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Agilent Identity System
Product Labeling Standards
March 1, 2001
Product Labeling Standards
03 Product Labeling Standards
Product labeling is a critical factor in our identity that covers, with equal importance, our whole product range from the largest to the smallest product offering.
The Product Labeling Standards document is an important tool used to establish the Agilent Technologies name and to build our brand. Attentive and appropriate use of these standards will ensure a positive and lasting impression of our company.
Because of the requirements of the materials and reproduction processes used in product labeling, these standards give specifications (e.g., color, signature) that differ from other Agilent standards. Care must always be taken to use the standards and specifications appropriate for each application.
1.02 Product Labeling System
This section contains information about the elements that make up the basic product labeling system. All the labeling elements have a precise position, proportional size and relationship to each other. The rules governing this relationship that are detailed in this section will help build consistency and strength for the Agilent brand.
The Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature is the primary element and must be clearly located on every product. All products are identified by their model number or sub-brand name, and may also carry a descriptor to describe their function. In some instances, products also include information on their frequency range. Where space and scale are limited, consult the Restricted Space Format section in this document.
1.03 The Corporate Signature
The Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature is a significant element in the recognition of our products, both individually and in systems. It is composed of two basic elements: the Spark of Insight and the Agilent Technologies Logotype. This is the preferred version of the Corporate Signature for product labeling. Along with product style and dimensional consistency, uniform application of the Corporate Signature contributes greatly to product design integrity.
The other elements of the product identity system, including secondary branding devices and product descriptors, should be applied following the rules and specifications in this standards document. In this way, these elements will work together with the Corporate Signature and will not compete with or dominate it.
For very small product identification or where space is limited, specially adjusted versions of the Corporate Signature are available. Details and specifications of these specially adjusted signatures are given in the Restricted Space Format section in this document. It is important to note that the product labeling process does not use the Corporate Signature with the Heritage Line.
1.04 Proportional Measurement System
The size and relationship of the elements in the product labeling system are governed by a proportional unit of measurement based on the height of the letter A in the Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature.
The A unit is also used to define the minimum area of clear space that should be left free around product labeling applications.
These proportional relationships are detailed for each product labeling configuration in this standards document. They are the basis of the product labeling system.
For reference, note that the A unit of measurement is also used in the proportional construction of the Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature. As shown here, the height (and width) of the Spark of Insight is equivalent to three times the height of the letter A in “Agilent Technologies.”
1.05 Scaling the Corporate Signature: 8mm to 28mm and Larger
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear slightly smaller than their permitted applicable size. Use these artwork files only at the measurements shown.
In the product labeling system, the Corporate Signature can be used at a wide range of sizes; however, some restrictions apply. The height of the Spark of Insight is always used to reference the size of the Corporate Signature.
At sizes above 28mm, the Corporate Signature may be uniformly enlarged to any size appropriate for product labeling solutions. When enlarging, do not distort the signature in any way. For sizes above 28mm, use the designated artwork provided.
For sizes at or below 28mm, the Corporate Signature must be used at the specific sizes as shown here: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 21mm and 28mm. For these sizes, use only the special designated artwork. Do not enlarge or reduce these artwork files. Use them only at actual size.
For sizes below 8mm, consult the solutions provided in the Restricted Space Format section beginning on page 4.01.
These product labeling artwork files of the Corporate Signature have been prepared to meet the particular needs of product labeling production. To obtain all these files, consult the Artwork and Color References section beginning on page 5.01. Do not use artwork files from any other source.
1.06 System Elements
Information identifying an Agilent Technologies product by number and name is combined with the Corporate Signature into a product identity format, which may include the four elements shown here:
Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature
Principal element of the format. It is designated as the aesthetically and legally correct mark for all Agilent Technologies products. Required on all products. Only use the product labeling artwork files of the Corporate Signature.
These artwork files are downloadable from: http://es2.corporate.agilent.com/agilent-id/index.htm
Note: Division names are not used in product identification.
Model Number/Sub-brand
Individual product number or name. Required on all products.
Font: Agilent Bold/Univers 65 (uppercase and lowercase)
A generic term or common descriptive name. A descriptor is used on some but not all products. Other examples: Network Analyzer, Gas Chromatograph.
Font: Agilent Bold/Univers 65 (uppercase and lowercase)
Operational limits of a product or component. Not listed on all products. For example: 0.0 MHz to 1.1 MHz.
Font: Agilent Bold/Univers 65 (uppercase and lowercase)
1.07 Preferred Horizontal Format
Product identity is normally located on the control panel of Agilent Technologies instrument products. The model number/sub-brand, descriptor and range are grouped in a compact information block which is combined with the Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature to create a horizontal product identity format. Each of these elements has a precise position, proportional size and relationship to each other.
The height of the A is used as a unit of measurement to define the size of the model number/sub-brand, the descriptor and the range. The A unit of measurement is also used to define the position of these elements in relation to each other and to the Corporate Signature. This format is a revised version of what has historically been used for product labeling.
1.08 Optional Stacked Format
The optional stacked product identity format is intended for use in applications where the available space for product identity is not appropriate for the preferred horizontal configuration (see the previous page).
The information in the stacked product identity format is grouped together in a compact information block. This is combined with the Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature. In the stacked product identity format, there is a precise position and proportional relationship requirement for each of the elements.
This is not the preferred product labeling option.
1.09 Color Options
A. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
B. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
C. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
D. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
E. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
F. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
| | | | |
G. | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz | |
Based on Color Palette 2000, background colors can vary. The background color in these examples is Quartz Gray. In order to achieve maximum impact and recognition, the color for the Corporate Signature is Agilent Blue and Graphite Gray, as shown. The recommended color for the product labeling information block is:
A. Medium Blue
Optional colors for the information block are:
B. Graphite Gray
C. Medium Purple
D. Medium Green
E. Dark Blue
F. Dark Purple
G. Dark Green
This provides sufficient contrast with the background, yet does not compete with the Corporate Signature for attention.
The colors reproduced on this page and throughout this document may not accurately reflect the actual colors in use. Do not use the colors as they appear here for reference; rather, consult the colors listed in the Color Palette 2000 on page 5.06.
2.02 Placing Product Labeling
This section contains information about how product labeling should be placed on our system products and rack-mounted products. Appropriate, correct and consistent positioning of the Agilent Technologies Corporate Signature and the corresponding product identification is an important factor in the maintenance and integrity of the Agilent brand.
Where space and scale are limited or reduced, refer to specific product labeling information in the Restricted Space Format section in this document.
2.03 Product Labeling Position for Rack-Mounted Products
The rack-mounted product identity format uses the Agilent Corporate Signature in a single 12mm size. The size is defined by the measurement of the height of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature.
The Corporate Signature must always be positioned in the top left corner on a rack-mounted product. The distance from the Spark of Insight to both the upper and left edges of the product must always be 4mm. It is important that this placement be applied consistently to ensure product-to-product identity alignment in rack or stack applications.
The accompanying product descriptor information maintains its relative size scale and positioning requirements as detailed in earlier pages.
Use only this single 12mm-size product labeling version for all rack-mounted products.
2.04 Preferred Product Labeling Position for System Products
This is the preferred product labeling format and position for all Agilent Technologies system products. The intent is to provide product recognition that is clearly and easily identifiable. This is achieved by implementing a consistent and uniform method of labeling on all products.
The preferred product labeling solution places the Corporate Signature in the upper left position with the product descriptor in the upper right corner. The space between the Corporate Signature and product descriptor should be the maximum that space allows.
This product labeling format is scalable to the size of the available space. However, caution should be exercised when scaling to ensure that the result does not have a “billboard” or oversized appearance.
2.05 Optional Product Labeling Position for System Products
This labeling should be used on those system products where the preferred product labeling format cannot be used because of a space limitation.
This product labeling format is scalable to the size of the available space. However, caution should be exercised when scaling to ensure that the result does not have a “billboard” or oversized appearance.
This is not the preferred product labeling option.
3.02 Spark of Insight Applications
This section contains information about how the Spark of Insight may be used as an individual product labeling element on the lids or panel areas of Agilent products. This special treatment of the Spark of Insight may only be used within the criteria cited in this section.
Appropriate, correct and consistent application of the product labeling system is an important factor in the maintenance and integrity of the Agilent brand. However, given the wide variety of sizes, shapes and proportions of our products, this section can deal with only the principles of this special application of the Spark of Insight — therefore, good sense and good judgment must also prevail.
3.03 Criteria for Usage
The Spark of Insight may be used as an individual product labeling element on the top lid or panel area on Agilent products. This area must be a visually prominent part of the product and be sufficiently smooth and clear to accept both the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature in the approved proportions.
To maintain a consistent visual relationship between the Spark of Insight, the Corporate Signature and the product, this set of proportional standards must be used. Approved color options for the application of the Spark of Insight and Corporate Signature are detailed on page 5.07.
The use of the Spark of Insight (with the Corporate Signature) on the top lid or panel area of a product does not substitute the other product labeling applications. Full product labeling must also be correctly applied to the product on a visually separate area, either inside the lid or on another surface.
Due to their design, form and usage, many Agilent products will not permit, or will not call for, this special application of the Spark of Insight. In these cases, use one of the other appropriate product labeling applications detailed in this document.
3.04 Horizontal Placement
The Spark of Insight: Size and Position
The size of the Spark of Insight is equivalent to 1/3 the size of the lid or panel area, measured by its shortest side. The Spark of Insight must be precisely centered on the lid or panel area.
The Corporate Signature: Size and Position
The Corporate Signature must always be applied. The vertical axis of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature aligns with the vertical axis of the individual Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area. Place the Corporate Signature below and at a distance from the Spark of Insight as shown. The width of the Corporate Signature is equivalent to 2/3 the width of the Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area, or the nearest size available in the artwork files.
Approved color options for the application of the Spark of Insight and Corporate Signature are detailed on page 5.07. The color of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature must be the same color as the individual Spark of Insight on the product lid or panel area.
3.05 Vertical Placement
The Spark of Insight: Size and Position
The size of the Spark of Insight is equivalent to 1/3 the size of the lid or panel area, measured by its shortest side. The Spark of Insight must be precisely centered on the lid or panel area.
The Corporate Signature: Size and Position
The Corporate Signature must always be applied. The vertical axis of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature aligns with the vertical axis of the individual Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area. Place the Corporate Signature below and at a distance from the Spark of Insight as shown. The width of the Corporate Signature is equivalent to 2/3 the width of the Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area, or the nearest size available in the artwork files.
Approved color options for the application of the Spark of Insight and Corporate Signature are detailed on page 5.07. The color of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature must be the same color as the individual Spark of Insight on the product lid or panel area.
3.06 Square Placement
The Spark of Insight: Size and Position
The size of the Spark of Insight is equivalent to 1/3 the size of the lid or panel area. The Spark of Insight must be precisely centered on the lid or panel area.
The Corporate Signature: Size and Position
The Corporate Signature must always be applied. The vertical axis of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature aligns with the vertical axis of the individual Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area. Place the Corporate Signature below and at a distance from the Spark of Insight as shown. The width of the Corporate Signature is equivalent to 2/3 the width of the Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area, or the nearest size available in the artwork files.
Approved color options for the application of the Spark of Insight and Corporate Signature are detailed on page 5.07. The color of the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature must be the same color as the individual Spark of Insight on the product lid or panel area.
4.02 Restricted Space Format
This section contains information about how product labeling is correctly accomplished in situations where usable space is very limited. More specifically, this section addresses situations where the Spark of Insight can be applied at sizes no larger than 6mm. The section also details a range of labeling options for restricted-format and small-scale products. For this unique purpose, both the Spark of Insight and the Agilent Technologies Logotype have been visually adjusted so that they may be clearly and efficiently reproduced at reduced sizes.
4.03 The Corporate Signature
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight
The Spark of Insight and Agilent Logotype in this signature have been visually adjusted to accommodate small sizes when silkscreen printing on small applications. Additionally, in order to meet space restrictions, the “Technologies” descriptor in the Agilent Logotype has been eliminated. Using the 3-Dot Spark of Insight to determine the height, this signature may be used only at sizes ranging from 5mm to 6mm. For applications below the 5mm minimum size, use the Abbreviated Corporate Signature only.
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature
Where space restrictions are even more reduced, the Abbreviated Corporate Signature should be used. The 3-Dot Spark of Insight has been eliminated. Using the height of the letter A to determine its dimension, the maximum size for the Abbreviated Corporate Signature is 3mm. The minimum size permitted is 1.5mm.
4.04 Proportional Measurement System
The size and relationship of the elements in the product labeling system are governed by a proportional unit of measurement based on the height of the letter A in the Agilent Technologies Abbreviated Corporate Signature.
The height of the A is used as a unit of measurement to define the size of the model number/sub-brand, the descriptor and the range. The A unit of measurement is also used to define the position of these elements in relation to each other and to the Abbreviated Corporate Signature.
These proportional relationships are detailed for each product labeling configuration in this standards document. They are the basis of the product labeling system, and must be maintained and not be altered or distorted in any way.
Note that the A unit of measurement is also used in the proportional construction of the Agilent Technologies Abbreviated Corporate Signature. As shown here, the height (and width) of the 3-Dot Spark of Insight is precisely equivalent to twice the height of the letter A in “Agilent.”
4.05 Scaling from 1mm to 6mm
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight must be used specifically for those applications where space restrictions require that the height of the Spark of Insight be scaled to a size ranging from 5mm to 6mm.
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature
For 3mm to 4mm space requirements, use the Abbreviated Corporate Signature. For 1.5mm to 3mm space requirements, scale the height to fit the space.
The Letter A
The letter A is reserved for extremely small electronic components only, and should only be used in spaces where character height is constrained to a height equal to or less than 1.4mm. The minimum height for the letter A is 1mm. The A must be used with the product model number and is only for company identification, not for branding of the product.
4.06 Horizontal Identity Format
The product identity is normally located on the control panel of Agilent Technologies instrument products. Since existing control panels are usually crowded with displays, controls, connectors, etc., a space-efficient identity format is required.
Product identity information — such as model number/sub-brand, descriptor and range — is grouped together in a compact information block. The information block and the Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight are combined to create a horizontal product identity format. As shown here, each of these elements has a precise position, proportional size and relationship to each other.
This solution may only be used where the height of the 3-Dot Spark of Insight measures from 5mm to 6mm. The position and size of all the elements may be uniformly enlarged or reduced to or within the 5mm to 6mm limit.
4.07 Stacked Identity Format
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
The stacked product identity format is intended for use in applications where the available space prevents use of the horizontal configuration (see the previous page).
In the stacked product identity format, information is grouped together in a compact block. The information block is combined with the Abbreviated Corporate Signature and with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight. In the stacked product identity format, each of the elements has a precise position, proportional size and relationship to each other.
This solution may only be used where the height of the 3-Dot Spark of Insight measures from 5mm to 6mm. The position and size of all the elements may be uniformly enlarged or reduced to or within the 5mm to 6mm limit.
4.08 Preferred Identity Format Placement
Primary Location
The preferred, primary location for the product identity format is the upper left corner of the control panel. Placement is referenced from the top left corner of the Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight. It is important that this placement be used consistently to ensure product-to-product identity alignment in rack or stack applications.
Secondary Locations
When it is not possible to place the product identity format in the primary location, the identity format may be moved lower on the panel. The distance from the left edge of the panel must be maintained.
If the left side of the control panel is occupied by a large component (such as a CRT) and it is not possible to use the preferred location, the product identity may be placed in the available space to the immediate right of the component, using the 6mm dimension.
4.09 Stacked Identity Format Placement
The shape of the label or space on which the product identity is placed may require the use of the stacked format described in this section. The preferred location is always the upper left corner of the label. When this location is not available, the lower left corner is recommended.
4.10 Product Identity Placement on Accessories
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
Some accessories have exceptional space requirements for which other product labeling solutions prove inadequate. In such cases, asingle-line horizontal solution may be used.
This solution may only be used where the height of the 3-Dot Spark of Insight measures from 5mm to 6mm. The position and size of all the elements may be uniformly enlarged or reduced to or within the 5mm to 6mm limit.
As adequate labeling space may be severely restricted on certain products, the space between the different elements of the information block is not specified, but shown here as a recommendation.
4.11 Limited Height Format and Placement
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
The limited height format is used in applications where available space, particularly height, is severely limited, such as on cables, thin probes, etc. The Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight is replaced by the Abbreviated Agilent Signature with the model number/sub-brand and descriptor on a single line.
This solution may only be used where the height of the letter A in the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature measures from 1.5mm to 3mm. The position and size of all the elements may be uniformly enlarged or reduced to or within the 1.5mm to 3mm limit.
As adequate labeling space may be severely restricted on certain products, the space between the different elements of the information block is not specified, but shown here as a recommendation.
4.12 Unique Applications
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
There are products that have unique product labeling needs due to their aspect ratio of width to height. There are products that have very little panel space for product labeling because connectors or controls occupy most of the available area.
It is permissible to use the Spark of Insight on panels only as shown. When the Spark of Insight is used by itself, the Corporate Signature should also appear on the front of the product (except in very special situations); this will help identify the Spark of Insight.
4.13 Unique Applications
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
There are products that have unique product labeling needs due to their aspect ratio of width to height. Additionally, most of these products have very little panel space for product labeling because connectors or controls occupy most of the available area.
There are single-width panels that do not have enough horizontal space to use the Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the Spark of Insight. These panels use only the Abbreviated Corporate Signature. The Spark of Insight by itself appears on the extractor handles.
5.02 Artwork and Color References
This section contains information about the Agilent Corporate Signature artwork available and the color specifications unique to the product labeling system. The artwork files have been prepared to meet the particular needs of product labeling production. Care must always be taken to choose the appropriate version of the Corporate Signature for each application. Do not use artwork files from other Agilent standards or artwork intended for other production or printing processes.
The colors referenced in this section and throughout this document are for product identity applications only and must not be used for other purposes. Furthermore, color specifications from other Agilent standards must not be used on product labeling.
5.03 Corporate Signature Artwork: 8mm to 28mm
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear slightly smaller than their permitted applicable size. Use these artwork files only at the measurements shown.
These artwork files are intended for use on all new products at sizes from 8mm to 28mm only.
Do not enlarge or reduce these files. Use them only at actual size.
Artwork files are available in the following formats:
• | 8mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 8mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 8mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
• | 10mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 10mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 10mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
• | 12mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 12mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 12mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
• | 14mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 14mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 14mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
• | 21mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 21mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 21mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
• | 28mm | | - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• | 28mm | | - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• | 28mm | | - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
These artwork files are downloadable from: http://es2.corporate.agilent.com/agilent-id/index.htm
5.04 Corporate Signature Artwork: Larger than 28mm
For demonstration purposes, the signature shown here appears smaller than the size indicated. Use the artwork files only at or within the permitted measurements.
These artwork files are intended for use on all new products at sizes larger than 28mm. This artwork file of the the Corporate Signature may be uniformly enlarged to any size appropriate for product labeling applications. When enlarging, do not distort the signature in any way.
Do not use this artwork at or smaller than 28mm. For 28mm and sizes below, refer to the artwork files specified on page 5.03.
Artwork files are available in the following formats:
• >28mm - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• >28mm - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• >28mm - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
These artwork files are downloadable from: http://es2.corporate.agilent.com/agilent-id/index.htm
5.05 Corporate Signature Artwork: Restricted Space Format
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight
This custom artwork is intended for use on retrofit products or products that have a vertical space constraint. Using the Spark of Insight to measure the height of the signature, this artwork should be scaled at no more than 6mm or less than 5mm.
Artwork files are available in the following formats:
• 6mm - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• 6mm - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• 6mm - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
These artwork files are downloadable from: http://es2.corporate.agilent.com/agilent-id/index.htm
Use only the artwork referenced above. Do not create your own version of the Agilent signature.
The Abbreviated Corporate Signature
This custom artwork is intended for only special applications where there is a vertical space constraint for the signature that is less than 5mm. This artwork should not be scaled to more than 3mm in height. It may be scaled down to a minimum height of 1.5mm. Height measurements are based on the letter A in the signature.
Artwork files are available in the following formats:
• 3mm - .ai | (Adobe Illustrator) |
• 3mm - .mi | (ME 10/30) |
• 3mm - .dxf | (AutoCad) |
These artwork files are downloadable from: http://es2.corporate.agilent.com/agilent-id/index.htm
Use only the artwork referenced above. Do not create your own version of the Agilent signature.
The Letter A
No custom artwork is available. To obtain the letter A, use Agilent Bold or Univers 65 Bold in uppercase. If neither font is available, an equivalent sans serif typeface may be used. The letter A is reserved for use on small electronic components only and in cases where the character height is constrained to less than 1.4mm.
No custom artwork is available.
Do not scale the letter A to below 1mm in height. The letter A must be accompanied by the product model number, and is used only to identify the company, not for product branding.
For demonstration purposes, the signatures shown here appear larger than their permitted applicable size. Use the artwork files only at or within the measurements described.
5.06 Color Specifications: Color Palette 2000
Product labeling standards use colors from Color Palette 2000. When selecting these colors, always refer to the Color Standards Numbers listed below. The colors reproduced on this page and throughout this document may not accurately reflect the precise color. Do not use the colors as they appear here for reference; rather, always consult the original color specification.
Color Standards Numbers
Color Name | | Part Number | |
Arctic White | | 6009 - 0186 | |
Quartz Gray | | 6009 - 0242 | |
Glacier Gray | | 6009 - 0187 | |
Flint Gray | | 6009 - 0241 | |
Pewter Gray | | 6009 - 0189 | |
Slate Gray | | 6009 - 0190 | |
Graphite Gray | | 6009 - 0191 | |
Sable Black | | 6009 - 0192 | |
Agilent Blue | | 6009 - 0005 | |
Medium Blue | | 6009 - 0233 | |
Medium Purple | | 6009 - 0236 | |
Medium Green | | 6009 - 0239 | |
Dark Blue | | 6009 - 0234 | |
Dark Purple | | 6009 - 0237 | |
Dark Green | | 6009 - 0240 | |
5.07 Color Specifications: 8mm and Larger
These two tables indicate the approved colors for all product labeling applications in which the Corporate Signature is used at or above 8mm.
The tables specify recommended (X) and optional (O) color combinations for the Spark of Insight and the Agilent Logotype and the other componentsof the system: descriptor, model number/subbrand and range. The left table is for applications on a light-panel background color. The right table is for applications on a dark-panel background color.
Product labeling standards use colors from Color Palette 2000. These colors and the ways they are applied are for product labeling purposes only. Color specifications from other Agilent standards must not be used on product identity applications.It is equally important that product labeling colors and specifications not be used on other Agilent applications.
The tables on page 5.08 detail the approved colors for Restricted Format product labeling applications. These applications use the Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight at sizes below 6mm. Do not choose colors that are not indicated. All sizes refer to the height of the Spark of Insight.
Light-Panel Background
Preferred color: X Optional color: O | | Front Panel | | Spark of Insight | | Agilent Logotype | | Descriptor, Model No./ Sub-brand, Range | |

| Arctic White | | X | | | | | | | |

| Quartz Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Glacier Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Flint Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Pewter Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Slate Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Graphite Gray | | | | O | | X | | O | |

| Sable Black | | | | O | | O | | O | |

| Agilent Blue | | | | X | | | | O | |

| Medium Blue | | | | O | | | | X | |

| Medium Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Green | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Green | | | | | | | | O | |
Dark-Panel Background
Preferred color: X Optional color: O | | Front Panel | | Spark of Insight | | Agilent Logotype | | Descriptor, Model No./ Sub-brand, Range | |

| Arctic White | | | | X | | X | | O | |

| Quartz Gray | | | | | | | | O | |

| Glacier Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Flint Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Pewter Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Slate Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Graphite Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Sable Black | | X | | | | | | | |

| Agilent Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Blue | | | | | | | | X | |

| Medium Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Green | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Green | | | | | | | | O | |
5.08 Color Specifications: Restricted Space, 6mm and Smaller
These two tables indicate the approved colors for Restricted Format product labeling applications. These applications use the Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight at sizes below 6mm.
The tables specify recommended (X) and optional (O) color combinations for the Spark of Insight and the Agilent Logotype and the other components of the system: descriptor, model number/sub-brand and range. The left table is for applications on a light-panel background color. The right table is for applications on a dark-panel background color.
Product labeling standards use colors from Color Palette 2000. These colors and the ways they are applied are for product labeling purposes only. Color specifications from other Agilent standards must not be used on product identity applications.It is equally important that product labeling colors and specifications not be used on other Agilent applications.
The tables on page 5.07 detail the approved colors for applications in which the Corporate Signature is used at larger sizes — at or above 8mm. Do not choose colors that are not indicated. All sizes refer to the height of the Spark of Insight.
Light-Panel Background
Preferred color: X Optional color: O | | Front Panel | | Spark of Insight | | Agilent Logotype | | Descriptor, Model No./ Sub-brand, Range | |

| Arctic White | | X | | | | | | | |

| Quartz Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Glacier Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Flint Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Pewter Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Slate Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Graphite Gray | | | | X | | X | | X | |

| Sable Black | | | | | | | | O | |

| Agilent Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Green | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Green | | | | | | | | O | |
Dark-Panel Background
Preferred color: X Optional color: O | | Front Panel | | Spark of Insight | | Agilent Logotype | | Descriptor, Model No./ Sub-brand, Range | |

| Arctic White | | | | X | | X | | X | |

| Quartz Gray | | | | | | | | O | |

| Glacier Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Flint Gray | | | | | | | | | |

| Pewter Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Slate Gray | | O | | | | | | | |

| Graphite Gray | | X | | | | | | | |

| Sable Black | | X | | | | | | | |

| Agilent Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Medium Green | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Blue | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Purple | | | | | | | | O | |

| Dark Green | | | | | | | | O | |
6.02 Unacceptable Usage
Agilent Technologies is known for the precision, quality and innovation of its products. These basic attributes must be equally reflected in the way each of our products is labeled and identified. How we apply the brand to what we produce is of vital importance. Every product that carries our name speaks for our company. In order to preserve the complete integrity of our products, it is imperative that we follow the standards laid out in the previous sections.Misuses of every kind must be avoided.
Examples of unacceptable usage of the product labeling system are detailed here. Examples of misuses of the Corporate Signature are also included.
6.03 Corporate Signature
A. | [GRAPHIC] | E. | [GRAPHIC] |
| | | |
B. | [GRAPHIC] | F. | [GRAPHIC] |
| | | |
C. | [GRAPHIC] | G. | [GRAPHIC] |
| | | |
D. | [GRAPHIC] | H. | [GRAPHIC] |
To preserve the integrity of our Corporate Signature, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved artwork files of the Corporate Signature.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of Corporate Signature misuses.
A. Do not make additions to the signature.
B. Do not reword or use substitutions for the Agilent Logotype.
C. Do not change the color of the signature.
D. Do not reposition or change the scale of the signature elements.
E. Do not place the signature on a background that compromises legibility.
F. Do not place the signature on a background that provides insufficient contrast.
G. Do not enclose the signature in a shape.
H. Do not rearrange signature elements.
6.04 Corporate Signature
A. | | [GRAPHIC] | | E. | | [GRAPHIC] | |
| | | | | | | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] | | F. | | [GRAPHIC] | |
| | | | | | | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] | | G. | | [GRAPHIC] | |
| | | | | | | |
D. | | [GRAPHIC] | | H. | | [GRAPHIC] | |
To preserve the integrity of our Corporate Signature, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved artwork files of the Corporate Signature.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of Corporate Signature misuses.
A. Do not rearrange the elements of the signature.
B. Do not rearrange the elements of the signature.
C. Do not change the colors of the Spark of Insight or the Agilent Logotype.
D. Do not use the Agilent Logotype without the Spark of Insight.
E. Do not stack the Agilent Logotype.
F. Do not recompose or reset the font in the Corporate Signature. Use only approved artwork.
G. Do not use Agilent Blue for the entire signature.
H. Do not rotate the Spark of Insight in relation to the Agilent Logotype.
6.05 Labeling System: Fonts and Scaling
A. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | | | Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
D. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
E. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight and all other components of the product labeling system, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of misuses of fonts and scale that must be avoided.
A. Do not reset the fonts in the labeling system. Use only the fonts specified in the system.
B. Do not reset the fonts in the labeling system. Use only the fonts specified in the system.
C. Do not change the scale of the labeling system elements.
D. Do not change the scale of the labeling system elements.
E. Do not distort the fonts in the labeling system. Use only the specified fonts without alteration.
6.06 Labeling System: Positioning the Components
A. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | | | Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
D. | | [GRAPHIC] | | Synthesized Signal Generator 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight and all other components of the product labeling system, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of misuses that must be avoided when positioning the system elements.
A. Do not reduce the minimum space between the model number/sub-brand and the range.
B. Do not reduce the minimum space between the model number/sub-brand and the Corporate Signature.
C. Do not realign the system elements in relation to the Corporate Signature.
D. Do not invert or alter the sequence of the elements in the labeling system.
6.07 Labeling System: Positioning the Components
A. | | [GRAPHIC] |
| | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] |
| | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] |
| | 8662A | 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | | Synthesized Signal Generator |
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight and all other components of the product labeling system, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of misuses that must be avoided when positioning the system elements.
A. Do not reduce the minimum space between the model number/sub-brand and the Corporate Signature.
B. Do not align the model number/sub-brand and the descriptor with the Spark of Insight.
C. Do not put the descriptor or range in a different alignment with the model number/sub-brand.
6.08 Labeling System: Adding Graphic Elements
A. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | | | Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
D. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight and all other components of the product labeling system, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of misuses of the product labeling system by the addition of graphic elements and devices.
A. Do not add graphic elements of any kind to the product labeling application.
B. Do not add graphic elements of any kind to the product labeling application.
C. Do not add graphic elements of any kind to the background of the product labeling application.
D. Do not create a logotype of the product name or product information.
6.09 Labeling System: Color and Backgrounds
A. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz |
| | | | Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
B. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
C. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
| | | | |
D. | | [GRAPHIC] | | 8662A 10 KHz to 1280 MHz Synthesized Signal Generator |
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
The same misuses must be avoided in using the Agilent Abbreviated Corporate Signature with the 3-Dot Spark of Insight and all other components of the product labeling system, although they are not illustrated here.
On the left are some examples of misuses of color and background areas that must be avoided.
A. Do not use a color that is not in the Color Palette 2000 for product labeling.
B. Do not enclose product labeling elements within an outlined shape or border for visual effect or enhancement.
C. Do not use a color that is not in the Color Palette 2000 as a background for visual effect or enhancement.
D. Do not place product labeling elements upon different colors or tones on the same product.
6.10 Labeling System: The Spark of Insight and The Corporate Signature on Product Lids or Panel Areas
Basic examples of the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature incorrectly applied to the lid or panel area of generic Agilent product shapes.
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
On the left are some examples of misuses in applying the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature to product lids or panel areas. See Section 3.0 for the standards for this type of product labeling.
A. Do not apply the Spark of Insight in sizes other than the approved proportion. In this example, the Spark of Insight is too large. It is equally unacceptable to use the Spark of Insight at sizes below the approved proportion.
B. Do not use the Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area without the Corporate Signature.
C. Do not use the Spark of Insight in different colors. In this example, the Spark of Insight in the Corporate Signature is Agilent Blue and the individual Spark of Insight is Graphite Gray.
D. Do not place product labeling elements off the center axes of the lid or panel area, horizontally and/or vertically. In this example, both the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature have been applied off the vertical axis of the lid or panel area.
6.11 Labeling System: The Spark of Insight and The Corporate Signature on Product Lids or Panel Areas
Basic examples of the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature incorrectly applied to the lid or panel area of generic Agilent product shapes.
To preserve the integrity of our product labeling, never alter the approved configurations or deviate from the reproduction standards. Use only the approved configurations, specifications and colors.
On the left are some examples of misuses in applying the Spark of Insight and the Corporate Signature to product lids or panel areas. See Section 3.0 for the standards for this type of product labeling.
A. Do not apply the Corporate Signature in sizes other than the approved proportion. In this example, the Corporate Signature is too large. It is equally unacceptable to use the Corporate Signature at sizes below the approved proportion.
B. Do not change the alignment of the Spark of Insight with the Corporate Signature. In this example, the vertical axes of each Spark of Insight are not in alignment.
C. Do not change the position of the Corporate Signature. In this example, the Corporate Signature is placed above the Spark of Insight.
D. Do not repeat the Spark of Insight on the lid or panel area of the product.
Printed copies may not be current.
Check the Branding Web site for the latest version.
Internal Agilent access: http://marketing.agilent.com/brand.htm
External Agilent access: http://www.agilent.com/secure/agilentbrand
Second Edition March 1, 2001
Copyright © 2001 Agilent Technologies, Inc. | • Master TOC | | 0012-007 |