16 TRANSACTION SUMMARY • The current operating business of GNPI will be transferred to Genius Products, LLC (30% owned by GNPI and 70% by TWC) – Genius Products, LLC will receive the U.S. DVD distribution rights for most all TWC releases and future library. TWC will receive a 70% economic interest in Genius Products, LLC and a 70% voting interest in GNPI via preferred voting stock. – GNPI will contribute most all of its assets and operations to the LLC, and will retain a 30% economic interest in the LLC – GNPI shareholders will retain 100% common equity in GNPI with 30% voting rights (subject to TWC taking 70% of Common if it redeems its LLC interests) • GNPI will own exclusive U.S. DVD distribution rights to most all content produced or controlled by TWC, including all theatrical or DTV titles, as well as all Rainbow/IFC titles – Exclusive distribution rights for 5 years – Rights in perpetuity on any content released on DVD by GNPI during the term • Anticipated products to be distributed each year via the TWC transaction will include: – An average of 2 theatrical releases per month – Approximately 20-30 direct-to-video releases per year – Co-produced content from Rainbow/IFC – Other Acquisitions |