Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and entity information
- Consolidated income statements
- Consolidated income statements
- Consolidated statements of comp
- Consolidated statement of finan
- Consolidated statement of chang
- Consolidated cash flow statemen
- Corporate information
- Basis of preparation
- Summary of significant accounti
- Business combinations
- Goodwill
- Intangible assets
- Property, plant & equipment
- Investments in joint ventures
- Inventory and contracts in prog
- Other assets
- Trade receivables
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Equity
- Share-based payment plans
- Loans and borrowings
- Other non-current liabilities
- Tax payables
- Deferred income
- Other current liabilities
- Fair value
- Segment information
- Income and expenses
- Earnings per share
- Commitments and contingent liab
- Risks
- Related party transactions
- Events subsequent to the statem
- Overview of consolidated entiti
- Non GAAP measures
- Summary of significant accoun_2
- IFRS 16 Lease Liabilities (Tabl
- IFRS 16 Right-of-use assets (Ta
- Business combinations (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Investments in joint ventures (
- Inventories and contracts in pr
- Other assets (Tables)
- Trade receivables (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Equity (Tables)
- Share based payment plans (Tabl
- Loans and borrowings (Tables)
- Other non-current liabilities (
- Deferred income (Tables)
- Other current liabilities (Tabl
- Fair value (Tables)
- Segment information (Tables)
- Income and expenses (Tables)
- Income tax and deferred tax (Ta
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Commitments and contingent li_2
- Risks (Tables)
- Overview of consolidated enti_2
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Basis of preparation - IFRS 16
- Basis of preparation - IFRS 1_2
- Basis of preparation - IFRS 1_3
- Summary of significant accoun_3
- Significant accounting judgemen
- Business combinations - Cenat N
- Business combinations - ACTech
- Business combinations - ACTec_2
- Business combinations - Engimpl
- Business combinations - Engim_2
- Goodwill (Detail)
- Goodwill - Movement table (Deta
- Goodwill - Movement table Narra
- Goodwill - Impairment (Detail)
- Intangible assets (Detail)
- Remaining amortization period o
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, Plant and equipment N
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Property, plant and equipment_4
- Investment in associates and jo
- Investment in associates and _2
- Investment in associates and _3
- Inventory and Contracts in Pr_2
- Inventory and Contracts in Pr_3
- Other non-current assets (Detai
- Ohter non-current assets narrat
- Other current assets (Detail)
- Other current assets Narrative
- Trade receivables (Detail)
- Trade receivebles - Movement ta
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Cash and cash equivalents Narra
- Equity (Detail)
- Equity Narrative (Detail)
- Equity - Reserve table (Detail)
- Share-based payment plan (Detai
- Share-based payments - Details
- Share-based payments - Detail_2
- Share-based payments - Expense
- Share-based payments - Detail_3
- Share-based payments - Detail_4
- Share-based payments - Detail_5
- Share-based payments - Detail_6
- Loans and borrowings (Detail)
- Loans and borrowings Narrative
- Loans and borrowings - Movement
- Other non-current liabilities_2
- Other non-current liabilities N
- Tax Payables Narrative (Detail)
- Deferred income (Detail)
- Other current liabilities (Deta
- Other current liabilities Narra
- Fair value of financial assets
- Fair value of financial liabili
- Fair value Narrative (Detail)
- Segment information (Detail)
- Segment reconciliation (Detail)
- Segment reconciliation - Revenu
- Segment reconciliation - Non-cu
- Income and expenses - Revenue p
- Income and expenses - Disaggreg
- Income and expenses - Contract
- Income and expenses - Contrac_2
- Income and expenses - Cost of s
- Income and expenses - Research
- Income and expenses - Sales and
- Income and expenses - General a
- Income and expenses - Net other
- Income and expenses - Payroll e
- Income and expenses - Financial
- Income and expenses - Financi_2
- Income and expenses - Income ta
- Income and expenses - Income _2
- Income and expenses - Income _3
- Income and expenses - Income _4
- Earnings per share attributable
- Weighted average number of ordi
- Net profit attributable to ordi
- Commitment and contingent liabi
- Commitment and contingent lia_2
- Commitment and contingent lia_3
- Commitment and contingent lia_4
- Commitment and contingent lia_5
- Risks - Foreign Currency Sensit
- Risks - Liquidity risk (Detail)
- Risks - Liquidity risk Narrativ
- Risks - Credit risk (Detail)
- Related party transactions (Det
- Related party transactions Narr
- Transactions (Detail)
- Events subsequent to the stat_2