Beasley Serves Some of the Largest Advertisers in the U.S. | Selected National Radio Advertisers
Customer Markets
Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia
Boston, Charlotte, Detroit, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Tampa
Boston, Charlotte, Detroit, Las Vegas, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Tampa
Boston, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Tampa
Boston, Charlotte, Detroit, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Tampa
FY19 Total Ad Spend in Beasley
Markets ($mm) $ 13.7mm 10.9mm
Top Market Rank
#1 #2 #4 #6 #12
Beasley Product Solution
Radio, Studio Naming Rights, Personality Endorsements, Co-Branded Social, Targeted Display, Video, Event Marketing
Radio, Personality Endorsements, Co-Branded Social, Targeted Display, Video, Event Marketing
Radio, Smart Speaker Integration, Personality Endorsements, Co-Branded Social
Radio, Studio Naming Rights, Personality Endorsements, Co-Branded Social, Targeted Display, Video, Event Marketing, In Dash Display Radio, Personality Endorsements, Co-branded Social, Video, In Dash Display
“When I can use local endorsers in an organic way to talk about our products and build it into a conversation, that’s the power of radio that I can’t get with anyone else.”
Larry Schweber, Comcast
“Radio plays a critical role in our marketing mix to build the Xfinity brand and drive demand.”
Eileen Diskin, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Comcast
“Radio allows me the ability to connect on a very local level using local influencers with my key target audience …They are our local influencers who use our brand and talk about our brand every single day and I value that more than anything.”
Peter DeLuca, Senior VP, Brand & Advertising, T-Mobile
“Radio is such an effective advertising outlet for us. The fact that we can reach as many people as we do through our on-air presence while also targeting in our top markets with our strategic messaging – we make an impact.”
Amy Hooks, GEICO
Dunkin’s ad spend in Beasley markets has averaged $5.4mm since FY16. Beasley has grown share of market spend from FY16 to FY19
“We followed consumers and where they are spending their time because that’s a big aspect of what it’s all about. And then we started getting creative. What that did then was allow us to try things, measure the performance, and start reinvesting in it.”
P&G Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard
Beasley Broadcast Group // Investor Presentation 9