We also want shareholders to know that,contrary to Voce Capital’suninformedclaims,the Companydid not use corporate aircraft to transport our CEO to all of the destinations described by Mr. Plants in Voce Capital’s initial press release.The aircraft in question was actually used by third parties unrelated to Argo at various times during the periods referenced in Voce’s press release. Like so many other assertions in its initial press release, Voce’s representations to shareholders on this topic are rife with material misstatements of fact and demonstrate either a reckless disregard for the truth, gross negligence in fact-checking, or a combination of both.
5. | We have made numerous efforts to constructively engage with Voce Capital. |
We welcome opportunities to engage in collaborative dialogue with our shareholders, and we are committed to evaluating every strategic decision from a shareholder perspective. In that vein, the management team responded to Voce’s email request for a meeting, met with Voce, and then participated in afollow-up conference call with Voce after our fourth quarter 2018 earnings, on each occasion on dates and times arranged to accommodate Mr. Plants’ schedule.
Subsequently, in response to a request from Voce Capital, our independent directors agreed to have anin-person meeting with Mr. Plants. This meeting was scheduled, but subsequently canceled by Voce Capital.
In addition, our Board has offered twice to meet with Voce Capital’s director nominees in order to discuss and hear about their views and qualifications. Such meetings were proposed prior to our Board’s nomination of directors and prior to the printing of our definitive proxy statement. Given our ongoing refreshment and evaluation of our Board composition, these offers were a genuine effort to consider Voce’s nominees. But in both instances, Voce Capital refused to allow its nominees to meet with our Board.
These are just a few examples of false statements – either intentional or with careless disregard of the truth – made by Voce Capital.We have to believe that this reckless behavior is simply Mr. Plants’modus operandi, as evidenced by his conduct in previous campaigns.
We are asking for your support for our Board at this year’s meeting. Your vote will be critical to ensuring that Argo continues on its path to success and delivering long-term value to you, our shareholders. We invite you to attend Argo’s 2019 Annual Meeting on May 24, 2019 and ask you to vote the WHITE proxy card to end Voce Capital’s destructive and distracting campaign.
The Argo Board that you know and have seen in action has overseen strong underwriting results, prudent Company spending, investments that drive growth, and opportunities that drive efficiency each step of the way.
Our opportunity to increase margins will continue to come from driving efficiency in our operations, leveraging technology to make our business more efficient and deriving more value from each dollar we spend. To be clear, intelligent cost cutting and improving expense ratios cannot be achieved by curtailing illusory costs (e.g. fictionally depicted lavish art collections or penthouse apartments perched on top of our office buildings).
Your Board and management team are committed to delivering substantial and enduring value for our shareholders. The strategy your Board has been pursuing has yieldedbest-in-class TSR, improved operating margins, and will continue to drive opportunity for all of us going forward.