Considerations on the financial and operational information |
The financial information presented in this document was prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) norms. The financial information of Ultrapar corresponds to the Company’s consolidated information. The information on Ultragaz, Ultracargo, Oxiteno, Ipiranga and Extrafarma are presented without the elimination of intersegment transactions. Therefore, the sum of such information may not correspond to Ultrapar’s consolidated information. Additionally, the financial and operational information presented in this document is subject to rounding and consequently, the total amounts presented in the tables and charts may differ from the direct numerical sum of the amounts that precede them.
The financial information presented in this document includes the adoption of the IFRS 16 norm and the segregation of certain expenses pertaining to the holding.
Information denominated EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes on Income and Social Contribution on Net Income, Depreciation and Amortization; Adjusted EBITDA – adjusted by the amortization of contractual assets with customers – exclusive rights and by the cash flow hedge from bonds; and EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes on Income and Social Contribution on Net Income are presented in accordance to Instruction No. 527, issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM on October 4, 2012. The calculation of EBITDA based on net income is shown below:
| | Quarter |
| | | | | | |
R$ million | | 1Q21 | | 1Q20 | | 4Q21 |
| | | | | | |
Net income | | 137.4 | | 168.9 | | 431.5 |
(+) Income and social contribution taxes | | 101.0 | | 137.1 | | 214.7 |
(+) Net financial (income) expenses | | 333.7 | | 167.6 | | (136.5) |
(+) Depreciation and amortization | | 332.7 | | 303.7 | | 326.7 |
| | | | | | |
EBITDA | | 904.8 | | 777.3 | | 836.4 |
| | | | | | |
Adjustments | | | | | | |
(+) Amortization of contractual assets with customers - exclusive rights (Ipiranga) | | 47.8 | | 82.5 | | 64.6 |
(+) Amortization of contractual assets with customers - exclusive rights (Ultragaz) | | 0.4 | | 0.4 | | 0.4 |
(+) Cash flow hedge from bonds (Oxiteno) | | 43.3 | | 19.6 | | 47.9 |
| | | | | | |
Adjusted EBITDA | | 996.3 | | 879.8 | | 949.3 |
Ultragaz | | 150.2 | | 147.0 | | 154.4 |
Ultracargo | | 92.5 | | 90.5 | | 77.0 |
Oxiteno | | 226.9 | | 192.6 | | 261.9 |
Ipiranga | | 563.0 | | 479.9 | | 487.5 |
Extrafarma | | 11.5 | | 8.9 | | 34.0 |
Holding¹/Others | | (47.9) | | (39.0) | | (65.4) |
| | | | | | |
Non-recurring items that affected EBITDA | | | | | | |
(-) Tax credits (Oxiteno) | | - | | (70.9) | | (84.8) |
| | | | | | |
Recurring EBITDA | | 996.3 | | 808.9 | | 864.6 |
Ultragaz | | 150.2 | | 147.0 | | 154.4 |
Ultracargo | | 92.5 | | 90.5 | | 77.0 |
Oxiteno | | 226.9 | | 121.6 | | 177.2 |
Ipiranga | | 563.0 | | 479.9 | | 487.5 |
Extrafarma | | 11.5 | | 8.9 | | 34.0 |
Holding¹/Others | | (47.9) | | (39.0) | | (65.4) |
¹ Mainly expenses related to governance bodies (Board of Directors, Fiscal Council, Committees), to the Presidency, Financial Department and areas linked to the Group's strategy, risk management, portfolio management and capital allocation, such as IR and M&A
Amounts in R$ million | 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Net revenues | 23,950 | 21,387 | 23,216 | 12% | 3% |
Adjusted EBITDA | 996 | 880 | 949 | 13% | 5% |
Recurring EBITDA¹ | 996 | 809 | 865 | 23% | 15% |
Depreciation and amortization² | 381 | 387 | 392 | (1%) | (3%) |
Financial result³ | (377) | (187) | 89 | 101% | n/a |
Net income | 137 | 169 | 432 | (19%) | (68%) |
Earnings per share attributable to shareholders4 | 0.12 | 0.15 | 0.39 | (18%) | (69%) |
Investments5 | 294 | 350 | 485 | (16%) | (39%) |
Cash flow from operations | 128 | 932 | 508 | (86%) | (75%) |
¹ Does not include the effects of Oxiteno’s tax credits of R$ 71 million and R$ 85 million in 1Q20 and 4Q20, respectively
² Includes amortization of contractual assets with clients – exclusive rights
³ Includes the result of the cash flow hedge from bonds
4 Calculated in Reais based on the weighted average number of shares over the period, net of shares held in treasury
5 Includes R$ 29 million related to the grant of Ultracargo's terminal in Vila do Conde in 1Q21
Net revenues – Total of R$ 23,950 million (+12%), due to the increase in net revenues at Ipiranga, Oxiteno, Ultragaz and Ultracargo. In relation to 4Q20, net revenues grew by 3%, mainly reflecting sales growth at Ipiranga.
Adjusted EBITDA – Total of R$ 996 million, a growth of 13%, due to the increase in EBITDA of all businesses, with emphasis on Ipiranga and Oxiteno year on year progression. Excluding the non-recurring effect of R$ 71 million in tax credits from Oxiteno in 1Q20, EBITDA grew by 23% in 1Q21. In relation to 4Q20, there was a 5% increase, as a result of higher EBITDA at Ipiranga, Oxiteno and Ultracargo, attenuated by the reduction in EBITDA at Extrafarma and Ultragaz’s and extemporaneous tax credits recorded in 4Q20.
Results from the holding, affiliates and abastece aí – In addition to the results of the five main businesses, Ultrapar recorded a negative result of R$ 48 million, comprised of (i) R$ 31 million of negative EBITDA from the holding, (ii) R$ 11 million of negative EBITDA from abastece aí (new digital payments business), due to expenses with technology and marketing to consolidate the performance and expansion of the application and loyalty program and (iii) R$ 6 million of negative EBITDA from affiliates.
Depreciation and amortization – Total of R$ 381 million (-1%), mainly due to a reduction in amortization of contractual assets at Ipiranga, offset by higher investments made over the last twelve months. In relation to 4Q20, total costs and expenses with depreciation and amortization were 3% lower, due to a reduction in amortization of contractual assets at Ipiranga.
Financial result – Ultrapar reported net financial expenses of R$ 377 million in 1Q21, compared to net financial expenses of R$ 187 million in 1Q20, mainly reflecting the temporary worsening in the mark-to-market of currency hedging instruments, and the interest accrual on non-recurring tax credits of R$ 78 million related to the exclusion of ICMS from the calculation base of PIS/Cofins in 1Q20 and increased expenses derived from the cash flow hedge of Ultrapar’s bonds, due to the greater exchange rate devaluation. Compared to 4Q20, when Ultrapar recorded net financial revenue of R$ 89 million, the difference is mainly explained by the temporary positive result of mark-to-market of currency hedging instruments and by the interest accrual on non-recurring tax credits of R$ 160 million in 4Q20.
Net income – Total of R$ 137 million, 19% and 68% below 1Q20 and 4Q20, respectively, as a result of the increase in net financial expenses and non-recurring tax credits recorded in 1Q20 and 4Q20, partially offset by the EBITDA growth.
Cash flow from operations – Generation of R$ 128 million in 1Q21, compared to a generation of R$ 932 million in 1Q20, mainly due to the increased investment in working capital in 1Q21, especially due to the significant rise in prices of fuels and LPG in the period, compared to a reduction in working capital in 1Q20, when there was a reduction in prices of fuels.
| 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Total volume (000 tons) | 406 | 421 | 426 | (4%) | (5%) |
Bottled | 274 | 288 | 289 | (5%) | (5%) |
Bulk | 132 | 134 | 137 | (1%) | (4%) |
EBITDA (R$ million) | 150 | 147 | 154 | 2% | (3%) |
Operational performance – Sales volume at Ultragaz in 1Q21 fell by 4% from 1Q20, resulting from a reduction of 5% in sales in the bottled segment, mainly due to the initial effects of the pandemic on the demand for LPG bottles in March 2020, when there was a significant temporary growth in consumption of the product. In the bulk segment, the volume was 1% lower, due to lower sales to commercial and services segments, resulting from the impacts of the pandemic, partially offset by higher sales to industries. In relation to 4Q20, sales volume fell by 5% as a result of the typical seasonality between the periods, as well as the impact from the pandemic's upsurge on sales of the bulk segment for commercial and services.
Net revenues – Total of R$ 2,038 million (+16%), due to the increase in LPG cost, mitigated by lower sales volume. In relation to 4Q20, there was an increase of 4%, for the same reasons mentioned above.
Cost of goods sold – Total of R$ 1,812 million (+19%), due to the readjustment of LPG costs by Petrobras, mitigated by lower freight costs. In relation to 4Q20, the cost of goods sold increased 6%, for the same reasons mentioned above.
Sales, general and administrative expenses – Total of R$ 147 million, a drop of 5% in relation to 1Q20, because of lower expenses with provision for doubtful accounts and freight, due to logistics optimizations, in addition to initiatives for reducing expenses in several lines. In relation to 4Q20, sales, general and administrative expenses decreased 14%, due to lower personnel expenses, mainly variable compensation, in line with the progression of results, and labor claims.
EBITDA – Total of R$ 150 million (+2%), mainly due to expenses reduction, despite the lower volume and costs increases in the period. In relation to 4Q20, there was a drop of 3%, due to the seasonally lower sales volume, partially offset by lower expenses.
Investments – R$ 71 million were invested in this quarter, mainly to install tanks in new customers in the bulk segment, the new bottling facility in Belém (PA), the acquisition and replacement of gas bottles and the maintenance of existing operations.
| 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Installed capacity¹ (000 m³) | 843 | 822 | 838 | 3% | 1% |
m³ sold (000 m³) | 3,137 | 3,149 | 3,070 | 0% | 2% |
EBITDA (R$ million) | 93 | 91 | 77 | 2% | 20% |
¹Monthly average
Operational performance – Ultracargo’s average installed capacity increased 3% in relation to 1Q20, as a result of the start up of expansions in Itaqui in the last twelve months. The m³ sold remained stable, with a higher volume in Itaqui, as a result of capacity expansions, mitigated by lower fuels handling in Suape, Santos and Aratu, due to the drop in imports of these products. The m³ sold increased by 2% compared to 4Q20, due to higher fuels handling in Itaqui and ethanol in Suape, partially offset by lower fuels handling in Santos.
Net revenues – Total R$ 172 million in 1Q21 (+5%), due to contractual readjustments and spot operations. Compared to 4Q20, net revenues increased by 4%, mainly due to the growth in m³ sold.
Cost of services provided – Total of R$ 69 million, a 10% increase in relation to 1Q20, due to increased costs with leases readjustments and higher depreciation (capacity expansions). In relation to 4Q20, the cost of services provided dropped by 7%, because of lower spending on personnel and maintenance, due to lower consumption of materials, in line with the reduction in fuels handling, mitigated by increased costs with leases.
Sales, general and administrative expenses – Total of R$ 34 million (+4%), due to higher personnel expenses (mainly variable compensation, in line with the progression of results) and IT (productivity initiatives). In relation to 4Q20, sales, general and administrative expenses decreased 1%, due to lower expenses with engineering services, partially offset by higher personnel expenses.
Other operating results – Reduction of R$ 4 million in relation to 1Q20, due to the extraordinary positive effect of R$ 4 million registered in 1Q20 related to the refund of a compulsory loan to Eletrobrás.
EBITDA – Ultracargo reached a record EBITDA level of R$ 93 million (+2%), mainly due to the increase in net revenues, partially offset by higher costs and expenses and lower other operating results. In relation to 4Q20, EBITDA grew by 20%, as a result of the greater handling of products, contractual readjustments and lower costs and expenses.
Investments – Investments in the period amounted to R$ 120 million, directed to the construction of the new terminal in Vila do Conde (PA), the expansion of the Itaqui terminal and projects for efficiency gains, maintenance and operational safety of the terminals.
| 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Average exchange rate (R$/US$) | 5.47 | 4.46 | 5.40 | 23% | 1% |
Total volume (000 tons) | 181 | 181 | 204 | 0% | (11%) |
Commodities | 19 | 32 | 33 | (42%) | (44%) |
Specialty chemicals/Others | 162 | 148 | 171 | 9% | (5%) |
Sales in Brazil | 127 | 128 | 154 | (1%) | (18%) |
International sales | 54 | 53 | 50 | 2% | 8% |
EBITDA (R$ million) | 227 | 193 | 262 | 18% | (13%) |
Recurring EBITDA¹ (R$ million) | 227 | 122 | 177 | 87% | 28% |
¹ Does not include the effects of tax credits of R$ 71 million and R$ 85 million in 1Q20 and 4Q20, respectively
Operational performance – Oxiteno’s total sales volume remained stable in relation to 1Q20, with a 9% growth in specialty chemicals, driven by higher sales across all segments in Brazil, with emphasis on crop solutions and home and personal care, in addition to higher sales in its international units. Oxiteno’s operation in the USA was impacted by the severe winter that hit Texas in February, and this plant remained closed for approximately 30 days. As a result, the volume growth recorded in the period was 5%. The drop of 42% noted in the volume of commodities is due to the prioritization of other products in a period of scheduled shutdowns. In relation to 4Q20, the volume dropped 11%, as a result of the typical seasonality between periods, mitigated by higher sales in international units.
Net revenues – Total of R$ 1,436 million (+30%), due to the 23% average depreciation of the Real (R$ 1.01/US$) and the 7% increase in average dollar prices, as a result of a larger share of specialty chemicals in the sales mix. Compared to 4Q20, net revenues decreased 3%, due to the lower seasonal sales volume, despite the 8% increase in average dollar prices.
Cost of goods sold – Total of R$ 1,105 million (+26%), due to the 23% average depreciation of the Real (R$ 1.01/US$), higher maintenance expenses, as a result of the scheduled shutdowns, and a larger spending at the plant in the United States, due to the weather situation in the region. In related to 4Q20, cost of goods sold decreased 7%, due to the lower sales volume and the effect of the zero cost collar in 4Q20 (ZCC – margin hedge, discontinued in 2021), mitigated by higher expenses with maintenance due to the shutdowns and higher expenses at the United States plant.
Sales, general and administrative expenses – Total of R$ 224 million (+15%), because of exchange variation on international units, the provision for disposal of waste from the Uruguay plant and higher freight expenses. In relation to 4Q20, sales, general and administrative expenses fell 2%, mainly due to lower freight expenses, in line with the volume reduction.
Other operating results – Decrease of R$ 70 million and R$ 84 million in relation to 1Q20 and 4Q20, respectively, due to the non-recurring tax credits related to the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS/Cofins calculation base recorded in 1Q20 and 4Q20.
EBITDA – Total of R$ 227 million, growth of 18% related to 1Q20, due to the better sales mix and margins, with a greater share of specialty chemicals, and average Real 23% more devalued (R$ 1.01/US$), mitigated by the tax credits recorded in 1Q20 and higher costs and expenses. Compared to 4Q20, EBITDA decreased by 13%, due to the tax credits recorded in 4Q20 and the lower sales volume, partially offset by the better sales mix, the reduction in costs and expenses and the ZCC effect. Excluding the non-recurring effects of tax credits, the increase in EBITDA was 87% and 28% in relation to 1Q20 and 4Q20, respectively, a record level of company results.
Investments – Investments in the period amounted to R$ 32 million, mainly directed to investments in maintenance and safety of production units.
| 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Total volume (000 m³) | 5,367 | 5,490 | 5,815 | (2%) | (8%) |
Diesel | 2,751 | 2,722 | 2,861 | 1% | (4%) |
Otto cycle | 2,501 | 2,669 | 2,847 | (6%) | (12%) |
Others¹ | 115 | 99 | 107 | 15% | 7% |
EBITDA (R$ million) | 563 | 480 | 487 | 17% | 15% |
¹ Fuel oils, arla 32, kerosene, lubricants and greases
Operational performance – Ipiranga had a 2% reduction in sales volume compared to 1Q20, with a 6% drop in the Otto cycle, as a result of the restriction measures imposed by the pandemic, and 1% growth in diesel. In 2020, January and February were months of year-on-year growth in volumes, and the first impacts of the pandemic were felt from the second half of March. In 2021, volumes started the year impacted by the pandemic, but the effects of the new restrictions from March 2021 onwards were less severe than in the last year. Compared to 4Q20, sales volume was 8% lower, due to the drop of 12% in the Otto cycle and 4% in diesel, mainly due to the typical seasonality between the periods.
Net revenues – Total of R$ 19,845 million (+11%), due to the increase in the average prices of ethanol and oil derivatives, despite the lower sales volume, in addition to higher sales of lubricants at Iconic. In relation to 4Q20, net revenues grew by 4%, due to the higher average prices of oil derivatives and ethanol, mitigated by lower sales volume.
Cost of goods sold – Total of R$ 18,948 million (+10%), due to the increase in costs practiced by Petrobras, and in costs of ethanol, despite the lower volume sold. In relation to 4Q20, there was an increase of 3%, due to the same reasons mentioned above, mitigated by the seasonally smaller volume.
Sales, general and administrative expenses – Total of R$ 487 million (+4%), due to the increase in unit freight expenses, influenced by the increase in diesel, one-off expenses with civil contingencies and the growth in AmPm’s company operated stores, partially offset by lower provisions for doubtful accounts. In relation to 4Q20, sales, general and administrative expenses increased 3%, as a result of higher personnel expenses and reversals of provisions for doubtful accounts in 4Q20, mitigated by lower expenses with marketing and freight, due to the lower sales volume.
Other operating results – R$ 20 million negative result, a decrease of R$ 64 million in relation to 1Q20, due to CBios costs recorded in connection with the RenovaBio’s goals in the amount of R$ 33 million in 1Q21 and the establishment of extraordinary PIS/Cofins credits in the amount of R$ 39 million in 1Q20, mitigated by increased merchandising revenues from suppliers. In relation to 4Q20, the reduction was R$ 43 million, due to the lower costs with CBios and extraordinary PIS/Cofins credits recorded in 4Q20.
Disposal of property – Total of R$ 6 million, similar to 1Q20. In relation to 4Q20, the reduction was R$ 41 million, due to the higher sales of real estate assets in the previous quarter.
EBITDA – Total of R$ 563 million (+17%), mainly due to the variations in prices and costs in the period, mitigated by the reduction in other operating results. In relation to 4Q20, growth was 15%, as a result of better margins, mitigated by lower sales volume and reductions in the lines of other operating results and disposal of property.
Investments – R$ 38 million were invested, directed to the expansion and maintenance of Ipiranga’s service stations and franchise network and logistics infrastructure. Of the total invested, R$ 46 million refer to fixed assets and additions to intangible assets and R$ 36 million to contractual assets with clients (exclusive rights). These values were attenuated by R$ 43 million from the receipt of properties sold in installments at the end of 2020, net of financing releases to costumers.
| 1Q21 | 1Q20 | 4Q20 | Δ | Δ |
1Q21 v 1Q20 | 1Q21 v 4Q20 |
Number of stores (end of the period) | 402 | 411 | 405 | (2%) | (1%) |
% of mature stores (+3 years) | 80% | 60% | 75% | 20.5 p.p. | 5.0 p.p. |
Gross revenues (R$ million) | 517 | 521 | 548 | (1%) | (6%) |
EBITDA (R$ million) | 12 | 9 | 34 | 30% | (66%) |
Operational performance – Extrafarma ended 1Q21 with 402 drugstores, with 2 store openings and 11 closures in the last twelve months, a reduction of 2% in its network, resulting from greater selectivity in expansion and a more rigorous approach to underperforming stores. Over the course of 1Q21, approximately 5% of stores, located in shopping malls, remained temporarily closed, due to stricter measures related to the pandemic. At the end of the quarter, stores still at the ramping-up phase (with up to three years of operation) represented 20% of the network.
Gross revenues – Total of R$ 517 million (-1%), due to the lower number of stores (-2%), the temporary closing of shopping mall stores and the effects from the cyberattack that occurred in January 2021, which impacted the systems of stores and distribution centers. The estimated impact of the incident on Extrafarma’s gross revenues loss is around 5%. These effects were partially offset by the expansion of sales through digital channels and by higher same store sales. In relation to 4Q20, gross revenues dropped by 6%, mainly due to the cyberattack and the seasonality between periods.
Cost of goods sold and gross profit – Cost of goods sold amounted to R$ 346 million (-1%), following the reduction in sales. Gross profit reached R$ 144 million (-1%), equivalent to a gross margin of 27.8%, in line with 1Q20. In relation to 4Q20, cost of goods sold decreased by 5% whereas gross profit fell by 8%, mainly due to the cyberattack and seasonality between periods.
Sales, general and administrative expenses – Total of R$ 167 million (-4%), due to the lower number of stores and productivity gains initiatives, logistic optimization and expenses reduction. In relation to 4Q20, sales, general and administrative expenses increased by 7%, mainly due to higher personnel expenses and services from third parties.
EBITDA – Total of R$ 12 million, increase of 30% in relation to 1Q20. This growth is a result of the implemented process for closing underperforming stores, greater profitability of the existing network and initiatives for enhancing productivity and expenses reduction, mitigated by the impact caused by the cyberattack and the effects of the pandemic. In relation to 4Q20, there was a reduction of 66%, mainly due to the typical seasonality between the periods and the impact caused by the cyberattack. The estimated impact of the cyberattack on Extrafarma’s EBITDA is R$ 6 million.
Investments – In 1Q21, R$ 9 million were invested, mainly directed to the maintenance of stores and projects related to information technology. It is worth mentioning that the distribution center in the state of Maranhão started operations in 1Q21, which will contribute to margin gains and logistical optimizations.
Indebtedness (R$ million) |
Ultrapar consolidated | 1Q21 | 4Q20 | 1Q20 |
Gross debt | (18,606) | (17,376) | (16,962) |
Cash and cash equivalents | 8,501 | 8,672 | 7,249 |
Net debt (ex-IFRS 16) | (10,105) | (8,704) | (9,713) |
Leases payable | (1,794) | (1,833) | (1,704) |
Net debt | (11,899) | (10,537) | (11,418) |
Net debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA¹ (ex-IFRS 16) | 3.2x | 2.8x | 3.1x |
Net debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA¹ | 3.3x | 3.0x | 3.3x |
Average cost of debt | 212% DI | 184% DI | 121% DI |
DI + 2.3% | DI + 1.6% | DI + 0.9% |
Average cash yield (% DI) | 82% | 80% | 90% |
Average debt duration (years) | 4.6 | 4.6 | 4.7 |
¹ LTM Adjusted EBITDA does not include the impairment of Extrafarma of R$ 593 million for 1Q20
Ultrapar ended 1Q21 with a net financial debt of R$ 10.1 billion, comprised of gross debt of R$ 18.6 billion and cash position of R$ 8.5 billion. Considering leases payable (IFRS 16) of R$ 1.8 billion, the total net debt was R$ 11.9 billion (3.3x Adjusted EBITDA LTM) compared to R$ 10.5 billion on December 31, 2020 (3.0x Adjusted EBITDA LTM). The increase in net debt compared to the position at the end of 4Q20 refers mainly to the consumption of operating cash in working capital in 1Q21, the payment of dividends in March 2021 and the R$ 174 million effect of exchange rate variation over net debt on the portion of notes designated for hedge accounting. The increase in financial leverage is due to the increase in net debt, due to the reasons explained above, despite the increase in EBITDA LTM. The financial leverage was stable compared to 1Q20.
Maturity profile and debt breakdown:

In March 2021, Ultrapar created the Sustainability and Corporate Affairs executive position, reporting directly to the CEO, to accelerate and integrate the efforts and actions of the Ultra Group’s businesses into a unified, objective and widely visible agenda, with clearly defined and disseminated goals.
In April 2021, the Company’s Annual and Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting took place, in which the members of the Board of Directors were elected. The Shareholders’ Meeting was attended by more than 70% of the Company’s total capital, with all matters approved by 88% to 99% of the attendees. None of the matters had a rejection rate greater than 1%. The present slate, whose term of office is in force until 2023, brings together professionals with relevant experiences and skills in strategic issues related to the Company’s businesses and future. Among the skills and experiences assessed, we highlight specific knowledge of the Company's operating segments, experience as CEO and people management, expertise in portfolio management, corporate governance, finance, energy matrix, technology, innovation and sustainability.
Ultra Group has teamed up with 11 companies to donate more than 5 thousand oxygen concentrators for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. The equipment was sent to the Ministry of Health for distribution according to the needs of each region and should serve up to 20 thousand patients per month. Together, the 12 partner companies have invested more than R$ 35 million in this initiative. Additionally, the Ultra Group joined the Donation Campaign of AMA – Association of Residents and Friends of São Conrado, which helps communities in Rio de Janeiro to combat the pandemic. The donation was intended for the purchase of basic food baskets, which will help around 300 low-income families covered by the project. Furthermore, in this first quarter, more than R$ 5 million have already been approved to social initiatives focused on COVID-19 through partner institutions in conjunction with the Group's companies.
Ultragaz reviewed its materiality matrix incorporating new themes and expanding the scope of existing themes. In addition, it built its sustainability model, defining strategic objectives to be pursued. Ultragaz continued its social and environmental actions, being recognized with the gold award in the environment category of the LPG Innovation and Technology Award, due to its project “Collect Oil Campaign”, in force since 2014, which consists of the collection of cooking oil in homes by Ultragaz trucks for the production of biodiesel and biodegradable soap in various parts of Brazil. The Company also initiated a national action to combat COVID-19, which aims to impact 10 million people in 50 cities in 19 states, together with the startup Criatividade e Entretenimento Educação e Saúde. This action is called Educational Campaign – The Boy in the Yellow Mask, whose goal is to take preventive information about the pandemic in a playful manner, mainly for children of the communities served by Ultragaz.
In order to align its strategy with the potential to contribute as an industry leader, Ultracargo released its material themes and renewed its support for the Na Mão Certa Program. Ultracargo also started an operational training course, aimed at the community surrounding the new Vila do Conde (PA) terminal, through which residents of the Barcarena region were selected for basic training in the operation of port terminals. Additional initiatives in the eco-efficiency matter include the use of a rainwater reuse system in Vila do Conde (PA) and Itaqui (MA), with a significant reduction in the consumption of treated water, and supply of the Itaqui (MA), Suape (PE), Aratu (BA) and Santos (SP) terminals with renewable energy from solar, wind or biomass.
Oxiteno holds its position in the Platinum category of EcoVadis Sustainability Rating, the highest in the ranking, which is taken by only 1% of the evaluated companies, being the second Brazilian company to achieve this position. It also won the Seal of Ethnic-Racial Diversity in the commitment category of the city hall of Salvador. To continue the implementation of the Strategic Sustainability Plan, Oxiteno carried out the split of sustainability goals into individual goals of top leadership, the implementation of the diversity and quality of life program, and the assessment of the sustainability performance of almost 70% of its suppliers through the EcoVadis platform in less than a year.
As a partner, Ipiranga launched the Pro-Frotas Carbon Neutral initiative, which will allow fleet companies to calculate their greenhouse gas emissions, generated from the consumption of fuels, and later compensate them with the purchase of carbon credits. On the front of diversity and inclusion, Ipiranga launched its Internship Program with 50% of the vacancies reserved for black professionals, achieving a higher than expected result. In addition, Ipiranga contributed with humanitarian actions in the context of worsening pandemic, with the donation of fabric masks, gel alcohol and food vouchers to communities around Ipiranga base in Manaus, in partnership with the NGO Aldeias Infantis.