September 27, 2021
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Comment 2: Please reorder the principal risks in order of importance for the top 2-3 risks rather than listing all of the risks alphabetically. (Please see ADI 2019-08.)
Response: The Trust is reviewing the guidance from the Division of Investment Management internally. Additionally, the Trust respectfully notes the following language currently in the sections entitled “Fund Overview—Summary of Principal Risks,” “A Further Discussion of Principal Risks” and “A Further Discussion of Other Risks”:
The order of the below risk factors does not indicate the significance of any particular risk factor.
Comment 3: Please simplify using plain English the description of “macroeconomic factor timing,” including “duration-times-spread,” in the paragraph on page S-2 beginning with “The first step of the model is macroeconomic factor timing.”
Response: The description has been revised as follows (changes in bold and underline):
The first step of the factor model is macroeconomic factor timing. This component uses the implied default risk (derived from the prices, which considers high yield bond prices and the price momentum of high yield securities) and the 3-month high yield momentum signal to determine the macroeconomic regimestatus of the economy (as reflected in the bond market) at a given point in time (i.e., whether default risk is low, average and improving declining, average and decliningincreasing, or high). The status of the macroeconomic regimeeconomy at rebalance is used to determine several features of the Underlying Index composition, including the Underlying Index’s duration and duration-times-spread (“DxS,” which measures credit volatility) targets, as well as determining high yield and MBS sector allocations. The Underlying Index sets the CMBS and ABS weights in line with the weights in the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF.
Comment 4: According to the Principal Investment Strategies on page S-3, a significant portion of the Underlying Index is represented by U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasury bonds. In the future, if the components of the Underlying Index change such that high yield bonds represent a significant portion of the Underlying Index, please disclose in the first paragraph on page S-2 under “Principal Investment Strategies” that high yield bonds are commonly referred to as “junk bonds.”
Response: The Trust does not expect high yield bonds to represent a significant portion of the Underlying Index in the future because the Underlying Index methodology contains a 4.0% cap on high yield securities.
Comment 5: If applicable, please include a sentence in the Principal Investment Strategies that the Fund may include bonds of any maturity.
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