The company may, amongst others, directly or indirectly participate to the governance, the management, the control and the liquidation of the companies in which it has an interest or a participation.
2. The acquisition, in whatever way, of intellectual property, patents, drawings, models and trademarks, and exploit, valorize, bring to value and monetize them.
3. The purchase, exchange or other acquisition, the sale, renting, granting or taking in lease, develop, have constructed, have renovated, have built of all immovable property whether or not already developed in Belgium and abroad, as well as the making of all actions which are necessary, useful or relevant for the management and the exploitation of this immovable property of the company.
The company may perform any trade, industry, financial, movable and immovable transactions, which directly or indirectly are in connection with its statutory object or which are of a nature to further such object.
The company may, for the benefit of companies in which she has an interest or a participation, provide a lien, act as an agent or a representative, allow advance payments, grant loans, grant mortgage or other securities.”
2. The acquiring company
The acquiring company is the limited liability company under Belgian law Materialise NV, with registered office at 3001 Leuven, Technologielaan 15, registered in the commercial registry of the commercial court of Leuven under number 0441.131.254.
The acquiring company has, pursuant to her bylaws, the following object:
“The company’s object is as follows: the research, development and commercialisation of additive manufacturing and related technologies and all related service, engineering and holding activities, including but not limited to software, industrial and medical applications. All these activities should be interpreted in the broadest sense and for all business sectors.
The company acts for its own account, on consignment, on commission, as an intermediary or as an agent.
The company also has the following additional object:
| - | the purchase, sale, exchange, construction, renovation, commercialisation, furnishing, exploitation, letting, sub-letting, management, maintenance, parcelling, horizontal division and placement under compulsory co-ownership, leasing, prospection and promotion in any form of all immovable property or immovable property rights. |
| - | Investing in, subscribing to, taking over, placing, purchasing, selling and trading all securities issued by Belgian or foreign companies, whether or not in the form of commercial companies, administrative offices, institutions and associations, as well as managing these investments and participations; |
| - | providing advice, management and any other services to all affiliated companies or companies in which the company has a participating interest, in its capacity as director, liquidator or otherwise, as well as running or exercising control over these companies. |