All convocation notices, notifications and other notices served by the company to the different persons entitled to a single security shall be validly and exclusively given, as the case may be, either to the person designated as the owner vis-à-vis the company or to the designated joint representative.
Unless stipulated otherwise in the articles of association, a will or an agreement, the usufructuary of the securities shall exercise all rights attached to these securities.
ARTICLE 12: Successors
The rights and obligations shall remain attached to a security, regardless of its ownership.
The heirs, creditors or other successors of the shareholder may not interfere with the management of the company, nor cause any seals to be affixed to the goods and valuables of the company, nor claim the liquidation of the company and the distribution of its equity.
They shall act in compliance with the company’s financial statements for exercising their rights and shall observe the decisions of the general meeting and the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 13: Bonds, subscription rights and other financial instruments granting rights to shares
The company may issue bonds by decision of the Board of Directors, which will determine the terms of the issue.
The issue of convertible bonds or bonds redeemable in shares, subscription rights or other financial instruments which will eventually entitle the holder to shares may be decided upon by the general meeting of shareholders or by the Board of Directors within the framework of the authorized capital (subject to compliance with the relevant legal requirements).
The holders of shares without voting rights, profit-sharing certificates without voting rights, convertible bonds, subscription rights or certificates which were issued with the cooperation of the company, may attend the general meeting of shareholders, but only in an advisory capacity.
3. Acquisition and disposal of own securities
ARTICLE 14: Acquisition and disposal of own securities
a) The company may acquire its own shares or profit participation certificates or certificates relating thereto, or subscribe for them, after the issue of the corresponding shares or profit participation certificates, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
b) By decision of the general meeting of shareholders of 5 November 2020, the Board of Directors was authorized, in accordance with Article 7:215 et seq. of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code and within the limits specified in this article, to acquire its own shares at a price per share that may not be lower than 80%, and not higher than 120% of the average closing prices of the American Depository Shares representing the shares of the company during a period of 30 calendar days prior to either the date of purchase or the date of announcement thereof.
This authorisation shall also apply to the acquisition of the company’s shares by one of its directly controlled subsidiaries, as referred to in and within the limits of Article 7:221 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
Any offer to acquire the company’s shares must be made to all shareholders under the same conditions, in accordance with Article 7:215, 1st paragraph, 4th section of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
This authorisation shall be valid for a period of five years from the publication of this authorisation in the Annexes to the Belgian official gazette.