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absolute, absorb, accretion, adverse, adversely, advertising, affidavit, afforded, al, Alcorn, allegedly, Allentown, alter, altered, Amato, analytic, Anderson, anniversary, annum, answer, appraisal, appraised, Arizona, assembled, assumption, attainment, authoritative, avoid, backstop, bad, balloon, bankruptcy, belief, beneficiary, bifurcate, bifurcated, billboard, Blanket, bookkeeping, breach, break, BrightAI, Broker, brokerage, brought, BSM, calendar, call, canceled, cancelled, Carla, Carole, case, Castle, categorical, cautioned, cease, chain, Chairman, choose, CIP, claim, claimed, claiming, clarification, classification, client, COBRA, code, coding, Collateralized, comparison, complaint, compliance, component, concurrent, concurrently, Conductor, Confession, consecutive, consent, constitute, constituted, constituting, contest, contractor, conventional, coordination, counsel, County, court, covenant, creator, criterion, Crown, cured, curtail, customary, Dana, David, De, deadline, declared, decline, decommission, decommissioning, dedicated, defend, defendant, delayed, delaying, deliverable, denied, depreciate, depreciated, depreciation, Dina, disability, discovery, discretion, discretionary, disease, dismissed, dispose, disposition, dispute, disputed, distancing, distinct, District, Division, downtown, drawn, drew, earliest, education, elapsed, eligibility, eligible, employed, enacted, enactment, ensuing, entirety, environmental, equipment, erroneously, error, escalating, excessive, exclusive, expedient, experienced, explained, expressed, external, extinguished, extinguishment, fact, Facto, factual, failure, fall, favor, favorable, FCC, FDIC, feasibility, Fifty, FINRA, firmware, Florida, foot, forecasted, foregoing, forgave, forgiven, forma, formal, formally, formation, formula, found, fraudulent, fraudulently, frequently, fullest, fully, Furniture, geographic, good, goodwill, governmental, GP, graduated, guarantee, guaranteed, guaranteeing, half, hand, hearing, Hedging, hereof, higher, hindsight, hold, holding, Hoppel, host, Hosting, HVAC, ICS, iii, illustrative, immaterial, implied, imposition, improperly, inaccurate, Inadequate, incorrect, incorrectly, incremental, incurrence, indefinite, indemnity, indirect, individual, inducement, inflation, input, intangible, intent, intrinsic, invoicing, IOTC, irrevocably, issuer, iv, ix, job, Judicial, kind, Ladenburg, land, landlord, launched, law, legal, legally, lender, lessee, lesser, lessor, leverage, libor, licensee, lien, lift, likelihood, low, Macro, manner, Maricopa, Marshall, maximum, membership, merged, merit, method, migrated, minimize, minimum, mix, modification, moment, motion, mutual, mutually, Nasdaq, nationwide, newly, nominal, noncurrent, Nonemployee, nonmonetary, nonrecurring, notarized, noteholder, notify, Nurmenkari, occurrence, offset, OID, operationally, opposed, opted, outbreak, outlaid, overdue, oversee, owner, PA, package, pandemic, panel, partial, partially, participate, participation, partner, passage, Paycheck, pecuniary, percent, perfected, perfection, personal, pertain, pertaining, phase, photovoltaic, piggyback, pledged, pocket, policy, pool, PPP, practicable, practical, practice, preemptive, prepayment, primary, pro, procurement, profit, profitable, Promisorry, promotion, promulgated, proper, properly, proposed, protect, protection, protest, prove, range, ranging, rata, ratably, real, realizable, realized, realm, recapitalization, reclassification, reclassified, reconsideration, recordkeeping, recover, Recoverability, recoverable, recovered, redemption, redeploying, referral, reimbursable, reimbursement, reliance, relied, relinquish, relinquished, relocated, remember, removed, renegotiating, repaid, repay, repayment, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, repriced, request, requested, resale, reseller, reservation, reserve, reset, residual, resolution, rest, restore, restricted, restricting, resume, retirement, retiring, retrospective, robust, role, rollforward, ROU, routinely, royalty, run, running, salary, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, SBRT, scale, screen, selected, seller, senior, setup, shareholder, shortfall, similarly, site, situated, Smartcomm, social, solar, standalone, standing, stemming, stop, stopped, subdivision, subordinated, substitute, succeed, successfully, successor, suit, Superior, surrender, surviving, Symphony, talent, tangible, taxable, team, telecommunication, temporarily, temporary, tenant, tender, terminology, Thalmann, thereon, thereunder, thirty, threshold, Tranche, travel, treasury, treatment, trustee, twelve, typically, unapproved, unbilled, uncertain, uncertainty, undeclared, undiscounted, unencumbered, unexpired, unforeseen, unfulfilled, unissued, unknown, unpriced, unsatisfied, unspecified, unused, usability, usury, vacation, valid, variable, veil, vendor, verifiable, Vertical, vi, Vice, VIE, view, viewed, vigorously, vii, viii, visualization, void, voluntarily, vote, voting, VWAP, wage, waived, warranty, weather, website, whichever, wholly, winddown, wire, workforce, writing, yearly, yield, yielded
check, mark, shell
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q/A Quarterly report
- 4.16 Amended and Restated Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Link Labs, Inc., Dated January 3, 2020
- 4.17 Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Barclay Knapp, Dated February 29, 2020
- 4.18 Secured Non-convertible Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Aip, Dated March 30, 2020
- 4.20 Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Dana Amato (July), Dated June 1, 2020
- 4.21 Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Dana Amato (December), Dated June 1, 2020
- 4.22 Secured Non-convertible Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Aip, Dated June 2, 2020
- 4.23 Secured Non-convertible Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Aip, Dated July 30, 2020
- 4.26 Securities Purchase Agreement by and Between the Company and Lucas Hoppel, Dated September 18, 2018
- 4.27 Secured Convertible Promissory Note Issued by the Company to Lucas Hoppel, Dated September 18, 2018
- 4.28 Secured Convertible Promisorry Note Issued by the Company to Aip Dated November 5, 2020
- 10.6 License Application and Construction Services Agreement Between Iota Networks, LLC and Iota Spectrum Partners, LP, Dated July 25, 2019
- 10.7 Master Long-term De Facto Lease Agreement Between Iota Networks, LLC and Iota Spectrum Partners, LP, Dated July 25, 2019
- 10.8 Administrative Expenses Agreement Between Iota Spectrum Holdings, LLC and Iota Spectrum Partners, LP, Dated August 7, 2019
- 10.18 Amended and Restated Limited Partnership Agreement of Iota Spectrum Partners, LP, Dated November 5, 2019
- 10.22 Blanket License Agreement by and Between the Company and Crown Castle, Dated December 4, 2019
- 10.27 Third Side Letter Agreement by and Between the Company and Link Labs, Inc. Dated January 21, 2020
- 10.28 Agreement and Waiver Between the Company and Aip, Dated March 25, 2020
- 10.29 Amendment and Settlement Agreement Between the Company and Lucas Hoppel, Dated May 5, 2020
- 10.30 Amendment to Employment Agreement Between the Company and Brian Ray, Dated May 22, 2020
- 10.31 Agreement and Waiver Between the Company and Aip, Dated June 2, 2020
- 10.33 Side Agreement Letter Between the Company and Aip, Dated July 30, 2020
- 10.35 Iota Common Stock Subscription Agreement, Dated September 2020
- 10.36 Amendment Agreement Between the Company and Aip Dated November 5, 2020
- 31.1 Certification Pursuant to Rule 13A-14(A)/15D-14(A) Certifications Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxly Act of 2002
- 31.2 Certification Pursuant to Rule 13A-14(A)/15D-14(A) Certifications Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxly Act of 2002
- 32.1 Certificate Pursuant to Section 18 U.s.c. Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- 32.2 Certificate Pursuant to Section 18 U.s.c. Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
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