Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses | NOTE 4 – Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses The following table summarizes the composition of our loan portfolio. Total gross loans are recorded net of deferred loan fees and costs, which totaled $4.6 million as of September 30, 2021 and $3.9 million as of December 31, 2020. September 30, 2021 December 31, 2020 (dollars in thousands) Amount % of Total Amount % of Total Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 470,614 19.7 % $ 433,320 20.2 % Non-owner occupied RE 628,521 26.3 % 585,269 27.3 % Construction 87,892 3.7 % 61,467 2.9 % Business 307,969 12.9 % 307,599 14.4 % Total commercial loans 1,494,996 62.6 % 1,387,655 64.8 % Consumer Real estate 648,276 27.1 % 536,311 25.0 % Home equity 155,049 6.5 % 156,957 7.3 % Construction 57,419 2.4 % 40,525 1.9 % Other 33,307 1.4 % 21,419 1.0 % Total consumer loans 894,051 37.4 % 755,212 35.2 % Total gross loans, net of deferred fees 2,389,047 100.0 % 2,142,867 100.0 % Less—allowance for loan losses (36,075 ) (44,149 ) Total loans, net $ 2,352,972 $ 2,098,718 Maturities and Sensitivity of Loans to Changes in Interest Rates The information in the following tables summarizes the loan maturity distribution by type and related interest rate characteristics based on the contractual maturities of individual loans, including loans which may be subject to renewal at their contractual maturity. Renewal of such loans is subject to review and credit approval, as well as modification of terms upon maturity. Actual repayments of loans may differ from the maturities reflected below, because borrowers have the right to prepay obligations with or without prepayment penalties. September 30, 2021 After one One year but within After five (dollars in thousands) or less five years years Total Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 17,069 121,176 332,369 470,614 Non-owner occupied RE 32,463 315,742 280,316 628,521 Construction 11,666 22,095 54,131 87,892 Business 61,534 145,862 100,573 307,969 Total commercial loans 122,732 604,875 767,389 1,494,996 Consumer Real estate 14,126 46,753 587,397 648,276 Home equity 3,099 22,683 129,267 155,049 Construction 703 1,831 54,885 57,419 Other 8,180 21,292 3,835 33,307 Total consumer loans 26,108 92,559 775,384 894,051 Total gross loans, net of deferred fees $ 148,840 697,434 1,542,773 2,389,047 Loans maturing after one year with: Fixed interest rates $ 1,883,823 Floating interest rates 356,384 13 December 31, 2020 After one One year but within After five (dollars in thousands) or less five years years Total Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 22,232 136,031 275,057 433,320 Non-owner occupied RE 39,359 335,249 210,661 585,269 Construction 21,824 15,785 23,858 61,467 Business 76,662 140,959 89,978 307,599 Total commercial loans 160,077 628,024 599,554 1,387,655 Consumer Real estate 14,205 54,863 467,243 536,311 Home equity 4,824 23,835 128,298 156,957 Construction 1,629 1,234 37,662 40,525 Other 6,438 11,413 3,568 21,419 Total consumer 27,096 91,345 636,771 755,212 Total gross loan, net of deferred fees $ 187,173 719,369 1,236,325 2,142,867 Loans maturing after one year with: Fixed interest rates $ 1,590,171 Floating interest rates 365,523 Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES” Act or the “Act”) to provide emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) received funding and authority through the Act to modify existing loan programs and establish a new loan program to assist small businesses nationwide adversely impacted by the COVID-19 emergency. The Act temporarily permits the SBA to guarantee 100% of certain loans under a new program titled the “Paycheck Protection Program” and also provides for forgiveness of up to the full principal amount of qualifying loans guaranteed under the PPP. We became an approved SBA lender in March 2020 and processed 853 loans under the PPP for a total of $97.5 million during the second quarter of 2020. On June 26, 2020, we completed the sale of our PPP loan portfolio to The Loan Source Inc., together with its servicing partner, ACAP SME LLC, receiving net lender fees of $2.2 million during the three months ended June 30, 2020. The SBA offered a second round of PPP loans through May 31, 2021; however, we did not originate any new PPP loans. We did, however, receive referral fees of approximately $268,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2021 from The Loan Source Inc. for PPP loans they originated to our clients. Portfolio Segment Methodology Commercial Commercial loans are assessed for estimated losses by grading each loan using various risk factors identified through periodic reviews. The Company applies historic grade-specific loss factors to each loan class. In the development of statistically derived loan grade loss factors, the Company observes historical losses over 20 quarters for each loan grade. These loss estimates are adjusted as appropriate based on additional analysis of external loss data or other risks identified from current economic conditions and credit quality trends. The allowance also includes an amount for the estimated impairment on nonaccrual commercial loans and commercial loans modified in a troubled debt restructuring (“TDR”), whether on accrual or nonaccrual status. Consumer For consumer loans, the Company determines the allowance on a collective basis utilizing historical losses over 20 quarters to represent its best estimate of inherent loss. The Company pools loans, generally by loan class with similar risk characteristics. The allowance also includes an amount for the estimated impairment on nonaccrual consumer loans and consumer loans modified in a TDR, whether on accrual or nonaccrual status. 14 Credit Quality Indicators Commercial We manage a consistent process for assessing commercial loan credit quality by monitoring its loan grading trends and past due statistics. All loans are subject to individual risk assessment. Our risk categories include Pass, Special Mention, Substandard, and Doubtful, each of which is defined by our banking regulatory agencies. Delinquency statistics are also an important indicator of credit quality in the establishment of our allowance for loan losses. We categorize our loans into risk categories based on relevant information about the ability of the borrower to service their debt such as current financial information, historical payment experience, credit documentation, public information, and current economic trends, among other factors. A description of the general characteristics of the risk grades is as follows: • Pass—These loans range from minimal credit risk to average credit risk; however, still have acceptable credit risk. • Special mention—A special mention loan has potential weaknesses that deserve management’s close attention. If left uncorrected, these potential weaknesses may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects for the loan or the institution’s credit position at some future date. • Substandard—A substandard loan is inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged, if any. Loans so classified must have a well-defined weakness, or weaknesses, that may jeopardize the liquidation of the debt. A substandard loan is characterized by the distinct possibility that the Bank will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. • Doubtful—A doubtful loan has all of the weaknesses inherent in one classified as substandard with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of the currently existing facts, conditions and values, highly questionable and improbable. The following tables provide past due information for outstanding commercial loans and include loans on nonaccrual status as well as accruing TDRs. September 30, 2021 Owner Non-owner (dollars in thousands) occupied RE occupied RE Construction Business Total Current $ 470,351 621,383 87,892 305,804 1,485,430 30-59 days past due 263 - - 696 959 60-89 days past due - 7,138 - 1,469 8,607 Greater than 90 Days - - - - - $ 470,614 628,521 87,892 307,969 1,494,996 December 31, 2020 Owner Non-owner (dollars in thousands) occupied RE occupied RE Construction Business Total Current $ 432,711 584,565 61,467 307,261 1,386,004 30-59 days past due 403 282 - 35 720 60-89 days past due - - - 266 266 Greater than 90 Days 206 422 - 37 665 $ 433,320 585,269 61,467 307,599 1,387,655 As of September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, loans 30 days or more past due represented 0.49% and 0.17% of the Company’s total loan portfolio, respectively. Commercial loans 30 days or more past due were 0.40% and 0.08% of the Company’s total loan portfolio as of September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively. 15 The tables below provide a breakdown of outstanding commercial loans by risk category. September 30, 2021 Owner Non-owner (dollars in thousands) occupied RE occupied RE Construction Business Total Pass $ 469,715 544,427 87,892 301,291 1,403,325 Special mention 333 48,540 - 2,651 51,524 Substandard 566 35,554 - 4,027 40,147 Doubtful - - - - - $ 470,614 628,521 87,892 307,969 1,494,996 December 31, 2020 Owner Non-owner (dollars in thousands) occupied RE occupied RE Construction Business Total Pass $ 430,291 576,095 61,328 301,838 1,369,552 Special mention 624 587 - 1,703 2,914 Substandard 2,405 8,587 139 4,058 15,189 Doubtful - - - - - $ 433,320 585,269 61,467 307,599 1,387,655 Consumer The Company manages a consistent process for assessing consumer loan credit quality by monitoring its loan grading trends and past due statistics. All loans are subject to individual risk assessment. The Company’s categories include Pass, Special Mention, Substandard, and Doubtful, which are defined above. Delinquency statistics are also an important indicator of credit quality in the establishment of the allowance for loan losses. The following tables provide past due information for outstanding consumer loans and include loans on nonaccrual status as well as accruing TDRs. September 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands) Real estate Home equity Construction Other Total Current $ 647,722 153,505 57,419 33,301 891,947 30-59 days past due - 1,510 - - 1,510 60-89 days past due - 34 - 6 40 Greater than 90 Days 554 - - - 554 $ 648,276 155,049 57,419 33,307 894,051 December 31, 2020 (dollars in thousands) Real estate Home equity Construction Other Total Current $ 534,648 156,657 40,525 21,419 753,249 30-59 days past due - - - - - 60-89 days past due 332 - - - 332 Greater than 90 Days 1,331 300 - - 1,631 $ 536,311 156,957 40,525 21,419 755,212 Consumer loans 30 days or more past due were 0.09% of total loans as of both September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020. 16 The tables below provide a breakdown of outstanding consumer loans by risk category. September 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands) Real estate Home equity Construction Other Total Pass $ 640,595 149,136 57,419 33,120 880,270 Special mention 3,326 3,162 - 137 6,625 Substandard 4,355 2,751 - 50 7,156 Doubtful - - - - - $ 648,276 155,049 57,419 33,307 894,051 December 31, 2020 (dollars in thousands) Real estate Home equity Construction Other Total Pass $ 530,515 152,154 40,525 21,290 744,484 Special mention 1,968 1,005 - 91 3,064 Substandard 3,828 3,798 - 38 7,664 Doubtful - - - - - $ 536,311 156,957 40,525 21,419 755,212 Nonperforming assets The following table shows the nonperforming assets and the related percentage of nonperforming assets to total assets and gross loans. Generally, a loan is placed on nonaccrual status when it becomes 90 days past due as to principal or interest, or when the Company believes, after considering economic and business conditions and collection efforts, that the borrower’s financial condition is such that collection of the contractual principal or interest on the loan is doubtful. A payment of interest on a loan that is classified as nonaccrual is recognized as a reduction in principal when received. Following is a summary of our nonperforming assets, including nonaccruing TDRs. (dollars in thousands) September 30, 2021 December 31, 2020 Commercial Owner occupied RE $ - - Non-owner occupied RE 7,400 1,143 Construction - 139 Business 1,469 195 Consumer Real estate 1,461 2,536 Home equity 818 547 Construction - - Other - - Nonaccruing troubled debt restructurings 2,730 3,509 Total nonaccrual loans, including nonaccruing TDRs 13,878 8,069 Other real estate owned - 1,169 Total nonperforming assets $ 13,878 9,238 Nonperforming assets as a percentage of: Total assets 0.50 % 0.37 % Gross loans 0.58 % 0.43 % Total loans over 90 days past due $ 554 2,296 Loans over 90 days past due and still accruing - - Accruing troubled debt restructurings 4,044 4,893 17 Impaired Loans The table below summarizes key information for impaired loans. The Company’s impaired loans include loans on nonaccrual status and loans modified in a TDR, whether on accrual or nonaccrual status. These impaired loans may have estimated impairment which is included in the allowance for loan losses. The Company’s commercial and consumer impaired loans are evaluated individually to determine the related allowance for loan losses. September 30, 2021 Recorded investment Impaired loans Impaired loans Unpaid with no related with related Related Principal Impaired allowance for allowance for allowance for (dollars in thousands) Balance loans loan losses loan losses loan losses Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 1,269 1,269 1,269 - - Non-owner occupied RE 9,283 8,238 7,400 838 167 Construction - - - - - Business 3,333 3,303 1,469 1,834 788 Total commercial 13,885 12,810 10,138 2,672 955 Consumer Real estate 3,035 2,936 2,109 828 139 Home equity 2,190 2,049 1,992 56 56 Construction - - - - - Other 126 126 - 126 15 Total consumer 5,351 5,111 4,101 1,010 210 Total $ 19,236 17,921 14,239 3,682 1,165 December 31, 2020 Recorded investment Impaired loans Impaired loans Unpaid with no related with related Related Principal Impaired allowance for allowance for allowance for (dollars in thousands) Balance loans loan losses loan losses loan losses Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 1,753 1,649 1,497 152 76 Non-owner occupied RE 3,212 2,188 705 1,483 366 Construction 141 139 139 - - Business 2,892 2,449 279 2,170 897 Total commercial 7,998 6,425 2,620 3,805 1,339 Consumer Real estate 4,362 4,031 3,108 923 190 Home equity 2,498 2,371 2,096 275 163 Construction - - - - - Other 135 135 - 135 17 Total consumer 6,995 6,537 5,204 1,333 370 Total $ 14,993 12,962 7,824 5,138 1,709 18 The following table provides the average recorded investment in impaired loans and the amount of interest income recognized on impaired loans after impairment by portfolio segment and class. Three months ended September 30, 2021 Three months ended September 30, 2020 Average Recognized Average Recognized recorded interest recorded interest (dollars in thousands) investment income investment income Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 1,269 17 2,985 40 Non-owner occupied RE 5,125 227 3,880 63 Construction - - 72 2 Business 2,665 61 2,506 51 Total commercial 9,059 305 9,443 156 Consumer Real estate 3,609 - 3,063 58 Home equity 1,859 30 2,540 22 Construction - - - - Other 127 1 139 1 Total consumer 5,595 31 5,742 81 Total $ 14,654 336 15,185 237 Nine months ended Nine months ended Year ended September 30, 2021 September 31, 2020 December 31, 2020 Average Recognized Average Recognized Average Recognized recorded interest recorded interest recorded interest (dollars in thousands) investment income investment income investment income Commercial Owner occupied RE $ 1,419 49 2,617 73 2,423 88 Non-owner occupied RE 3,643 321 4,724 165 4,217 221 Construction 69 - 36 2 56 6 Business 2,497 115 2,270 98 2,306 243 Total commercial 7,628 485 9,647 338 9,002 558 Consumer Real estate 3,911 102 3,207 98 3,372 170 Home equity 1,944 64 2,067 39 2,128 5 Construction - - - - - - Other 130 3 143 3 141 79 Total consumer 5,985 169 5,417 140 5,641 254 Total $ 13,613 654 15,064 478 14,643 812 Allowance for Loan Losses The allowance for loan losses is management’s estimate of credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio. The allowance for loan losses is established as losses are estimated to have occurred through a provision for loan losses charged to earnings. Loan losses are charged against the allowance when management believes the uncollectibility of a loan balance is confirmed. Subsequent recoveries, if any, are credited to the allowance. The allowance for loan losses is evaluated on a regular basis by management and is based upon management’s periodic review of the collectability of the loans in light of historical experience, the nature and volume of the loan portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, estimated value of any underlying collateral and prevailing economic conditions. This evaluation is inherently subjective as it requires estimates that are susceptible to significant revision as more information becomes available. The Company has an established process to determine the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses that assesses the losses inherent in the portfolio. While the Company attributes portions of the allowance to specific portfolio segments, the entire allowance is available to absorb credit losses inherent in the total loan portfolio. The Company’s process involves procedures to appropriately consider the unique risk characteristics of the commercial and consumer loan portfolio segments. For each portfolio segment, impairment is measured individually for each impaired loan. The Company’s allowance levels are influenced by loan volume, loan grade or delinquency status, historic loss experience and other economic conditions. 19 The following table summarizes the activity related to the allowance for loan losses by commercial and consumer portfolio segments: Three months ended September 30, 2021 Commercial Consumer Owner Non-owner occupied occupied Real Home (dollars in thousands) RE RE Construction Business Estate Equity Construction Other Total Balance, beginning of period $ 7,099 13,223 951 6,722 10,028 2,562 753 574 41,912 Provision for loan losses (1,159 ) (1,558 ) 149 (1,246 ) (1,469 ) (598 ) (28 ) (91 ) (6,000 ) Loan charge-offs - (159 ) - (84 ) - - - - (243 ) Loan recoveries - 129 - 58 18 193 - 8 406 Net loan recoveries (charge-offs) - (30 ) - (26 ) 18 193 - 8 163 Balance, end of period $ 5,940 11,635 1,100 5,450 8,577 2,157 725 491 36,075 Net charge-offs (recoveries) to average loans (annualized) (0.03 %) Allowance for loan losses to gross loans 1.51 % Allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans 259.95 % Three months ended September 30, 2020 Commercial Consumer Owner Non-owner occupied occupied Real Home (dollars in thousands) RE RE Construction Business Estate Equity Construction Other Total Balance, beginning of period $ 5,800 8,791 977 5,841 6,538 2,641 615 399 31,602 Provision for loan losses 2,105 2,461 217 2,274 2,936 850 87 170 11,100 Loan charge-offs - (375 ) - (564 ) - (100 ) - (25 ) (1,064 ) Loan recoveries - 554 - 14 2 - - 11 581 Net loan recoveries (charge-offs) - 179 - (550 ) 2 (100 ) - (14 ) (483 ) Balance, end of period $ 7,905 11,431 1,194 7,565 9,476 3,391 702 555 42,219 Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.09 % Allowance for loan losses to gross loans 2.03 % Allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans 482.43 % Nine months ended September 30, 2021 Commercial Consumer Owner Non-owner occupied occupied Real Home (dollars in thousands) RE RE Construction Business Estate Equity Construction Other Total Balance, beginning of period $ 8,145 12,049 1,154 7,845 10,453 3,249 747 507 44,149 Provision for loan losses (2,299 ) (509 ) (54 ) (2,256 ) (1,894 ) (1,149 ) (22 ) (17 ) (8,200 ) Loan charge-offs - (158 ) - (353 ) - (139 ) - (8 ) (658 ) Loan recoveries 94 253 - 214 18 196 - 9 784 Net loan recoveries (charge-offs) 94 95 - (139 ) 18 57 - 1 126 Balance, end of period $ 5,940 11,635 1,100 5,450 8,577 2,157 725 491 36,075 Net charge-offs (recoveries) to average loans (annualized) (0.01 %) Nine months ended September 30, 2020 Commercial Consumer Owner Non-owner occupied occupied Real Home (dollars in thousands) RE RE Construction Business Estate Equity Construction Other Total Balance, beginning of period $ 2,835 4,304 541 3,692 3,278 1,447 268 277 16,642 Provision for loan losses 5,070 8,081 653 4,562 6,187 1,976 434 337 27,300 Loan charge-offs - (1,508 ) - (735 ) - (100 ) - (70 ) (2,413 ) Loan recoveries - 554 - 46 11 68 - 11 690 Net loan recoveries (charge-offs) - (954 ) - (689 ) 11 (32 ) - (59 ) (1,723 ) Balance, end of period $ 7,905 11,431 1,194 7,565 9,476 3,391 702 555 42,219 Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.11 % 20 The following table disaggregates the allowance for loan losses and recorded investment in loans by impairment methodology. September 30, 2021 Allowance for loan losses Recorded investment in loans (dollars in thousands) Commercial Consumer Total Commercial Consumer Total Individually evaluated $ 955 210 1,165 12,810 5,111 17,921 Collectively evaluated 23,170 11,740 34,910 1,482,186 888,940 2,371,126 Total $ 24,125 11,950 36,075 1,494,996 894,051 2,389,047 December 31, 2020 Allowance for loan losses Recorded investment in loans (dollars in thousands) Commercial Consumer Total Commercial Consumer Total Individually evaluated $ 1,339 370 1,709 6,425 6,537 12,962 Collectively evaluated 27,826 14,614 42,440 1,381,230 748,675 2,129,905 Total $ 29,165 14,984 44,149 1,387,655 755,212 2,142,867 |