Business Practices and Standards of Conduct
Our Business Practices and Standards of Conduct are designed to provide guidance on and articulate our commitment to several key matters such as safety and health, protecting the environment, use of company resources, and promoting a harassment-free work environment. It also addresses certain legal and ethical facets of integrity in business dealings with suppliers, customers, investors and the governments that regulate us. We assess global compliance with this policy annually.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth our Company’s basic expectations for environmental, labor, supplier working conditions and ethical practices that suppliers are expected to meet in order to do business with Edgewell. We believe we hold our suppliers to a high standard and use a risk-based approach to audit suppliers for ongoing compliance. In June 2022, we published a new and improved Supplier Code of Conduct leveraging a global sustainability third party to review our policy and suggest changes based upon best practices and benchmarking the new policy against leading CPG and retail companies. Moreover, at least annually, the Audit Committee of our Board reviews the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that it continues to reflect the highest ethical principles and standards we expect of our suppliers.
Director Independence
Our Corporate Governance Principles, adopted by our Board, provide that a majority of our Board, and the entire membership of the Audit, Human Capital & Compensation and Corporate Governance Committees of our Board, will consist of independent, non-employee directors who meet the criteria for independence required by the NYSE listing standards.
For relationships not described in our Corporate Governance Principles, a majority of our independent directors, after considering all of the relevant circumstances, may make a determination whether or not such relationship is material and whether the director may therefore be considered independent under the NYSE listing standards. We have also considered and determined that members of our Audit Committee and Human Capital & Compensation Committee satisfy the additional independence requirements of the NYSE and SEC for such committees.
Director affiliations and transactions are regularly reviewed to ensure that there are no conflicts or relationships with our Company that might impair a director’s independence. Every year, we submit a questionnaire to each director and executive officer, in addition to conducting our own internal review, for the purpose of identifying certain potentially material transactions or relationships between each director, or any member of his or her immediate family, and our Company, our senior management and our independent auditor.
Our Board also determined that no arrangement or understanding exists between any director or executive officer of our Company and any other person pursuant to which any of them were selected as a director or executive officer. Accordingly, based on the responses to the 2023 questionnaire and the results of its review, our Board has affirmatively determined that all directors, other than Rod Little, are independent from management.
Director Nominations
The Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for recommending candidates for election to our Board of Directors, consistent with the requirements for membership set forth in our Corporate Governance Principles. Historically, when vacancies have occurred, or when our Board determined that increasing its size was appropriate, candidates have been recommended to the committee by other Board members or the chief executive officer, or the Board has engaged the services of a recruitment firm to assist with conducting a search. In evaluating potential director candidates, the Corporate Governance Committee considers, among other factors, the criteria in the Key Skills and Experience matrix for current directors and certain additional characteristics that it believes one or more directors should possess based on an assessment of the needs of the Board at that time. The priorities for recruiting new directors are continually evolving based on the Company’s strategic needs. It is important that the Board remains a strategic asset capable of overseeing and helping management address the risks, trends, and opportunities facing our Company now and in the future. The Corporate Governance Committee continues to plan for the future as it considers the skills and experience the Board will need upon anticipated director retirements and as our business continues to evolve.
The Corporate Governance Committee expects a high level of commitment from Board members and evaluates each candidate’s leadership and experience, skills, expertise and character traits, including the candidate’s ability to devote sufficient time to Board and committee meetings in light of other professional commitments. The committee also reviews whether a potential candidate meets Board and/or committee membership requirements, as set forth in our Corporate Governance Principles, determines whether a potential candidate is independent according to our Board’s established criteria, and evaluates the potential for a conflict of interest between the director and our Company.
Although our Company does not have a formal policy with respect to diversity matters, our Board considers factors such as diversity on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability and sexual orientation. The Corporate