The notice convening the general meeting to be held must be given within three weeks of the request.
Other items may be added to the agenda items specified by the shareholders in the notice convening the meeting.
b) The notices convening the general meetings shall state the agenda and shall be published in accordance with the relevant legal provisions at least fifteen (15) days in advance.
c) The agenda must contain the items to be discussed and the proposals for resolutions.
d) Any person may waive this notice and shall in any case be considered as having been invited correctly if he attends the meeting or is represented there.
ARTICLE 27: Admission to general meetings - representation
a) The right to attend the general meetings and to exercise the voting right is determined by the registration of the ownership of the shares in the name of the shareholder on the third (3rd) business day prior to the date of the scheduled meeting by their registration in the company’s shareholders’ register.
The board of directors may make participation in the general meetings dependent on a requirement of notification by the shareholder to the company, or to the person appointed for this purpose by the company, on a date to be determined by the board of directors before the date of the scheduled meeting, that he intends to attend the meeting, stating the number of shares the shareholder wishes to participate with, in which case this notification must be made as defined in the convocation notice.
b) Any shareholder who has voting rights may either attend the meeting in person or be represented by a proxy, who may or may not be a shareholder.
The power of attorney must be given in writing in the manner specified in the convocation notice.
The company has to receive the power of attorney no later than on the date determined by the Board of Directors as stated in the convocation notice.
c) Before attending the meeting, the shareholders or their proxy holders must sign the attendance list, stating (i) the identity of the shareholder, (ii) if applicable, the identity of the proxy holder, and (iii) the number of shares they represent.
d) The holders of profit-sharing certificates, non-voting shares, bonds, subscription rights, or other securities issued by the company may attend the general meeting of shareholders insofar as the law grants them this right and, as applicable, the right to participate in the vote. If they wish to attend, they shall be bound by the same formalities of admission, access, form and notification for proxies as those imposed on the shareholders.
ARTICLE 28: Chairman - Committee
Each general meeting is presided by the chairman of the Board of Directors or, in his absence, by the vice-chairman (if one has been appointed) or by the oldest member of the Board of Directors.
The chairman shall appoint a secretary and vote counter, who does not have to be a shareholder. Both roles may be performed by one person. The chairman, secretary and vote counter shall together constitute the Committee.
The chairman may form the Committee before opening the session and this Committee may verify the powers of the participants before the opening of the session.