Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Note A - Basis of Presentation
- Note B - Accounting Policies
- Note C - New Accounting Standar
- Note D - Revenue Recognition
- Note E - Inventories
- Note F - Debt
- Note G - Leases
- Note H - Selling, General and A
- Note I - Stock-based Compensati
- Note J - Purchase Contracts
- Note K - Business Segments
- Note L - Income Taxes
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair V
- Note N - Legal Proceedings
- Note O - Repurchase of Common S
- Note P - Goodwill and Intangibl
- Note Q - Subsequent Events
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note D - Revenue Recognition (T
- Note E - Inventories (Tables)
- Note F - Debt (Tables)
- Note G - Leases (Tables)
- Note J - Purchase Contracts (Ta
- Note K - Business Segments (Tab
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair_2
- Note P - Goodwill and Intangi_2
- Note A - Basis of Presentatio_2
- Note C - New Accounting Stand_2
- Note D - Revenue Recognition (D
- Note D - Revenue Recognition -
- Note E - Inventories (Details T
- Note E - Inventories - Inventor
- Note F - Debt (Details Textual)
- Note F - Debt - Long-term Debt
- Note F - Debt - Long-term Deb_2
- Note G - Leases (Details Textua
- Note G - Leases - Future Paymen
- Note G - Leases - Total Lease C
- Note H - Selling, General and_2
- Note I - Stock-based Compensa_2
- Note J - Purchase Contracts - M
- Note K - Business Segments (Det
- Note K - Business Segments - Sc
- Note K - Business Segments - Se
- Note L - Income Taxes (Details
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair_3
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair_4
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair_5
- Note M - Derivatives and Fair_6
- Note O - Repurchase of Common_2
- Note P - Goodwill and Intangi_3
- Note P - Goodwill and Intangi_4