Unconsolidated Financial Statements UNCONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (As of March 31, 2022) (Amounts are rounded to the nearest million yen) FY2022 FY2021 (Reference) FY2022 FY2021 (Reference) (Assets) (Liabilities) Current assets 8,340,434 8,819,286 Current liabilities 4,798,256 5,702,195 Cash and deposits 2,137,425 1,945,249 Trade notes payable 8 27 Trade accounts receivable 1,407,374 1,171,394 Electronically recorded Marketable securities 1,830,005 3,151,612 obligations-operating 277,898 286,691 Finished goods 268,181 208,849 Trade accounts payable 944,991 1,050,052 Work in process 80,997 67,610 Short-term borrowings — 20,000 Raw materials and supplies 505,709 281,545 Current portion of long-term Short-term loans 1,220,787 885,868 borrowings 296,000 1,300,000 Income taxes receivable — 2,402 Current portion of bonds 111,195 103,033 Others 891,056 1,105,658 Other payables 491,574 426,073 Less: allowance for doubtful Income taxes payable 424,239 61,598 accounts (1,100) (900) Accrued expenses 1,451,135 1,434,984 Fixed assets 12,650,607 12,378,995 Deposits received 723,128 821,626 Property, plant and Others 78,088 198,111 equipment 1,447,816 1,398,575 Long-term liabilities 1,585,512 1,602,065 Buildings, net 388,600 385,501 Bonds 1,011,950 1,058,905 Structures, net 67,075 64,123 Allowance for retirement Machinery and equipment, benefits 362,871 360,279 net 286,311 277,907 Others 210,691 182,881 Vehicle and delivery Total liabilities 6,383,768 7,304,260 equipment, net 34,050 30,161 (Net assets) Tools, furniture and fixtures, Shareholders’ equity 13,046,366 12,606,029 net 82,469 83,298 Common stock 635,402 635,402 Land 460,271 457,040 Capital surplus 655,323 676,301 Construction in progress 129,040 100,544 Capital reserve 655,323 655,323 Investments and other Other capital surplus — 20,978 assets 11,202,790 10,980,420 Retained earnings 15,066,843 14,462,819 Investments in securities 7,441,721 7,239,685 Legal reserve 99,454 99,454 Investments in subsidiaries Other retained earnings 14,967,389 14,363,364 and affiliates 2,951,787 2,929,069 Reserve for special Long-term loans 314,203 266,394 depreciation 42 91 Deferred tax assets 240,473 351,069 Reserve for reduction of Others 299,507 237,204 acquisition cost of fixed Less: allowance for doubtful assets 9,886 8,954 accounts (44,900) (43,000) General reserve 6,340,926 6,340,926 Retained earnings carried forward 8,616,535 8,013,393 Less: treasury stock (3,311,202) (3,168,492) Valuation and translation adjustments 1,560,906 1,287,992 Net unrealized gains on other securities 1,560,906 1,287,992 Total net assets 14,607,272 13,894,021 Total 20,991,040 21,198,281 Total 20,991,040 21,198,281 71