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abandoned, absolute, accurately, achieve, achievement, adequacy, adherence, advance, advantage, Agent, agreed, alleged, alleging, alter, alternative, announced, annum, Antitrust, apparel, applied, applying, approach, ASC, ascertain, assessing, assessment, ASU, attainment, attempting, attest, attested, balloon, Bank, bankruptcy, beginning, behalf, bifurcated, bifurcation, bond, borrow, borrowing, broadcast, Bulletin, California, cancel, capacity, capped, carried, carry, carrying, certification, Chairwoman, Chase, clarity, classification, code, collateral, collateralized, compensatory, complaint, compliance, compliant, component, comprised, computer, concession, concurrent, concurrently, confidence, confidential, consecutive, consideration, constitute, construction, content, context, convert, converted, convertible, core, correlation, corroborated, COSO, criteria, culture, cumulative, customer, cutting, daily, data, deducted, deducting, deemed, deferral, deficiency, deficit, degree, delegation, deliver, delivered, delivery, demonstrated, denominator, department, departure, derecognized, detail, detailed, detect, detected, detecting, detection, deteriorate, difficulty, digital, director, disaggregated, discovered, discretion, disposition, disruption, distinct, dividing, Document, documentation, documenting, duly, dynamic, earlier, eCommerce, education, embedded, emphasize, emphasized, employee, employing, Employment, enable, encourage, enforceable, enforcement, enhance, enhancing, entitled, entity, environment, EPS, equal, error, establish, established, establishing, estate, ethical, evolve, evolving, exacerbate, exceeded, excluded, excluding, Exhibit, expansion, expedient, experience, expertise, expire, Explanatory, expressly, Extension, extensive, external, factor, fail, fairly, fan, FASB, feasible, firm, flagship, flow, focal, foregoing, formatted, fostering, foundation, Fox, framework, frank, free, freestanding, frequent, fulfillment, GAAP, geographical, global, goal, governed, governing, government, governmental, greatly, group, grow, guidance, guide, half, handbook, handling, harm, headquarter, hereto, herewith, hierarchy, highest, highlight, holder, human, husband, identical, identification, implement, implementation, implemented, implicit, importance, important, imposed, inadequate, inception, inconsequential, incremental, Indenture, indexed, indirectly, individual, individually, industry, ineffective, inherent, inline, input, insignificant, Instance, instrument, insufficient, Interactive, interfered, interfering, intranet, investigate, investigation, investigative, investor, invoicing, JPMorgan, junior, KAREN, Khan, knowledge, Label, landlord, landscape, large, largely, largest, Lastly, law, lawsuit, leadership, led, lessee, lessened, level, leverage, Levesque, licensee, lieu, limitation, limited, linkage, Linkbase, loan, long, longer, lose, lost, lowest, maintenance, maker, manner, manual, master, maturity, merit, messaging, misappropriate, misappropriating, misstatement, mitigating, mitigation, MLW, modification, monetization, monetized, MULLANE, multiple, municipal, National, NBC, NBCU, negative, negatively, Nick, noncancelable, nonmarketable, Notwithstanding, NXT, obligate, obligation, observable, obtaining, occurrence, OIBDA, ongoing, online, open, opening, orderly, original, originally, outbreak, outlook, oversight, overstated, Page, pandemic, par, partner, passage, past, Paul, payable, payout, peer, people, percentile, perception, personally, personnel, pertain, player, poaching, point, postpone, power, practical, preceding, predominantly, premise, premium, Prepaid, presumption, prevent, prevented, preventing, prevention, priority, privacy, professional, profile, promised, promptly, properly, prospective, prudent, PSU, pursuant, qualified, quality, quantitative, quantity, quoted, rank, ranking, readily, reality, rebutting, recognition, recommending, recover, reduce, refundable, registered, registrant, reinforce, release, relevant, reliability, relief, relieve, relocate, remediate, remediated, remediating, remediation, removing, reorganization, repaid, representation, reputational, requisite, resignation, resigned, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, resumed, retrospective, revise, revised, revising, revision, revisit, revolving, riddick, robust, RSU, SAB, satisfied, satisfy, Schema, scope, script, scripted, secure, secured, securing, security, serve, serving, settled, shareholder, Sherman, shipping, signage, simulation, site, sponsor, Sponsoring, sponsorship, spread, staging, standalone, standard, Stephanie, strategic, streaming, strike, structurally, structure, subordinated, subsidiary, suffer, supervision, support, supporting, supposedly, suspended, syndicated, system, talent, taxable, Taxonomy, team, technology, test, tested, testing, theatrical, themed, therewith, tone, top, Topic, touring, training, tranche, transfer, transferred, transformation, transition, travel, Treadway, treat, treated, treatment, trustee, Tubi, type, unaudited, unauthorized, uncertainty, undersigned, understatement, undertaken, unfair, unobservable, unpaid, unrecorded, unremediated, unsecured, unsettled, untimely, unused, update, updated, upfront, valuation, variability, variable, vary, venue, view, viewing, Vince, violation, volatility, voting, wake, warrant, weekly, whistleblower, winding, written, XBRL, yield
AA, AAA, accrual, appeal, application, approval, asserting, assume, attendance, bad, campaign, Championship, charge, chart, circulated, claim, climate, closed, commerce, conform, consummated, correct, court, critical, currency, damage, defending, denied, deny, discontinue, discovery, dismissal, dismissed, distributor, doubtful, EBITDA, engine, execution, expand, exposed, exposure, Fall, float, foreign, forma, formalized, formalizing, formulating, found, functional, Fund, guaranteed, higher, hold, holding, home, impacted, indefinite, informal, insurance, insurer, intangible, intersegment, invested, investing, judgment, life, likelihood, line, logo, memorandum, methodology, minimal, minimize, minimized, monitored, MOU, mutual, newsstand, North, October, offset, opinion, order, overhead, pending, percent, plaintiff, political, premier, preservation, principle, pro, proceeding, processed, producer, prohibited, promoting, publishing, quantify, rated, reached, realizable, receipt, reclassified, represented, reserve, reserved, restatement, restaurant, retail, seeking, set, shutdown, significantly, slight, small, Spike, statistical, strongly, sublease, submit, suit, tenant, termination, theoretical, timing, twelve, underdelivery, understanding, unfavorable, unfavorably, unsubstantiated, UPN, Viacom, WCW, working, Wrestlemania, XFL, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii
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