Publicly-Traded Company
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CNPJ nº 33.256.439/0001-39 | | NIRE 35.300.109.724 |
Date, Time and Location:
August 29, 2018, at 5 p.m., at the Company’s headquarters, located at Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, nº 1343, 9th floor, in the City and State of São Paulo.
Members of the Board of Directors, herein signed, including participations by conference call.
The Company was informed, on this date, of the decision of Mr. Leocadio de Almeida Antunes Filho to leave, on September 30, 2018, the positions of Executive Officer of the Company and Chief Executive Officer of Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo S.A. (“Ipiranga”).
Mr. Leocadio actively participated in the growth and strengthening of Ipiranga, and had a determinant role in the ascending trajectory of Ipiranga after its acquisition by Ultrapar, in 2007. Throughout the last three decades, he was a protagonist and created huge credibility in the sector, both in Brazil and internationally. The members of the Board of Directors expressed their votes of gratefulness to Mr. Leocadio for his dedication and trajectory as an executive of the Company and of Ipiranga throughout all these years.
To succeed Mr. Leocadio, the members of the Board of Directors elected Mr. Marcelo Pereira Malta Araújo, Brazilian, married, engineer, with identity bearer nr.04.176.539-7 – DETRAN/RJ and enrolled in CPF/MF under the nr.789.050.797-68, with commercial address at Rua Francisco Eugênio, 329, in the city and State of Rio de Janeiro, to take the office as executive officer of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Marcelo Araújo will begin on October 1st, 2018, when he will sign the deed of investiture, until the remaining period of the other executive officers of the Company in exercise.
Mr. Marcelo Araújo, previously consulted, informed that (a) is not incurred in any offense that prevents him to carrying out the duties to the position of which he was appointed; (b) does not have positions in companies that may be considered competitors with the Company; and (c) has no conflict of interest with the Company, in accordance to the article 147 of the Law nr. 6,404/76.
From October 1st to December 31st, 2018, Mr. Marcelo Araújo will have the support of Mr. Leocadio during its integration period at Ipiranga, assuring a planned and effective transition.
Observation:The deliberations were approved, with no amendments or qualifications, by all the members of the Board of Directors.
As there were no further matters to be discussed, the meeting was closed, the minutes of this meeting were written, read and approved by all the undersigned members present.
Pedro Wongtschowski –Chairman
Lucio de Castro Andrade Filho –Vice-Chairman
Alexandre Gonçalves Silva
Carlos Tadeu Fraga
Jorge Marques de Toledo Camargo
José Maurício Pereira Coelho
Olavo Egydio Monteiro de Carvalho
Nildemar Secches