Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Basis of Presentation and Busin
- Going Concern
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Inventory
- Prepaid expenses and deposits
- Property and Equipment
- Shareholders_ Equity (Deficit)
- Related Party Transactions
- Changes in Cash Flows from Oper
- Investments
- Operating Lease Obligations
- Long term Debt
- Loss per Share
- Warrants
- Stock Options and Performance S
- Warrant Inducement
- Rental Income
- Subsequent Events
- Inventory (Tables)
- Prepaid expenses and deposits (
- Property and Equipment (Tables)
- Changes in Cash Flows from Op_2
- Operating Lease Obligations (Ta
- Warrants (Tables)
- Stock Options and Performance_2
- Going Concern (Details Narrativ
- Schedule of Inventory (Details)
- Schedule of Prepaid Expenses an
- Prepaid expenses and deposits_2
- Schedule of Property and Equipm
- Shareholders_ Equity (Deficit)
- Related Party Transactions (Det
- Schedule of Changes in Operatin
- Investments (Details Narrative)
- Schedule Right-of-use Asset (De
- Schedule of Lease Cost (Details
- Schedule of Measurement of Leas
- Schedule of Future Minimum Leas
- Operating Lease Obligations (De
- Long term Debt (Details Narrati
- Loss per Share (Details Narrati
- Schedule of Warrants Exercise P
- Schedule of Warrants Activity (
- Warrants (Details Narrative)
- Schedule of Stock Options Activ
- Schedule of Share-based Payment
- Stock Options and Performance_3
- Warrant Inducement (Details Nar
- Rental Income (Details Narrativ
- Subsequent Events (Details Narr