I.TheVENDOR is the legitimate owner of the mobile good described following (the “GOOD”)
| |
Description | Steel pads hydraulic bucket back-hoe |
Model | ROBEX 160LCD-7 |
Make | HYUNDAI |
Year | 2005 |
Serial number | N50110372 |
II. TheVENDOR accredits the ownership of theGOOD by means of invoice number P27029, issued on the 14th December 2006 in his favor by the WOODLAND EQUIPMENT, INC., company. Ordinary copy of such document is attached to this instrument asAnnex I.
III. TheGOOD was legally imported to the United States of Mexico, as justified by importation allowance sheet number 07-02-3576-7000675, through the offices to such an effect by José Fernando Vildosola Aruffe, Customs Agents with Patent 3516. Ordinary copy of the described allowance sheet is attached to this instrument asAnnex II, and;
IV. In recent past days,PARTIEShave established diverse negotiations with the purpose of formalizing the described sales-purchase operation, according to the terms and conditions of this present contract.
TheVENDOR declares through the offices of his legal representative and under oath of stating the truth, that:
Sales-Purchase contract celebrated between Compañía Minera La Escuadra, S. A. de C. V., on one hand and American Metal Mining, S. A. de C. V., on the other on the 21 August 2009.
1. It is a Mexican mercantile society, specifically a Stock Company with
Varying Amount of Capital, duly established and operating in accordance with the applicable and current legislation of the United States of Mexico, in obedience with the prescriptions of articles 10 and 11 of the Mining Law as is witnessed in Public Writ number 5,979, granted on the 23rd November 1984 before testimony of Mr. José Antonio de Lascuráin y Osío, Attorney and Notary Public number 21 of the Morelos Judicial District for the State of Chihuahua, instrument that was duly inscribed in the Public Registry of Commerce of said district under electronic mercantile folio number 7409*10 and reason by which it is endowed with the necessary and sufficient personality to intervene in this present judicial act;
2. It enjoys the faculties, powers and the sufficient and necessary mandates to subscribe this present contract as testimony of it is given in Public Writ number 18,155, granted on the 28th February 2007 before testimony of Mr. Eugenio Fernando García Russek, applicant to the exercise of Notary Public and ascribed to Public Notary number 28 per license of the Offices Title Holder, Mr. Felipe Colomo Castro, Attorney, and instrument that was duly inscribed in the Public Registry of Commerce of said judicial district under mercantile electronic folio number 7409*10 and by virtue of such the resolutions adopted within the bosom of the Shareholders Ordinary General Assembly were protocolized celebrated on the 12th January 2007, and same that have not been limited, restrained, suspended or revoked to date and in consequence he enjoys with the capacity and representation to subscribe this agreement;
3. It is duly inscribed in the Federal Taxpayers Registry with taxpayer certificate number MES-841123-M11and being current to date in its income tax payments and other contributions that have corresponded to it according to the applicable and current legislation;
4. To be the legitimate owner of theGOOD, as has been proven in the Previous Facts of this contract, and;
5. It is the will of its Administration to subscribe this present contract with the purpose of selling theGOOD in favor of thePURCHASER, heeding in every instance to the terms and conditions of this present contract.
II. TheVENDOR, through the offices of his general proxy and under oath of stating the truth, declares, that:
1. It is a Mexican mercantile society, specifically a Stock Company with Varying Amount of Capital, duly established and operating in accordance with the applicable and current legislation of the United States of Mexico, as is witnessed in Public Writ number 9,311, granted on the 9th August 1995 before testimony of Mr. José R. Miller Hermosillo, Attorney and Notary Public number 2 of the Morelos Judicial District for the State of Chihuahua, instrument that was duly inscribed in the Public Registry of Commerce of said judicial district under electronic mercantile folio
Sales-Purchase contract celebrated between Compañía Minera La Escuadra, S. A. de C. V., on one hand and American Metal Mining, S. A. de C. V., on the other on the 21 August 2009.
number 21164*10 and reason by which it is endowed with the necessary and sufficient personality to intervene in this present judicial act;
2. His representative enjoys the faculties, powers and the sufficient and necessary mandates to subscribe this present contract as testimony of it is given in Public Writ number 22,503, granted on the 12th June 2008 before testimony of Mrs. Elsa Ordóñez Ordóñez, applicant to the exercise of Notary Public and ascribed to Public Notary number 28 per license of the Offices Title Holder, Mr. Felipe Colomo Castro, Attorney, and instrument that was duly inscribed in the Public Registry of Commerce of said judicial district under mercantile electronic folio number 21164*10 and same that have not been limited, restrained, suspended or revoked as of this date and reason why he enjoys with the capacity and representation to subscribe this agreement;
3. To be duly inscribed in the Federal Taxpayers Registry with Fiscal Identification CertificateCAM-950810-K77, being to date current in their income tax payments and other contributions that have corresponded in agreement with the applicable and current fiscal legislation;
4. He recognizes theVENDOR as the legitimate owner of theGOOD;
5. He is in the knowledge of the condition theGOOD keeps to date as well as its mechanical and operative conditions and these are to his full satisfaction;
6. It is the will of its Administration to subscribe this present contract with the purpose of acquiring theGOOD from thePURCHASER, heeding in every instance to the terms and conditions of this present contract.
BothPARTIES declare per the offices of their respective legal representatives and under oath of stating the truth, that they acknowledge the personality each other bears, in addition to concur to the subscription of this present document in good faith, free of deceit, error, violence or any other vitiation in their consent, with the purpose of committing themselves to the following:
FIRST. OBJECT:By virtue of the subscription of this present contract and under the terms of article 2,248 and others applicable of the Federal Civil Code, theVENDOR commits himself to transfer in favor of thePURCHASER, plainly and openly, the property of theGOOD that is described following, and this latter accepts it, obliging himself to pay per counterclaim concept the certain price and money described in the following clause:
Sales-Purchase contract celebrated between Compañía Minera La Escuadra, S. A. de C. V., on one hand and American Metal Mining, S. A. de C. V., on the other on the 21 August 2009.
| |
Description | Steel pads hydraulic bucket back-hoe |
Model | ROBEX 160LCD-7 |
Make | HYUNDAI |
Year | 2005 |
Serial number | N50110372 |
SECOND. PRICE:PARTIES agree that the price to be paid to theVENDOR for the sale of theGOOD will be the amount of $1’291,620.00 Mexican Pesos (One million two hundred and ninety one thousand and six hundred and twenty Mexican Pesos), plus the corresponding Added Value Tax, a sum total of$1’485,363.00 Mexican Pesos (One million four hundred and eighty five thousand and three hundred and sixty three Mexican Pesos)(the “PRICE”).
THIRD. MANNER, TIME AND PLACE OF PAYMENT:TheVENDOR recognizes having received the total amount of thePRICE on this same date and reason why this present instrument constitutes the widest berth receipt of payment that proceeds by law regarding such payment in favor of thePURCHASER.
FOURTH. PAYMENT VOUCHER: Taking into consideration that thePRICE has been duly paid for, theVENDOR commits himself to issue in favor of thePURCHASER on this same date a voucher valid for fiscal purposes as imposed for such an effect by the applicable and current fiscal legislation.
Likewise, theVENDOR commits himself to deliver in favor of thePURCHASER the necessary documentation described in the Previous Facts of this contract, same that protects the acquisition of theGOOD on the part of theVENDOR, duly endorsed in property with the purpose that work can be carried out on the administrative paperwork derived from the change of ownership in question, in the event it is requested by any authority.
FIFTH. DELIVERY OF THE GOOD; TheVENDORcommits himself to deliver to thePURCHASER the ownership of theGOOD at the address that for such a purpose bothPARTIESestablish within the following 5 (five) natural days of the subscription of this present instrument.
SIXTH. RESPONSIBILITY REGARDING THE GOOD:PARTIES agree expressly that as of the date of subscription of this present contract, thePURCHASER will acquire the totality of the obligations that correspond to him as the legitimate owner of theGOOD, theVENDOR being liberated of any responsibilities that might be imputed in the future contrary to the disposition of this clause, be it of a civil, penal, administrative or of whatever other nature.
SEVENTH: : FISCAL OBLIGATION:On being duly registered and regularized before the Federal Taxpayers Registry, as well as current in their income tax payments and other contributions that have corresponded to them,PARTIES agree that each will defray in separate tax payments that correspond to each individually complying thus to the terms and
Sales-Purchase contract celebrated between Compañía Minera La Escuadra, S. A. de C. V., on one hand and American Metal Mining, S. A. de C. V., on the other on the 21 August 2009.
conditions of this present instrument and complying to the applicable and current fiscal legislation, and committing themselves to free their counterpart from any fiscal responsibility that might be imputed contrary to this clause by competent authorities.
EIGHTH. CONFIDENTIALITY:PARTIES expressly commit themselves to keep in a confidential manner the totality of past, present and future information related with this instrument, and extending same obligation when disclosed to any private person or corporation.
ThePARTY recipient of confidential information must limit access to it to its representatives or employees who, under a justified and reasonable cause, should request access to such and information. In such cases,PARTIES must extend same confidentiality obligation to the persons confidential information is disclosed to.
For purposes of this present clause, the following will not be considered confidential information: 1. Information legitimately known and obtained by the recipientPARTY prior to the subscription of this agreement; 2. Information that is to date or in the future considered as public domain, if and ever such consideration did not derive from a non compliance by any of thePARTIES to the stipulation of this clause, or; 3. Information that must be disclosed to per law or an administrative or judicial mandate from competent authorities, including those of the Stock Exchange, both in the United States of Mexico and abroad.
NINTH. ADDRESSES: PARTIES agree that for anything referring to the execution and compliance of the terms and conditions of this present instrument, as well as to carry out announcements, notifications and other communications in relation to same, they state their addresses and contact telephones to be the following: