Exhibit 10.1
Supplementary Agreement
Party A: Tangdu Hospital Affiliated to the Fourth Military Medical University
Party B: Shaanxi New Century Science & Technology Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Due to the overall changes in social medical industry, improvement in service consciousness and rapid development of medical technology, both parties agreed to purchase a large cancer examine equipment—a set of PETCT, which is to meet the development need of medical market, expend the scope of services and keep our long-term first-class technology, equipment and service brand, and further to ensure a stable income in competition of medical industry. Based on the signed “Agreement for Cooperation Establishment of Tangdu Gamma Knife Therapeutic Center”, “Agreement for Cooperation Establishment of Tangdu PET Diagnosis Center” and “Supplementary Agreement for Cooperative Establishment of Tangdu PET Diagnosis Center” and “Tangdu Gamma Knife Therapeutic Center” ( hereinafter referred to as the Cooperation Agreement) and in order to comply with the principles of friendly negotiation, mutual benefit and sharing the risk together, in terms of related information of the equipment, both parties confirm and sign the supplementary agreement as follows.
1. Equipment
设备名称:PETCT (美国GE公司)
The name of equipment: PETCT (America GE Company)
数 量: 一台
Quantity: one
金 额:2800万(贰仟捌佰万元)
Amount: RMB28 million (twenty-eight million)
2. Agreed Investment on Equipment
Tangdu Hospital: Location; Equipment room;Medical Equipment license; Professional technical personnel
新世纪公司:PETCT 及配套设备
New Century Company: PETCT and matching equipment
3. Agreed Ownership of the Equipment
合作期间双方各自享用的产权参照“合作协议”(PETCT 时间为六年)。协议期满后设备按残值部分由甲方优先向乙方按最低价格的50%收购。
Separate shared ownership for both parties during cooperation period can be seen in the Cooperation Agreement (The period of PETCT is six years). Party A shall have the priority to purchase the equipments of the residual value part with 50% of the lowest price from Party B after the agreement expiration.
4. Agreed Profit of the Equipment
Separate shared profit for both parties during cooperation period can be seen in the Cooperation Agreement. The profit period time of PETCT is six years and Party A shall receive 30% of the profits and Party B shall receive 70% each year, which shall be settled reference to the Cooperation Agreement.
5. The Method of Equipment Purchase
The “Gamma Knife Center” established by both parties shall responsible for the purchasing, installation, coordination and other related matters of the equipment.
6. Agreed Payment
Party B will invest RMB 28 million. The deposit of 10 million shall be paid by Party A, which deduct from the payment of account payment to Party B. The balance of RMB 18 million shall be advanced by Party A and later Party A will deduct from the distributed profits of Party B for RMB1.5 million each month (begin from the formal operation).
7. Other Terms
Other items not covered in the agreement should be carried out according to the Cooperation Agreement.
8. The supplementary agreement is made in quadruplicating; each party shall take two copies of the original, which will have the equal legal effect with Cooperation Agreement. The breach responsibility should be carried out referring to the Cooperation Agreement.
The agreement shall become legal effective from the day when formally putting the signature of the legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties.
甲方(盖章): | 代表人签字:/s/ Hong Gao |
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Party A (common seal): | Legal representative (signature): |
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乙方(盖章): | 代表人签字:/s/ Lian Wang |
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Party B (common seal): | Legal representative (signature): |
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| 签署时间: 年 月 日 |
| Date: 06 /21/2011 |