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CAL, check, correction, DEF, duly, electronically, filer, herewith, ID, Inline, Instance, LAB, Label, Language, Linkbase, mark, omitted, Oxley, post, posted, PRE, previously, SCH, Schema, Taxonomy, thereunto, undersigned, WASHINGTON, XBRL
ability, abroad, absence, accelerating, accept, accepted, accessing, accident, accompanied, accompanying, account, Accountable, Accountant, accounted, accrued, accumulated, accumulation, accuracy, accurate, accurately, accused, achieve, achieved, acquire, acquired, acquirer, acquisition, acting, active, actively, activity, ad, adapt, add, addition, additional, Additionally, adequate, adherence, adjudication, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administer, administration, administrative, admissible, advance, advanced, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertising, advice, advisor, advisory, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, affiliated, age, agency, agent, aging, agree, agreed, AIA, aim, aimed, alia, alleged, allocate, allocated, alternative, amend, amended, America, AMLO, amount, analyst, analyzed, ancillary, Annex, announced, annually, annuity, annum, anticipate, anticipated, appliance, applicable, application, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointing, appointment, apportioned, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximate, April, area, arise, arising, arrange, arranging, arrest, ASC, Asia, aspect, assessable, assessed, assessing, asset, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, assisted, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, attempting, attended, attending, attention, attitude, attract, attracted, attractive, attributable, attributed, audited, authority, authorizing, auto, automobile, autonomy, average, avoid, avoided, awarded, aware, bachelor, bad, balance, bank, banking, bankruptcy, base, based, basic, Beach, bearing, began, beginning, Beijing, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiary, billed, billion, bipartisan, blocking, blue, bodily, body, book, born, Box, branch, brand, Brian, bring, British, broad, broader, broadly, broken, brokerage, broking, brought, build, building, buy, buying, BVI, CAC, calculated, calendar, California, called, cancellation, cancelled, Cap, capable, capita, capital, capitalize, capitalized, card, care, carefully, Carrie, carry, carrying, case, cash, casualty, categorization, caution, cease, ceased, censure, centered, central, Centre, certainty, certificate, Certifying, cessation, Chai, Changning, character, charge, chargeable, charged, charging, China, Chinese, circular, civil, civilian, claim, classified, classify, clear, client, closed, closing, closure, Code, collaborate, collect, Collectability, collectible, collection, collectively, College, collision, collusion, combination, combine, combined, commence, commencement, commencing, commensurate, commercial, Commissioner, commit, commitment, committee, Commodity, commonly, communicated, Communist, comparable, compared, comparison, compatible, compensated, compete, competence, competent, competently, competing, competition, competitive, competitor, complex, compliance, comply, comprehensive, comprise, compromise, compromised, compulsory, computer, concentrated, concentration, concluded, condition, conditional, conduct, conducted, conducting, Confederation, confidential, confined, confirming, confiscate, confiscation, conflict, conformity, conjunction, connected, connection, consecutive, consent, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, consolidation, constant, constitute, consulting, consumer, consuming, consummated, consummation, contemplated, context, contingent, continuance, continue, continued, continuing, contractual, contravention, controlled, controller, controlling, convenience, conversion, converted, conviction, cooling, cooperation, coordinate, copy, corporate, corporation, COSO, cost, costly, Council, counsel, country, court, coverage, covered, covering, CPA, crack, cracking, create, created, credit, crime, criminal, criteria, critical, criticism, Ctrip, culture, cumulative, cure, currency, curtail, curtailed, customarily, customer, customization, cutting, cybersecurity, Cyberspace, daily, damage, database, deadline, dealing, death, debt, debtor, decision, declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, decrease, decreased, decree, deductibility, deductible, deemed, defend, defending, defense, deferred, deficiency, deficit, degree, delaying, Delinquent, delisted, delisting, delivery, demand, denied, denominated, denominator, Department, depend, dependence, dependent, depending, deposited, deprecation, depreciated, depreciation, depressive, deprived, deregistration, derive, derived, deriving, design, designate, designated, designed, designer, desire, detain, detect, detected, determination, determine, determined, determining, develop, developed, development, devote, diagnosed, diagram, differentiate, differentiation, difficult, difficulty, dignity, diligence, diluted, dilution, dilutive, Dingchan, direct, directly, disability, discharge, discharging, disciplinary, disclose, disclosed, disclosing, disclosure, discontinued, discounted, discouraging, discretion, discretionary, discussed, discussion, dismissing, display, dispose, disrupted, disruption, distance, distancing, distribute, distributed, distribution, distributor, District, diverse, diversion, dividend, dividing, Doc, documentation, dollar, Donald, doubt, doubtful, downgrade, draft, drop, dropped, drug, DTROP, due, Dundee, duration, duty, earlier, earn, earned, easily, ECO, economic, economy, edge, education, effect, effected, effecting, effective, effectively, effectuating, effort, elaborated, elapsed, electrical, eleven, eligibility, eligible, eliminated, emerge, Emperor, emphasizing, employ, employed, employee, employment, empowered, enable, enacted, enactment, encouraging, end, endanger, endowment, enforced, enforcement, engineer, Engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enjoining, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entitled, entitling, entity, entrepreneurial, environment, EO, epidemic, equal, equipment, equitable, equity, equivalent, erosion, essence, establish, established, establishing, establishment, estate, estimate, estimated, ethical, ethically, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, evidence, evolving, examination, examining, excessive, exchangeable, exchanged, Excise, exclude, excluding, exclusive, exclusively, exempt, exemption, exercise, exercised, exert, exist, existed, existence, existing, expand, expanding, expansion, expect, expectation, expected, expend, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, experiencing, expiring, explain, explanatory, explosion, expressed, expressing, extend, extensive, extent, external, extradite, extradition, extraterritorial, extreme, face, faced, facilitate, facing, fail, failed, failing, failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, fallen, falling, familiar, family, FASB, fast, faster, fault, favor, favorable, February, federal, Federation, fee, final, finalize, finance, financed, financially, financing, fine, FINRA, fire, fiscal, fit, fixed, FL, flat, flood, Florida, flourish, flow, fluctuation, flying, focused, force, forced, forecast, forego, foregoing, foreign, foresee, foreseeable, forfeit, forgave, formal, formally, formation, forward, found, foundation, founded, fourth, framework, fraud, free, freely, freezing, frequency, frontline, fulfil, full, fully, functional, fund, funding, furniture, future, GAAP, gain, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, geographic, gift, global, globaldata, goal, good, goodwill, govern, governance, governing, government, governmental, graduated, graduating, granted, granting, graphic, Great, greater, grew, group, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, Guideline, hand, Haotian, hardship, harm, harmed, heading, health, healthcare, Hearn, heavily, heavy, heightened, Hennessey, hereinafter, hesitant, Hewu, HeWuHuiYing, HFCA, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highlighted, highly, hinder, hindered, hire, hiring, historical, historically, history, hit, HK, HKAA, HKD, HKSAR, hold, holder, holding, homeowner, honestly, Hong, hope, house, household, Huiguang, Huili, hypnotherapy, IA, IBM, identical, identified, identifying, ii, iii, IIs, illegal, illustration, image, immaterial, immigration, impact, impacted, impair, impaired, impairment, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, important, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, imprisonment, improve, improvement, inability, inaccurate, inadequate, inadvertently, incentive, inception, incidental, include, including, inclusion, income, incomplete, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, inculcating, incumbent, incur, incurred, indemnity, Independence, independent, indictable, indirect, indirectly, individual, induce, inducement, inducing, Industrial, industry, ineffective, inexperience, inflow, influence, influenced, information, informed, infrastructure, initial, initially, initiated, injured, injury, Inland, innovation, input, inspect, inspected, inspection, instability, instituted, institution, instrument, instrumental, insure, insured, insurer, integrity, intellectual, intend, intended, intense, intensely, intensify, intention, inter, interact, interest, interference, interim, intermediary, internationally, interpretation, interpreted, intervene, intervention, introduce, introduced, invest, investigate, investigating, investigation, investment, investor, invite, inviting, involve, involved, involvement, involving, IO, irresponsible, issuance, issue, Item, iv, January, join, jointly, judgment, judicial, July, key, Kid, knowingly, knowledge, Kong, lack, Lam, landscape, larger, largest, laundering, law, lay, lead, leading, lease, leased, leave, led, legal, legally, legislation, legislative, lessee, lessor, level, leverage, leveraging, levy, liability, liable, license, licensed, licensing, lieu, life, light, likelihood, limit, limitation, limiting, line, linked, liquid, liquidate, liquidation, liquidity, listed, listing, litigation, Littlepond, LLC, Lo, loan, local, locally, located, long, longer, lose, lost, lower, lowest, loyal, lump, Macau, mail, main, mainland, mainstream, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, make, making, manager, managerial, managing, mandate, mandatory, manner, manually, margin, marketing, married, material, materialize, materially, maternity, matter, maturity, maximize, maximum, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, medical, meet, meeting, member, memorandum, mentioned, merged, merger, met, method, methodology, MI, million, Mine, minimize, minimum, misappropriated, misconduct, misstatement, mistake, mitigate, model, modified, monetary, monitoring, month, monthly, MPF, MPFA, MPFSO, multiple, Nasdaq, national, natural, nature, negative, negatively, negligible, negotiating, net, network, Nevada, newly, nil, nominal, nominated, nominating, Note, noted, notice, number, nurse, objective, obligated, obligation, observable, observing, obtain, obtained, obtaining, Occupational, occur, offence, offer, offered, offering, offeror, office, officially, offset, ongoing, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operational, operator, opinion, optimal, option, order, ordered, orderly, ordinance, ordinary, organic, organized, originally, Orlando, ORSO, OSCO, outbreak, outcome, outflow, override, oversight, overview, owed, owing, owner, ownership, pace, paid, PAM, pandemic, paragraph, part, partial, participating, Participation, partner, party, passed, pay, payable, paying, payment, PCAOB, pegged, penalty, pending, penny, pension, people, percent, percentage, perception, perform, performance, performed, performing, periodic, periodically, permanently, permission, permit, permitted, persist, person, personal, personalized, personnel, petition, petty, phone, physical, Ping, pink, plan, planned, planning, PO, point, Police, policy, political, pool, population, portion, position, positive, possessing, possession, potential, potentially, power, practicable, practical, practice, practicing, PRC, predict, predicted, predicting, pregnant, premium, prepaid, preparation, preparing, prescribed, presence, present, presented, presently, pressure, prevailing, prevent, preventative, prevented, preventing, pricing, primarily, primary, principally, principle, prior, private, proactive, procedure, proceed, proceeding, processed, processor, produce, product, production, productive, productivity, profession, professional, professionalism, profit, profitability, profitable, program, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, projected, prolonged, promissory, promote, promoting, prompt, promulgate, promulgated, promulgation, proper, property, proposal, propose, proposed, prospective, protect, protected, protecting, protection, protective, prove, proven, provision, Prudential, publicity, publicly, publish, published, punished, purport, pursue, PWG, QDMI, qualification, qualified, qualify, Qualitative, quality, Quantitative, quarantine, quarter, quarterly, question, quickly, quotation, quoted, range, ranging, rapid, rapidly, rate, ratio, reached, read, reader, real, realization, realize, realized, recapitalization, receipt, receivable, receive, recent, recently, recipient, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciliation, record, recorded, recoverability, recoverable, recruit, recruiting, recurring, redeemed, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refer, referenced, referral, referred, reflected, reflecting, regime, region, register, registration, regular, regularly, regulate, regulated, regulator, regulatory, reimbursed, reimbursement, relate, relating, relation, relationship, released, reliability, reliable, reliance, relied, relocating, reluctant, rely, remain, remaining, remediate, remedying, remittance, remotely, render, rendered, renew, renewal, renewed, rent, reorganization, repay, repayment, reported, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, Republic, repurchase, reputation, reputational, requested, require, requirement, requiring, resale, rescinded, research, resell, Reserved, resident, residual, resigned, resolve, resolved, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restraint, restrict, restricted, restriction, restrictive, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retire, retirement, retrospective, retrospectively, return, returning, revenue, reverse, reversed, reversing, review, reviewed, revise, revocation, reward, risk, Road, robbery, role, Room, Rosenbloom, rulemaking, safeguarding, Safety, salary, sale, sanction, sanctioned, Sanda, Satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, save, saving, Schedule, scheme, school, Science, scope, scrutiny, seasonality, SEC, secession, secondary, Secretariat, Secretary, sector, securing, security, seek, segment, segregation, selection, sell, seller, selling, Senate, senior, sensitive, sentiment, separate, separatism, serve, served, service, serviced, servicing, serving, set, setting, settle, settled, settlement, Shanghai, shareholder, sharply, sheet, Shen, shown, significant, significantly, similar, simple, single, situation, Siu, size, skill, sky, Sleepaid, slowdown, small, smooth, social, software, solicit, solicitation, solvency, sophisticated, sound, source, South, space, specific, specifically, speculative, spent, split, Sponsoring, spread, stability, staggered, stamp, standard, standing, stated, statement, Statistical, statutory, steadily, stealing, stipulated, stockholder, store, storefront, strain, strategic, strategy, stringent, strive, strong, stronger, structure, submission, subscription, subsequently, subsidiary, substance, substantial, substantially, substantive, subversion, succeed, successful, successfully, successor, suffer, suffered, sufficient, sufficiently, suggested, suit, suitable, sum, summarized, summary, super, superior, supervise, supervising, supervision, supplemental, Supplementary, supplied, supply, support, surrender, surviving, susceptible, suspected, suspended, suspicion, sustained, symbol, system, table, Taiwan, takeover, talent, tangible, target, tax, taxable, taxation, taxed, taxing, team, technical, Technology, telemedicine, temporarily, temporary, tempted, term, terminate, terminated, termination, terminology, territory, terrorism, terrorist, test, theft, thereof, thereto, thereunder, threshold, time, timely, timetable, timing, Timothy, top, tourism, Tower, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traffic, trafficking, training, transact, transaction, transfer, transferee, transferred, transitional, translate, translated, translation, Transparency, travel, Treadway, Treasurer, treasury, treat, treated, treating, trend, triad, true, Trump, trust, trustee, turmoil, turn, twelve, twenty, type, typical, typically, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, UNATMO, uncertain, uncertainty, unclear, uncollectible, undergo, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, underwriting, underwritten, undiscounted, unexpectedly, unfavorable, unfinished, unforeseeable, unit, United, University, unknown, unobservable, unorganized, unrecognized, Unresolved, unrest, unrestricted, unsecured, untrue, untruthful, unused, unwilling, USD, utilized, vacated, valid, validity, validly, valorem, valuation, variable, variety, vary, vehicle, Vice, VIE, view, viewed, violated, violation, Virgin, virtually, visibility, visible, visit, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntarily, vote, Wan, warned, wealth, weighted, Western, wholesale, wholly, wide, wire, withdraw, withdrawal, withholding, witnessed, word, work, worked, working, world, written, Wuhan, York, ZH, Zunyi
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