | | 2.7 | | -0.7 | | 4.1 | | 5.4 |
Production, plywood 1,000 m3 | | 259 | | 209 | | 239 | | 248 | | 245 | | 189 | | 245 | | 237 |
Production, sawn timber 1,000 m3 | | 591 | | 486 | | 581 | | 556 | | 592 | | 475 | | 455 | | 495 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales, €m | | 1,321 | | 1,290 | | 1,492 |
EBITDA, €m 1) | | 104 | | 86 | | 80 |
% of sales | | 7.9 | | 6.7 | | 5.4 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges,€m | | -43 | | -75 | | -73 |
Operating profit, €m | | 144 | | 6 | | 111 |
% of sales | | 10.9 | | 0.5 | | 7.4 |
Non-recurring items, €m 2) | | 83 | | -32 | | 83 |
Operating profit excl. non-recurring items | | 61 | | 38 | | 28 |
and amortization of goodwill, €m % of sales | | 4.6 | | 2.9 | | 1.9 |
Production, plywood 1,000 m3 | | 955 | | 916 | | 969 |
Production, sawn timber 1,000 m3 | | 2,214 | | 2,017 | | 2,276 |
Capital employed (average), €m | | 616 | | 660 | | 748 |
ROCE (excl. non-recurring items), % | | 9.9 | | 5.8 | | 3.7 |
1) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding non-recurring items. |
2) | Non-recurring items in the first quarter 2006 include a loss of € 10 million from the sale of the Loulay plywood mill, and in the third quarter, a capital gain of € 93 million on the sale of Puukeskus. Non-recurring items in 2005 include impairment charges of € 25 million relating to the Group’s Finnish sawmills and a provision of € 7 million relating mainly to restructuring of the sales network. |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, for Wood Products increased to € 14 million (€ 9 million). Sales for the division came to € 287 million (€ 331 million). The plywood production was 259,000 (245,000) cubic metres and sawn timber production 591,000 (592,000) cubic metres.
The profitability of plywood was good. The profitability of sawmilling improved, and its operating profit was positive. Due to the exceptionally warm autumn, availability of wood weakened and capacity could not be utilized in an optimal manner.
2006 compared with 2005
The division’s operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, increased to € 61 million (€ 38 million). Sales came to € 1,321 million (€ 1,290 million). Plywood production was 955,000 cubic metres (916,000 cubic metres) and sawn timber production 2,214,000 cubic metres (2,017,000 cubic metres).
Plywood enjoyed good profitability. Sawmilling improved its profitability, and operating profit turned positive due to higher prices and increased deliveries. Sawn timber production was higher than in 2005, mainly as a result of the increased volumes from the Pestovo sawmill in Russia.
Sale of the building materials merchant Puukeskus Oy took place at the end of August. The annual sales of Puukeskus were approximately € 400 million.
Birch and spruce plywood demand continued to be strong in all markets. Plywood prices increased slightly from their 2005 levels. Markets for veneers and further processed goods were solid. Redwood and whitewood sawn timber markets improved, and prices increased. The supply of logs tightened, causing upward pressure on prices.
Other Operations
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
€m | | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Sales 1) | | 162 | | 143 | | 126 | | 140 | | 133 | | 111 | | 136 | | 137 |
EBITDA 2) | | 69 | | 23 | | 32 | | 66 | | 55 | | 32 | | 37 | | 36 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges | | -8 | | -6 | | -8 | | -4 | | -5 | | -4 | | -7 | | -6 |
Operating profit Forestry 3) | | 23 | | 20 | | -82 | | 20 | | 20 | | 17 | | 5 | | 22 |
Energy Department, Finland | | 36 | | — | | 18 | | 40 | | 42 | | 23 | | 41 | | 29 |
Other and eliminations | | -9 | | -19 | | 27 | | -7 | | -60 | | -7 | | -6 | | -11 |
Operating profit, total | | 50 | | 1 | | -37 | | 53 | | 2 | | 33 | | 40 | | 40 |
Non-recurring items 4) | | -6 | | -1 | | 41 | | -5 | | -57 | | — | | — | | — |
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items | | 56 | | 2 | | -78 | | 58 | | 59 | | 33 | | 40 | | 40 |
| | | | | | |
€m | | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales 1) | | 571 | | 517 | | 538 |
EBITDA 2) | | 190 | | 160 | | 138 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges | | -26 | | -22 | | -38 |
Operating profit Forestry 3) | | -19 | | 64 | �� | 66 |
Energy Department, Finland | | 94 | | 135 | | 118 |
Other and eliminations | | -8 | | -84 | | 150 |
Operating profit, total | | 67 | | 115 | | 334 |
Non-recurring items 4) | | 29 | | -57 | | 219 |
Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items | | 38 | | 172 | | 115 |
Capital employed at the end of period (including associated companies) | | 3,343 | | 3,501 | | 3,355 |
1) | Includes sales outside the Group. |
2) | EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortization and impairment charges and excluding the change in value of biological assets and non-recurring items. |
3) | The second quarter of 2006 includes a decrease of € 102 million in the fair value of biological assets and wood harvested. |
4) | Non-recurring items in 2006 include in the second quarter the capital gain of € 41 million of the Group head office real estate, and in the first quarter, the donation of € 5 million to a UPM-Kymmene Cultural Foundation, and in 2005 they include a fine of € 57 million imposed by the European Commission. |
Q4 of 2006 compared with Q4 of 2005
Excluding non-recurring items, operating profit for Other Operations was € 56 million (€ 59 million). Sales were € 162 million (€ 133 million). The cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group’s forests was € 27 million (€ 12 million). The increase in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was € 22 million (€ 21 million).
Operating profit of the Energy Department in Finland was € 36 million (€ 42 million). Hydropower availability was significantly lower than the previous year even if the water reservoirs in the Nordic countries returned to their normal levels for the season, or even higher, by the end of the year.
2006 compared with 2005
Excluding non-recurring items, the operating profit for Other Operations in 2006 was € 38 million (€ 172 million). Sales totalled € 571 million (€ 517 million). The cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group’s own forests was € 107 million (€ 34 million). The decrease in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was € 19 million (increase of € 68 million).
Fellings from the Group’s own forests increased as planned to compensate transient shortage in wood supply stemming from the change in Finnish forest taxation. Additionally, during the fourth quarter there were difficulties in reaching the felling sites in Finland and Russia, due to unusually warm and rainy weather. The decrease in the fair value of biological assets was mainly due to an increase of half a percentage point, to 7.5%, in the discount rate applied in forest valuation.
The operating profit of the Energy Department in Finland was € 94 million (€ 135 million). Availability of hydropower was significantly lower than in the comparison period and costs of energy increased. Average energy prices in Nord Pool were substantially higher.
Associated companies and joint ventures
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
€m | | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Share of result after tax | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab | | 18 | | 24 | | 13 | | 14 | | 19 | | 13 | | -10 | | 14 |
Pohjolan Voima Oy | | -9 | | -7 | | -5 | | 7 | | — | | -1 | | -11 | | 12 |
Other | | — | | 1 | | — | | 5 | | -5 | | 3 | | 2 | | 5 |
Total | | 9 | | 18 | | 8 | | 26 | | 14 | | 15 | | -19 | | 31 |
| | | | | | |
€m | | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Share of result after tax Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab | | 69 | | 36 | | 56 |
Pohjolan Voima Oy | | -14 | | — | | -5 |
Other | | 6 | | 5 | | 7 |
Total | | 61 | | 41 | | 58 |
The first quarter of 2005 includes non-recurring income of € 12 million, and the fourth quarter charges of € 3 million, both relating to valuation of the assets of Pohjolan Voima Oy.
The average price of long-fibre (NBSK) pulp was USD 675/tonne, up by 10% on last year. The price for short-fibre (BHKP) pulp was USD 638/tonne, up 10%. The corresponding prices in euros were 535/tonne for NBSK (up 10%) and 508/tonne for BHKP (up 11%).
Deliveries and production
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 | | Q1/ 05 |
Deliveries | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Magazine papers, 1,000 t | | 1,288 | | 1,227 | | 1,148 | | 1,098 | | 1,308 | | 1,048 | | 1,020 | | 1,110 |
Newsprint, 1,000 t | | 697 | | 666 | | 660 | | 654 | | 736 | | 593 | | 631 | | 632 |
Fine and speciality papers, 1,000 t | | 907 | | 878 | | 884 | | 881 | | 863 | | 793 | | 684 | | 720 |
Converting papers, 1,000 t | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 10 | | 8 | | 16 |
Deliveries total | | 2,892 | | 2,771 | | 2,692 | | 2,633 | | 2,907 | | 2,444 | | 2,343 | | 2,478 |
| | | | | | | | |
Production Paper, 1,000 t | | 2,858 | | 2,858 | | 2,744 | | 2,691 | | 2,801 | | 2,840 | | 1,929 | | 2,653 |
Plywood, 1,000 m3 | | 259 | | 209 | | 239 | | 248 | | 245 | | 189 | | 245 | | 237 |
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3 | | 614 | | 526 | | 623 | | 594 | | 618 | | 508 | | 493 | | 528 |
Chemical pulp, 1,000 t | | 547 | | 506 | | 498 | | 544 | | 539 | | 516 | | 237 | | 548 |
| | | | | | |
| | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Deliveries | | | | | | |
Magazine papers, 1,000 t | | 4,761 | | 4,486 | | 4,940 |
Newsprint, 1,000 t | | 2,677 | | 2,592 | | 2,719 |
Fine and speciality papers, 1,000 t | | 3,550 | | 3,060 | | 3,074 |
Converting papers, 1,000 t | | — | | 34 | | 59 |
Deliveries total | | 10,988 | | 10,172 | | 10,792 |
| | | |
Production Paper, 1,000 t | | 11,151 | | 10,223 | | 10,886 |
Plywood, 1,000 m3 | | 955 | | 916 | | 969 |
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3 | | 2,357 | | 2,147 | | 2,409 |
Chemical pulp, 1,000t | | 2,095 | | 1,840 | | 2,243 |
Helsinki, 1 February 2007
UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Board of Directors
Financial information
This financial review is unaudited
| | | | | | | | | | |
Consolidated income statement €m | | Q4/ 2006 | | Q4/ 2005 | | Q1-Q4/ 2006 | | Q1-Q4/ 2005 | | Q1-Q4/ 2004 |
| | | | (As revised) | | | | (As revised) | | (As revised) |
Sales | | 2,583 | | 2,574 | | 10,022 | | 9,348 | | 9,820 |
Other operating income | | 20 | | 27 | | 231 | | 117 | | 168 |
Costs and expenses | | -2,141 | | -2,241 | | -8,514 | | -8,092 | | -8,254 |
Change in fair value of biological assets and wood harvested | | -5 | | 9 | | -126 | | 34 | | 15 |
Share of results of associated companies and joint ventures | | 9 | | 14 | | 61 | | 41 | | 58 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges | | -219 | | -441 | | -1,138 | | -1,130 | | -1,122 |
Operating profit | | 247 | | -58 | | 536 | | 318 | | 685 |
| | | | | |
Gains on available-for-sale investments, net | | -2 | | — | | -2 | | 90 | | 1 |
Exchange rate and fair value gains and losses | | 4 | | — | | 18 | | -4 | | 48 |
Interest and other finance costs, net | | -46 | | -33 | | -185 | | -147 | | -178 |
Profit before tax | | 203 | | -91 | | 367 | | 257 | | 556 |
Income taxes | | -8 | | 14 | | -29 | | 4 | | 364 |
Profit for the period | | 195 | | -77 | | 338 | | 261 | | 920 |
| | | | | |
Attributable to: | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Equity holders of the parent company | | 196 | | -76 | | 340 | | 263 | | 919 |
Minority interest | | -1 | | -1 | | -2 | | -2 | | 1 |
| | 195 | | -77 | | 338 | | 261 | | 920 |
| | | | | |
Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of the parent company | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic earnings per share, € | | 0.37 | | -0.15 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.76 |
Diluted earnings per share, € | | 0.38 | | -0.15 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.75 |
Consolidated balance sheet
| | | | |
€m | | 31.12. 2006 | | 31.12. 2005 |
ASSETS | | | | |
Non-current assets | | | | |
Goodwill | | 1,514 | | 1,514 |
Other intangible assets | | 461 | | 535 |
Property, plant and equipment | | 6,500 | | 7,316 |
Investment property | | 30 | | 35 |
Biological assets | | 1,037 | | 1,174 |
Investments in associated companies and joint ventures | | 1,177 | | 1,034 |
Available-for-sale investments | | 127 | | 153 |
Non-current financial assets | | 74 | | 170 |
Deferred tax assets | | 362 | | 352 |
Other non-current assets | | 73 | | 38 |
| | 11,355 | | 12,321 |
| | |
Current assets | | | | |
Inventories | | 1,255 | | 1,256 |
Trade and other receivables | | 1,657 | | 1,653 |
Income tax receivables | | 3 | | 28 |
Cash and cash equivalents | | 199 | | 251 |
| | 3,114 | | 3,188 |
| | |
Assets held for sale | | — | | 32 |
Total assets | | 14,469 | | 15,541 |
| | |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent | | | | |
Share capital | | 890 | | 890 |
Share premium reserve | | 826 | | 826 |
Treasury shares | | — | | -3 |
Translation differences | | -89 | | -34 |
Fair value and other reserves | | 278 | | 233 |
Retained earnings | | 5,366 | | 5,415 |
| | 7,271 | | 7,327 |
Minority interest | | 18 | | 21 |
Total equity | | 7,289 | | 7,348 |
| | |
Non-current liabilities | | | | |
Deferred tax liabilities | | 790 | | 887 |
Retirement benefit obligations | | 427 | | 429 |
Provisions | | 187 | | 190 |
Interest-bearing liabilities | | 3,353 | | 4,326 |
Other liabilities | | 13 | | 13 |
| | 4,770 | | 5,845 |
| | |
Current liabilities | | | | |
Current interest-bearing liabilities | | 992 | | 976 |
Trade and other payables | | 1,399 | | 1,364 |
Income tax payables | | 19 | | 8 |
| | 2,410 | | 2,348 |
| | |
Total liabilities | | 7,180 | | 8,193 |
Total equity and liabilities | | 14,469 | | 15,541 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
€m | | Share capital | | Share issue | | Share premium reserve | | Treasury shares | | Translation differences | | Fair value and other reserves 1) | | Retained earnings 1) |
Balance at 1 January 2004 (as revised) | | 890 | | — | | 737 | | — | | -42 | | 263 | | 5,149 |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Share options exercised | | 1 | | 1 | | 8 | | — | | — | | — | | — |
Share-based compensation | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 12 | | — |
Dividend paid | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -393 |
Business combinations | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
| | | | | | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -13 | | — | | — |
Other items | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 1 | | 1 |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 31 | | — |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -19 | | — |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 13 | | — |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
Revision of profit on valuation of available-for-sale investments | | | | | | | | — | | | | 27 | | |
Profit for the period (as revised) | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 919 |
Balance at 31 December 2004 (as revised) | | 891 | | 1 | | 745 | | — | | -55 | | 328 | | 5,676 |
| | | | | | | |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Share options exercised | | 12 | | -1 | | 68 | | — | | — | | — | | — |
Acquisition of treasury shares | | — | | — | | — | | -151 | | — | | — | | — |
Reissuance of treasury shares | | — | | — | | — | | 11 | | — | | — | | — |
Cancellation of treasury shares | | -13 | | — | | 13 | | 137 | | — | | — | | -137 |
Share-based compensation | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 8 | | — |
Dividend paid | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -387 |
Business combinations | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
| | | | | | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 25 | | — | | — |
Net investment hedge, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -4 | | — | | — |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -63 | | — |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -2 | | — |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 51 | | — |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -89 | | — |
Profit for the period | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 263 |
Balance at 31 December 2005 | | 890 | | — | | 826 | | -3 | | -34 | | 233 | | 5,415 |
| | | | | | | |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Reissuance of treasury shares | | — | | — | | — | | 3 | | — | | — | | 1 |
Share-based compensation | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 7 | | — |
Dividend paid | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -392 |
Business combinations | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
| | | | | | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -63 | | — | | — |
Other items | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -2 | | 2 |
Net investment hedge, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 8 | | — | | — |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 45 | | — |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -5 | | — |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — |
Profit for the period | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 340 |
Balance at 31 December 2006 | | 890 | | — | | 826 | | — | | -89 | | 278 | | 5,366 |
| | | | | | |
€m | | Total | | Minority interest | | Total equity |
Balance at 1 January 2004 (as revised) | | 6,997 | | 32 | | 7,029 |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | |
Share options exercised | | 10 | | — | | 10 |
Share-based compensation | | 12 | | — | | 12 |
Dividend paid | | -393 | | — | | -393 |
Business combinations | | — | | -7 | | -7 |
| | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | -13 | | — | | -13 |
Other items | | 2 | | — | | 2 |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | 31 | | — | | 31 |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | -19 | | — | | -19 |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | 13 | | — | | 13 |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — |
Revision of profit on valuation of available-for-sale investments | | 27 | | — | | 27 |
Profit for the period (as revised) | | 919 | | 1 | | 920 |
Balance at 31 December 2004 (as revised) | | 7,586 | | 26 | | 7,612 |
| | | |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | |
Share options exercised | | 79 | | — | | 79 |
Acquisition of treasury shares | | -151 | | — | | -151 |
Reissuance of treasury shares | | 11 | | — | | 11 |
Cancellation of treasury shares | | — | | — | | — |
Share-based compensation | | 8 | | — | | 8 |
Dividend paid | | -387 | | — | | -387 |
Business combinations | | — | | -3 | | -3 |
| | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | 25 | | — | | 25 |
Net investment hedge, net of tax | | -4 | | — | | -4 |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | -63 | | — | | -63 |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | -2 | | — | | -2 |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | 51 | | — | | 51 |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | -89 | | — | | -89 |
Profit for the period | | 263 | | -2 | | 261 |
Balance at 31 December 2005 | | 7,327 | | 21 | | 7,348 |
| | | |
Transactions with equity holders | | | | | | |
Reissuance of treasury shares | | 4 | | — | | 4 |
Share-based compensation | | 7 | | — | | 7 |
Dividend paid | | -392 | | — | | -392 |
Business combinations | | — | | -1 | | -1 |
| | | |
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity | | | | | | |
Translation differences | | -63 | | — | | -63 |
Other items | | — | | — | | — |
Net investment hedge, net of tax | | 8 | | — | | 8 |
Cash flow hedges recorded in equity, net of tax | | 45 | | — | | 45 |
transferred to income statement, net of tax | | -5 | | — | | -5 |
Available-for-sale investments gains/losses arising | | — | | — | | — |
from fair valuation, net of tax transferred to income statement, net of tax | | — | | — | | — |
Profit for the period | | 340 | | -2 | | 338 |
Balance at 31 December 2006 | | 7,271 | | 18 | | 7,289 |
1) | Reflects the retrospective application of new and revised International Financial Reporting Standards. |
Cash flow statement
| | | | | | |
€m | | 2006 | | 1.1.- 31.12. 2005 | | 2004 (As revi-sed*) |
Cash flow from operating activities | | | | | | |
Profit for the period | | 338 | | 261 | | 920 |
Adjustments to profit for the period 1) | | 1,195 | | 1,125 | | 419 |
Interest received | | 9 | | 15 | | 39 |
Interest paid | | -187 | | -156 | | -189 |
Dividends received | | 16 | | 21 | | 39 |
Other financial items, net | | -18 | | -86 | | -45 |
Income taxes paid | | -159 | | -93 | | -72 |
Change in working capital 2) | | 21 | | -234 | | -114 |
Net cash provided by operating activities | | 1,215 | | 853 | | 997 |
| | | |
Cash flow from investing activities | | | | | | |
Acquisition of subsidiary shares, net of cash | | — | | -6 | | -1 |
Acquisition of shares in associated companies | | -68 | | -5 | | -40 |
Acquisition of available-for-sale investments | | — | | -22 | | -1 |
Capital expenditure | | -635 | | -690 | | -630 |
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary shares, net of cash | | 203 | | 200 | | 185 |
Proceeds from disposal of shares in associated companies | | 52 | | 16 | | 25 |
Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale investments | | 3 | | 284 | | -41 |
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets | | 108 | | 47 | | 29 |
Proceeds from long-term receivables | | 23 | | 25 | | 20 |
Increase in long-term receivables | | — | | -7 | | -12 |
Other investing cash flow | | — | | — | | — |
Net cash used in investing activities | | -314 | | -158 | | -466 |
Cash flow from financing activities Proceeds from long-term liabilities | | 415 | | 178 | | — |
Payments of long-term liabilities | | -574 | | -641 | | -224 |
Proceeds from (payment of) short-term borrowings, net | | -398 | | 262 | | -102 |
Share options exercised | | — | | 78 | | 10 |
Dividends paid | | -392 | | -388 | | -393 |
Purchase of own shares | | — | | -151 | | — |
Other financing cash flow | | -2 | | 74 | | -1 |
Net cash used in financing activities | | -951 | | -588 | | -710 |
| | | |
Change in cash and cash equivalents | | -50 | | 107 | | -179 |
| | | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year | | 251 | | 142 | | 338 |
Foreign exchange effect on cash | | -2 | | 2 | | -17 |
| | | |
Change in cash and cash equivalents | | -50 | | 107 | | -179 |
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end | | 199 | | 251 | | 142 |
| | | |
Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement | | | | | | |
1) Adjustments to net profit | | | | | | |
Taxes | | 29 | | -4 | | -364 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges | | 1,138 | | 1,130 | | 1,122 |
Share of results in associated companies and joint ventures | | -61 | | -41 | | -58 |
Profits and losses on sale of fixed assets and investments | | -157 | | -48 | | -138 |
Gains on available-for-sale investments, net | | 2 | | -90 | | -1 |
Finance costs, net | | 167 | | 151 | | 130 |
Rosenlew cartel fine | | -57 | | — | | — |
Change in the Finnish pension system | | — | | — | | -269 |
Other adjustments | | 134 | | 27 | | -3 |
| | 1,195 | | 1,125 | | 419 |
2) Change in working capital | | | | | | |
Inventories | | -60 | | -124 | | -26 |
Current receivables | | -69 | | -130 | | -203 |
Current non-interest bearing liabilities | | 150 | | 20 | | 115 |
| | 21 | | -234 | | -114 |
*) | Reflects the retrospective application of new and revised International Financial Reporting Standards. |
Quarterly information
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
€m | | Q4/ 06 | | Q3/ 06 | | Q2/ 06 | | Q1/ 06 | | Q4/ 05 | | Q3/ 05 | | Q2/ 05 |
Sales by segment | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | 905 | | 861 | | 817 | | 771 | | 928 | | 726 | | 697 |
Newsprint | | 380 | | 360 | | 351 | | 345 | | 379 | | 296 | | 320 |
Fine and Speciality Papers | | 667 | | 626 | | 627 | | 640 | | 626 | | 574 | | 495 |
Converting | | 323 | | 312 | | 316 | | 323 | | 297 | | 343 | | 346 |
Wood Products | | 287 | | 310 | | 378 | | 346 | | 331 | | 302 | | 343 |
Other Operations | | 162 | | 143 | | 126 | | 140 | | 133 | | 111 | | 136 |
Internal sales | | -141 | | -117 | | -131 | | -105 | | -120 | | -109 | | -84 |
Sales, total | | 2,583 | | 2,495 | | 2,484 | | 2,460 | | 2,574 | | 2,243 | | 2,253 |
| | | | | | | |
Operating profit by segment | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | 75 | | -62 | | -85 | | 16 | | -99 | | 35 | | -43 |
Newsprint | | 39 | | 50 | | 34 | | 25 | | 20 | | 27 | | 12 |
Fine and Speciality Papers | | 44 | | 50 | | -13 | | 27 | | 20 | | 36 | | -17 |
Converting | | 16 | | 12 | | 17 | | 19 | | 8 | | 36 | | 6 |
Wood Products | | 14 | | 104 | | 22 | | 4 | | -23 | | -2 | | 14 |
Other Operations | | 50 | | 1 | | -37 | | 53 | | 2 | | 33 | | 40 |
Share of results of associated companies and joint ventures | | 9 | | 18 | | 8 | | 26 | | 14 | | 15 | | -19 |
Operating profit (loss), total | | 247 | | 173 | | -54 | | 170 | | -58 | | 180 | | -7 |
% of sales | | 9.6 | | 6.9 | | -2.2 | | 6.9 | | -2.3 | | 8.0 | | -0.3 |
Gains on available-for-sale investments, net | | -2 | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 1 |
Exchange rate and fair value gains and losses | | 4 | | -3 | | 5 | | 12 | | — | | 14 | | -15 |
Interest and other finance costs, net | | -46 | | -41 | | -52 | | -46 | | -33 | | -45 | | -29 |
Profit (loss) before tax | | 203 | | 129 | | -101 | | 136 | | -91 | | 149 | | -50 |
Income taxes | | -8 | | 18 | | -2 | | -37 | | 14 | | -38 | | 72 |
Profit (loss) for the period | | 195 | | 147 | | -103 | | 99 | | -77 | | 111 | | 22 |
Basic earnings per share, € | | 0.37 | | 0.29 | | -0.20 | | 0.19 | | -0.15 | | 0.21 | | 0.05 |
Diluted earnings per share, € | | 0.38 | | 0.28 | | -0.20 | | 0.19 | | -0.15 | | 0.21 | | 0.05 |
Average number of shares basic (1,000) | | 523,258 | | 523,256 | | 523,256 | | 523,108 | | 523,105 | | 523,115 | | 521,617 |
Average number of shares diluted (1,000) | | 526,416 | | 525,938 | | 525,874 | | 525,936 | | 524,703 | | 524,710 | | 522,131 |
| | | | | | | |
Non-recurring items in operating profit. Non-recurring items in operating profit are specified in the divisional reviews on pages 6-9. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | 6 | | -126 | | -133 | | — | | -156 | | -17 | | — |
Newsprint | | -2 | | — | | -5 | | — | | -5 | | — | | — |
Fine and Speciality papers | | -3 | | -2 | | -36 | | — | | -8 | | — | | — |
Converting | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 1 | | 25 | | — |
Wood Products | | — | | 93 | | — | | -10 | | -32 | | — | | — |
Other Operations | | -6 | | -1 | | 41 | | -5 | | -57 | | — | | — |
Share of results of associated companies and joint ventures | | — | | — | | — | | — | | -3 | | — | | — |
Non-recurring items in operating profit, total | | -5 | | -36 | | -133 | | -15 | | -260 | | 8 | | — |
Non-recurring items reported after operating profit 1) | | 6 | | — | | — | | — | | 9 | | — | | — |
Non-recurring items reported in taxes 2) | | 35 | | 20 | | -29 | | — | | -16 | | — | | 58 |
Non-recurring items, total | | 36 | | -16 | | -162 | | -15 | | -267 | | 8 | | 58 |
| | | | | | | |
Operating profit, excl. non-recurring items | | 252 | | 209 | | 79 | | 185 | | 202 | | 172 | | -7 |
% of sales | | 9.8 | | 8.4 | | 3.2 | | 7.5 | | 7.8 | | 7.7 | | -0.3 |
Profit before tax, excl. non-recurring items | | 202 | | 165 | | 32 | | 151 | | 160 | | 141 | | -50 |
% of sales | | 7.8 | | 6.6 | | 1.3 | | 6.1 | | 6.2 | | 6.3 | | -2.2 |
Earnings per share, excl. non-recurring items, € | | 0.30 | | 0.25 | | 0.04 | | 0.21 | | 0.22 | | 0.19 | | -0.07 |
Return on equity, excl. non-recurring items, % | | 8.7 | | 7.2 | | 1.1 | | 6.1 | | 5.9 | | 5.3 | | neg. |
Return on capital employed, excl. non-recurring items, % | | 8.7 | | 7.1 | | 2.7 | | 6.4 | | 6.5 | | 6.0 | | neg. |
| | | | | | | | |
€m | | Q1/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 06 | | Q1-Q4/ 05 | | Q1-Q4/ 04 |
Sales by segment | | | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | 743 | | 3,354 | | 3,094 | | 3,308 |
Newsprint | | 313 | | 1,436 | | 1,308 | | 1,304 |
Fine and Speciality Papers | | 539 | | 2,560 | | 2,234 | | 2,286 |
Converting | | 361 | | 1,274 | | 1,347 | | 1,414 |
Wood Products | | 314 | | 1,321 | | 1,290 | | 1,492 |
Other Operations | | 137 | | 571 | | 517 | | 538 |
Internal sales | | -129 | | -494 | | -442 | | -522 |
Sales, total | | 2,278 | | 10,022 | | 9,348 | | 9,820 |
| | | | |
Operating profit by segment | | | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | 31 | | -56 | | -76 | | -67 |
Newsprint | | 18 | | 148 | | 77 | | 7 |
Fine and Speciality Papers | | 46 | | 108 | | 85 | | 171 |
Converting | | 20 | | 64 | | 70 | | 71 |
Wood Products | | 17 | | 144 | | 6 | | 111 |
Other Operations | | 40 | | 67 | | 115 | | 334 |
Share of results of associated companies and joint ventures | | 31 | | 61 | | 41 | | 58 |
Operating profit (loss), total | | 203 | | 536 | | 318 | | 685 |
% of sales | | 8.9 | | 5.3 | | 3.4 | | 7.0 |
Gains on available-for-sale investments, net | | 89 | | -2 | | 90 | | 1 |
Exchange rate and fair value gains and losses | | -3 | | 18 | | -4 | | 48 |
Interest and other finance costs, net | | -40 | | -185 | | -147 | | -178 |
Profit (loss) before tax | | 249 | | 367 | | 257 | | 556 |
Income taxes | | -44 | | -29 | | 4 | | 364 |
Profit (loss) for the period | | 205 | | 338 | | 261 | | 920 |
Basic earnings per share, € | | 0.39 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.76 |
Diluted earnings per share, € | | 0.39 | | 0.65 | | 0.50 | | 1.75 |
Average number of shares basic (1,000) | | 520,281 | | 523,220 | | 522,029 | | 523,641 |
Average number of shares diluted (1,000) | | 523,065 | | 526,041 | | 523,652 | | 526,247 |
Non-recurring items in operating profit.
Non-recurring items in operating profit are specified in the divisional reviews on pages 6-9.
| | | | | | | | |
Magazine Papers | | — | | -253 | | -173 | | -104 |
Newsprint | | — | | -7 | | -5 | | 2 |
Fine and Speciality papers | | — | | -41 | | -8 | | 3 |
Converting | | — | | — | | 26 | | 2 |
Wood Products | | — | | 83 | | -32 | | 83 |
Other Operations | | — | | 29 | | -57 | | 219 |
Share of results of associated companies and joint ventures | | 12 | | — | | 9 | | 10 |
Non-recurring items in operating profit, total | | 12 | | -189 | | -240 | | 215 |
Non-recurring items reported after operating profit 1) | | 89 | | 6 | | 98 | | — |
Non-recurring items reported in taxes 2) | | — | | 26 | | 42 | | 519 |
Non-recurring items, total | | 101 | | -157 | | -100 | | 734 |
Operating profit, excl. non-recurring items | | 191 | | 725 | | 558 | | 470 |
% of sales | | 8.4 | | 7.2 | | 6.0 | | 4.8 |
Profit before tax, excl. non-recurring items | | 148 | | 550 | | 399 | | 341 |
% of sales | | 6.5 | | 5.5 | | 4.3 | | 3.5 |
Earnings per share, excl. non-recurring items, € | | 0.20 | | 0.80 | | 0.54 | | 0.49 |
Return on equity, excl. non-recurring items, % | | 5.6 | | 5.7 | | 3.8 | | 3.4 |
Return on capital employed, excl. non-recurring items, % | | 6.1 | | 6.2 | | 4.5 | | 4.3 |
1) | Non-recurring items in the first quarter of 2005 include net gains of € 89 million on sales of listed shares, and in the fourth quarter gains of € 9 million from the sale of associated companies. |
2) | Non-recurring items in the second quarter 2006 comprise € 29 million relating to the decrease of deferred tax assets due to the reduction of income tax rate in Canada, in the third quarter € 20 million income due to an increase in deferred tax assets, and in the fourth quarter € 35 million income primarily due to the change in German tax legislation. Non-recurring items in the first quarter of 2005 comprise € 58 million in deferred tax assets booked on the losses made by UPM’s Canadian operations and for the fourth quarter € 16 million relating to the tax status of an associated company. |
Changes in property, plant and equipment
| | | | |
€m | | Q1-Q4/ 2006 | | Q1-Q4/ 2005 |
Book value at beginning of period | | 7,316 | | 7,621 |
Acquired companies | | — | | 6 |
Capital expenditure | | 604 | | 671 |
Decreases | | -325 | | -118 |
Depreciation and impairment charges | | -1,039 | | -1,049 |
Translation difference and other changes | | -56 | | 185 |
Book value at end of period | | 6,500 | | 7,316 |
Commitments and contingencies
| | | | |
€m | | 31.12. 2006 | | 31.12. 2005 |
Own commitments | | | | |
Mortgages | | 92 | | 94 |
| | |
On behalf of associated companies and joint ventures | | | | |
Guarantees for loans | | 12 | | 18 |
| | |
On behalf of others | | | | |
Guarantees for loans | | 1 | | 2 |
Other guarantees | | 5 | | 6 |
| | |
Other own commitments | | | | |
Leasing commitments for the next 12 months | | 23 | | 25 |
Leasing commitments for subsequent periods | | 94 | | 70 |
Other commitments | | 69 | | 61 |
Capital commitments
| | | | | | | | | | |
€m | | Completion | | Total cost | | By 31.12. 2005 | | Q1-Q4/ 2006 | | After 31.12. 2006 |
Pulp mill rebuild, Kymi | | June 2008 | | 325 | | — | | 25 | | 300 |
New mill, UPM Raflatac, Dixon | | March 2008 | | 88 | | — | | 8 | | 80 |
New bioboiler, Caledonia | | September 2009 | | 72 | | — | | — | | 72 |
PM5 quality upgrade, Jämsänkoski | | June 2008 | | 38 | | — | | — | | 38 |
PM4 rebuild, Jämsänkoski | | May 2007 | | 45 | | — | | 11 | | 34 |
Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments
| | | | |
€m | | 31.12. 2006 | | 31.12. 2005 |
Currency derivatives | | | | |
Forward contracts | | 4,293 | | 4,552 |
Options, bought | | 20 | | — |
Options, written | | 10 | | — |
Swaps | | 570 | | 588 |
| | |
Interest rate derivatives | | | | |
Forward contracts | | 2,500 | | 2,609 |
Swaps | | 2,566 | | 2,856 |
| | |
Other derivatives | | | | |
Forward contracts | | 13 | | 16 |
Swaps | | 16 | | 38 |
Related party (associated companies and joint ventures) transactions and balances
| | | | |
€m | | Q1-Q4/ 2006 | | Q1-Q4/ 2005 |
Sales to associated companies | | 61 | | 43 |
Purchases from associated companies | | 448 | | 438 |
Non-current receivables at end of period | | — | | 4 |
Trade and other receivables at end of period | | 20 | | 21 |
Trade and other payables at end of period | | 23 | | 19 |
Key exchange rates for the euro at end of period
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 31.12. 2006 | | 30.9. 2006 | | 30.6. 2006 | | 31.3. 2006 | | 31.12. 2005 | | 30.9. 2005 | | 30.6. 2005 |
USD | | 1.3170 | | 1.2660 | | 1.2713 | | 1.2104 | | 1.1797 | | 1.2042 | | 1.2092 |
CAD | | 1.5281 | | 1.4136 | | 1.4132 | | 1.4084 | | 1.3725 | | 1.4063 | | 1.4900 |
JPY | | 156.93 | | 149.34 | | 145.75 | | 142.42 | | 138.90 | | 136.25 | | 133.95 |
GBP | | 0.6715 | | 0.6777 | | 0.6921 | | 0.6964 | | 0.6853 | | 0.6820 | | 0.6742 |
SEK | | 9.0404 | | 9.2797 | | 9.2385 | | 9.4315 | | 9.3885 | | 9.3267 | | 9.4259 |
| | | | | | | |
| | 31.3. 2005 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
USD | | 1.2964 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
CAD | | 1.5737 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
JPY | | 138.44 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
GBP | | 0.6885 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
SEK | | 9.1430 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Basis of preparation
The Group has adopted the following interpretation to existing standards to its financial statements from 1 January 2006 that have affected the amounts reported for the current period:
IFRS 2 applies to share-based payment transactions in which the entity receives or acquires goods or services. IFRIC 8 includes into the scope of IFRS 2 the transactions where the entity, when granting its own shares, cannot identify the goods or services received. The interpretation is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 May 2006. The Group early adopted IFRIC 8 as of the beginning of 2006 resulting in a charge of € 3 million in the first quarter.
Revised 2005 and 2004
Operating profits for 2005 and 2004 have been revised to correspond with the current reporting format. The share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, related to business operations, previously reported after operating profit, is now reported in operating profit, with an effect of income of € 41 million and € 58 million in Q1-Q4/2005 and Q1-Q4/2004, respectively. Also from the beginning of 2006, part of the results of derivative instruments relating to cash flow hedges are allocated to the respective division. Comparative years have been revised accordingly.
It should be noted that certain statements herein which are not historical facts, including, without limitation, those regarding expectations for market growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and statements preceded by “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “foresees”, or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. Since these statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and uncertainties which may cause actual results to materially differ from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein, continued success of product development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group’s targeted customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the degree of protection created by the Group’s patents and other intellectual property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, prevailing and future global market prices for the Group’s products and the pricing pressures thereto, financial condition of the customers and the competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as rates of economic growth in the Group’s principal geographic markets or fluctuations in exchange and interest rates. For more detailed information about risk factors, see pages 4-8 of the company’s annual report on form 20-F for the year-ended 31 December, 2005 under “Item 3. Risk Factors”.
UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Pirkko Harrela
Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications
Helsinki Exchanges
New York Stock Exchange
Main media
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
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Date: February 1, 2007 | | UPM-KYMMENE CORPORATION |
| | |
| | By: | | /s/ Jyrki Salo |
| | | | Jyrki Salo |
| | | | Executive Vice President and CFO |
| | |
| | By: | | /s/ Olavi Kauppila |
| | | | Olavi Kauppila |
| | | | Senior Vice President, Investor Relations |