Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Consolidated Statement of Finan
- Consolidated Statement of Incom
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Reporting entity
- Basis of preparation
- Significant accounting policies
- Determination of fair values
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets
- Right of use assets
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Contract balances
- Other assets
- Deferred tax assets and liabili
- Inventories
- Trade and other receivables
- Prepayments for current assets
- Other investments
- Equity
- Employee benefits
- Other liabilities
- Borrowings
- Trade and other payables
- Deferred income
- Revenue
- Performance obligations and rem
- Cost of goods sold and services
- Selling, general and administra
- Personnel expenses
- Share-based payments
- Financial income and expense
- Earnings per share
- Segment reporting
- Contingencies
- Related party transaction_
- Financial instruments
- Financial Risk Management
- Issue of shares on a private pl
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Capital Management
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Right of use assets (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Contract balances (Tables)
- Other assets (Tables)
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Prepayments for current assets
- Other investments (Tables)
- Equity (Tables)
- Employee benefits (Tables)
- Other liabilities (Tables)
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Deferred income (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Performance obligations and r_2
- Selling, general and administ_2
- Personnel expenses (Tables)
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Financial income and expense (T
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Segment reporting (Tables)
- Related party transaction_ (Tab
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Financial Risk Management (Tabl
- Corporate Social Responsibili_2
- Reconciliation of liabilities f
- Basis of preparation (Details T
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Significant accounting polici_5
- Significant accounting polici_6
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Intangible assets (Details 1)
- Intangible assets (Details 2)
- Intangible assets (Details Text
- Right of use assets (Details)
- Right of use assets - (Details
- Right of use assets - (Detail_2
- Right of use assets - (Detail_3
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Cash and cash equivalents (De_2
- Contract balances (Details)
- Contract balances (Details 1)
- Contract balances (Details 2)
- Contract balances (Details Text
- Other assets (Details)
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_3
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_4
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_5
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_6
- Deferred tax assets and liabi_7
- Inventories (Details)
- Inventories (Details Textual)
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Trade and other receivables (_2
- Trade and other receivables (_3
- Trade and other receivables (_4
- Trade and other receivables (_5
- Prepayments for current asset_2
- Other investments (Details)
- Other investments (Details Text
- Equity (Details)
- Equity (Details 1)
- Equity (Details Textual)
- Employee benefits (Details)
- Employee benefits (Details 1)
- Employee benefits (Details 2)
- Employee benefits (Details 3)
- Employee benefits (Details 4)
- Employee benefits (Details 5)
- Employee benefits (Details 6)
- Employee benefits (Details 7)
- Employee benefits (Details 8)
- Employee benefits (Details 9)
- Employee benefits (Details Text
- Other liabilities (Details)
- Borrowings (Details)
- Borrowings (Details Textual)
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Deferred income (Details)
- Revenue (Details)
- Performance obligations and r_3
- Selling, general and administ_3
- Personnel expenses (Details)
- Share-based payments (Details T
- Share-based payments (Details 1
- Share-based payments (Details 2
- Share-based payments (Details 3
- Financial income and expense (D
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Earnings per share (Details 1)
- Earnings per share (Details 2)
- Earnings per share (Details Tex
- Segment reporting (Details)
- Segment reporting (Details 1)
- Segment reporting (Details Text
- Contingencies (Details Textual)
- Related party transaction_ (Det
- Related party transaction_ (D_2
- Related party transaction_ (D_3
- Financial instruments (Details)
- Financial instruments (Details
- Financial instruments (Detail_2
- Financial instruments (Detail_3
- Financial instruments (Detail_4
- Financial instruments (Detail_5
- Financial instruments (Detail_6
- Financial instruments (Detail_7
- Financial instruments (Detail_8
- Financial instruments (Detail_9
- Financial Risk Management (Deta
- Financial Risk Management (De_2
- Financial Risk Management (De_3
- Financial Risk Management (De_4
- Financial Risk Management (De_5
- Financial Risk Management (De_6
- Financial Risk Management (De_7
- Financial Risk Management (De_8
- Issue of shares on a private _2
- Corporate Social Responsibili_3
- Corporate Social Responsibili_4
- Capital Management (Details Tex