Principal Amount:US$30,000.00 IssueDate: August 26, 2019Purchase Price: US$25,000.00
FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Grow Solutions HoldingsInc.,a Nevada corporation,jointly with itssubsidiary Pure RootsLLC (hereinaftercollectivelycalled the “Borrower”), hereby promises topay to the orderofRALPH AIELLO,or registered assigns (the “Holder”) the sumof US$30,000.00 together withany interest as set forth herein,on August25, 2020 (the “Maturity Date”), andto pay interest on the unpaid principal balance hereofat the rateof ten percent (10%) (the “Interest Rate”) per annum from the funding date hereof (the “Issue Date”) until the same becomes dueand payable, whetheratmaturity or upon accelerationorby prepaymentor otherwise. This Notemay be prepaidin wholeor in part as explicitly set forth herein.Any amount of principalor intereston this Note which is not paid when due shall bear interestatthe rate oftwenty-four percent (24%)perannum from thedue date thereof untilthesame is paid (the “Default Interest”).Interest shall commence accruingon the date thatthe Note isfully paid and shallbe computedonthe basisof a360-dayyearand the actual numberof days elapsed. All payments due hereunder (totheextent not converted into common stock of Grow Solutions HoldingsInc., $0.001par value per share (the “Common Stock”)inaccordance with the terms hereof) shallbe made in lawfulmoneyof the United States ofAmerica. All payments shallbe made at such addressasthe Holder shall hereafter giveto the Borrowerby written notice madein accordance withthe provisionsofthis Note. Whenever any amount expressed to be duebythe termsof this Note isdue on any daywhich is not a businessday, the same shall insteadbedue on thenext succeedingday which is a businessday and,in the case ofany interest payment date which is notthe dateon whichthisNote is paid in full,the extensionofthe due date thereof shall not be taken into accountfor purposesofdetermining the amountof interest due on such date. As usedinthis Note,the term “business day” shall meanany day other than a Saturday,Sunday or aday on which commercial banksin thecity of New York, NewYork are authorizedorrequiredby laworexecutive order to remain closed.
This Note isfree from all taxes,liens, claims and encumbrances withrespect to the issuethereof and shall not besubject topreemptive rights or othersimilar rights of shareholders of theBorrower and will not imposepersonal liability upon theholder thereof.
Thefollowing terms shall apply to thisNote:
1.1 Conversion Right. The Holder shallhavetheright atany time pursuant toSection 1.6(a) or ArticleIII to convertall or any part of the outstandingandunpaidprincipal amount of this Noteintofullypaid and non-assessablesharesof Common Stock,as such Common Stock existsontheIssue Date, oranysharesofcapital stock or other securities of theBorrowerintowhich such Common Stock shallhereafterbechanged orreclassified at theConversion Price (as definedbelow) determined as provided herein (a“Conversion”);provided,however,that in noevent shall the Holder be entitled to convertanyportion of this Note inexcess of that portion of thisNoteuponconversion ofwhich the sum of (1) the number ofshares of Common Stock beneficiallyownedby theHolder and itsaffiliates (other thanshares of Common Stockwhichmaybe deemed beneficially ownedthroughtheownership of theunconverted portion of theNotesor theunexercisedorunconverted portion ofanyother security of theBorrower subject to a limitation on conversion orexercise analogous to the limitationscontained herein) and (2) the number ofsharesof Common Stockissuable upon theconversionof the portion of this Note withrespecttowhich thedetermination of thisproviso isbeing made, wouldresultinbeneficial ownershipbythe Holderand itsaffiliates of more than 9.99%of theoutstanding shares of Common Stock.For purposes of theproviso to the immediately precedingsentence, beneficial ownership shall bedeterminedinaccordance withSection 13(d) of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934,as amended (the “Exchange Act”), andRegulations 13D-Gthereunder, except as otherwiseprovided in clause (1) of such proviso,provided, further, however, that thelimitations onconversionmaybewaivedbythe Holder upon,at theelection of theHolder, not less than 61days’ prior notice to theBorrower, and theprovisionsof theconversion limitationshall continueto apply until such 61st day (or suchlater date, as determinedbytheHolder, asmay bespecifiedin suchnotice ofwaiver). The number ofshares of Common Stock to beissueduponeach conversionof this Note shallbe determinedby dividing theConversionAmount(as defined below)by theapplicable Conversion Price then ineffecton thedate specifiedin the notice of conversion, in the formattached hereto as Exhibit A (the “NoticeofConversion”), delivered to theBorrowerby theHolder inaccordance withSection1.4below; provided that the Notice ofConversionis submittedbyfacsimile or e-mail (orby othermeans resulting in, or reasonably expected toresult in,notice) to theBorrower before 6:00 p.m.,New York, New Yorktime on suchconversion date (the“Conversion Date”). Theterm “Conversion Amount”means,withrespect toany conversion of thisNote, the sum of (1) the principalamountof this Note to beconverted in such conversionplus (2)atthe Holder’s option,accrued and unpaid interest, ifany,on such principalamount at theinterest rates provided in this Note to theConversion Date, providedhowever, that theBorrowershallhave theright topay any orall interest incashplus(3) at theHolder’s option,Default Interest, ifany, on theamounts referredto in the immediately precedingclauses (1)and/or(2)plus (4)at the Holder’s option, anyamounts owed to theHolder pursuant toSections1.3and 1.4(g) hereof.
(a) Calculation of ConversionPrice. Subjectto theadjustments describedherein, and provided that noEvent ofDefault (as defined inArticleIII) hasoccurred, theconversion price (the “ConversionPrice”) shall equal theVariableConversionPrice (asdefined herein)(subject toequitable adjustments for stock splits, stockdividendsorrights offeringsby theBorrowerrelatingto theBorrower’s securities or thesecurities of any subsidiary of theBorrower, combinations, recapitalization, reclassifications, extraordinary distributionsand similar events). The“Variable ConversionPrice”shall equal thelesser of (i) one cent($0.01)or (ii) 50%multipliedby theMarket Price (as defined herein) (representing a discountrate of 50%). “MarketPrice” means the lowestclosing bidprice for the Common Stock,as reportedbyBloombergLP,during the twenty (20) TradingDayperiodending on thelatest complete TradingDayprior to theConversion Date. To the extent theConversion Price of theBorrower’sCommon Stockcloses below thepar value per share, theBorrower will takeallsteps necessarytosolicit the consent of thestockholders toreduce thepar value to the lowestvalue possible underlaw. TheBorrower agrees to honorall conversions submittedpendingthisadjustment. Furthermore, the ConversionPricemaybeadjusted downward if, withinthree (3)business days of thetransmittalof the Notice ofConversion to theBorrower,the CommonStock has aclosing bid which is 5% or lower than thatset forth in the Notice of Conversion.Iftheshares of theBorrower’s Common Stockhave notbeen delivered withinthree (3)business days to theHolder, the Notice ofConversionmayberescinded. Atany time after the ClosingDate, if in thecase that theBorrower’s Common Stockis notdeliverableby DWAC (including if theBorrower’s transferagent has a policy prohibiting or limitingdelivery ofsharesof theBorrower’s Common Stockspecifiedin a Notice ofConversion), an additional 10% discount will apply forall future conversionsunder all Notes.Ifin thecase that theBorrower’sCommon Stockis “chilled” fordepositinto the DTCsystem and onlyeligiblefor clearingdeposit, an additional 7.5% discount shall apply forall future conversions underall Notes while the“chill”is ineffect.If in the caseofboth of theabove, an additional cumulative 17.5% discount shallapply. “Trading Day” shallmeanany day onwhich the Common Stockis tradableforanyperiod on theOTCBB,OTCQB or on theprincipal securities exchange or othersecurities market on which the Common Stock is then beingtraded. TheBorrowershall be responsible for thefeesof itstransfer agentand all DTCfees associated with any suchissuanceby applying suchamount to theprincipal amountdueunder theNote. Holder shall beentitled todeduct $500.00 from theconversion amount ineach Notice ofConversion tocover Holder’s deposit fees associated witheach Notice ofConversion.Ifatanytime theConversion Priceas determinedhereunder forany conversion would be less than the parvalueof the Common Stock, thenat the solediscretionof the Holder, theConversion Price hereundermayequal suchpar value for such conversionand the Conversion Amount for suchconversionmay beincreased to include AdditionalPrincipal, where “AdditionalPrincipal” means suchadditional amount to beaddedto the Conversion Amount to theextent necessary to cause the number of conversionshares issuable upon suchconversion to equal thesame number ofconversion shares as wouldhave beenissued had the Conversion Price notbeen adjustedby theHolder to thepar valueprice.
Whilethis Note isoutstanding, each time any third partyhas theright toconvert monies owed tothat third party (orreceive shares pursuant to asettlement orotherwise),including but notlimited tounder Section 3(a)(9)andSection3(a)(10), at adiscounttomarketgreaterthan the Conversion Price ineffectat that time (prior to all otherapplicable adjustmentsin the Note), then theHolder, inHolder’ssolediscretion,mayutilize such greaterdiscountpercentage(priortoallapplicable adjustments in thisNote) untilthis Note isnolongeroutstanding.While this Note is outstanding,eachtime any third party has alookbackperiodgreater than thelook back period in effect under the Noteatthattime,including but notlimited tounder Section 3(a)(9)and Section3(a)(10), then the Holder, inHolder’s solediscretion,mayutilize such greater number oflookbackdaysuntil thisNote isnolongeroutstanding. TheBorrower shallgivewritten notice to theHolder within one(1) business day ofbecomingaware ofany event thatcould permittheHolder tomake any adjustment described in thetwo immediately preceding sentences.
(b) Conversion Price During Major Announcements.Notwithstanding anything contained in Section1.2(a) to thecontrary,in theevent theBorrower (i) makes a publicannouncement that itintendstoconsolidate ormerge withany othercorporation (other than amergerinwhich theBorrower is the survivingorcontinuing corporation and itscapital stock isunchanged) orsellortransfer all orsubstantially allof theassetsof theBorroweror (ii)anyperson, group or entity (including theBorrower) publiclyannouncesa tenderoffer to purchase 50% or more of theBorrower’sCommon Stock (orany othertakeover scheme) (thedate of theannouncement referredto inclause (i) or (ii) ishereinafter referred toas the“Announcement Date”), then the ConversionPrice shall,effectiveupon theAnnouncement Date and continuingthroughtheAdjusted Conversion Price Termination Date (asdefinedbelow), be equal to thelower of (x) the ConversionPrice which would have beenapplicable for aConversion occurring on theAnnouncement Dateand (y) the ConversionPrice thatwould otherwise be ineffect. From and after theAdjusted Conversion Price Termination Date, theConversion Price shall bedetermined as setforthin thisSection 1.2(a). Forpurposes hereof,“AdjustedConversion Price Termination Date” shallmean, withrespectto any proposedtransaction ortender offer (ortakeover scheme) for which a public announcementas contemplatedby thisSection 1.2(b) has been made, the date uponwhich theBorrower(in thecase ofclause (i)above)or the person,group or entity (in the case of clause (ii) above)consummatesor publiclyannounces theterminationor abandonment of the proposedtransaction or tender offer (ortakeover scheme) which causedthis Section1.2(b)tobecome operative.
(c) ProRata Conversion; Disputes.Inthe event of a disputeas to the number ofsharesof Common Stockissuable to theHolder inconnection with a conversion of thisNote, theBorrower shall issue to theHolder the number ofshares of Common Stock notin disputeand resolve suchdispute inaccordance withSection 4.13.
1.3 Authorized Shares. TheBorrower covenantsthat during theperiod theconversionrightexists,theBorrowerwillreserve from itsauthorized andunissued Common Stock asufficientnumberofshares, freefrom preemptiverights, toprovide forthe issuance ofCommonStock upon thefullconversionofthis Note issuedpursuant tothe PurchaseAgreement. TheBorrowerisrequiredatalltimestohaveauthorized and reserved tentimes thenumber ofsharesthat isactually issuable uponfull conversion ofthe Note (based onthe Conversion Price ofthe Notes ineffectfrom time to time) (the“Reserved Amount”). TheReservedAmount shall beincreasedfromtimetotime in accordance with theBorrower’sobligations pursuant toSection3(d) of thePurchase Agreement. TheBorrower representsthat uponissuance,such shareswillbedulyandvalidlyissued,fullypaid andnon-assessable.Inaddition, if the Borrower shall issue any securities ormakeany change to its capital structurewhichwould change the number of shares of Common Stock intowhichthe Notes shall be convertibleatthe thencurrentConversion Price, the Borrower shallatthesametime make proper provision sothatthereafter there shall beasufficient number of shares of Common Stock authorized and reserved, free from preemptive rights, for conversion of theoutstandingNotes. The Borrower (i) acknowledges thatit hasirrevocably instructed its transferagentto issue certificates fortheCommon Stock issuable upon conversion of this Note, and (ii)agreesthatitsissuance of this Note shall constitutefullauthoritytoitsofficers and agents whoare chargedwith thedutyof executing stock certificates to execute and issue the necessary certificates for shares of Common Stockinaccordance with the termsandconditions of thisNote.Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the ReservedAmountbe lower than the initial Reserved Amount, regardless of any prior conversions.
If, atanytime theBorrower does not maintain orreplenishtheReserved Amount withinthree (3)business days of therequestofthe Holder, the principal amount of the Note shallincreasebyFive Thousandand No/100 UnitedStates Dollars ($5,000)(under Holder’s and Borrower’s expectation thatany principalamount increase willtack back to theIssueDate)per occurrence.
(a) Mechanics of Conversion.SubjecttoSection 1.1, this Note may beconvertedby theHolder in whole or in partatany timefromtime to timeafter theIssue Date,by (A) submitting to theBorrowera NoticeofConversion(byfacsimile,e-mailor other reasonablemeansofcommunication dispatchedon theConversion Date priorto 5:00 p.m.,New York, New Yorktime)and(B) subject toSection1.4(b), surrendering this Noteattheprincipaloffice of theBorrower.
(b) Surrender of Note UponConversion.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary setforth herein, upon conversion of this Note in accordance with theterms hereof, theHoldershall notbe required to physically surrender this Note to theBorrowerunless the entireunpaid principal amount of this Note is so converted. TheHolder and theBorrower shall maintainrecords showing the principalamount soconverted and the datesof such conversions or shall use such other method, reasonably satisfactory to theHolder and theBorrower,soas not torequire physical surrenderof this Note uponeach suchconversion.In the event ofany dispute ordiscrepancy, such records of theBorrower shall,primafacie, becontrolling and determinative in theabsence of manifesterror.Notwithstanding theforegoing, ifanyportion of this Note isconverted as aforesaid, theHoldermay nottransfer this Note unless theHolder first physicallysurrenders this Note tothe Borrower, whereupon theBorrowerwillforthwith issueand deliver upon theorder of theHolder a new Note of like tenor,registered as theHolder (uponpaymentby theHolderofanyapplicable transfer taxes) mayrequest, representing in theaggregatetheremaining unpaid principalamountof thisNote. TheHolder andanyassignee,byacceptance of thisNote, acknowledge and agree that,byreason of theprovisionsofthis paragraph, followingconversionof a portion of thisNote, theunpaid and unconverted principalamount of this Noterepresentedby this Note maybe less than the amountstated on theface hereof.
(c) Payment of Taxes. TheBorrowershall not berequired to payany taxwhich may bepayable inrespectofany transferinvolved in the issueanddelivery ofsharesof Common Stock or othersecurities or propertyonconversion of this Note in aname other than that of theHolder (or instreet name), and theBorrower shall not berequiredto issue ordeliver any suchsharesor othersecurities or property unlessanduntil theperson orpersons (other than theHolder or the custodian in whose street name suchsharesare tobeheld for the Holder’saccount) requesting the issuancethereof shall havepaid to theBorrower theamount ofany such tax orshall have establishedto thesatisfaction of theBorrowerthat such taxhas been paid.
(d) Deliveryof Common Stock Upon Conversion. Uponreceiptby theBorrower from theHolderof afacsimile transmission or e-mail (or otherreasonablemeans ofcommunication) of a Notice ofConversionmeeting therequirements forconversion as provided in thisSection 1.4, theBorrowershall issueand deliver orcause to beissued and delivered to or upon theorderof the Holdercertificates for the CommonStock issuable upon suchconversion withinthree(3)business days after such receipt (the“Deadline”) (and, solely in the caseofconversionof theentire unpaid principal amount hereof, surrender of thisNote)inaccordance with theterms hereofand thePurchaseAgreement.
(e) Obligation of Borrower to Deliver Common Stock. Upon receiptby the Borrowerofa Noticeof Conversion,theHolder shallbedeemedto be the holder of record of the Common Stock issuable upon such conversion,the outstanding principal amountand the amountofaccrued and unpaid interest on this Note shallbe reduced to reflect such conversion, and, unless the Borrower defaults onits obligationsunderthis ArticleI, all rights with respect to the portionofthis Note beingso converted shall forthwith terminate excepttherightto receive the Common Stockor other securities, cash or other assets, as herein provided, on such conversion.If the Holder shall have given a Notice of Conversion as provided herein,the Borrower’s obligation toissue and deliver the certificates for Common Stock shallbeabsolute and unconditional, irrespectiveof the absenceof any actionby the Holder to enforce the same,anywaiveror consent with respect toanyprovision thereof,the recoveryof anyjudgment againstany personor any actionto enforce the same,any failure or delayin the enforcement ofany other obligationofthe Borrower to the holderofrecord,or any setoff, counterclaim, recoupment, limitation or termination,or any breachor alleged breachby the Holderof any obligation to the Borrower, and irrespectiveof any other circumstance which might otherwise limit such obligationof theBorrower to the Holderin connection with such conversion. The Conversion Date specifiedin the Noticeof Conversion shallbethe Conversion Dateso longas the Notice of Conversion is receivedby the Borrower before 5:00 p.m., New York, New York time, on such date.
(f) Delivery of Common StockbyElectronic Transfer.Inlieu ofdelivering physical certificates representing the CommonStock issuable uponconversion, provided theBorrower isparticipatingin the DepositoryTrust Company (“DTC”)Fast Automated Securities Transfer (“FAST”) program, uponrequest of the Holderand itscompliance with theprovisions contained inSection 1.1and in thisSection 1.4, theBorrowershall use its commerciallyreasonable best efforts tocauseitstransfer agent to electronically transmit the Common Stock issuable uponconversion to the Holderbycrediting theaccount ofHolder’sPrimeBrokerwith DTCthrough itsDeposit WithdrawalAt Custodian(“DWAC”) system.
(g) DTC Eligibility &Sub-Penny.IftheBorrower fails to maintain its statusas“DTCEligible” foranyreason, or,if theConversionPrice is less than $0.01,atany time while this Note isoutstanding, the principalamountof the Note shallincreaseby FiveThousand and No/100 UnitedStates Dollars ($5,000) (under Holder’s and Borrower’s expectation that any principalamount increasewilltack back to theIssue Date).
(h) Failure toDeliver Common Stock Prior to DeliveryDeadline. Without in anywaylimiting theHolder’s right to pursue otherremedies,includingactual damages and/or equitable relief, the partiesagreethat if delivery of the Common Stockissuable uponconversionof this Noteis notdeliveredby theDeadline (other than afailuredue to thecircumstances described inSection1.3above, which failure shall begovernedby suchSection) theBorrowershall pay to theHolder $1,000perday in cash, foreachdaybeyond theDeadline that theBorrower fails to deliver such Common Stock until theBorrower issues and delivers a certificate to the Holder orcredit theHolder's balance account with OTC for the numberofsharesof CommonStock towhichtheHolder isentitled upon suchHolder's conversion of anyConversion Amount(under Holder's and Borrower's expectation thatanydamages willtack back to theIssue Date).. Such cash amount shall bepaidtoHolderby thefifthday of the month following the month inwhichithas accrued or, at the option of theHolder(bywritten notice to theBorrowerby thefirstdayof the month following the month inwhich ithas accrued), shall beadded to theprincipalamountof thisNote, inwhich event interest shallaccrue thereon inaccordancewith theterms of this Noteand suchadditional principal amount shall be convertible into Common Stock inaccordancewith theterms of thisNote. TheBorrower agrees that theright toconvert is avaluable right to theHolder.Thedamages resultingfrom afailure, attempt tofrustrate, interferencewith such conversionright are difficult if not impossible toqualify. Accordingly, theparties acknowledge that theliquidated damages provision contained inthis Section 1.4(h) are justified.
(i) Rescindment of aNotice ofConversion.If (i)the Borrowerfailsto respond toHolderwithinone (1)businessday from theConversion Dateconfirmingthe detailsofNotice ofConversion,(ii) theBorrowerfailstoprovide any of theshares oftheBorrower’sCommon Stockrequested in theNotice ofConversion withinthree (3)businessdaysfrom the date ofreceiptofthe Note ofConversion, (iii) the Holder isunable toprocure alegal opinion required tohave theshares of theBorrower’s CommonStock issued unrestricted and/or deposited tosellforany reasonrelatedto theBorrower’s standing, (iv) theHolder is unable to deposit thesharesoftheBorrower’s CommonStockrequestedintheNotice ofConversion forany reason related to theBorrower’s standing, (v)atanytime after amissedDeadline, atthe Holder’ssolediscretion,or(vi) ifOTCMarketschanges theBorrower'sdesignationto‘Limited Information’(Yield), ‘NoInformation’(Stop Sign),‘CaveatEmptor’(Skull &Crossbones), ‘OTC’,‘Other OTC’ or‘Grey Market’(ExclamationMark Sign) orother trading restriction onthe day of or any dayafter theConversion Date, theHolder maintains theoption andsole discretion torescindthe Notice ofConversion (“Rescindment”) witha“NoticeofRescindment.”
1.5 Concerning theShares. Theshares of Common Stockissuable uponconversion of this Note may not be soldortransferred unless (i) such shares are sold pursuant toan effective registration statement under theAct or (ii) theBorroweror itstransfer agent shallhave beenfurnished withan opinion ofcounsel (which opinion shall be inform, substance and scope customary for opinions of counsel incomparable transactions) to theeffectthat theshares to be sold ortransferredmaybe sold ortransferred pursuant toan exemptionfromsuch registration or (iii) suchshares are soldortransferred pursuant to Rule 144undertheAct (or asuccessor rule) (“Rule 144”) or (iv) suchshares aretransferredtoan “affiliate” (as defined in Rule 144) of theBorrowerwho agrees tosell or otherwisetransferthesharesonly inaccordancewith thisSection 1.5and who isan Accredited Investor (as defined in thePurchase Agreement). Except as otherwise provided in thePurchase Agreement (and subject to the removal provisionsset forth below), until such timeastheshares of Common Stockissuableuponconversion of this Notehave beenregistered under theAct or otherwise may be sold pursuant to Rule 144without anyrestriction as to the number of securitiesasof aparticular date that can then be immediately sold,each certificate forshares of Common Stockissuableupon conversion of this Note thathas notbeensoincluded in aneffective registrationstatement or thathas not been sold pursuant toan effective registration statement oran exemptionthat permits removal ofthe legend, shallbearalegend substantially in thefollowing form, asappropriate:
Thelegend set forth above shall beremoved andthe Borrower shall issue to theHolder a new certificatetherefore freeof anytransfer legend if (i) theBorroweror itstransfer agent shallhave receivedan opinion of counsel, inform, substance and scope customary for opinions ofcounselincomparable transactions, to theeffectthat a publicsale ortransfer of such Common Stock maybe made withoutregistration under the Act, which opinion shall be reasonablyacceptedbytheBorrower so that thesale or transfer iseffected or (ii) in thecaseof the CommonStock issuable uponconversionof thisNote, such securityisregistered for saleby theHolder under an effective registration statement filedunder theActorotherwisemay be soldpursuantto Rule 144 without anyrestriction as to thenumberofsecurities as of aparticular date thatcan then be immediately sold.In theevent that theBorrower does notacceptthe opinion ofcounsel providedby theBuyer withrespectto thetransferofSecurities pursuant toan exemption from registration, such as Rule 144 orRegulationS,atthe Deadline, it will beconsideredanEventofDefault pursuant toSection 3.2 of theNote.
| 1.6 | EffectofCertainEvents. |
(a) EffectofMerger,Consolidation, Etc. At the option of the Holder, thesale, conveyanceor disposition ofall orsubstantially all of theassets of theBorrower, theeffectuationby theBorrowerof atransaction orseries ofrelated transactions inwhich more than 50% of the voting power of theBorrower isdisposed of, or the consolidation,merger or otherbusiness combination of theBorrower with or into any otherPerson(asdefined below) orPersons when theBorrower is not the survivor shalleither:(i) be deemed to bean Event ofDefault(asdefined in ArticleIII) pursuant towhich theBorrower shall berequiredtopay to theHolder upon theconsummation ofand as aconditionto suchtransaction an amount equal to theDefaultAmount(as defined in ArticleIII) or (ii) betreated pursuant toSection 1.6(b)hereof.“Person” shallmeanany individual,corporation, limited liabilitycompany, partnership,association,trust orother entity ororganization.
(b) Adjustment Due to Merger, Consolidation, Etc.If, atanytime when this Noteis issued and outstanding and prior to conversionofallof the Notes, there shallbe any merger, consolidation,exchange of shares, recapitalization, reorganization,orother similar event,as a result of which sharesofCommon Stockof the Borrower shall be changed into the sameora different numberof shares of another class or classesofstock or securitiesof the Borroweroranother entity, or in caseof any sale or conveyanceofallor substantiallyall of the assets of the Borrower other thanin connection with a planofcomplete liquidationof the Borrower, then the Holderofthis Note shall thereafter have theright to receive upon conversion of this Note, uponthe basisand upon the terms and conditions specified herein and inlieu of the shares of Common Stock immediately theretofore issuableupon conversion, such stock, securitiesorassets which the Holderwould have been entitled to receive in such transaction had this Note been convertedin fullimmediatelypriorto such transaction (without regardto any limitations on conversion set forth herein), andin any such case appropriate provisions shallbe made with respect totherightsand interests of the Holder of this Note totheend that the provisions hereof (including, without limitation, provisionsfor adjustmentof the Conversion Price andof thenumber of shares issuable upon conversionof the Note)shallthereafterbe applicable,asnearlyasmay be practicablein relation toany securitiesor assets thereafter deliverable upon the conversion hereof.The Borrower shall not affectanytransaction described in this Section 1.6(b) unless (a) it first gives,to the extent practicable,thirty (30)days prior written notice (but inany event at least fifteen (15) dayspriorwritten notice)of the record date of the special meeting of shareholderstoapprove,or ifthereis no such record date, the consummation of, such merger, consolidation, exchangeof shares, recapitalization, reorganizationor other similar event or saleofassets (during which time the Holder shallbe entitled to convert this Note) and (b) the resulting successoror acquiringentity(if not the Borrower) assumesby written instrumenttheobligations of this Section 1.6(b). The above provisions shall similarlyapply tosuccessive consolidations, mergers, sales, transfers or share exchanges.
(c) Adjustment Due toDistribution.IftheBorrower shalldeclare or make any distribution of itsassets (orrightstoacquireitsassets) toholdersof Common Stockas adividend, stock repurchase,byway of return ofcapitalorotherwise (includinganydividendor distribution to theBorrower’s shareholders incashorshares (or rights toacquire shares) ofcapital stock of a subsidiary(i.e.,a spin-off)) (a “Distribution”), then theHolder of this Note shall beentitled, upon any conversion of this Noteafterthedate ofrecord for determiningshareholders entitled to suchDistribution,toreceive theamount of suchassets which wouldhave been payable to theHolder withrespect to thesharesofCommon Stockissuable upon suchconversion had suchHolder been the holder of suchshares of Common Stock onthe record date for thedetermination ofshareholdersentitled tosuch Distribution.
(d) Adjustment Due to DilutiveIssuance.If,atany timewhenanyNotes are issued and outstanding,theBorrower issuesorsells,or inaccordance with thisSection1.6(d) hereof isdeemed tohave issued or sold,except forshares of Common Stockissued directly tovendorsorsuppliersof theBorrowerinsatisfaction ofamounts owed to such vendors orsuppliers (provided, however, that suchvendorsorsuppliers shall nothave an arrangementtotransfer, sell orassign suchshares of Common Stockprior to theissuanceof suchshares),anyshares of Common Stock for noconsideration or for aconsideration pershare (before deduction ofreasonable expenses or commissions orunderwritingdiscounts orallowances inconnection therewith) less than theConversion Price ineffecton the date of suchissuance (ordeemed issuance) of suchshares of Common Stock (a“Dilutive Issuance”), then immediately upon the DilutiveIssuance, theConversion Price will bereduced to theamountof theconsideration per share receivedby theBorrower insuchDilutiveIssuance.
TheBorrower shall bedeemed tohave issued orsold shares ofCommonStockiftheBorrowerin anymanner issues orgrantsany warrants,rights oroptions(not including employee stockoption plans), whether ornot immediately exercisable, tosubscribe for or topurchase Common Stock orother securitiesconvertible into orexchangeableforCommon Stock(“Convertible Securities”)(suchwarrants, rights and options topurchaseCommon Stock orConvertibleSecurities arehereinafter referred to as “Options”)and thepriceper sharefor whichCommon Stock isissuableupon theexerciseofsuch Options is less than the Conversion Price then ineffect,then the Conversion Priceshall beequal to suchprice per share.Forpurposesofthe precedingsentence,the “pricepersharefor whichCommon Stock isissuable upon theexercise of suchOptions” isdetermined bydividing (i) thetotal amount, ifany,received orreceivableby theBorroweras consideration forthe issuance orgranting ofallsuch Options,plustheminimumaggregateamount ofadditional consideration, ifany,payable to theBorrower upon theexercise ofall suchOptions,plus, in the case ofConvertibleSecurities issuableupontheexercise ofsuch Options, theminimum aggregateamountofadditional consideration payableupon theconversion orexchangethereof at the time suchConvertible Securities firstbecome convertibleorexchangeable, by (ii)the maximum total number ofshares ofCommon Stock issuable upon the exerciseofall such Options (assumingfull conversionofConvertibleSecurities, ifapplicable). Nofurtheradjustmentto theConversion Pricewill be madeuponthe actual issuanceofsuch Common Stockupontheexercise ofsuch Options orupontheconversionorexchange ofConvertible Securitiesissuable upon exercise of suchOptions.
Additionally,the Borrower shallbe deemedtohave issued or sold shares of Common Stock iftheBorrowerin any manner issues or sellsanyConvertible Securities, whetherornotimmediatelyconvertible (other than where the same are issuable upon the exerciseof Options), and the priceper shareforwhichCommon Stock is issuableupon such conversionorexchange is less than the ConversionPrice thenineffect, then the Conversion Price shallbe equaltosuch priceper share. Forthe purposes of the preceding sentence, the “price per share for whichCommon Stock is issuable upon such conversionor exchange” is determinedbydividing (i) the total amount,if any, receivedorreceivableby the Borroweras consideration for the issuanceor saleofallsuch Convertible Securities, plus the minimum aggregate amountof additional consideration, if any, payableto the Borroweruponthe conversion or exchange thereofat the time such Convertible Securities first become convertible or exchangeable,by(ii)the maximum total numberof shares of Common Stockissuableupon the conversionor exchange ofallsuch Convertible Securities. No further adjustmentto the Conversion Price will be made uponthe actual issuance of such Common Stock upon conversionorexchange of such Convertible Securities.
(e) Purchase Rights. If, atany timewhenanyNotesareissued and outstanding, theBorrower issues any convertiblesecurities orrightstopurchase stock,warrants, securitiesor other property (the“Purchase Rights”) pro rata to therecord holders ofanyclass of Common Stock,then theHolder of this Note will beentitled toacquire, upon theterms applicable to suchPurchase Rights, theaggregate Purchase Rights which such Holdercould have acquired if suchHolder had held the number ofsharesof Common Stockacquirable upon completeconversionof this Note(without regard toany limitations onconversion contained herein) immediately before thedateonwhich arecord istakenfor thegrant, issuance orsale of suchPurchase Rights or, if nosuch recordistaken, thedate as of which therecord holders of Common Stockare to be determined for thegrant, issue or sale of suchPurchaseRights.
(f) Notice of Adjustments. Upon theoccurrence ofeach adjustment orreadjustment of the ConversionPrice as aresult of the eventsdescribedin thisSection 1.6, theBorrower, at its expense, shall promptly compute suchadjustment or readjustmentandprepareand furnish to theHolder a certificatesetting forth suchadjustmentorreadjustment and showing indetailthefacts upon whichsuch adjustmentorreadjustment isbased. TheBorrower shall, upon thewritten request atany time of theHolder, furnish to suchHolderalike certificate setting forth
(i) suchadjustment orreadjustment, (ii) theConversion Price at the time ineffect and (iii) the number ofshares of Common Stockandtheamount, ifany,ofother securities or property whichat the timewouldbereceived uponconversion of theNote.
1.7 TradingMarket Limitations.Unless permittedby theapplicable rules andregulations of theprincipalsecurities market onwhich the Common Stock isthenlisted ortraded,in noeventshall theBorrowerissueupon conversion of orotherwisepursuant to this Noteandthe otherNotesissued pursuant tothe PurchaseAgreement morethan themaximum number ofshares ofCommon Stock that theBorrowercan issuepursuanttoany rule of theprincipal UnitedStatessecuritiesmarketon which theCommon Stock isthen traded (the“MaximumShareAmount”),whichshallbe9.99% of thetotal sharesoutstandingonthe Closing Date(as defined inthe PurchaseAgreement),subject toequitable adjustment fromtime totime forstocksplits, stock dividends, combinations, capitalreorganizations andsimilareventsrelating to the Common Stock occurring after the date hereof. Once the Maximum Share Amount has been issued, if the Borrower fails to eliminate any prohibitions under applicable law or the rules or regulations ofanystock exchange, interdealer quotation system orotherself-regulatory organization with jurisdiction over the Borrower oranyof its securities on the Borrower’s ability to issue sharesofCommon Stock in excess of the Maximum Share Amount, in lieu ofanyfurther right to convert this Note, this will be considered an EventofDefault under Section 3.2ofthe Note.
1.8 Statusas Shareholder. Upon submission of a Notice ofConversionby aHolder, (i) theshares covered thereby (other than theshares, ifany,whichcannot beissued because theirissuance wouldexceed such Holder’sallocated portion of theReserved Amount or MaximumShare Amount) shall bedeemed convertedintoshares of Common Stockand (ii) theHolder’s rights as a Holder of suchconvertedportion of this Note shallcease and terminate,exceptingonly theright toreceive certificates for suchshares of Common Stockand to anyremedies provided herein or otherwiseavailable at law or in equity to suchHolder becauseofafailureby theBorrowerto comply with theterms of this Note. Notwithstanding theforegoing,if aHolder has notreceived certificates forall shares of Common Stock prior to the tenth (10th)businessdayafter theexpiration of theDeadline withrespect to a conversion of any portion of this Note foranyreason, then (unless theHolder otherwiseelects to retain its statusas a holder of CommonStockby sonotifying theBorrower)theHolder shallregain therightsof aHolder of this Note withrespectto suchunconverted portions of this NoteandtheBorrower shall,as soonas practicable, return suchunconvertedNote to theHolder or, if the Notehas notbeen surrendered, adjust itsrecords toreflect that such portion of this Note has notbeen converted.Inall cases, theHolder shallretain all of itsrights and remedies (including, without limitation,(i)theright toreceive Conversion Default Payments pursuant toSection 1.3 to the extentrequiredthereby for such ConversionDefault and any subsequentConversion Default and (ii) theright tohave theConversion Price withrespect tosubsequent conversions determined inaccordancewithSection 1.3)fortheBorrower’s failureto convert this Note.
1.9 Prepayment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained inthis Note, theBorrowermay prepay theamounts outstanding hereunderpursuant to the followingterms and conditions:
(a) At any time during theperiod beginning on the IssueDate and ending on thedate which is thirty (30)daysfollowing theIssue Date, theBorrowershallhave theright, exercisable on not lessthan three (3) Trading Daysprior written notice tothe Holder of the Note to prepay theoutstandingNote(principal and accrued interest), in fullbymaking apayment to theHolder ofan amount incash equal to125%, multipliedby the sumof: (w) the then outstandingprincipal amount ofthis Noteplus (x)accrued and unpaid interest on theunpaid principal amount of this Noteplus(y)Default Interest, ifany.
(b) Atany timeduring theperiodbeginning the day whichis thirty-one (31)daysfollowing theIssueDateandending on thedate which is sixty (60)daysfollowing theIssueDate, theBorrower shallhave theright, exercisable onnot less than three(3)TradingDayspriorwrittennotice tothe Holder of theNote to prepay theoutstanding Note(principal and accrued interest), infullbymaking apayment totheHolder ofan amountincash equalto130%,multipliedbythesumof:(w)thethen outstandingprincipalamountofthisNoteplus(x)accruedand unpaid interestonthe unpaid principal amountofthis Noteplus(y)DefaultInterest, if any.
(c) Atany timeduringtheperiodbeginning the day which is sixty-one(61)daysfollowing theIssueDate andending on thedate which isninety (90)daysfollowing theIssueDate, theBorrower shall have theright, exercisable onnot less than three(3)TradingDaysprior written notice tothe Holderofthe Note to prepay theoutstandingNote (principalandaccruedinterest),infullby making apaymenttotheHolder ofan amount incash equal to135%,multipliedbythesumof:(w) the then outstanding principal amount ofthis Noteplus(x)accruedand unpaid interest onthe unpaid principal amount ofthis Noteplus(y)DefaultInterest,ifany.
| (d) | Atany time during theperiodbeginning theday which is ninety-one |
(91)days following theIssue Date and ending on thedate which is onehundred eightydays
(180)days following theIssueDate,theBorrower shallhave theright,exercisable on notless than three (3) TradingDays prior written notice to theHolder of the Note to prepay theoutstandingNote(principal and accrued interest), in fullbymaking a payment to the Holderofan amountincash equal to140%, multipliedby the sumof: (w) the thenoutstanding principal amount of this Noteplus (x)accrued and unpaid interest on theunpaid principal amount of this Noteplus(y)Default Interest, ifany.
(e) After theexpiration of onehundredeighty (180)days following thedateof theNote, theBorrower shall have noright ofprepayment.
Any notice of prepayment hereunder(an“Optional Prepayment Notice”) shall be delivered to the Holder of the Note atits registered addresses and shall state: (1) that the Borrower isexercising its right to prepay theNote,and (2) the date of prepayment which shall be not more than three (3) Trading Daysfrom the date of theOptional Prepayment Notice. Onthe datefixed for prepayment (the “Optional Prepayment Date”), the Borrower shall make payment of the applicable prepayment amount to or upon the orderof the Holder asspecifiedbythe Holder in writing to the Borroweratleast one (1) business day prior to the Optional Prepayment Date. Ifthe Borrower delivers anOptional Prepayment Notice and fails topay theapplicableprepayment amount due to the Holder of the Note within two (2) business daysfollowing the Optional Prepayment Date, the Borrower shall forever forfeit its right to prepay the Note pursuant tothis Section 1.9.
1.10 Mandatory Prepayment Option.In the event that the company conducts aregistered offering with the SEC,at the soleand absolute discretion of theHolder,the Holdermaydemand cash prepaymentby theBorrower to the Holder inwriting (each a"Prepayment Demand").In theevent of theissuanceof aPrepayment Demandby theHolder,the amount of theprepayment necessary to fully satisfy theobligationsshall equal theapplicable amountsprovidedinSection
1.9herein. Theprepayment required pursuant to thisSection shall bepaidbytheBorrower following theeffectivenessof theregistration statementand shall bepaid out of theproceeds of thesaleof anysharespursuantthereto.In the event that theshares sold are insufficient to fully satisfy theobligationsowing pursuanthereto, theHolder shallcontinue tohave therights and remedies available to itunder and pursuant to this Note.
2.1 Distributions onCapital Stock. So longastheBorrower shall have anyobligation under this Note, theBorrower shall not without theHolder’s written consent (a) pay, declare orset apart for suchpayment,any dividend or other distribution(whetherincash, property or other securities) onsharesofcapital stock other thandividendsonshares of Common Stock solely in theformofadditional sharesof Common Stock or (b) directlyor indirectly orthroughany subsidiary makeany other payment or distribution inrespect of itscapital stockexcept for distributionspursuant to any shareholders’ rights planwhich isapprovedby a majority of theBorrower’s disinterested directors.
2.2 Restriction on StockRepurchases.So longas theBorrower shall haveanyobligation under this Note, theBorrower shall not without the Holder’s writtenconsent redeem, repurchase or otherwiseacquire (whether for cash or inexchangefor property or othersecurities orotherwise)inany onetransaction orseriesof relatedtransactions anyshares ofcapital stock of theBorrower or anywarrants, rights or options topurchaseoracquireanysuchshares.
2.3 Borrowings. So longas theBorrowershallhaveanyobligationunder thisNote, theBorrower shall not,without theHolder’s written consent, create, incur, assume guarantee, endorse, contingently agree topurchaseorotherwise becomeliable upon theobligation ofany person,firm, partnership, jointventure or corporation,exceptby theendorsementofnegotiable instruments fordeposit orcollection, orsuffertoexist any liability forborrowed money, except(a) borrowings inexistence orcommittedon thedate hereof and ofwhich theBorrower has informed Holder in writingpriorto the date hereof, (b) indebtedness totrade creditors financial institutions or otherlenders incurred in theordinarycourse ofbusiness or
(c) borrowings,the proceeds ofwhich shall beused to repay this Note.
2.4 Sale of Assets. Solongas the Borrower shall haveany obligationunderthis Note, the Borrower shall not, without the Holder’s written consent, sell, leaseorotherwise disposeof any significant portionofits assets outsidethe ordinary courseofbusiness.Any consent to the dispositionof any assetsmay be conditioned on a specified useof the proceedsof disposition.
2.5 Advancesand Loans. Solong astheBorrower shallhave any obligationunder thisNote, theBorrower shall not, withoutthe Holder’swritten consent,lendmoney, give creditormakeadvancestoanyperson,firm,joint ventureorcorporation, including,withoutlimitation, officers, directors, employees, subsidiariesandaffiliatesofthe Borrower,except loans, credits or advances (a)in existence or committedonthedate hereof andwhichthe Borrower hasinformed Holderinwriting priortothe date hereof,(b) made inthe ordinary course of business or(c) not in excess of$100,000.
2.6 Section 3(a)(9)or 3(a)(10)Transaction. So longas this Note isoutstanding, theBorrower shall notenter into anytransaction orarrangement structured inaccordance with,basedupon, orrelated or pursuant to, in whole or in part,either Section 3(a)(9) of theSecurities Act(a“3(a)(9) Transaction”) orSection 3(a)(l0) of theSecurities Act (a“3(a)(l0) Transaction”).In theevent thattheBorrower doesenter into, or makesany issuance of Common Stockrelated to a 3(a)(9) Transaction or a 3(a)(l0) Transaction while this Note is outstanding, a liquidated damages charge of 25% of the outstanding principal balance of this Note, but not less than Five Thousand Dollars $5,000, will be assessed and will become immediately due and payable to the Holder at its election in the form of cash payment or addition to the balance of this Note.
2.7 PreservationofExistence, etc. TheBorrower shall maintainand preserve, and cause eachof itsSubsidiariesto maintainand preserve, itsexistence,rightsand privileges, and becomeor remain,and causeeach of itsSubsidiaries(other thandormant Subsidiaries that have no or minimumassets)to become orremain, dulyqualified and ingood standing ineach jurisdictioninwhich thecharacter of the propertiesowned orleasedbyit or inwhich thetransaction of its businessmakes suchqualification necessary.
2.8 Non-circumvention. TheBorrowerherebycovenants and agrees that theBorrowerwill not,by amendment of itsCertificateorArticles ofIncorporation orBylaws,orthroughanyreorganization, transferofassets,consolidation,merger, scheme ofarrangement,dissolution, issue orsale ofsecurities,or any other voluntaryaction, avoid orseektoavoid theobservanceorperformanceofany of the termsof thisNote, and willat alltimes ingood faith carry outall theprovisions of this Noteandtakeallaction as may be required toprotect therightsof theHolder.
2.9 Repaymentfrom Proceeds. While any portion of this Noteis outstanding, if the Borrower receives cash proceeds from any source or series of relatedor unrelated sources, including but not limited to, from payments from customers, the issuance ofequityor debt, the conversion of outstanding warrants of the Borrower, the issuance of securities pursuant toanequityline of credit of theBorrower or the sale of assets, theBorrower shall, within one (1) business day of Borrower’s receipt of such proceeds, inform the Holder of such receipt, following which theHolder shall have the right inits sole discretion torequiretheBorrower to immediatelyapplyall or any portion of such proceeds to repay all or any portion of theoutstanding amounts owedunder this Note. Failure of the Borrower tocomplywith this provision shall constitute anEvent of Default. Inthe event thatsuchproceeds arereceivedbythe Holder prior to theMaturity Date, the required prepayment shall be subject to the terms of Section 1.9 herein.
Ifany of thefollowing events of default (each,an“EventofDefault”) shalloccur:
3.1 Failure toPay Principal orInterest. TheBorrower fails topay the principalhereoforinterest thereonwhen due on thisNote, whether at maturity, uponaccelerationorotherwise.
3.2 Conversion and theShares.TheBorrower fails toissue sharesofCommonStock to theHolder (orannounces orthreatens inwritingthat it will not honor itsobligation to do so) uponexerciseby theHolder of the conversionrights of theHolderinaccordance with theterms of thisNote, failstotransferor cause itstransfer agent totransfer(issue) (electronically or incertificated form) any certificate forsharesof Common Stockissued to the Holder uponconversionofor otherwisepursuant to this Note asand whenrequiredbythisNote, theBorrower directs itstransfer agent not totransfer or delays,impairs, and/or hinders itstransfer agent in transferring (or issuing) (electronicallyorin certificated form) any certificate for shares of Common Stock to be issued to the Holder upon conversionofor otherwise pursuant to this Note as and when requiredbythis Note, or fails to remove(ordirects its transfer agent not to remove or impairs, delays, and/or hinders its transfer agent from removing) any restrictive legend (or to withdrawanystop transfer instructions in respect thereof) onanycertificate foranyshares of Common Stock issued to the Holder upon conversion of or otherwise pursuant to this Noteasand when requiredbythis Note (or makesanywritten announcement, statement or threat that it does not intend to honor the obligations described in this paragraph) and any suchfailureshall continue uncured (or any written announcement, statement or threat nottohonor its obligations shall not be rescinded in writing) for three (3) business days after the Holder shall have delivered a NoticeofConversion.Itis an obligation oftheBorrower to remain current in its obligations to its transfer agent.Itshall be an event of default of this Note, if a conversion of this Note is delayed, hindered or frustrated due to a balance owedbythe Borrower to its transfer agent.Ifat the option of the Holder, the Holder advancesanyfunds to the Borrower’s transfer agent in order to process a conversion, such advanced funds shall be paidbythe Borrower to the Holder within forty-eight (48) hours of a demand from the Holder.
3.3 Failure to DeliverTransactionExpense Amount. TheBorrower fails todelivertheTransaction Expense Amount(as definedin thePurchase Agreement) to theHolderwithinthree (3)businessdays of thedate such amount isdue.
3.4 Breach of Covenants. TheBorrower breachesanymaterial covenantorothermaterial term orcondition containedin this Noteandanycollateraldocuments including but not limited to thePurchase Agreement and suchbreach continues for a period of ten (10)daysafter written notice thereof to the Borrower from the Holder (except that no cureperiodshall apply for theBorrower’s breach ofSection4.16 of thisNote).
3.5 Breach ofRepresentations and Warranties.Anyrepresentation orwarrantyof theBorrower made herein or inanyagreement,statement or certificategiveninwritingpursuanthereto or inconnection herewith (including, withoutlimitation,thePurchase Agreement), shallbefalse ormisleadingin anymaterial respect when madeandthebreach ofwhich has (or with thepassageoftime will have) amaterialadverseeffecton therights of the Holderwith respectto this Note or thePurchase Agreement.
3.6 Receiver orTrustee. TheBorrower orany subsidiaryoftheBorrower shall makean assignmentfor thebenefit ofcreditorsorcommence proceedings for itsdissolution,or apply for orconsent to theappointment of a receiver or trustee for it or for asubstantial part of its property or business, or such a receiveror trustee shallotherwisebe appointed for theBorrower or for asubstantialpartof its property orbusiness without itsconsent and shall not bedischargedwithin sixty (60)days after such appointment.
3.7 Judgments. Any moneyjudgment, writorsimilar process shall beenteredor filedagainst the Borrower oranysubsidiaryof theBorroweror any of its property or otherassets for more than $50,000, and shallremainunvacated,unbonded orunstayed for a period of twenty (20)days unless otherwiseconsentedtobytheHolder, which consent will not beunreasonablywithheld.
3.8 Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or liquidationproceedingsor otherproceedings,voluntary orinvoluntary, forreliefunderanybankruptcy law or any law for thereliefofdebtorsshall beinstitutedby oragainsttheBorrowerorany subsidiary of theBorrower, or theBorrower admits inwriting its inability topay itsdebtsgenerallyastheymature,orhave filed against itan involuntary petition forbankruptcy relief, all under federalorstatelaws as applicable or theBorrower admits inwriting its inability to pay its debts generallyastheymature, orhave filedagainstitan involuntary petition for bankruptcyrelief, all under international, federal or statelaws asapplicable.
3.9 Delistingof Common Stock.TheBorrower shallfail to maintain the listing of the Common Stock onat least one of theOTCBB, OTCQB, OTC Pink oran equivalent replacement exchange, theNasdaq National Market, theNasdaq SmallCap Market, theNew York StockExchange,or theNYSE MKT.
3.10 Failure to Comply with theExchange Act. TheBorrower shallfailto comply with thereporting requirements of the ExchangeAct (including but not limited tobecoming delinquent in itsfilings); and/or the Borrower shallceaseto be subject to the reportingrequirements of theExchange Act.
3.11 Liquidation. Any dissolution,liquidation,or winding up ofBorrower oranysubstantial portion of itsbusiness.
3.12 Cessation ofOperations. Anycessation ofoperationsbyBorrower orBorrower admits it isotherwise generally unable to pay itsdebts as such debts become due, provided, however, that any disclosure of theBorrower’sability tocontinue as a “going concern” shall not bean admission that theBorrower cannot pay itsdebtsasthey becomedue.
3.13 Maintenance of Assets. ThefailurebyBorrower to maintainanymaterial intellectual propertyrights, personal, real property or other assetswhich are necessary to conduct itsbusiness (whether now or in the future)or anydisposition orconveyance ofanymaterial asset of theBorrower.
3.14 Financial Statement Restatement.Therestatementof anyfinancial statements filedbytheBorrower with the SEC for anydateor periodfrom twoyearspriorto theIssue Date of this Noteand until this Note is no longeroutstanding, if theresultof suchrestatement would,bycomparisonto theunrestated financial statement,have constituted amaterial adverseeffecton therights of theHolder withrespect to this Note or thePurchase Agreement.
3.15 Reverse Splits.The Borrower effectuatesareverse split of itsCommonStock without twenty(20) days priorwrittennotice to theHolder.
3.16 Replacement ofTransfer Agent.Inthe event that theBorrower proposestoreplaceitstransfer agent, theBorrower failsto provide,prior to theeffective dateof suchreplacement,a fully executedIrrevocable Transfer Agent Instructions in a form as initiallydeliveredpursuant to thePurchase Agreement (including but not limited to theprovisionto irrevocably reserve shares of Common Stock in theReserved Amount)signedby thesuccessor transfer agent toBorrower and theBorrower.
3.17 Cessation ofTrading.Any cessation of trading of the Common Stock onat least one of theOTCBB, OTCQB, OTC Pink or anequivalent replacement exchange, the NasdaqNational Market, the Nasdaq SmallCap Market, theNew York StockExchange,or the NYSE MKT,and suchcessationoftrading shallcontinue for a period of fiveconsecutive (5) TradingDays.
3.19 Bid Price. TheBorrower shall lose the “bid” price for its Common Stock($0.0001 on the “Ask” with zeromarket makers on the“Bid”perLevel 2)and/or amarket (including theOTCBB, OTCQB oran equivalent replacement exchange).
3.21 InsideInformation. Any attemptbythe Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates to transmit, convey,disclose, or any actual transmittal, conveyance,or disclosurebythe Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates of,materialnon-publicinformation concerning the Borrower, to the Holder or its successors and assigns, which is not immediately curedbyBorrower’s filing of a Form8-Kpursuant to RegulationFDon that same date.
3.22 UnavailabilityofRule 144.If,at any timeonorafter the datewhichis six(6)months after theIssueDate,theHolder isunable to (i)obtainastandard “144legalopinion letter” from an attorney reasonably acceptable to theHolder, theHolder’sbrokeragefirm(and respectiveclearingfirm),andtheBorrower’s transferagent inorder tofacilitate theHolder’sconversion of anyportionofthe Note into free trading shares of theBorrower’sCommon Stock pursuant toRule 144,and (ii)thereupondepositsuchshares into theHolder’s brokerage account.
Upon theoccurrence of anyEvent ofDefaultspecified inSections3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4,3.5,3.6, 3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15,, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, and/or3.22 exercisable through the delivery of written notice to theBorrowerby such Holders (the“DefaultNotice”), theNote shallbecome immediately due andpayable andtheBorrower shallpay to the Holder, in fullsatisfactionof itsobligations hereunder, anamount equal to(i)150%(EXCEPT WITHRESPECT TOSECTION3.2AND/OR 3.22,INWHICH CASE 150%SHALLBEREPLACED WITH200%)times thesum of(w)the then outstandingprincipal amountof this Noteplus (x) accruedandunpaidinterestonthe unpaidprincipal amountof this Note to thedateof payment (the “Mandatory Prepayment Date”)plus(y)DefaultInterest,ifany,on theamountsreferred to inclauses (w)and/or (x)plus (z) any amounts owed to the Holder pursuant to Sections 1.3and 1.4(g)hereof(thethen outstandingprincipal amountof this Note to the date of paymentplus theamounts referredto inclauses (x),(y)and (z) shall collectively be knownasthe“DefaultSum”) or(ii)at the option of the Holder, the“parityvalue” of theDefaultSum to be prepaid, where parity value means (a) the highest number of shares ofCommonStock issuableuponconversion of orotherwisepursuant to suchDefaultSum in accordancewithArticleI, treating the TradingDay immediatelypreceding theMandatoryPrepayment Dateasthe“Conversion Date” for purposesofdetermining the lowest applicable Conversion Price, unless the Default Event arisesasa resultofa breachinrespectofa specific Conversion Date in which casesuchConversion Date shallbethe Conversion Date),multipliedby(b)the highest Trading Price for the Common Stock during the period beginning on the dateoffirst occurrenceofthe Event of Default and ending oneday priorto theMandatoryPrepaymentDate(the “Default Amount”) andallother amounts payable hereunder shall immediately become due and payable,allwithout demand, presentmentornotice, allofwhichherebyareexpresslywaived, together with all costs, including, without limitation, legalfeesand expenses, of collection, and the Holder shallbeentitled to exerciseallother rightsandremedies availableatlaw orin equity. Further,ifa breachofSections 3.9,3.10and/or 3.19 occursor iscontinuing afterthesix (6) month anniversaryof thisNote, then the principal amount of the Note shall increasebyFive Thousand and No/100 United States Dollars ($5,000) (under Holder’s and Borrower’s expectation thatanyprincipal amount increase will tack back to the Issue Date) and the Holder shallbeentitled to use the lowest Trading Price duringthe delinquencyperiodasa base price for the conversion withtheVariable ConversionPriceshallberedefined to meanfiftypercent (50%) multipliedbythe MarketPrice(at the option of the Holder),subject toadjustment as provided in this Note. For example,ifthe lowest TradingPriceduring the delinquency period is $0.01pershare and the conversion discount is 50%, then the Holdermayelect to convert future conversionsat$0.005pershare.Ifthis Note is not paid atMaturityDate, then the outstanding principal due under this Note shall increasebyFiveThousand and No/100 United States Dollars ($5,000).
TheHolder shallhave theright atany time, to require theBorrower to immediatelyissue, inlieu of theDefault Amount, the number ofshares of Common Stock of theBorrower equal tothe Default Amountdividedby theConversionPrice then ineffect, subject to thetermsof thisNote. Thisrequirementby theBorrower shallautomaticallyapply uponthe occurrence ofan EventofDefault without theneed forany party togiveanynoticeortakeanyother action.
IftheHoldershallcommence an action or proceeding toenforceany provisions of thisNote, including,withoutlimitation, engaging an attorney, then if theHolder prevails in suchaction, theHoldershall bereimbursedby theBorrowerfor itsattorneys' fees and othercosts and expensesincurred in the investigation,preparation and prosecution of such action orproceeding.
4.1 Failure or Indulgence Not Waiver. No failureor delay on the partofthe Holderin the exercise ofany power, right or privilege hereundershall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shallanysingleor partial exercise ofany such power, right or privilege preclude otheror further exercise thereofor of any other right, poweror privileges. All rights and remedies existing hereunder are cumulative to, and not exclusiveof, any rightsorremedies otherwise available.
4.2 Notices. All notices,demands, requests, consents, approvals, and othercommunications required orpermittedhereunder shall be inwriting and, unless otherwisespecified herein, shall be (i) personallyserved, (ii)depositedin themail, registered orcertified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (iii) deliveredbyreputable air courier service with charges prepaid, or (iv) transmittedbyhand delivery, telegram, or facsimile, addressed as set forth below or to such other address as such party shall have specified most recentlybywritten notice.Anynotice or other communication required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed effective (a) upon hand deliveryordeliverybyfacsimile, with accurate confirmation generatedbythe transmitting facsimile machine, at the address or number designated below (if delivered on a businessdayduring normal business hours where such notice is to be received),orthe first businessdayfollowing such delivery (if delivered other than on a businessdayduring normal business hours where such notice is to be received)or(b) on the second businessdayfollowing the date of mailingbyexpress courier service, fully prepaid, addressed to such address, or upon actual receipt of such mailing, whichever shall first occur. The addresses for such communications shall be:
Ifto theBorrower, to:
Ifto theHolder: RALPH AIELLO
4.3 Amendments. This Noteandanyprovisionhereofmay only beamendedbyan instrument inwritingsignedby theBorrower and the Holder. The term “Note”and all reference thereto, as used throughout this instrument,shall mean thisinstrument(and theother Notes issuedpursuantto thePurchase Agreement) as originallyexecuted,or if lateramended or supplemented, thenassoamendedor supplemented.
4.4 Assignability. This Note shall be binding upon theBorrower and itssuccessors and assigns, and shall inure to be thebenefitof theHolder and itssuccessors and assigns. Neither theBorrower nor the Holder shallassignthis Note oranyrights orobligations hereunder without theprior written consent of the other. Notwithstanding theforegoing, theHoldermayassign itsrights hereunder toany“accredited investor”(as defined in Rule501(a) of the 1933Act) in aprivate transaction from theHolder or toany of its“affiliates”, as that term isdefined under the 1934Act,without the consent of theBorrower. Notwithstanding anything in this Note to thecontrary, this Note may bepledged as collateral inconnection with abona fidemargin account or other lendingarrangement. TheHolder and anyassignee,by acceptance of thisNote, acknowledge and agree that following conversion of a portion of thisNote, theunpaid and unconverted principalamount ofthis Noterepresentedby this Note may be less than theamount statedon theface hereof.
4.5 Costof Collection.If default is made in the payment of this Note, the Borrower shallpay the Holder hereof reasonable costsof collection, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.
4.6 Governing Law. This Note shall begovernedbyand construed inaccordancewith thelaws of the State ofNevadawithoutregard toprinciples of conflicts oflaws.Anyaction broughtby eitherpartyagainstthe other concerning thetransactions contemplatedbythis Note shall bebrought exclusively in thefederalor statecourts located in theStateofNew York. Theparties to this Note hereby irrevocablywaiveany objection tojurisdiction and venue ofanyactioninstitutedhereunder and shall notassert any defense based onlack ofjurisdictionorvenue orbased uponforum nonconveniens.THE BORROWERHEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT ITMAY HAVE TO,AND AGREES NOT TO REQUEST, AJURY TRIAL FOR THEADJUDICATIONOFANY DISPUTEHEREUNDEROR INCONNECTION WITH ORARISING OUT OF THIS NOTE ORANY TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED HEREBY. Theprevailingparty shall beentitled torecover fromthe other party itsreasonable attorney's fees and costs.Intheevent that any provision of this Note or any otheragreement delivered inconnection herewith is invalid orunenforceable underanyapplicable statute or rule oflaw, then such provision shall bedeemed inoperative to the extent that itmay conflict therewithandshallbedeemedmodified toconformwith such statuteor rule oflaw. Any such provisionwhich may prove invalid orunenforceableunderany law shallnotaffectthe validity or enforceabilityof any otherprovisionof any agreement.Each party hereby irrevocably waivespersonal service ofprocess andconsents toprocess beingserved inanysuit,action or proceeding inconnectionwith thisAgreementoranyother TransactionDocumentby mailing a copythereof viaregistered orcertifiedmail orovernight delivery(with evidenceofdelivery) to such party at theaddressineffect fornotices to it under thisAgreement and agrees that suchserviceshall constitutegood and sufficient service of processand notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in anyway anyrighttoserveprocess inany othermanner permittedbylaw.
4.7 Certain Amounts.Wheneverpursuant to this Note theBorrower isrequiredto payan amount inexcess of the outstandingprincipal amount (or the portionthereof requiredtobepaid at that time) plusaccrued and unpaid interest plusDefault Interest on suchinterest,theBorrower and the Holderagree that theactual damages to the Holder from thereceiptof cashpaymenton this Note maybedifficultto determineand theamount to besopaidbytheBorrower represents stipulated damages and not a penaltyandisintendedtocompensate theHolder inpartfor loss of the opportunity toconvert this Noteandtoearnareturn from thesaleofsharesof Common Stockacquired uponconversionof this Noteat apriceinexcessof theprice paid for suchshares pursuant to thisNote. TheBorrower and the Holder herebyagree that suchamount ofstipulated damages is not plainly disproportionate to thepossiblelosstotheHolder from thereceiptofa cash payment without the opportunity to convert this Note intosharesof Common Stock.
4.8 Purchase Agreement.By itsacceptanceof thisNote, each partyagreesto be boundby theapplicable terms of thePurchase Agreement.
4.9 NoticeofCorporate Events. Except as otherwiseprovided below, the Holder of this Note shallhavenorights as aHolder ofCommonStock unlessand only to the extent that itconvertsthis Note into Common Stock. TheBorrower shallprovidetheHolder withprior notification ofany meetingof theBorrower’sshareholders (andcopiesof proxymaterials and otherinformation sent toshareholders).In the event of any takingbytheBorrower of arecordof itsshareholders for the purpose of determining shareholders whoare entitled toreceive payment ofanydividendorother distribution, anyrighttosubscribe for, purchase orotherwiseacquire(includingbyway ofmerger, consolidation, reclassificationorrecapitalization) any share ofanyclass orany other securities orproperty, or toreceiveanyotherright, or for thepurpose ofdetermining shareholders who areentitledto vote in connection withanyproposed sale, lease orconveyanceofallor substantiallyallofthe assets of theBorroweror anyproposed liquidation, dissolution or winding up of theBorrower,theBorrower shall mail anotice to the Holder,at least twenty (20)days priorto therecord date specified therein (or thirty (30)days prior to theconsummation of thetransactionor event,whichever is earlier), of the date onwhichany suchrecord is to betakenfor thepurpose of suchdividend, distribution,right orotherevent, and abrief statement regarding theamount and character of suchdividend, distribution,rightor otherevent to the extent knownatsuch time. TheBorrower shall make a publicannouncementofanyevent requiringnotificationto theHolder hereunder substantially simultaneously with thenotificationto theHolder inaccordance with theterms of thisSection 4.9including,but not limited to,name changes, recapitalizations, etc. as soonaspossibleunder law.
4.10 Usury.If it shall be found that anyinterest or otheramount deemed interestduehereunder violates theapplicablelawgoverning usury, theapplicable provision shallautomatically berevisedtoequal the maximum rate ofinterestor other amountdeemed interest permitted under applicable law. TheBorrower covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that it will notseek to claim or takeadvantage ofany usury law that wouldprohibit orforgive theBorrower from paying all or a portion of the principalorinterest on this Note.
4.11 Remedies. TheBorrower acknowledgesthat abreachby it of itsobligations hereunder will causeirreparable harm to theHolder,by vitiating the intentand purpose of thetransaction contemplated hereby. Accordingly, the Borrower acknowledges that the remedyat law for a breach of itsobligations under this Note will beinadequate and agrees, in the event of abreachorthreatened breachbytheBorrower of theprovisions of thisNote, that theHolder shall beentitled, in additionto all otheravailable remediesat law or inequity, and inaddition to thepenalties assessableherein, toan injunction orinjunctions restraining, preventing or curinganybreachof this Noteand toenforcespecifically theterms and provisions thereof, without the necessity of showing economic lossand without any bondor other security beingrequired. Noprovisionof this Note shallalter orimpair theobligation of theBorrower, which isabsolute and unconditional, to pay theprincipal of, and interest on, this Noteat the time,place, and rate,and in theform, herein prescribed.
4.12 Severability.In theeventthat any provision of this Note isinvalid orunenforceable underanyapplicable statuteorrule oflaw, then such provision shall bedeemedinoperative to the extent that it mayconflicttherewithand shall be deemedmodifiedto conform with such statute or rule oflaw.Anyprovision hereof whichmay prove invalid orunenforceable under any law shall notaffectthe validity or enforceabilityof any other provisionhereof.
4.13 DisputeResolution.Inthecase of adispute as tothedetermination oftheConversionPrice,ConversionAmount,any prepayment amount orDefault Amount, DefaultSum, Closing orMaturity Date,theclosingbid price, orfairmarket value (as the casemaybe) orthe arithmeticcalculationof theConversion Price ortheapplicable prepaymentamount(s)(asthecase maybe), theBorroweror theHolder shall submit the disputeddeterminationsorarithmetic calculations viafacsimile(i)within two(2)BusinessDaysafterreceipt of theapplicable noticegiving riseto suchdisputetotheBorrower orthe Holder or(ii)if nonotice gave rise to suchdispute, at any timeafter theHolderlearnedofthe circumstancesgiving rise tosuch dispute.If theHolderandtheBorrowerare unable toagree upon suchdeterminationorcalculation within two
(2)Business Days ofsuch disputeddeterminationorarithmetic calculation (as thecasemaybe) beingsubmitted to theBorrower orthe Holder,thentheBorrowershall,withintwo (2)Business Days,submit viafacsimile(a) thedisputeddetermination of theConversionPrice, theclosingbid price, theorfairmarketvalue (as the case maybe) toanindependent, reputableinvestmentbank selected by theBorrowerandapprovedbytheHolderor (b) thedisputedarithmetic calculation of theConversionPrice, ConversionAmount,any prepayment amount orDefault Amount, DefaultSum toanindependent, outsideaccountantselectedby theHolder that isreasonably acceptable to theBorrower.TheBorrower shallcauseatitsexpense theinvestmentbank or theaccountant toperformthedeterminations orcalculationsandnotify theBorrowerandthe Holderoftheresults nolater than ten (10)BusinessDaysfromthetime itreceives such disputeddeterminations orcalculations. Suchinvestmentbank’s oraccountant’s determination orcalculation shall bebinding uponallpartiesabsent demonstrable error.
4.14[ RESE R V ED]
4.15Piggyback RegistrationRights. Borrowershallfilearegistration statementtoregister commonshares underlying conversions of the Note within thirty (30)days after closing and shall use itsbest efforts to have suchregistrationstatementdeclared effective within 120daysfollowing theclosing. TheBorrowershall include on theregistration statement theBorrowerfiles with SEC (or on the subsequentregistration statement if suchregistration statement iswithdrawn, and excluding the currentregistration statement that theBorrower has on file with the SEC)all shares issuable upon conversion of thisNote, unless suchsharesareat that timeeligible forsale under Rule 144under theSecurities Act. Failureto do sowill result inliquidated damages of 25% of the outstandingprincipal balance of thisNote, but not less thanFive Thousand and No/100 UnitedStates Dollars ($5,000), being immediately dueand payable to theHolder at its election in theform ofcash payment oradditionto thebalanceof this Note.
[signature pagefollows]
INWITNESS WHEREOF, each Borrower has causedthis Note to besignedin itsnameby its dulyauthorized officer as of thedate first abovewritten.
Title:ChiefExecutive Officer
Title:ChiefExecutive Officer
Theundersigned herebyelects to convert $________principal amount of theNote (definedbelow)together with $___________ofaccrued and unpaid interest thereto, totaling$___________into that number ofsharesof Common Stock to beissued pursuant to theconversionof theNote(“CommonStock”) asset forthbelow, ofGrow Solutions HoldingsInc., aNevada corporation(the “Borrower”),accordingtotheconditions ofthe convertible note of theBorrowerdated as ofMarch _, 2019(the“Note”),asofthe date written below. No feewillbechargedto the Holder foranyconversion,exceptfor transfertaxes,ifany.Box Checked as to applicable instructions:
[ ] TheBorrowershall electronically transmittheCommonStock issuablepursuanttothis Notice ofConversionto theaccount ofthe undersigned oritsnomineewithDTCthroughitsDepositWithdrawal AtCustodiansystem(“DWACTransfer”).
Nameof DTC PrimeBroker: AccountNumber:
[ ] The undersigned hereby requests that the Borrower issue a certificateor certificates for the number of sharesof Common Stock set forthbelow(which numbers are based on the Holder’s calculation attached hereto)in thename(s) specifiedimmediately below or,ifadditional space is necessary,onan attachment hereto:
DateofConversion: ___________________
Applicable Conversion Price: $
NumberofSharesof Common Stock to beIssued
PursuanttoConversionof theNotes: _________
Amount ofPrincipal BalanceDueremaining
Under the Note after this conversion: ________________________
Accruedandunpaid interest remaining:
Title: [TITLE]