e) fix the compensation of the members of the Board of Directors and the individual compensation of the Executive Officers of the Company, considering the proposal of the People’s Committee, according to article 41, single paragraph, “b”.
f) define the overall criteria regarding the compensation and benefits policy of the directors and executive officers as well as of the senior employees of the Company and, whenever necessary, of its subsidiaries, taking into consideration the People Committee’s proposal;
g) grant stock options under the terms of Article 8 of these Bylaws;
h) call the Shareholders’ Meetings;
i) submit a slate of candidates to the Shareholders’ Meeting for election of directors, pursuant to Article 20 of these Bylaws;
j) propose to the Shareholders’ Meeting the allocation of the balance of the adjusted net profit for the year, as referred to in letter “c”, paragraph one of Article 54 of these Bylaws;
k) approve the preparation of financial statements at shorter intervals than the fiscal year, the distribution of dividends based on such financial statements or interim dividends, as well as the payment or crediting of interest on own capital, under the terms of the applicable laws;
l) pass resolutions on the issuance of shares, debentures convertible into shares and subscription warrants, within the limits of the authorized capital of the Company;
m) submit proposals to the Shareholders’ Meeting concerning an amalgamation, spin-off, merger, merger of shares or dissolution of the Company, as well as amendments to these Bylaws;
n) authorize the acquisition of shares of the Company to be held as treasury shares, cancelled or subsequently disposed of, subject to applicable laws;
o) approve the public issuance of commercial promissory notes by the Company or by its controlled companies;
p) approve the following transactions, either by the Company or by its controlled companies, when the value exceeds five percent (5%) of the Company’s shareholders’ equity: (i) acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of assets; (ii) granting of collateral; (iii) borrowings or waivers of any rights; (iv) investment or investment project; and (v) direct or indirect acquisition or disposal of an equity interest, including by means of a consortium or special partnership;
q) approve the execution of shareholders’ agreements by the Company or by its controlled companies;
r) select and dismiss the independent auditors, after receiving the Audit Committee’s opinion;
s) express an opinion as to whether it is in favor or against any tender offer for the shares of the Company, through a prior opinion containing the reasons for such position disclosed within 15 (fifteen) days from the publication of the tender offer notice, opinion which should cover, at minimum: (i) the convenience and opportunity of the tender offer for the Company and its shareholders as a whole, including with respect to the price and potential impacts on share liquidity; (ii) any alternatives to accepting the tender offer for the shares on free float;
t) approve corporate policies as per the proposals submitted by the relevant entities; and
u) pass resolutions on other matters not regulated by these Bylaws, as well as otherwise resolving such matters.
Article 29.The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall:
a) call the Shareholders’ Meeting, whenever so decided by the Board of Directors or, exceptionally, on his/her own initiative, in which case he/she shall immediately inform the other directors of the meeting;
b) call and preside the meetings of the Board of Directors;
c) communicate the dates of the regular meetings and oversee the Board of Director’s administrative activities; and
d) convey resolutions made by the Board of Directors to the Board of Executive Officers and instruct the latter on the fulfillment thereof.
Article 30. The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors shall replace the Chairman, in his/her occasional absences and unavailability and, in case of vacancy in the office of Chairman, to hold such office until the date of the election of the new Chairman.