Income and expenses | 22 Income and expenses 22.1 Revenue 22.1.1 Disaggregated revenue information For the year ended December 31, 2023 Materialise Materialise Materialise Total in 000€ Software Medical Manufacturing segments Unallocated Consolidated Geographical markets United States of America (USA) 15,451 53,748 21,151 90,350 — 90,350 Americas other than USA 488 5,673 888 7,049 — 7,049 Europe (without Belgium) & Africa 17,708 34,082 78,686 130,476 — 130,476 Belgium 130 1,155 6,980 8,265 — 8,265 Asia Pacific 10,665 6,718 2,605 19,988 — 19,988 Total revenue from contracts with customers 44,442 101,376 110,310 256,127 — 256,127 Type of goods or service Software revenue (non-medical) 44,442 — — 44,442 — 44,442 Software revenue (medical) — 31,700 — 31,700 — 31,700 Medical devices and services — 69,676 — 69,676 — 69,676 Manufacturing — — 110,310 110,310 — 110,310 Other — — — — — — Total revenue from contracts with customers 44,442 101,376 110,310 256,127 — 256,127 Timing of revenue recognition Goods/Services transferred at a point in time 14,844 73,750 105,205 193,799 — 193,799 Goods/Services transferred over time 29,598 27,626 5,105 62,329 — 62,329 Total revenue from contracts with customers 44,442 101,376 110,310 256,127 — 256,127 For the year ended December 31, 2022 Materialise Materialise Materialise Total in 000€ Software Medical Manufacturing segments Unallocated Consolidated Geographical markets United States of America (USA) 14,946 45,929 18,505 79,380 — 79,380 Americas other than USA 523 5,752 1,269 7,544 — 7,544 Europe (without Belgium) & Africa 17,148 24,468 76,116 117,731 — 117,731 Belgium 247 1,003 6,158 7,408 — 7,408 Asia Pacific 10,825 7,694 1,441 19,960 — 19,960 Total revenue from contracts with customers 43,688 84,846 103,489 232,023 — 232,023 Type of goods or service Software revenue (non-medical) 43,688 — — 43,688 — 43,688 Software revenue (medical) — 27,074 — 27,074 — 27,074 Medical devices and services — 57,772 — 57,772 — 57,772 Manufacturing — — 103,489 103,489 — 103,489 Other — — — — — — Total revenue from contracts with customers 43,688 84,846 103,489 232,023 — 232,023 Timing of revenue recognition Goods/Services transferred at a point in time 16,067 61,884 98,580 176,531 — 176,531 Goods/Services transferred over time 27,621 22,962 4,909 55,492 — 55,492 Total revenue from contracts with customers 43,688 84,846 103,489 232,023 — 232,023 The revenue per type of good or service including the previous years is as follows: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Software revenue (non-medical) 44,442 43,688 42,902 Software revenue (medical) 31,700 27,074 22,887 Medical devices and services 69,676 57,772 50,481 Manufacturing 110,310 103,489 89,180 Total 256,127 232,023 205,450 22.1.2 Contract balances The following table provides information about receivables, contracts in progress (contract assets) and deferred income (contract liabilities) from contracts with customers. As of December 31, in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Trade receivables, included in ‘trade and other receivables’ 53,505 51,443 42,814 Contract assets / contracts in progress 637 643 495 Contract liabilities / deferred income / advances received on contracts 50,390 50,065 39,324 We refer to Note 18 for a detail of the deferred income. Note 18 includes a split of the deferred income in current and non-current. Non-current deferred income, representing mainly maintenance contracts with terms more than one year and certain contracts with up-front fees which are allocated to performance obligations that will be satisfied over more than one year, may be recognized as revenue between one The relation between the timing of satisfaction of the performance obligations and the timing of billing resulting in contract assets and liabilities is as follows: ● Maintenance services: maintenance services are typically billed at the beginning of the maintenance period resulting in deferred income that is recognized on a straightline basis over the maintenance period. ● Software licenses: certain software licenses may have been billed prior to the delivery of the software key or time-based software licenses may have been billed up-front resulting in a deferred income balance. ● Certain agreements in the medical segment include up-front fees such as step-in fees or milestone payments which are billed at inception of the contract but which are allocated to performance obligations which are satisfied at a later time in the contract term or which have not been recognized considering the revenue constraint (i.e. may have to be credited when customer achieves certain volume targets). In addition, certain contracts include prepaid fees for volume “Plan Only” purchases for which the purchased services are only delivered during a one year period. Those fees result in deferred income which are recognized as revenue when services/products are delivered and revenue is not constrainted. ● Certain development services are satisfied while the services can only billed at certain pre-defined points in time or when the services are fully satisfied resulting in contracts in progress / contract assets. 22.2 Cost of sales Cost of sales includes the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Purchase of goods and services (53,747) (51,597) (38,691) Amortization and depreciation (11,298) (11,174) (11,296) Payroll expenses (46,678) (42,718) (38,499) Work in Progress 727 2,234 1,208 Total (110,996) (103,255) (87,278) 22.3 Research and development expenses Research and development expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Purchase of goods and services (4,759) (5,930) (3,770) Amortization and depreciation (1,459) (1,454) (1,821) Payroll expenses (31,900) (30,184) (21,300) Other 20 — — Total (38,098) (37,568) (26,891) 22.4 Sales and marketing expenses Sales and marketing expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Purchase of goods and services (10,437) (11,802) (6,704) Amortization and depreciation (2,285) (2,541) (1,892) Payroll expenses (45,100) (47,782) (40,555) Total (57,822) (62,125) (49,151) 22.5 General and administrative expenses General and administrative expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Purchase of goods and services (7,211) (6,240) (11,248) Amortization and depreciation (2,361) (1,710) (2,987) Payroll expenses (27,496) (27,193) (19,080) Total (37,068) (35,143) (33,315) 22.6 Net other operating income The net other operating income can be detailed as follows: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Government grants 4,853 4,932 4,466 Amortization intangibles purchase price allocation (4,012) (5,146) (2,521) Allowance for doubtful debtors (448) 390 (58) Capitalized expenses (asset construction) — — 223 Tax credits 1,360 887 746 Arbitration settlement (5,189) — — Impairment of intangible assets (Note 6) and PP&E (Note 7) (3,054) — (177) Impairment of goodwill (Note 5) (1,175) — — Indemnity fee from commercial agreement — 506 — COVID support Germany — 681 — Other 1,141 946 723 Total (6,524) 3,196 3,402 The Company has received government grants from the Belgian federal and regional governments and from the European Community in the forms of grants linked to certain of its research and development programs and reduced payroll taxes. In May 2023, the Belgian Center for Arbitration and Mediation issued a decision in the arbitration proceedings filed by ZimmerBiomet against Materialise, pursuant to which we were ordered to pay an amount of € 5.2 million, including interests, to ZimmerBiomet. 22.7 Payroll expenses The following table shows the breakdown of payroll expenses for 2023, 2022 and 2021: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Short-term employee benefits (117,443) (115,169) (93,850) Social security expenses (19,430) (19,002) (17,076) Expenses defined contribution plans (1,586) (1,463) (1,250) Other employee expenses (12,715) (12,241) (7,259) Total (151,174) (147,875) (119,435) Total registered employees at the end of the period 2,437 2,439 2,332 22.8 Financial expenses Financial expenses includes the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Interest expense (1,751) (2,047) (2,435) Foreign exchange losses (1,770) (1,645) (1,258) Other financial expenses (344) (728) (408) Total (3,865) (4,420) (4,101) 22.9 Financial income Financial income includes the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Interest income 4,450 1,332 658 Foreign exchange gains 563 4,778 4,904 Other finance income 6 4 58 Total 5,019 6,114 5,620 22.10 Income taxes and deferred taxes Current income tax The following table shows the breakdown of the tax expense for 2023, 2022 and 2021: As of December 31, in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Current income tax (2,355) (2,000) (1,252) Deferred income taxes 2,277 1,025 661 Total income taxes for the period (78) (975) (591) The current tax expense is equal to the amount of income tax owed to the tax authorities for the year, under the applicable tax laws and rates in effect in the various countries. Deferred tax Deferred tax is presented in the statement of financial position under non-current assets and non-current liabilities, as applicable. The following table shows the breakdown of the deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities and the deferred tax expense for 2023, 2022 and 2021: Asset/(liability) Income/(expense) in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 2023 2022 2021 Tax losses, patent and innovation income deduction, and other tax credits 3,199 3,134 2,162 — — — Amortization development assets and other intangible assets 400 328 136 — — — Depreciation property, plant & equipment 224 40 55 — — — Leases 53 72 35 — — — Other items 343 — 274 — — — Total deferred tax assets 4,220 3,574 2,662 3,623 4,580 687 Property, plant & equipment (569) (274) (850) — — — Intangible assets (3,664) (5,470) (5,757) — — — Deferred income (743) (778) — — — — Investment grants (172) (178) (199) — — — Inventory valuation — — — — — — Total deferred tax liabilities (5,148) (6,700) (6,806) (1,345) (3,554) (26) Netting 1,422 2,388 2,435 — — — Total deferred tax assets, net 2,797 1,186 227 — — — Total deferred tax liabilities, net (3,725) (4,312) (4,371) — — — Total deferred tax income (expense) — — — 2,277 1,025 661 The Group has unused tax losses carried forward and Innovation Income Deduction of K€91,753 for 2023 (2022: K€87,558; 2021: K€48,648) of which K€46,533 for 2023 (2022: K€45,245; 2021: K€35,578) relating to Materialise NV. Under the Belgian Innovation Income Deduction system, companies can deduct up to 85% of their net innovation income from the taxable basis. With respect to the tax losses carried forward and Innovation Income Deductions carried forward we recognized at December 31, 2023 a deferred tax asset of € 0.1 million for Materialise NV (2022: € 0.2 million, 2021: € 0.0 million) and € 1.0 million for Materialise USA (2022: €1.6 million, 2021: € 0.0 million). The deferred tax liability of K€5,148 as at December 31, 2023 mainly relates to the intangibles that have been recognized in connection with business combinations (mainly ACTech). Relationship between Tax Expense and Accounting Profit For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2023 2022 2021 Profit (loss) before taxes 6,772 (1,178) 13,736 Income tax at statutory rate of 25% (1,693) 295 (3,432) Effect of different local tax rate (416) 39 12 Tax adjustments to the previous period (63) 84 88 Non-deductible expenses (324) (431) (354) Research and development tax credits 203 177 398 Innovation income deduction 2,560 — 2,847 Non recognition of deferred tax asset (1,815) (1,706) (407) Recognition of previously unrecognized tax losses 1,186 548 — Non-taxable income 450 406 350 Use of previous years’ tax losses and tax credits for which no deferred tax assets were recognized — 243 163 Taxes on other basis (232) (149) (71) Other 66 (481) (185) Income tax benefit (expense) as reported in the consolidated income statement (78) (975) (591) |