Disclosure of income and expenses [text block] | 22 Income and expenses 22.1 Revenue 22.1.1 Disaggregated revenue information For the year ended December 31, 2021 in 000€ Materialise Materialise Materialise Total Unallocated Consolidated Geographical markets United States of America (USA) 11,981 38,507 18,652 69,140 — 69,140 Americas other than USA 501 4,576 1,220 6,297 — 6,297 Europe (without Belgium) & Africa 18,749 22,098 62,683 103,530 — 103,530 Belgium 235 1,177 5,535 6,947 — 6,947 Asia Pacific 11,436 7,010 1,090 19,536 — 19,536 Total revenue from contracts with customers 42,902 73,368 89,180 205,450 — 205,450 Type of goods or service Software revenue (non-medical) 42,902 — — 42,902 — 42,902 Software revenue (medical) — 22,856 — 22,856 — 22,856 Medical devices and services — 50,512 — 50,512 — 50,512 Manufacturing — — 89,180 89,180 — 89,180 Other — — — — — — Total revenue from contracts with customers 42,902 73,368 89,180 205,450 — 205,450 Timing of revenue recognition Goods/Services transferred at a point in time 19,832 54,355 85,448 159,635 — 159,635 Goods/Services transferred over time 23,070 19,013 3,732 45,815 — 45,815 Total revenue from contracts with customers 42,902 73,368 89,180 205,450 — 205,450 For the year ended December 31, 2020 in 000€ Materialise Materialise Materialise Total Unallocated Consolidated Geographical markets United States of America (USA) 11,939 28,173 7,153 47,265 — 47,265 Americas other than USA 533 4,504 260 5,297 — 5,297 Europe (without Belgium) & Africa 15,702 20,781 56,840 93,323 — 93,323 Belgium 112 2,335 4,570 7,017 31 7,048 Asia Pacific 10,768 5,936 812 17,516 — 17,516 Total revenue from contracts with customers 39,054 61,729 69,635 170,418 31 170,449 Type of goods or service Software revenue (non-medical) 39,054 — — 39,054 — 39,054 Software revenue (medical) — 19,808 — 19,808 — 19,808 Medical devices and services — 41,921 — 41,921 — 41,921 Manufacturing — — 69,635 69,635 — 69,635 Other — — — — — — Total revenue from contracts with customers 39,054 61,729 69,635 170,418 31 170,449 Timing of revenue recognition Goods/Services transferred at a point in time 15,536 46,286 66,824 128,646 31 128,677 Goods/Services transferred over time 23,518 15,443 2,811 41,772 — 41,772 Total revenue from contracts with customers 39,054 61,729 69,635 170,418 31 170,449 The revenue per type of good or service including the previous years is as follows: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Software revenue (non-medical) 42,902 39,054 41,654 Software revenue (medical) 22,887 19,808 19,407 Medical devices and services 50,481 41,921 41,401 Manufacturing 89,180 69,635 94,156 Other — 31 61 Total 205,450 170,449 196,679 22.1.2 Contract balances The following table provides information about receivables, contracts in progress (contract assets) and deferred income (contract liabilities) from contracts with customers. As of December 31, in 000€ 2021 2020 Trade receivables, included in ‘trade and other receivables’ 42,814 32,346 Contract assets / contracts in progress 495 749 Contract liabilities / deferred income /advances receive d 39,324 34,797 We refer to Note 18 for a detail of the deferred income. Note 18 includes a split of the deferred income in current and non-current. Non-current up-front The relation between the timing of satisfaction of the performance obligations and the timing of billing resulting in contract assets and liabilities is as follows: • Maintenance services: maintenance services are typically billed at the beginning of the maintenance period resulting in deferred income that is recognized on a straightline basis over the maintenance period. • Software licenses: certain software licenses may have been billed prior to the delivery of the software key or time-based software licenses may have been billed up-front • Certain agreements in the medical segment include up-front step-in • Certain development services are satisfied while the services can only billed at certain pre-defined 22.2 Cost of sales Cost of sales includ e For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Purchase of goods and services (38,691 ) (31,725 ) (37,870 ) Amortization and depreciation (11,296 ) (11,788 ) (10,917 ) Payroll expenses (38,499 ) (32,438 ) (37,715 ) Work in Progress 1,208 (495 ) (550 ) Total (87,278 ) (76,446 ) (87,052 ) 22.3 Research and development expenses Research and development expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Purchase of goods and services (3,770 ) (2,788 ) (2,583 ) Amortization and depreciation (1,821 ) (1,746 ) (1,483 ) Payroll expenses (21,300 ) (20,368 ) (19,219 ) Other — (2,202 ) (63 ) Total (26,891 ) (27,104 ) (23,348 ) 22.4 Sales and marketing expenses Sales and marketing expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Purchase of goods and services (6,704 ) (5,960 ) (9,228 ) Amortization and depreciation (1,892 ) (1,946 ) (1,346 ) Payroll expenses (40,555 ) (36,521 ) (42,055 ) Other — (209 ) (360 ) Total (49,151 ) (44,636 ) (52,989 ) 22.5 General and administrative expenses General and administrative expenses include the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Purchase of goods and services (11,248 ) (8,933 ) (9,856 ) Amortization and depreciation (2,987 ) (2,437 ) (3,630 ) Payroll expenses (19,080 ) (18,104 ) (18,078 ) Other — 137 (222 ) Total (33,315 ) (29,337 ) (31,786 ) 22.6 Net other operating income The net other operating income can be detailed as follows: For the year ended in 000€ 2021 2020* 2019 Government grants 4,466 4,473 5,263 Amortization intangibles purchase price allocation (2,521 ) (1,857 ) (2,013 ) Allowance for doubtful debtors (58 ) (244 ) 210 Capitalized expenses (asset construction) 223 316 166 Tax Credits 746 1,198 665 Personnel related income — — 37 Fair value adjustment Materialise Motion — 770 — Impairment Engimplan — (2,516 ) — Impairment Metal Belgium (Aldema) (177 ) — — Other 723 295 1,104 Total 3,402 2,436 5,432 * The year 2020 has been adjusted retrospectively The Company has received government grants from the Belgian federal and regional governments and from the European Community in the forms of grants linked to certain of its research and development programs and reduced payroll taxes. 22.7 Payroll expenses The following table shows the breakdown of payroll expenses for 2021, 2020 and 2019: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Short-term employee benefits (93,850 ) (82,135 ) (87,775 ) Social security expenses (17,076 ) (15,691 ) (15,647 ) Expenses defined contribution plans (1,250 ) (1,150 ) (1,033 ) Other employee expenses (7,259 ) (8,455 ) (12,612 ) Total (119,435 ) (107,431 ) (117,067 ) Total registered employees at the end of the period 2,332 2,162 2,177 22.8 Financial expenses Financial expenses includes the following selected information: For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 Interest expense (2,435 ) (2,299 ) (2,146 ) Foreign exchange losses (1,258 ) (2,999 ) (832 ) Other financial expenses (408 ) (697 ) (704 ) Total (4,101 ) (5,995 ) (3,682 ) 22.9 Financial income Financial income includes the following selected information: For the year ended in 000€ 2021 2020 2019 interest income 658 418 386 Foreign exchange gains 4,904 1,668 955 Other finance income 58 366 36 Total 5,620 2,452 1,377 |
Disclosure of income tax and deferred tax [text block] | 22.10 Income taxes and deferred taxes Current income tax The following table shows the breakdown of the tax expense for 2021, 2020 and 2019: As of December 31, in 000€ 2021 2020* 2019 Current income tax (1,252 ) 4 (2,926 ) Deferred income taxes * 661 1,024 331 Total income taxes for the period (591 ) 1,028 (2,595 ) * The year 2020 has been adjusted retrospectively The current tax expense is equal to the amount of income tax owed to the tax authorities for the year, under the applicable tax laws and rates in effect in the various countries. Deferred tax Deferred tax is presented in the statement of financial position und e non-current non-current Asset/(liability) Income/(expense) in 000€ 2021 2020* 2019 2021 2020* 2019 Tax losses, notional interest deduction and other tax credits 2,162 1,823 — — — — Amortization development assets and other intangible assets 136 75 38 — — — Depreciation property, plant & equipment 55 125 70 — — — Leases 35 — — — — — Other items 274 77 84 — — — Total deferred tax assets 2,662 2,100 192 26 9 (124 ) Property, plant & equipment (850 ) (209 ) (403 ) — — — Intangible assets (5,757 ) (6,414 ) (4,937 ) — — — Investment grants (199 ) (227 ) (301 ) — — — Inventory valuation — (31 ) (89 ) — — — Other items — — (17 ) — — — Total deferred tax liabilities (6,806 ) (6,881 ) (5,747 ) (687 ) (1,033 ) 455 Netting 2,435 1,899 — — — — Total deferred tax assets, net 227 201 192 — — — Total deferred tax liabilities , net (4,371 ) (4,982 ) (5,747 ) — — — Total deferred tax income (expense) — — — (661 ) (1,024 ) 331 * The year 2020 has been adjusted retrospectively The Group has unused tax losses and unused Innovation Income Deduction 2019 With respect to the unused tax losses of Materialise NV, no deferred tax assets have been recognized given that in view of the Belgian Patent Income Deduction and Innovation Income Deduction there is an uncertainty to which extent these tax losses and unused Innovation Income Deduction With respect to the unused tax losses of the other entities, no deferred tax assets have been recognized in 2021, 2020 nor 2019 except for our tax unity in Germany where we recorded a deferred tax asset of € 0.3 million related to 2020 losses and Materialise Motion where we recorded a deferred tax asset of € million against a deferred tax liability of € million. The deferred tax liability of Relationship between Tax Expense and Accounting Profit For the year ended December 31 in 000€ 2021 2020* 2019 Profit (loss) before taxes 13,736 (8,221 ) 4,239 Income tax at statutory rate of 25% (2019: 29.58%) (3,432 ) 2,045 (1,254 ) Effect of different local tax rate 12 529 63 Tax adjustments to the previous period 88 (231 ) (367 ) Non-deductible (354 ) (584 ) (554 ) Research and development tax credits 398 375 179 Patent income deduction / innovation income deduction 2,847 — — Non recognition of deferred tax asset (407 ) (723 ) (1,579 ) Recognition of deferred tax assets on previous year’s tax losses — — 119 Non-taxable 350 503 925 Use of previous year’s tax losses and tax credits for which no 163 135 — Taxes on other basis (71 ) (993 ) — Other (185 ) (28 ) (127 ) Income tax benefit (expense) as reported in the consolidated income statement (591 ) 1,028 (2,595 ) * The year 2020 has been adjusted retrospectively |