Investments | Investments a) The following tables summarize the Company's available-for-sale investments. Commercial and residential mortgage-backed securities include securities issued by U.S. government-sponsored enterprises and U.S. government agencies. The net unrealized holding gains (losses) in the tables below are presented before taxes and any reserve deficiency adjustments for life and annuity benefit reserves. See note 9. June 30, 2022 (dollars in thousands) Amortized Gross Gross Estimated Fixed maturity securities: U.S. Treasury securities $ 2,912,268 $ 49 $ (126,339) $ 2,785,978 U.S. government-sponsored enterprises 822,815 1,761 (70,863) 753,713 Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions 3,972,514 26,051 (137,823) 3,860,742 Foreign governments 1,402,054 2,675 (107,950) 1,296,779 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,013,800 409 (96,890) 1,917,319 Residential mortgage-backed securities 615,940 1,736 (10,146) 607,530 Asset-backed securities 2,165 — (36) 2,129 Corporate bonds 791,401 409 (72,106) 719,704 Total fixed maturity securities 12,532,957 33,090 (622,153) 11,943,894 Short-term investments 2,064,223 1 (8,690) 2,055,534 Investments, available-for-sale $ 14,597,180 $ 33,091 $ (630,843) $ 13,999,428 December 31, 2021 (dollars in thousands) Amortized Gross Gross Estimated Fixed maturity securities: U.S. Treasury securities $ 2,489,032 $ 2,633 $ (21,471) $ 2,470,194 U.S. government-sponsored enterprises 753,029 28,997 (6,439) 775,587 Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions 4,007,211 266,575 (7,862) 4,265,924 Foreign governments 1,394,771 134,071 (9,488) 1,519,354 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 1,928,775 69,810 (8,152) 1,990,433 Residential mortgage-backed securities 699,136 27,084 (170) 726,050 Asset-backed securities 3,035 46 — 3,081 Corporate bonds 786,478 54,475 (4,271) 836,682 Total fixed maturity securities 12,061,467 583,691 (57,853) 12,587,305 Short-term investments 1,805,300 28 (5,340) 1,799,988 Investments, available-for-sale $ 13,866,767 $ 583,719 $ (63,193) $ 14,387,293 b) The following tables summarize gross unrealized investment losses on available-for-sale investments by the length of time that securities have continuously been in an unrealized loss position. June 30, 2022 Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total (dollars in thousands) Estimated Gross Estimated Gross Estimated Gross Fixed maturity securities: U.S. Treasury securities $ 1,867,197 $ (81,978) $ 911,928 $ (44,361) $ 2,779,125 $ (126,339) U.S. government-sponsored enterprises 509,765 (45,747) 155,794 (25,116) 665,559 (70,863) Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions 1,951,874 (102,522) 210,370 (35,301) 2,162,244 (137,823) Foreign governments 1,016,734 (94,597) 92,286 (13,353) 1,109,020 (107,950) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 1,743,017 (87,792) 64,010 (9,098) 1,807,027 (96,890) Residential mortgage-backed securities 407,445 (9,614) 4,172 (532) 411,617 (10,146) Asset-backed securities 2,129 (36) — — 2,129 (36) Corporate bonds 614,804 (60,001) 66,422 (12,105) 681,226 (72,106) Total fixed maturity securities 8,112,965 (482,287) 1,504,982 (139,866) 9,617,947 (622,153) Short-term investments 2,034,208 (8,690) — — 2,034,208 (8,690) Total $ 10,147,173 $ (490,977) $ 1,504,982 $ (139,866) $ 11,652,155 $ (630,843) At June 30, 2022, the Company held 1,127 available-for-sale securities in an unrealized loss position with a total estimated fair value of $11.7 billion and gross unrealized losses of $630.8 million. Of these 1,127 securities, 110 securities had been in a continuous unrealized loss position for one year or longer and had a total estimated fair value of $1.5 billion and gross unrealized losses of $139.9 million. The Company does not intend to sell or believe it will be required to sell these available-for-sale securities before recovery of their amortized cost. December 31, 2021 Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total (dollars in thousands) Estimated Gross Estimated Gross Estimated Gross Fixed maturity securities: U.S. Treasury securities $ 2,236,637 $ (18,433) $ 97,173 $ (3,038) $ 2,333,810 $ (21,471) U.S. government-sponsored enterprises 381,495 (5,640) 14,010 (799) 395,505 (6,439) Obligations of states, municipalities and political subdivisions 393,249 (6,941) 23,589 (921) 416,838 (7,862) Foreign governments 322,813 (8,596) 25,564 (892) 348,377 (9,488) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 345,616 (7,765) 9,189 (387) 354,805 (8,152) Residential mortgage-backed securities 12,828 (159) 269 (11) 13,097 (170) Corporate bonds 193,786 (4,271) — — 193,786 (4,271) Total fixed maturity securities 3,886,424 (51,805) 169,794 (6,048) 4,056,218 (57,853) Short-term investments 228,870 (5,340) — — 228,870 (5,340) Total $ 4,115,294 $ (57,145) $ 169,794 $ (6,048) $ 4,285,088 $ (63,193) At December 31, 2021, the Company held 277 available-for-sale securities in an unrealized loss position with a total estimated fair value of $4.3 billion and gross unrealized losses of $63.2 million. Of these 277 securities, 13 securities had been in a continuous unrealized loss position for one year or longer and had a total estimated fair value of $169.8 million and gross unrealized losses of $6.0 million. The Company completes a detailed analysis each quarter to assess whether the decline in the fair value of any investment below its cost basis is the result of a credit loss. All available-for-sale securities with unrealized losses are reviewed. The Company considers many factors in completing its quarterly review of securities with unrealized losses for credit-related impairment to determine whether a credit loss exists, including the extent to which fair value is below cost, the implied yield to maturity, rating downgrades of the security and whether or not the issuer has failed to make scheduled principal or interest payments. The Company also takes into consideration information about the financial condition of the issuer and industry factors that could negatively impact the capital markets. If the decline in fair value of an available-for-sale security below its amortized cost is considered to be the result of a credit loss, the Company compares the estimated present value of the cash flows expected to be collected to the amortized cost of the security. The extent to which the estimated present value of the cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost of the security represents the credit loss, which is recorded as an allowance and recognized in net income. The allowance is limited to the difference between the fair value and the amortized cost of the security. Any remaining decline in fair value represents the non-credit portion of the impairment, which is recognized in other comprehensive income. The Company did not have an allowance for credit losses as of June 30, 2022 or December 31, 2021. Quarterly, the Company also considers whether it intends to sell an available-for-sale security or if it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost. In these instances, a decline in fair value is recognized in net income based on the fair value of the security at the time of assessment, resulting in a new cost basis for the security. c) The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed maturity securities at June 30, 2022 are shown below by contractual maturity. (dollars in thousands) Amortized Estimated Due in one year or less $ 1,213,444 $ 1,193,593 Due after one year through five years 3,778,157 3,628,633 Due after five years through ten years 2,877,515 2,672,144 Due after ten years 2,031,936 1,922,546 9,901,052 9,416,916 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,013,800 1,917,319 Residential mortgage-backed securities 615,940 607,530 Asset-backed securities 2,165 2,129 Total fixed maturity securities $ 12,532,957 $ 11,943,894 d) The following table presents the components of net investment income. Quarter Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, (dollars in thousands) 2022 2021 2022 2021 Interest: Tax-exempt municipal bonds $ 13,160 $ 14,102 $ 26,735 $ 29,338 Taxable municipal bonds 17,618 16,421 35,125 32,916 Other taxable bonds 41,142 40,618 81,204 80,013 Short-term investments, including overnight deposits 5,795 874 7,001 1,546 Dividends on equity securities 23,590 19,798 48,327 45,183 Income (loss) from equity method investments (3,247) 9,018 (29,493) 12,943 Other (308) (417) 5,938 (612) 97,750 100,414 174,837 201,327 Investment expenses (4,092) (4,153) (8,445) (8,496) Net investment income $ 93,658 $ 96,261 $ 166,392 $ 192,831 e) The following table presents the components of net investment gains (losses) and the change in net unrealized gains (losses) included in other comprehensive income (loss). Gross realized investment gains and losses on fixed maturity securities, short-term investments and other investments were not material to the consolidated financial statements and are presented on a net basis in the following table. Quarter Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, (dollars in thousands) 2022 2021 2022 2021 Fixed maturity securities, short-term investments and other investments: Net realized investment gains (losses) $ (2,259) $ 4,402 $ 3,969 $ 7,811 Equity securities: Change in fair value of securities sold during the period (2,113) 1,345 (19,231) 3,971 Change in fair value of securities held at the end of the period (1,550,271) 669,006 (1,897,780) 1,189,842 Total change in fair value (1,552,384) 670,351 (1,917,011) 1,193,813 Net investment gains (losses) $ (1,554,643) $ 674,753 $ (1,913,042) $ 1,201,624 Change in net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale investments included in other comprehensive income (loss): Fixed maturity securities $ (449,089) $ 62,948 $ (1,114,899) $ (258,284) Short-term investments (9,239) 1,095 (3,377) 1,779 Reserve deficiency adjustment for life and annuity benefit reserves (see note 9) — 929 56,560 50,262 Net increase (decrease) $ (458,328) $ 64,972 $ (1,061,716) $ (206,243) f) The Company's equity method investments, which totaled $489.4 million and $459.7 million as of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively, are included in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets. The Company's most significant equity method investment is an investment in Hagerty, Inc. (Hagerty), which is accounted for on a quarter lag. Hagerty is an automotive enthusiast brand offering integrated membership products and programs as well as a specialty insurance provider focused on the global automobile enthusiast market. The Company's ownership interest in Hagerty was 23% as of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021. The Company's investment is comprised of Class A common shares, which are listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as Class V common shares, associated with the Company's original investment in 2019, that have special voting rights and can be converted on a one-for-one basis into Class A common shares. The Company accounts for its investment under the equity method as it is deemed to have the ability to exercise significant influence over Hagerty's operating and financial policies through a combination of its voting interest, its right to designate a board member and business it conducts with Hagerty. As of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, the carrying value of the Company's investment in Hagerty was $241.6 million and $256.6 million, respectively. As of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, the estimated value of the Company's investment, based on the closing stock price of Hagerty's Class A common shares, was $896.2 million and $1.1 billion, respectively. See note 12 for further details regarding related party transactions with Hagerty. |