The Parties hereto have executed this Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment as of December 28, 2004 and it shall become effective on the Effective Date.
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
Annex D
Product Specifications
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
Annex D
Product Specifications
PLA FWA Contract
1. Scope
1.1 This section defines the essential performance characteristics of the Airspan Internet Fixed Wireless Access system (Internet FWA). The scope of the section is confined to the airside equipment that supports wireless transmission in the local loop, i.e. that part of the system from the Base-station network interface to the subscriber premises terminal interface (telephone socket), together with associated network management operations systems in the element management layer. The specifications for the switch, service gateway and other associated backhaul equipment are therefore specifically excluded from this section.
2.1 General description
2.1.1 Intentionally Left in Blank Purpose of Internet FWA
The Internet FWA system allows telecommunications operators to construct high quality telephone access networks between customers’ premises and local exchanges. The system uses cellular point to multi-point wireless technology as a replacement for traditional copper-based local loops. A major advantage of FWA technology is that it allows operators to create new access networks quickly and with minimum capital investment.
Each terminal in the Internet FWA system is capable of delivering PSTN circuit-switched services through two standard analogue telephone lines. In addition to the PSTN services, a packet-mode service may be used to deliver ‘always-on’ connections between one or more Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and the computer equipment of subscribers.
The Internet FWA system provides a frequency division duplex radio link to a subscriber transceiver system and operates in the 3.4 to 3.6 GHz band. The air interface utilizes time division multiplex on the downlink and time division multiple access on the uplink. The system comprises a network of Radio Base-stations (RBS) arranged on a cellular plan and these are connected to the PSTN or to the public Internet by a conventional back-haul network. Each base-station consists of one or more Integrated Transceiver Systems (ITSs).
2.1.2 Sub-systems
The Internet FWA system contains two Network elements (NEs):
· | Remote Service System (RSS) |
· | Radio Base Station (RBS) |
The Internet FWA system contains three Operations systems (OSs):
· | Radio Element Manager (REM) |
· | RSS Installation System (RIS) |
· | Field Engineering Terminal (FET) |
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The Remote Service System (RSS)
This system provides the subscriber with two independent analogue exchange lines and optionally a packet data service interface. The system consists of the RSS Terminal Unit (RTU), an RSS Power and Connection unit (RPCU) and an RSS Data Adapter (RDA) or Dongle Data Adaptor
The RTU is mounted externally to the subscriber premises and contains a directional antenna, radio electronics and the two analogue line interfaces to carry PSTN services. The unit is powered from the RPCU indoor unit that plugs into the subscribers mains supply. A ‘drop cable’ connects the RTU to the RPCU. The RPCU contains two sets of telephone sockets for connection to the subscriber’s telephone equipment. In order to provide the optional packet data service, an RDA is supplied along with a special version of the RTU that contains the required data interface. The packet data service makes use of the HPNA standard to multiplex the data onto ‘line 0’ of the telephone wires. The RDA connects to the subscriber’s personal computer.
The Integrated Transceiver System (ITS)
One or more ITSs form the basis of the radio base-station and have been designed to serve an area of up to 5km radius in a typical urban environment and up to 20km in a rural environment.
Voice band circuits from the ITS are connected to the switch by means of E1 links running a V5.2 protocol. The packet data service is also routed over E1 links to the service gateway using L2TP (layer 2 tunnel protocol). The ITS can route any slot from the ‘circuit’ E1s to any slot on the airside interface.
In principle, an ITS can be provisioned as a 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 bearer configuration. RBS configurations specifically supported by installation and maintenance processes provide tri-sectored configurations with 18 or 271 In the Axtel application, the 27 bearer base-stations generally provide only 26 bearers due to limited availability of RF channels. RF carriers, or a tri/hex-sectored RBS with 48 RF carriers. The 27-carrier configurations require the use of two ITSs, and the 48-carrier configuration requires the use of three ITSs. The 48 bearer base-station is designed to provide coverage in two ‘RF layers’, the first layer allowing a frequency re-use of one to be employed whilst a more conservative frequency plan is used in the other layer. Service to the individual RSS can be switched between these two layers depending on the interference environment experienced at that RSS.
Radio Element Manager (REM)
The Radio Element Manger (REM) is a high performance, high capacity management system and is used to perform the Operation, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) procedures for the Internet FWA network. One REM can manage up to 200 ITSs and 150,000lines. The REM is primarily composed of a server platform, a client platform, additional user PCs and aNetwork Communications Server. Their respective purposes are described below.The REM supports a total of 4 expert and 4 standard user sessions.
1 In the Axtel application, the 27 bearer base-stations generally provide only 26 bearers due to limited availability of RF channels.
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The REM server performs all provisioning related, object-related, event and alarm related processing, together with some of the GUI processing. Further, the server stores all object, event and alarm related data and state. As such, the majority of REM software executes on the server. The server also interfaces directly to a customer’s High Level Management System (HLMS) for subscriber provisioning.
The REM Client primarily acts as the host platform for the additional user GUI screens. It provides some of the GUI processing, and acts as a platform on which additional user scripts run.
PCs running Exceed software connect with the REM client to allow access for additional users.
The Network Communication Server (NCS) is an integrated terminal server and modem unit, which provides a connectivity solution from the REM to its network of ITSs. It also provides connectivity to the Remote Maintenance Terminal that is used during the subscriber hardware installation.
Field engineering terminal (FET)
The installing engineer will use this equipment during installation and commissioning of Base-station equipment. The FET application runs on a PC platform using a LINUX operating system. The FET is intended to connect locally into an ITS and allows control of the ITS as well as access to status information. Each FET requires a license key to enable operation and these are available from Airspan.
RSS Installation system (RIS)
The installing engineer will use this equipment to control the RSS during installation, to aid antenna alignment to the Base Station, to measure the performance of the RF link and to enable the connection. The primary component of the RIS is the Remote Maintenance Terminal (RMT).
2.1.3 External interfaces
The physical layer external interfaces of the Internet FWA system are:
· | Analogue line interface at the RSS |
· | Packet data interface at the RSS |
· | A.C. power interface at the RSS |
· | PCM (E1) interface at the RBS |
· | Packet data (E1) interface at the RBS |
· | D.C. power interface at the RBS |
· | External alarm interface at the RBS |
· | Analogue line interface at the RIS. This is used to connect the RMT to the REM to download provisioning data. |
· | Analogue line interface at the REM |
· | Ethernet interface at the REM. This is used to connect the REM to higher-layer operations systems. |
2.2 Physical characteristics
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2.2.1 RSS transceiver unit (RTU) Mechanical
Length/width: 300 mm (octagonal, measured between flat faces)
Depth: 90 mm excluding mounting brackets
Mass: 2.5 kg. Environmental
Ambient temperature: -40 C to +50 C
Solar radiation:£ 1120 W/m2
Relative humidity: 5% to 100%
2.2.2 RSS power and connection unit (RPCU) Mechanical
Length: 210 mm
Width: 135 mm
Depth: 41 mm
Mass: 2.0 kg including battery Electrical
Input voltage: 85 V to 270 V RMS
Input frequency: 45 Hz to 70 Hz Environmental
Ambient temperature: -5 C to +45 C
Relative humidity 5% to 100%
2.2.3 RSS data adaptor (RDA) Mechanical
Length: 165 mm
Width: 125 mm
Depth: 28 mm
Mass: 250 g Environmental
Ambient temperature: -5C to +45C
Relative humidity: 5% to 100%
2.2.4 Integrated transceiver system (ITS) indoor equipment Mechanical
Width: 600mm
Height and depth (1 metre cabinet): 1000 mm × 300 mm
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Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004 Environmental
Ambient temperature: 0 C to +45 C
Solar radiation:£ 700 W/m2
Relative humidity: 5% to 95%
2.2.5 Integrated transceiver system (ITS) masthead equipment Mechanical (TMU)
Height: 600 mm
Width: 450 mm
Depth: 200 mm
Mass:£ 30 kg Environmental
Ambient temperature: -40 C to +50 C
Solar radiation:£ 1120 W/m2
Relative humidity: 5% to 100%
2.3 Radio system
2.3.1 General description of the air interface Physical layer
The physical layer of the Internet FWA air interface uses digital time division multiplex/time division multiple access (TDM/TDMA) with a 10-slot frame structure. Uplink and downlink carriers are paired, and separated by a fixed duplex spacing of 99.84MHz. A TDM/TDMA channel (i.e. one time-slot one on one RF carrier) is known as a physical channel. In the maximum configuration, one ITS provides 18 pairs of RF carriers, and 180 physical channels.
The uplink carriers are contained within the frequency band 3425 MHz to 3450 MHz, and the downlink carriers are contained within the frequency band 3525 MHz to 3550 MHz.
The modulation scheme for both the uplink and downlink direction is pi/4 shifted differential quadrature phase shift keying (p/4DQPSK) with a nominal symbol rate of [*] symbols/s. The gross data rate is [*] kbits/s per carrier.
Reserved channels are used to allow contention access by terminals. These access channels are not available for carrying subscribers’ voice or data traffic. Channel plan
The Internet FWA system operates over 78 RF channels, with a nominal channel spacing of 307.2 kHz. The lowest uplink channel (Ch. 2) has a nominal centre frequency of 3425.8944 MHz. The highest downlink channel (Ch. 79) has a nominal centre frequency of 3549.3888 MHz. The fixed duplex spacing is equivalent to 325 times the channel spacing. MAC layer for PSTN traffic
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One physical channel is capable of carrying a single 32 kbit/s ADPCM circuit-switched connection, or one half of a 64 kbit/s PCM circuit-switched connection. MAC layer for the Packet data service
Physical channels can be allocated in groups of six to carry packet-mode traffic. One group of six physical channels is described as a packet channel.
2.3.2 RF performance of the ITS equipment Maximum transmit power
The maximum transmit power from the ITS is not less than 28 dBm for each carrier, measured at the antenna port of the TMU. Transmitter implementation loss
The transmitted signal from the ITS is a close approximation to an idealp/4DQPSK signal. The additional carrier to noise margin required to demodulate the practical transmitted signal, compared to an ideal signal is less than 1 dB. Spectrum due to modulation
The spectrum due to modulation at the output of the ITS is as follows:
Channel | Mean power (dBc) |
N | 0 dBc (by definition) |
N± 1 | £ -24.5 dBc |
N± 2 | £ -40 dBc |
N± 3 | £ -50 dBc |
Any other channel | £ -60 dBc or -60 dBm (whichever is greater) |
The mean power is measured using an ideal receiver with root-raised-cosine filtering with transition factor (a) = 0.4, and with the receiver tuned to the centre of the appropriate adjacent channel. Minimum receiver sensitivity
The receiver sensitivity for the ITS is not greater than -101.5 dBm, measured at the antenna port of the TMU, for a bit error ratio (BER) of 10-3 before forward error correction. This measurement assumes an ideal transmitter. Receiver selectivity
The ITS receiver selectivity is specified in terms of the level of interfering signal consistent with a bit error ratio (BER) for the wanted signal of less than 10-3 before FEC. The interfering signal is assumed to be from a signal source with the ideal characteristics of the Internet FWA radio system, centered on the applicable adjacent channel. The wanted signal is assumed to be from a similar ideal source and set at a level 3 dB greater than the level required for BER = 10-3 in the absence of interference. The carrier to interference levels are as follows:
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
Channel | Carrier/Interference ratio for BER = 10-3 |
N | £ 14.4 dB |
N± 1 | £ -15.5 dB |
N± 2 | £ -58.5 dB |
Any other channel | £ -84.5 dBc |
2.3.3 RF performance of the RSS equipment Maximum transmit power
The maximum transmit power from the RSS is not less than 44.5 dBm EIRP in RF channels 8 to 73 inclusive, and not less than 41.5 dBm EIRP in the remaining channels. This transmit power specification applies to the complete RTU including the antenna. Transmitter implementation loss
The transmitted signal from the RSS is a close approximation to an idealp/4DQPSK signal. The additional carrier to noise margin required to demodulate the practical transmitted signal, compared to an ideal signal is less than 1 dB. Spectrum due to modulation
The spectrum due to modulation at the output of the RSS is as follows:
Channel | Mean power (dBc) |
N | [*] |
N± 1 | [*] |
N± 2 | [*] |
N± 3 | [*] |
Any other channel | [*] |
The mean power is measured using an ideal receiver with root-raised-cosine filtering with transition factor (a) = 0.4, and with the receiver tuned to the centre of the appropriate adjacent channel. The measured power is averaged over duration of the time-slot containing the uplink transmission.
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004 Minimum receiver sensitivity
The receiver sensitivity for the RSS is not greater than [*] dBm in RF channels 8 to 73 inclusive, and not greater than [*] dBm in the remaining channels. The received signal is measured at the connector of the RTU antenna, for a bit error ratio (BER) of 10-3 before forward error correction. This measurement assumes an ideal transmitter. Receiver selectivity
The RSS receiver selectivity is specified in terms of the level of interfering signal consistent with a bit error ratio (BER) for the wanted signal of less than 10-3 before FEC. The interfering signal is assumed to be from a signal source with the ideal characteristics of the Internet FWA radio system, centered on the applicable adjacent channel. The wanted signal is assumed to be from a similar ideal source and set at a level 3 dB greater than the level required for BER = 10-3 in the absence of interference. The carrier to interference levels are as follows:
Channel | Carrier/Interference ratio for BER = 10-3 |
N | [*] |
N± 1 | [*] |
N± 2 | [*] |
N± 3 | [*] |
N± 4 | [*] |
N± 5 | [*] |
Any other channel | Blocking specification applies | RSS receiver dynamic range
The dynamic range of the RSS receiver is from the limit of sensitivity to -20 dBm, measured at the antenna connector of the RTU. Over this dynamic range the BER of the received signal (measured before forward error correction) is not greater than 10-3. RSS antenna gain
The gain of the RSS antenna is between [*] dBi and [*] dBi at the peak of the response. The nominal beamwidth is 14 degrees (i.e.± 7 degrees). The rejection of cross-polar signals in the main antenna response is not less than 20 dB compared to a co-polar signal of identical level. The maximum level of side-lobe responses is [*] dBi, and this limit applies at azimuth angles from 22 degrees to 338 degrees with respect to the peak response.
2.3.4 Automatic power control
To minimise interference in the network, the system incorporates automatic uplink RF power control whereby the ITS attempts to maintain a constant received signal strength (RSSI) of -80dBm for each active call or packet connection. If the RSSI strays from this target, the ITS will send a message to the appropriate RSS requesting an appropriate modification to the uplink RF power. The ITS normally integrates the RSSI over a 30s period before deciding whether an adjustment is required although there is a faster attack period at the start of a call or packet connection. At the end of a call or connection, the RSS calculates a new RF power that will be used to initiate the next call or connection on the same RF channel.
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To maintain an appropriate initial uplink RF power level during extended periods of call inactivity, network test calls are automatically scheduled to each RSS on each of its operating channels. Just as is the case for normal calls, the uplink RF power is adjusted appropriately at the end of a network test call. The scheduling period is normally set to 23 hours.
2.3.5 Combining diversity
In ITS configurations with 2 or more TMUs per sector, the system is configured to execute two-path maximum ratio combining in the uplink. The implementation of this feature delivers the theoretical benefit of maximum ratio combining with less than 1 dB implementation loss.
The TMU receiver is wideband and covers all of the uplink spectrum. This means that the IF signals from 2 TMUs in the same sector differ only by virtue of being received from 2 physically separated antennas. The two I.F signals are fed to separate arms of each receiver pair of every TBM in the sector. The TBM hosts three such receiver pairs where each pair is configured to an appropriate channel. The maximum ratio combining algorithm is executed independently on each receiver pair.
2.3.6 Dynamic carrier list management
Dynamic carrier list management feature allows each RSS to modify the classification of individual RF carriers in response to periodic measurements of the received (downlink) signal. Each RSS notifies the ITS of changes in carrier classification, allowing the ITS to allocate channels with a priority reflecting the recent quality of downlink carriers. This feature has proven to be effective in combating the effects of static frequency-selective fading, and minimizing the impact of downlink radio interference from nearby RBSs in the same network. This feature is extremely valuable in networks where tri-sector and tri/hex-sector RBSs are built in adjacent or nearby cells.
2.4 Equipment configurations
2.4.1 RBS configurations
RBS configurations that can be constructed using SR14 consist of one, two or three ITSs. The table below lists the configurations that can be used.
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
Base station configuration | ITS sector organisation | Circuit-switched E1s | Packet-switched E1s | Maximum number of E1 connections |
18-carrier, tri-sector, Type I | 6.6.6 | 6 | 0, 2 | 8 |
26-carrier, tri-sector, Type II | 6.6.5 | 6 | 0, 2 | 11 |
3.3.3 | 3 | 0 |
26-carrier, tri-sector, Type III | 9.8 | 6 | 0, 2 | 13 |
9 | 3 | 0, 2 |
26-carrier, tri-sector, Type IV | 9.9 | 6 | 0, 2 | 13 |
8 | 3 | 0, 2 |
27-carrier, tri-sector, Type I | 6.6.6 | 6 | 0, 2 | 11 |
3.3.3 | 3 | 0 |
27-carrier, tri-sector, Type II | 9.9 | 6 | 0, 2 | 13 |
9 | 3 | 0, 2 |
48-carrier, tri/hex-sector | 6.6.4 | 5 | 0, 2 | 21 |
6.6.4 | 5 | 0, 2 |
6.6.4 | 5 | 0, 2 |
The column ‘ITS sector organization’ denotes the number of RF carriers than are enabled in each sector. No relationship is implied between the position of the elements of this list and the numbering of ITS sectors; thus a sector organization of 6.6.5 applies equally to configurations where the five-carrier sector is ITS sector 1, 2 or 3.
The tri/hex configuration is described as 6.6.4. The six-carrier sectors are associated with the hex-sectored antennas, and the four-carrier sector is associated with the tri-sectored antennas. By default, the tri-sector is ITS sector 1.
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
The following rules apply:
· | Where PDS is required at an ITS, two TPM-PDs must be fitted. |
· | Each TPM requires one E1 connection between the ITS and the local exchange. |
· | Each TPM-PD requires one E1 connection between the ITS and the service gateway. |
Some of the base station configurations make use of more than one ITS. PDS can be enabled or disabled on a ‘per-ITS’ basis, and so it is possible to create a multi-ITS configuration where only one or two of the ITSs has PDS enabled.
2.4.2 PSTN traffic capacity
The PSTN traffic capacity of the supported RBS configurations is detailed in the table below. Note these figures apply where PDS is not provided; the PSTN capacity of an ITS with PDS is necessarily lower.
Base station configuration | Reference capacity (E) |
Soft sector = 0% | Soft sector = 10% |
18-carrier, tri-sector, Type I | [*] | [*] |
26-carrier, tri-sector, Type III & IV | [*] | [*] |
27-carrier, tri-sector, Type II | [*] | [*] |
48-carrier, tri/hex-sector | [*] | [*] |
The reference capacity is defined as the capacity at 1% probability of blocking for long ADPCM calls, with the optimum distribution of traffic loading between ITS sectors.
The soft-sector capacity assumes that 10% of the traffic loading arises from subscribers in the overlap regions between sectors, and that the soft-sectored load is distributed evenly between three overlap regions (3.3% of the total load in each overlap). In 26-carrier RBSs of type III and IV, and 27-carrier RBSs of type II, there is only one overlap region where a benefit is derived from soft sectoring; in these cases, the capacity gain is relatively small. In the tri/hex-sectored ITS, soft-sectoring is not enabled between hex-sectors.
One ITS with V5.2 interface can support a maximum of 2048 PSTN lines, and a maximum of 2048 RSSs.
2.4.3 Packet data traffic capacity Number of packet channels at an ITS
Packet channels at an ITS can be configured subject to the following rules:
Annex D - -Product Specifications
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
· | Packet data can be supported by ITSs with sector arrangement 6.6.6, 6.6.5, 8, 9, 9.8, 9.9, 6.6.4 (tri/hex) |
· | All packet channels consist of 6 physical channel pairs |
· | An ITS that supports PDS has two TPM-PDs |
· | One TPM-PD may support zero to four packet channels inclusive |
· | One ITS supports a maximum of 36 physical channels (i.e. six packet channels) |
· | The largest packet partition allowed in one sector is three packet channels |
· | In bi-sector or tri-sector ITSs, if the ITS provides PDS then each sector must have at least one packet channel |
· | In a tri-sector ITS, the sum of the number of packet channels in the smallest two packet partitions must not exceed four. This ensures that sectors will not be split across TPM-PDs. | Number of simultaneous PPP and MAC connections
The packet data service supports a maximum of:
· | 700 packet data subscribers per ITS |
· | [*] simultaneous PPP connections per ITS |
· | [*] simultaneous active MAC connections per packet channel |
· | [*] simultaneous active MAC connections per TPM-PD |
· | [*] simultaneous active MAC connections per ITS | Traffic capacity of a packet channel
Each packet channel (consisting of six physical channels) provides a shared channel with an aggregate capacity for users’ packet data traffic of not less than [*] kbps in the downlink direction, and not less than 84 kbps in the uplink direction. PPP, TCP and IP headers applied at the users’ computers are assumed to form part of the useful throughput. Peak throughput for a single PDS user
The peak throughput for a single user is approximately 96 kbps in the downlink direction (using the USB interface) and approximately 92 kbps in the downlink direction (using the RS-232 interface). The peak throughput for a single user is approximately 42 kbps in the uplink direction.
Note that these are peak figures, and apply when the user has exclusive use of three physical channels. In normal operation, the packet channel capacity is shared between a number of users, and mean throughput figures for individual users will be lower than these peak values. The operator must ensure that sufficient packet channels are configured to offer reasonable quality of service to packet data subscribers. Reduction in PSTN capacity
The remaining PSTN traffic capacity at an RBS with packet data service is defined in the following table. These figures assume that 10% of the offered traffic is from soft-sectored terminals.
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Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment-December 2004
Base station configuration | Reference capacity (E) |
One packet channel in each sector | Two packet channels in each sector |
26-carrier, tri-sector, Type III & IV | 194.0 | 178.0 |
48-carrier, tri/hex-sector | 327.0 | 279.0 |
2.5 External interfaces
2.5.1 ITS to transmission system
The interface between the ITS and the transmission system is defined by ITU-T
G.703 11/2001, ‘Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces’. Only the interface at 2048 kbit/s is supported in Internet FWA.
As an additional requirement, Internet FWA requires that the long-term frequency accuracy of the E1 signal from the transmission system is better than 10-7 (0.1 ppm). Transmission equipment does not normally re-time digital traffic, and so this frequency accuracy is usually dependent on correct configuration of the local exchange (for PSTN connections) or the packet data network.
Internet FWA complies with ITU-T G.823, ‘The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy’.
2.5.2 ITS to local exchange
The framing structure of the signal between the ITS and the local exchange is defined by ITU-T G.704 10/1998, ‘Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s hierarchical levels’, and ITU-T G.706 04/1991, ‘Frame alignment and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) procedures relating to basic frame structures defined in Recommendation G.704’.
The voice coding for circuit-switched traffic complies with ITU-T G.711 11/1988, ‘Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies’.
Signaling between the ITS and the local exchange uses the V5.2 protocol, defined in the ETSI V5.1 Specification ETS 300 324-1, V 1.2.2, ‘V-Interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.1-Interface (based on 2048 kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN)’, and ETSI V5.2 Specification ETS 300 347-1, V 2.1.2, ‘V-interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.2 interface (based on 2048 kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN)’. Only requirements for PSTN services apply to Internet FWA.
2.5.3 ITS to packet data network
Internet FWA requires that the E1 signal from the packet data network must comply with the framing structure defined in ITU-T G.704 (see above for a detailed reference). Time-slot zero contains a frame synchronization signal, and the remaining 31 time-slots are joined together to provide a connection with an aggregate capacity of 1984 kbit/s.
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The layer-2 tunnel between the ITS and the packet data network uses a protocol stack consisting of the point-to-point protocol (PPP), Internet protocol (IP), user datagram protocol (UDP) and the layer-2 tunneling protocol (L2TP). These protocols are defined as follows:
· | PPP: Internet engineering task force (IETF) STD 51, ‘The point to point protocol’ |
· | IP: IETF RFC 791, ‘Internet protocol’ |
· | UDP: IETF RFC 768, ‘User datagram protocol’ |
· | L2TP: IETF RFC 2661, ‘Layer two tunnelling protocol (L2TP)’ |
2.5.4 RDA to PC
The RDA provides a choice of two different serial data standards at the PC-RDA interface:
· | Asynchronous serial interface (commonly known as RS-232) as defined in ANSI/TIA/EIA-232-F-1997, Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange, and |
· | Universal Serial Bus (USB), using the ‘full-speed’ option, as defined in Universal Serial Bus specification, Rev. 1.1 and USB class definitions for communications devices, Rev. 1.0. |
2.5.5 Shortly after the introduction of the New F6 RSS unit the RDA will be replaced with a dongle that will provide the same functionality as the existing RDA unit.
2.6. Additional Specifications
2.6.1 In addition to the Product’s Specifications set forth in this Annex D, the Parties agree to include as part of this Annex D the Product’s Specifications that will be set forth in the Compact Discs to be named as: (i) Internet Fixed Wireless Access, MR 14.0.3 “Customer Documentation Suite” and (ii) Internet Fixed Wireless Access, Maintenance Release MR 14.0.3 System Line Up that will be delivered with MR14.03 in February 2003.
2.6.2 New RSS Unit
Summary of the RSS changes
The new Proximity RSS Unit shall have the same form, function and fit of both of the current RSS Equipment jointly (the F2 and F5 based RSS equipment), pursuant the specifications provided to Axtel by Airspan and Nortel Networks (as the former manufacturer). The New RSS Unit will be known as the F6.
The changes are summarised as follows:
· | Airspan shall supply a single variant of the RSS. In particular, all RTUs will contain a packet data interface suitable for interconnection with the existing RDA. |
· | The 48 volt indoor power supply, known as the RPCU, shall be revised to remove unused functionality. |
· | The RTU environmental specification shall be changed so that the low operating temperature limit will be -20 C rather than -40 C. |
· | The New RSS will incorporate the original Drop Cable Connector (NTEG 99GR) |
Annex D - -Product Specifications
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Single variant RSS
In accordance with the Amendment Agreement No2, all New RSS Units will be supplied with a packet data interface, i.e. the RSS will be ‘packet data ready’. This will potentially enable Axtel to supply existing subscribers requesting the packet data service with an RDA or equivalent device without the need for replacing the RTU.
48 volt indoor power supply
It had been agreed that a revised solution for the indoor power supply will be supplied. A number of solutions are possible, but relative to the current RPCU, the following specification changes are included:
· | Eliminate the mains buzzer functionality, which is understood to be disabled by the Axtel installation teams. |
· | Remove the 2 secondary RJ11 sockets: It is understood that a remote RJ11 Box is the preferred Axtel method of installation. |
· | Restrict the mains input voltage to Mexican requirements: The current RPCU is designed for the global marketplace and operates with input voltages from 85volts to 270volts ac. The power supply will be redesigned specifically to suit Mexican requirements (88volts to 132 volts ac). Output power ratings will remain unchanged. |
· | The RPCU plastics material will remain essentially unchanged, but will incorporate additional spacer/wider lugs and the blanking of the fins to reduce the likelihood of Water and Bug. |
Should there be any changes in mechanical form of the power supply, these will be agreed with Axtel in due course.
Change to RTU lower operating temperature limit
The RTU environmental specification will be changed so that the low operating temperature limit will be -20 C rather than -40 C. This is believed to be acceptable for deployments in Mexico.
Single outer sheath drop cable
For the avoidance of doubt there will be no change to the existing specification, which already states the dual outer sheath drop cable.
F6 support in SR14.2
The F6 RTU will require a new software image and support for this will be provided in the SR14.2 system release.
A separate label will be added to the RTU to distinguish between and F6 from other RTU’s
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
Annex E
FWA Order Procedure
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
1 Purchase Order Procedure
Airspan and Axtel agree that a Purchase Order must be issued and delivered in order to proceed with the supply of any Product or Service for the purposes of this Agreement.
The Purchase Order will be issued either according to prices established in Annex F- FWA Prices - of this Agreement or according to a specific quotation provided by Airspan for those cases in which the prices are not stated in such Annex. Airspan is not obliged to quote or deliver any service or material not included in Annex C - Description of Products.
1.1 Request for Quotation
Applicable for Products and Services not included in Annex C - Description of Products. Axtel will request the quotation in writing in a mutually agreed format and containing the following minimum information:
a) | Supplier Part or Service Number if available |
b) | Manufacturer Part Number if different to supplier |
c) | Part or Service Description |
f) | Requested Deliver Time or Date |
g) | Delivery Location when applicable |
h) | Part Number (Serial Profile applicable) |
1.2 Delivery of quotation by Supplier
Airspan will provide the quotation in accordance with the terms set forth below.
The quotation will be submitted to Axtel´s Purchasing Department and Strategic Negotiations Department in writing within a reasonable period of time, depending on the complexity of the quote referred, duly signed by Supplier Sales Representative and containing the following information:
a) | Supplier Quotation Number |
b) | Supplier Part or Service Number |
c) | Manufacturer Part Number if different to Supplier’s |
d) | Part or Service Description |
g) | Part Number (Serial Profile applicable) |
h) | Unit Price as defined in Annex F of the Agreement (Price of Unit of a part number may be a part of a package or the price when Axtel want to buy separate) |
j) | Warranty Terms and Conditions if applicable |
m) | Delivery Time per Item |
n) | Delivery Site or Delivery Location when applicable |
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
1.3 Submission of Purchase Orders - General
Axtel will submit the Purchase Order in accordance with the terms set forth below
Purchase Orders shall be submitted in a mutually agreed format or media to the Airspan Commercial Representative, duly signed by an authorized Axtel representative and containing the following minimum information:
c) | Supplier Quotation Number if applicable |
d) | Requested Delivery Date per each item |
f) | Supplier Part or Service Number as per Annex C or quotation |
g) | Manufacturer Part Number if different to Supplier when applicable |
h) | Part or Service Description |
i) | Quantities per each item |
k) | Unit Price as defined in Annex F of the Agreement |
n) | Payment Terms as per signed Agreement |
o) | Shipping Instructions and Delivery Location |
q) | Wording expressing “Purchase Order 100% binding and non-cancelable” |
r) | Wording referencing Terms and Conditions to Agreement signed |
s) | Special wording when applicable |
Airspan shall acknowledge receipt in writing of the Purchase Order within five (5) business days after received.
Airspan shall accept such Purchase Order in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 2 of the Agreement.
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
1.4 Address and Times for Submission of Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders shall be submitted to Airspan Commercial Representative at the following address:
Guy Insley
Airspan Networks Inc
777 Yamato Road,
Suite 105
Boca Raton
Fl, 33431
In the event of a change of the address, Airspan will advise Axtel thereof in writing.
2 FWA Product Delivery Times
Product Delivery times are indicated in Annex J .
2.1 Product Delivery
Within three business days after Final Ship Date:
a) | Axtel’s freight representative shall collect the Products at the Airspan factory or designated warehouse, as applicable and shall sign the corresponding Freight Bill which will constitute the sole Proof of Delivery (the“Product Delivery”). |
b) | If, for whatever reason, the customer’s freight representative does not collect the Products within the aforementioned period of three business days, Delivery of the products shall be deemed 100% complete (the“Product Delivery”). In such case, Proof of Delivery shall be the unsigned Freight Bill. |
3Intentionally left in blank
4 Invoicing
4.1 Product Invoicing
Airspan will submit the invoice in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 5 of the Agreement.
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
Within the next five (5) business days after the delivery by Axtel to Airspan of a Purchase Order which is in compliance with Section 2 of this Contract, Airspan shall deliver to Axtel an invoice for one hundred percent (100%) of the purchase price of such Order.
Airspan’ original invoices will be delivered to Axtel’s Accounts Payable department with a copy to the Axtel Purchasing representative. Axtel will immediately acknowledge receipt of invoices by stamping a copy as “received” and returning it to Airspan.
4.2 Services Invoicing
Airspan shall invoice Axtel for Services in accordance with section 5 of the Agreement.
4.3 Invoicing General
All invoices shall be issued containing the following minimum information and requirements:
a) | Official name and address of Axtel as follows: |
Axtel S.A. de C.V.
Blvd. Diaz Ordaz Km. 3.33 L-1
Col . Unidad San Pedro San Pedro Garza García, N.L.
México 66215
RFC: AXT-940727-FP8
b) | Purchase Order Number (s) |
e) | Supplier Quotation Number if applicable |
f) | Supplier Part or Service Number if applicable |
h) | Manufacturer Part Number if different to Supplier when applicable |
i) | Part or Service Description |
j) | Quantities per each item |
l) | Unit Price for Equipment or Services. |
m) | Extended Price for Equipment or Services. |
o) | Delivery Location for Services when applicable |
q) | Supplier Name and Address |
r) | Service Receipt Acceptance Number or Good Receipt Acceptance Number as applicable. |
5 Equipment Shipping Instructions, Shipping Documents and Goods Receipt.
All shipments shall be consigned according to the Purchase Order or Change Order.
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
Airspan shall submit a copy of the following documentation via fax to Axtel’s Purchasing Department immediately after Delivery.
· | Packing List including the material part number that Axtel and Aisrpan manage with a serial number. |
· | Certificate of Origin (NAFTA Certificate, if it applies) |
· | Copy of Original Invoice |
For purposes of the Agreement, the Delivery Date of the products shall be deemed the date on which Airspan delivers via fax to Axtel the documents mentioned above.
A copy of the following documentation should be attached to the shipment:
· | Copy of Original Invoice |
· | Packing List with product serial number when applicable |
· | Certificate of Origin (NAFTA Certificate, if it applies) |
During the following ten (10) days after Delivery Date, Axtel shall issue a Goods Receipt document that shall contain at least the following information:
· | Purchase Order Number (s) |
· | Acceptance Note and Goods Receipt Number |
· | Refusal Note describing the reasons in writing (if applicable) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement |
If after ten (10) days from Delivery Date, Axtel has not delivered to Airspan such Goods Receipt document, it will be deemed that Axtel has accepted the shipment and it will be deemed that there are no Non-Compliant products in such shipment.
Partial deliveries shall only be allowed such as stated in Annex J and section 5.4 of the Agreement.
6 Services Acceptance
In the event of Services, during the following ten (10) Business Days after completion of the Services by Supplier, Axtel shall issue a Service Acceptance Notification to Supplier that should contain at least the following information:
· | Date of Service Completion |
· | Acceptance Note and Service Receipt Acceptance Number |
· | Refusal Note describing the reasons in writing (if applicable) |
Annex E
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (Dec 2004)
If after ten (10) Business Days, Axtel has not delivered to Airspan such Service Acceptance Notification, it will be deemed that Axtel has accepted the provided Services and Airspan will invoice Axtel.
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Annex F
FWA Prices
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Annex F
FWA Prices
1.0 Document Scope.
This document details the definition and pricing of the FWA equipment to be supplied by Airspan to AXtel as per the “FWA Supply Agreement”. All prices are in US dollars. CIP for RSS & RIS are quoted as @ Airspan American consolidation warehouse for Mexico (currently Texas, USA). Ex-works terms for RBS & FET are quoted @ Airspan RBS manufacturing site (currently Dumfermline Scotland) and Ex-works terms for REM are quoted @ Airspan REM integration site (currently Dumfermline Scotland).
2.0 | Customer Premise Equipment Kits. |
2.1 Customer Premise Equipment Kits (CPE).
An F5 RSS Kit is defined as follows for Orders for Delivery from April 1st 2005 (RDA Kit excluded):
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG18DA | F5 RTU | 1 | |
NTEG12FA | RPCU | 1 |
A0636762 | RPCU Battery | 1 |
NTEG12CL | RPCU Power Cord | 1 |
NTEG12FB | RPCU Safety Booklet | 1 |
NTEG99JE | Drop Cable (500m) | 0.04 |
NTEG99GR | Drop Cable Connector (50) | 0.02 |
NTEG99CZ | Drop Cable Connector Pins (500) | 0.02 |
| [*] |
Prior to Orders for Delivery from April 1st 2005, an F5 Kit includes the RDA at a price of $[*]
An F5v2 Analog RSS Kit is defined as follows, with pricing effective for Orders for Delivery from 1st April 2005:
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG18DB | F5v2 Analog RTU | 1 | |
NTEG12FA | RPCU | 1 |
A0636762 | RPCU Battery | 1 |
NTEG12CL | RPCU Power Cord | 1 |
NTEG12FB | RPCU Safety Booklet | 1 |
NTEG99JE | Drop Cable (500m) | 0.04 |
NTEG99GR | Drop Cable Connector (50) | 0.02 |
NTEG99CZ | Drop Cable Connector Pins (500) | 0.02 |
| [*] |
Prior to Orders for Delivery from April 1st 2005 F5v2 Analog RSS Kit price is $[*]
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
An F6 Single Model RSS Kit is defined as follows pricing effective Orders for Delivery from 1st April 2005
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG19DE | F6 RTU | 1 | |
NTEG12FA | RPCU | 1 |
A0636762 | RPCU Battery | 1 |
NTEG12CL | RPCU Power Cord | 1 |
NTEG12FB | RPCU Safety Booklet | 1 |
NTEG99JE | Drop Cable (500m) | 0.04 |
NTEG99GR | Drop Cable Connector (50) | 0.02 |
NTEG99CZ | Drop Cable Connector Pins (500) | 0.02 |
| $[*] |
An RDA Kit for Orders for Delivery from 1st April 2005 is defined as follows:
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG18FA | RDA or Dongle | 1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| Right to use fee of PD functionality included | | |
| $[*] |
2.2 Installation Brackets for any type of RSS.
Compact Mounting Bracket
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG19AJ | Compact Mounting Bracket (10) | 1 | |
NTEG99DC | Mounting Coach Screw (200) | 0.015 | |
NTEG99DD | Washer M8 (200) | 0.015 | |
NTEG99DE | Frame Fixing(200) | 0.015 | |
| | | $[*] |
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
3.0 Radio Basestation Kits
Discrete Radio Basestation Configurations.
The following configurations and the associated pricing for Orders for Delivery after December 31st 2004 are representative of a typical installation of RBS Kits. Specific installations may require variations on these definitions for which the vendor will provide revised pricing quotations at that time.
PEC | Description | 18b RBS | 27b RBS |
NTED4575 | Transceiver Processor Module | 5 | 7 |
NTEG72AD | Transceiver Baseband Module Combining Diversity | 5 | 7 |
NTEG77EC | Transceiver Masthead Unit Kit | 6 | 9 |
NTEG97PC | Antenna to TMU 4m Cable | 6 | 9 |
NTEG94BD | 1M Pre-Fit Cabinet | 1 | 2 |
NTEG63AA | Transceiver Timer Module | 0 | 0 |
NTEG73AA | Network Management Module | 0 | 0 |
NTEG99CJ | TMU to Cabinet IF 1/2” cable (500m) | 0.6 | 0.9 |
NTEG91BA | 1/2” IF Cable Connector Kit | 6 | 9 |
NTEG99CE | TMU to Cabinet Power cable (500m) | 0.6 | 0.9 |
NTEG93AA | Power Cable Connector Kit | 6 | 9 |
NTEG99CA | TMU to Cabinet Data Cable (500m) | 0.6 | 0.9 |
NTEG92AA | Data Cable Connector Kit | 6 | 9 |
NTEG97NE | 60 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna | 0 | 0 |
NTEG97ME | 120 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna | 6 | 9 |
NTEG94PA | 120 0hms primary E1 Cable | 1 | 2 |
Ex-Works Price USD | $[*] | $[*] |
For clarity, NTEG94BD (1M Pre-Fit Cabinet) and NTEG77EC (Transceiver Masthead Unit Kit) are defined as follows:
NTEG94BD 1M Pre-Fit Cabinet |
PEC | Description | Qty. |
NTEG76FB | I.T.S Basestation DIVERSITY SUB RACK | 1 |
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
3.1 PDS Upgrade Configurations.
The following configurations and the associated pricing are representative
PEC | Description | PDS Upgrade |
NTEG71HA | Transceiver processor Module - Packet Data | 2 |
N/A | Packet Data Software Activation Fee | 1 |
Ex-Works Price USD | $[*] |
4.0 FWA Software
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ex-Works Price USD |
N/A | RMT Data Software Activation Fee | 1 | To be Quoted |
5.0 FWA OA&M Equipment.
5.1 Field Engineering Terminal (FET).
Choose one of the following.
PEC | Description | Qty. | Ex-Works Price USD |
NTEG30AN | FET System Complete (LINUX)on Panasonic CF27 | 1 | $[*] |
NTEG30AF | LINUX FET Software Application Kit for Panasonic CF27 | 1 | $[*] |
5.2 Residential Installation System (RIS).
Survey & Maintenance Kit
PEC | Description | Qty. |
NTEG24BF | 100 MHz Generic Survey Kit | 1 |
NTEG10DCBV | RSS Installation Sub-Set Documentation | 1 |
P0872025 | Large Belt | 1 |
NTEG24BE | RTU SAK/Handle Pole Kit (5.5m extension kit) | 1 |
NTEG22EB | RTU SAK/Handle Assembly | 1 |
A0734347 | GPS | 1 |
A0658055 | Linesman Phone U.S. | 1 |
NTEG24AA | 100MHz Generic Maintenance Kit | 1 |
NTEG21ND | PSA Mains Adapter U.S. | 1 |
A0745625 | RMT Mains Adapter U.S. | 1 |
A0657248 | Modem | 1 |
A0655833 | Multimeter | 1 |
NTEG21PB | Vehicle charging Cable | 1 |
A0743766 | RMT Docking Holster | 1 |
CIP Price USD | | $[*] |
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
5.3 Radio Element Manager (REM).
The following configuration is based on the original Model 3 REM but includes additional functionality upgrades that were introduced during the previous contract.
| Description | Qty. |
NTEG43AC | HP Unix Server | 1 |
NTEG41GD | HASS Functionality | 1 |
NTEG41GE | Dual Processor Functionality | 1 |
NTEG43AA | HP Client Workstation | 1 |
NTEJ40BN | Radio Element Manager Software Platform | 1 |
NTEG42BC | Network Hub 16 Slot Chassis,Fantray,Hipernmc, Dual Psu | 1 |
NTEG42FB | HyperARC | 1 |
NTEG42GM | Quad Modem Card With S/Ware Type 1 | 1 |
NTEG43AD | Unix Server annual support | 1 |
NTEG43AB | Client Workstation annual support | 1 |
NTEJ40GC | Remedy ARS Support | 1 |
NTEJ40JC | Oracle RDBMS Support | 1 |
A0743702 | Openview SW Support | 1 |
NTEG42KA | Network Hub Annual SW Maintenance | 1 |
A0743715 | SW support CLEO | 1 |
Ex-Works Price USD | | $[*] |
6.0 FWA Equipment Spares.
PEC | Description | Qty. Per | Ex-Works Price USD |
NTED4575 | Transceiver Processor Module | 1 | [*] |
NTEG72AD | Transceiver Baseband Module Combining Diversity | 1 | [*] |
NTEG77EC | Transceiver Masthead Unit Kit | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97PC | Antenna to TMU 4m Cable | 1 | [*] |
NTEG76BA | I.T.S. Fan Tray Assembly | 1 | [*] |
NTEG76CC | Secondary DC Breaker Rack Filtered | 1 | [*] |
NTEG76FB | I.T.S Basestation Diversity Sub Rack | 1 | [*] |
NTEG76GA | I.T.S U.K. Maintenance Port Assembly | 1 | [*] |
NTEG94QA | 1.0M Internal ITS Cabinet | 1 | [*] |
NTEG74BA | Over Voltage Protection Module | 1 | [*] |
NTEG63AA | Transceiver Timer Module | 1 | [*] |
NTEG73AA | Network Management Module | 1 | [*] |
NTEG99CJ | TMU to Cabinet IF ½” Cable | 500m | [*] |
NTEG91BA | ½” IF Cable Connector Kit | 1 | [*] |
NTEG99CE | TMU to Cabinet Power Cable | 500m | [*] |
NTEG93AA | Power Cable Connector Kit | 1 | [*] |
NTEG99CA | TMU to Cabinet Data Cable | 500m | [*] |
NTEG92AA | Data Cable Connector Kit | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97ME | 120 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97MF | 120 Degree Horizontal Polarization Antenna | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NE | 60 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NF | 60 Degree Horizontal Polarization Antenna | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NG | 40 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna (For orders of less than 120 units) | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NH | 40 Degree Horizontal Polarization Antenna (For orders of less than 120 units) | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NG | 40 Degree Vertical Polarization Antenna (For orders of more than 120 units) | 1 | [*] |
NTEG97NH | 40 Degree Horizontal Polarization Antenna (For orders of more than 120 units) | 1 | [*] |
NTEG71HA | Transceiver Processor Module - Packet Data | 1 | [*] |
Annex F - Prices
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
PEC | Description | Qty. Per | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG18DA | F5 RTU | 1 | [*] |
NTEG19DE | F6 RTU | 1 | [*] |
NTEG18FA | RDA Kit or Dongle | 1 | [*] |
NTEG12FA | RPCU | 1 | [*] |
A0636762 | RPCU Battery | 1 | [*] |
NTEG12CL | RPCU Power Cord | 1 | [*] |
NTEG12FB | RPCU Safety Booklet | 1 | [*] |
NTEG99JE | Dual Jacket Drop Cable | 500m | [*] |
PEC | Description | Qty. Per | Ext. Price CIP USD |
NTEG99GY | Dual Jacket Drop Cable Connector | 50 | [*] |
NTEG99CZ | Drop Cable Connector Pins | 500 | [*] |
NTEG17DA | F2 RTU or Substitute | 1 | [*] |
For spares Orders greater than $100,000.00 a discount of[*]% will be offered on all RBS equipment.
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
This is the Annex “G” of the Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment, dated as of December 28, 2004 (the“Agreement”), entered into by and among Airspan Communications Limited (“Airspan”), and Axtel, S.A. de C.V. (“Axtel”).
1.1 | Airspan warrants that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship and will function substantially in accordance with the applicable specifications during the warranty period of twelve (12) months from the respective Delivery Date (“Warranty Period”). |
1.2 | Airspan undertakes to promptly remedy pursuant the terms set forth in this Annex “G” all defects discovered in the Products within the Warranty Period and properly notified to Airspan in accordance with this Section. Repaired or replaced Products shall have a new warranty period of 180 days from the date of delivery to Axtel or up to the end of the original Warranty Period, whichever is longer. |
1.3 | Subject to the said Warranty Period(s), Airspan warrants that the Products, and any part thereof, will comply and function in accordance with the specifications set forth inAnnex “D” of the Agreement and all of the requirements of the Agreement. |
1.4 | If an item of Product is or becomes defective during its Warranty Period, Airspan will at its option either repair or replace the item. In the event Airspan determines that repair or replacement as set forth in this Annex G cannot be made using commercially reasonable efforts (which determination shall be made within thirty (30) days after Airspan receives written notice from Axtel) Airspan will give Axtel a credit equal to the purchase price paid by Axtel for the Product, provided that Axtel has returned such Product to Airspan. |
1.4 .1 | Axtel must return each defective item to Airspan, at an address to be advised by Airspan, no later than sixty (60) days after the end of its Warranty Period. When Axtel is required to return a defective Product to Airspan for warranty service, Axtel agrees to ship it prepaid and suitably packaged to the location designated by Airspan. In making such return, Axtel will comply with the procedures specified in Part Two of this Annex G. Airspan will repair or replace such defective item at no additional charge to Axtel and return, at its own cost, the repaired or replacement item to Axtel’s address specified in the PO, together with the appropriate documentation required for such shipment and return shipment thereof. Airspan shall be responsible for loss of, or damage to, Product while it is (y) in Airspan’s possession, or (z) in transit back to Axtel. Title to each replacement item will pass to Axtel on payment in full for the replacement item or, if no payment is due, on receipt by Axtel. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
1.5 | No warranty is provided for: (i) supply items normally consumed during Product operation; (ii) failures caused by non-Airspan products; (iii) failures caused by a Product’s inability to operate in conjunction with other Axtel hardware or software different from the Third Party Vendor Items provided by Airspan under this Agreement; or (iv) performance failures resulting from improper installation and maintenance or Axtel’s use of unauthorized parts or components. |
The warranty will be voided by misuse, accident, damage, alteration or modification, failure to maintain proper physical or operating environment, use of unauthorized parts or components or improper Axtel maintenance. Software is not warranted to operate uninterrupted or error free. The performance by Axtel, directly or indirectly, of the installation, engineering, commissioning, network design, support and maintenance of FWA Products by skilled personnel in accordance with the Airspan Procedures shall not invalidate the warranty provided hereunder.
1.6 | Airspan covenants that it has good title to all hardware (including Third Party Hardware) to be delivered hereunder and that Airspan shall convey to Axtel good title to the hardware free from any and all liens, encumbrances or third party rights whatsoever in accordance with the Agreement. In addition, Airspan covenants that it is entitled to grant Axtel the right to use the Software free from any and all liens or encumbrances whatsoever in accordance with the Agreement. |
1.7 | The warranty and/or the extended warranty shall not be affected if Axtel connects to the Products, software or hardware from other suppliers if such suppliers’ hardware or software complies with international telecommunications standards and Axtel is current with Products software loads, provided that such current Product software load is required for the correct interoperability between such hardware and software. |
1.8 | Airspan shall provide the hardware repair and shipping instructions for all the parts of the Products to be supplied to Axtel by Airspan under and in accordance with this Agreement. The Technical Assistance (7x24) and Repair & Return Services shall be provided during the Warranty Period as detailed in Part Two of this Annex “G” and is included in the prices of the Products set forth in Annex “F”. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
For Products covered by the warranty given under Part 1 of this Annex G during the Warranty Period, Airspan will:
· | Provide Remote Technical Assistance (as defined below) to assist Axtel in the diagnosis of hardware failures of any Product supplied by Airspan under this Agreement. |
· | Repair or replace a defective Field Replaceable Unit (“FRU”). If an FRU becomes defective during the Warranty Period, and provided it has been returned to Airspan in accordance with section 1.4 of Part One above, Airspan will repair and deliver the FRU to Axtel within 60 days following receipt by Airspan of the defective FRU. |
Note: Axtel will maintain its own stock of spares at levels sufficient to cover requirements within timeframes consistent with Axtel’s quality of service objectives.
Airspan will register and manage requests for Remote Technical Assistance and for FRU replacement during normal business days and hours in the location where the service is being performed.
The following specific warranty services (“Services”) will be provided by Airspan under Part 2:
1.1 Technical Assistance Service during Warranty Period
1.1.1 During the Warranty Period, Airspan will provide Remote Technical Assistance (as defined below) to assist Axtel in the diagnosis of hardware failures. Specifically, Airspan will provide the following deliverables in this regard:
· | Airspan technicians and engineers will provide support primarily by remote means (“Remote Technical Assistance”). In a collaborative effort with Axtel’s technical staff, these personnel will attempt to diagnose and resolve issues related to the hardware supplied by Airspan as explained in this service description. |
· | Where telephone support, remote diagnosis, and all other means of restoring product operation have failed, Airspan will, upon Axtel’s request, and if Airspan determines that on-site support is necessary and appropriate, at Airspan’s expense, dispatch a trained and qualified technical expert to Axtel’s premises to facilitate further diagnosis. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Should Airspan determination that on-site support is not necessary, Axtel will nevertheless have the right to require on site support from Airspan,provided that such on site support required by Axtel shall be at Axtel’s cost unless it is agreed in writing that it was necessary for such support to be provided on site. |
1.1.2 Axtel Responsibilities for receipt of Remote Technical Assistance
To receive Remote Technical Assistance, Axtel will be required to:
· | Confirm that the products have been installed and commissioned and are used and maintained by knowledgeable and skilled people in accordance with Airspan Procedures. |
· | Replace hardware components during diagnosis or as remedial actions. |
· | Generate performance/availability reports and associated trend analysis. |
· | Gather data in a timely manner in support of Airspan’ diagnostic process when reasonably within the technical competency of Axtel. |
· | Identify issues requiring hardware replacement |
· | Perform software upgrades and/or patch applications |
· | Provide connectivity in a timely manner to the Product(s) for Airspan to establish a data link for use by Airspan technical support group in order to conduct remote diagnosis and maintenance. Axtel and Airspan technical personnel will agree on the appropriate type of data link based on network equipment and configuration as well as the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access. Axtel will be solely responsible for security of the network. Airspan will not connect to Axtel’s network without prior authorization and such connection will be solely to provide technical support. |
· | Excuse Airspan from fault resolution for a period equal to such failure or delay, should Axtel fail or cause delay in providing connectivity |
· | Designate and make available competent personnel to aid in problem diagnosis and provide electronic access to the affected Product(s) to aid in problem investigation and resolution for all incidents. Axtel personnel shall be available to work with Airspan’s technical expert during all the process for Remote Technical Assistance. |
· | Implement its internal escalation process in order to inform all the necessary contacts at Airspan. |
· | Maintain such support agreement(s) with third-party supplier(s) for such product(s) other than Products, as Axtel sees fit. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Exhaust internal troubleshooting processes with first-level its Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (“OA&M”) functions. First-level support includes, but is not limited to: |
- | Performing day-to-day maintenance and network operations |
- | Monitoring network and system alarms |
- | Performing diagnosis in accordance with instructions provided by Airspan and carrying out initial remedial actions, including remote diagnosis |
- | Operating and controlling Axtel’s internal help desk for logging and tracking fault inquiries, prioritizing events, and escalating, as required, to the Airspan technical support group |
- | Providing local time templates and historical actions performed on each event as reference information to the Airspan technical support group . |
1.1.3 Technical Assistance Services Assumptions
For Remote Technical Assistance the following assumptions will apply:
· | 2nd & 3rd Level Technical Support Services will be provided by Airspan at its cost and expense during the Warranty Period to the Hardware elements covered by the warranty. |
· | In the event that Axtel fails to comply with its responsibilities described in section 1.1.2 of Part Two, Airspan will advise Axtel in writing of its non-compliance. Airspan and Axtel may then agree upon services to be provided at the then-current time-and-materials basis published by Airspan plus any travel and living expenses incurred |
· | Services provided by Airspan under this Annex G are warranted in accordance with Section 6.3 of this Agreement. |
· | Airspan, or a skilled, qualified third-party authorized by Airspan, will furnish these Services. |
1.1.4 Exclusions
The following exclusions will govern the provision of Remote Technical Assistance:
· | Software provided by Airspan under this Agreement has no warranty. |
· | Providing advice on how to detect and resolve network-related problems |
· | Diagnosing issues related to Airspan Products interfacing with non-Airspan products |
· | Analyzing trace / log / dump / Operational Measurement (“OM”) information |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Airspan is not responsible for supporting non-Airspan supplied third-party product(s). Axtel will be responsible for maintaining support agreements with the OEM/third-party supplier for such product(s). |
· | No warranty is provided for Product failures caused by events specified in Part One - sections 15 and 1.6. |
· | Airspan support obligations are expressly conditional upon the Products not being (i) subject to unusual mechanical stress or unusual electrical or environmental conditions; (ii) subject to misuse, accident or disaster including without limitation, fire, flood, water, wind, lightning or other acts of God; or (iii) altered or modified unless performed or authorized by Airspan |
· | Products which have not been installed and commissioned by appropriately skilled and trained personnel using Airspan Procedures are excluded from the warranty. |
· | Remote Technical Assistance will not be provided during installation and/or commissioning processes. |
1.2 Return and Replace Service
Airspan Networks will register and manage requests for Return and Replace service during Airspan’ normal business days and hours in the location where the service is being performed.
Upon receiving Axtel’s request, Airspan will allocate a part request number (also known as a Return Material Authorization number) to each FRU to be replaced and will notify Axtel in writing of the relevant part request number.
Following allocation of the part request number(s) Airspan will repair or replace the unit and will deliver the repaired unit or an equivalent to Axtel within 60 days of receipt by Airspan at the place where the repair or replacement is carried out (the“R&R Time Limit”).
On-site repair and on-site replacement services by Airspan are not included with the Return and Replace Service.
1.2.1 Like for Like Replacement
Airspan, at its own cost and expense, shall provide within 60 days after the Effective Date of this Agreement and maintain in Axtel warehouses to be notified to Airspan in writing the following amount of Products (the“StockProducts”):
Ref | Part Number | Description | Quantities |
1 | NTEG72AD | TBM | 16 |
2 | NTEG77EC | TMU | 16 |
3 | NTED4575 | TPM | 8 |
4 | NTEG63AA | TTM | 8 |
5 | NTEG73AA | NMM | 4 |
6 | NTEG74BA | OVPM | 12 |
7 | NTEG71HA | TPM-PD | 12 |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
These Stock Products shall be kept by Axtel in its own facilities in México and Axtel shall manage such Stock Products at its sole discretion to create a replacement process for damaged parts as a “Like for Like” replacement process.
The Parties hereby agree that Airspan shall be obligated to increase the Stock Products by one piece of the respective part number, if Airspan is more than five (5) days late under section 1.2 of Part Two above, in the repair and return of such part (this shall be accounted by pieces).
1.2.2 Axtel Responsibilities for Return and Replace Services
Axtel will be required to:
· | Pay the expense of shipping a defective FRU to Airspan’s warehouse or logistic center defined for this purposes. |
· | Use the specifically-assigned part request number(s) provided by Airspan and include completed Airspan Fault Report Forms when returning any FRU |
· | Adhere to Airspan’ packing instructions (including anti-static precautions) when returning the defective unit. The packing instructions will be included with the return instructions accompanying the replacement FRU |
· | Put the replacement FRU into service once it has been returned by Airspan to Axtel. |
1.2.3 Assumptions for Repair Services
The following assumptions will govern the provision of repair Services for Products covered by the warranty in the Warranty Period:
· | Airspan will incur the expense of shipping the repaired unit or the replacement unit to Axtel using a method and carrier selected by Airspan. Airspan is responsible for loss of, or damage to, an FRU while it is in Airspan’ possession or in transit to Axtel, as well as to pay all applicable duties, taxes, and other charges associated with the importation of the repaired or replacement FRU into the country of destination. |
· | Unless required for operational reasons and agreed upon with Airspan, the replacement FRU will be at the then-current hardware and firmware release levels as they are made Generally Available (GA) by Airspan. Upon a specific request of Axtel for repair of a quantity of RTUs with a specific software release version, the parties will work together to define a mutually agreeable process to satisfy such specific request, provided that such a process does not cause Airspan to incur any out of pocket expenses or material additional cost. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Warranty on FRU repaired by Airspan shall be limited to one hundred and eighty (180) days from delivery of the repaired FRU or to the end of the original warranty period, whichever is longer. |
· | The defective FRU returned to Airspan becomes the property of Airspan and, subject to Airspan’ receipt of the defective FRU, its replacement becomes Axtel’s property. |
· | Airspan reserves the right to reject the return of any FRU that does not clearly display the specific part request Return Material Authorization (“RMA”) number or does not include the associated completed Airspan fault report forms. |
· | Airspan will from time to time assess Products offered and supported. The assessment will be based on technology, market development, product deployment, and support requirements and may identify certain Products that will be discontinued. Airspan reserves the right to terminate any service purchased by Axtel for products that have been discontinued. Subject to the terms and conditions of the FWA PLA, continued support for any discontinued products beyond the effective date of discontinuance may be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in the FWA PLA. |
· | The service will be furnished by Airspan or a party authorized by Airspan. |
· | As part of the repair service, Airspan will monitor all faulty product returns for No Fault Found (“NFF”) from Axtel. All repair cases resulting in “no fault found” will not be charged to Axtel.In the event that such Product presents again in the field within 180 days of return date the same failures as noticed by Axtel, Airspan shall repair or replace, within 60 days of receipt of the FRU, such Product at its cost and expense. |
· | If, in the judgment of Airspan, the returned FRU has been damaged by misuse, accident, modification or failure to maintain the proper physical or operating environment or improper maintenance by Axtel, then Airspan will return the defective un-repaired FRU to Axtel at Axtel’s expense. |
· | It is critical that Axtel regularly ship all defective Products to Airspan, as and when defects are detected, to avoid the accumulation of defective Products that will impact Airspan's ability to meet the target turnaround times. |
· | In the case of Product replaced at Airspan discretion, and which would be returned with a different Serial Number to Axtel, the proper documentation shall be provided by Airspan for Axtel’s asset controls to evidence which serial number is replaced. |
1.2.4 Exclusions to Repair Services
The following exclusions will govern the delivery of repair Services:
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Airspan support obligations are expressly conditional upon the products not being (i) subject to unusual mechanical stress or unusual electrical or environmental conditions; (ii) subject to misuse, accident or disaster including without limitation, fire, flood, water, wind, lightning or other acts of God; or (iii) altered or modified unless performed or authorized by Airspan. |
· | Repair Services are not offered on Airspan holidays observed in the region where the service is being performed. |
· | Additionally, repair Services do not include Emergency Repair Support (also known as Emergency Part Dispatch). |
· | Root-cause analysis, the provision of fault reports, lead-time/performance metrics, or hardware upgrades |
· | Those exclusions identified in Section 1.5 and 1.6 of Part One of this Annex “G”.Software is not warranted to operate uninterrupted or error free. |
2.1 Holidays Observed by Airspan
Please refer to your local Airspan representative to get information of Local National Holidays observed at Axtel’s location.
2.2 Call Center Access for Technical Support
The Airspan Call Center will function as a single point of contact for the receipt of all support calls and inquiries. The remote support effort will begin with a telephone call and will continue with the appropriateactions to be taken according to Airspan Case Severity Classifications.
In accordance withTable 2-Rbelow, the Call Center will register and manage requests for Remote Technical Assistance during normal business days (M-F) and hours (9:00-18:00 hrs), excluding holidays for Business Critical, Major and Minor Severity Problems and for E1 and E2 Severity Problems the Call Center will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. General provisions for accessing Technical Assistance services include:
· | Airspan may, where applicable, also provide a customer with the ability to open, view, and modify cases directly within the Airspan case-tracking system via. The customer will bear telecommunication facility charges and/or long distance toll chargeswith access to |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | Where toll-free access is not available, Axtel will bear telecommunication facility charges and/or long distance toll charges for access to the Call Center |
· | All cases are logged into the Airspan case-tracking system. The case is time-stamped and a case reference number allocated. Furthermore, Airspan will request that Axtel agree to a case priority level |
· | E1 and E2 priority cases are to be reported by telephone only |
· | Axtel to escalate a case to higher levels of management within Airspan, in accordance with the escalation table in section 2.2.5. |
2.2.1 Airspan Technical Support Services Call Process
When calling Airspan for Technical Assistance or Emergency Recovery, Axtel’s representative will be asked to provide the following information:
2. | Caller name and phone number |
3. | Personal Identification Number (PIN) or a unique Axtel Purchase Order number or credit card number, if a PIN has not been issued. |
5. | Product on which the problem is being reported |
6. | Problem description and severity |
A Call Center agent will generate a Case Reference Number (CRN), which will be provided to Axtel for tracking the case. An Airspan technician will then team with Axtel’s representative to resolve the reported issue.
2.2.2Call Center Phone Numbers
Axtel sites in Latin America will access the Airspan technical support organizations by calling:
Tel: + (1)561 893-8679
email: from the Airspan Web
Site :://
2.2.3 Technical Support Response Times
Once Axtel has opened a CRN at the Airspan’ Call Center and depending on the Severity Classification, an Airspan Technical Support (NTS) Engineer will contact Axtel’s representative as per the terms set forth inTable 2-R below.
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
2.2.4 Technical Support Case Priority
The definitions in this Section 2.2.4 are generic and shall apply to the limited extent that this Annex G covers Hardware warranty only. Problem reports will be classified as set forth in the tables below.
TL9000 Severity Classification | Airspan Case Priority & Definition | Examples |
Critical | E1 Problems that severely affect service, capacity/traffic, billing and maintenance capabilities and require immediate corrective action, regardless of time of day or day of the week. | Ø Total or partial network element outage Ø A reduction in capacity or traffic handling capability such that expected loads cannot be handled Ø Failure resulting in dynamic routing, switching capability or transport loss Ø Any loss of safety or emergency capability (e.g., emergency calls such as 911 in North America) Ø Loss of the system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration Ø Inability to restart the system Ø Loss of billing/accounting capability Ø Corruption of billing or system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions Ø Other problems that severely affect service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilities or are jointly viewed by Airspan and Axtel as critical |
TL9000 Severity Classification | Airspan Case Priority & Definition | Examples |
Major | E2 Problems that result in potential service degradation and/or total outage. Serious situation not involving service degradation in a live environment, but leading to a total or partial loss of redundancy. | Ø Loss of redundancy of critical functions Ø Loss of protection switching capability Ø Short outages equivalent to system or subsystem outages not seriously impacting service with accumulated duration of greater than two minutes in any 24-hour period, or that continue to repeat during longer periods Ø A reduction in provisioned capacity of 5% and for a cumulative duration of more than 10 minutes per 24 hours Ø Repeated degradation of DS1/E1 or higher rate spans or connections Ø Loss of system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration Ø Loss of access to maintenance or recovery operations Ø Any loss of functional visibility and/or diagnostic capability Ø Loss of system’s ability to provide any required system critical/major alarms Ø Total loss of access to provisioning |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
TL9000 Severity Classification | Airspan Case Priority & Definition | Examples |
Major | Business Critical Problems that result in a major degradation of system or service performance that impacts service quality or significantly impairs network operator control or operational effectiveness. Overall network is degraded resulting in severe limitations to operations or network management software product has major feature that is not working properly with only difficult workaround. | Ø The customer has been given a work-around but the situation still requires constant attention due to the temporary nature of the work-around Ø Software application/migration issues that gate the introduction of new services or functionality Ø Billing error rates that exceed specifications Ø Corruption of system or billing databases |
TL9000 Severity Classification | Airspan Case Priority & Definition | Examples |
Major | Major Problems that result in conditions that seriously affect system operation, maintenance and administration, etc. and require immediate attention. The urgency is less than in a Business Critical situation because of a lesser immediate or impending effect on system performance, customers, and Axtel’s operation and revenue. | Ø Degradation of any capacity/traffic measurement function; degradation of functional visibility and/or diagnostic capability Ø Degradation of access for maintenance or recovery operations Ø Degradation of the system’s ability to provide any required system critical/major alarms Ø Loss of access for routine administrative activity Ø Any system failure without direct immediate impact Ø Intermittent degradation of services; partial loss of access to provisioning Ø Software application/migration issues that do not impact service Ø Reduction in any capacity/traffic measurement function Ø Any loss of functional visibility and/or diagnostic capability Ø Any significant increase in product-related customer trouble reports Ø Follow-up to E1 customer problems Ø Other problems that disrupt or prevent routine system activities, or problems that are jointly viewed as Major events by Airspan and Axtel |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
TL9000 Severity Classification | Airspan Case Priority & Definition | Examples |
Minor | Minor Problems do not significantly impair the functioning of the system and do not significantly affect service to customers. These problems are tolerable during system use. | Ø Service analysis, recorded announcements, operational measurements, maintenance program, or network management problems; or system-related documentation inaccuracies, that do not affect call processing Ø Test equipment failures for which a backup or manual alternative can be employed Ø Circuit pack testing problems |
2.2.5 Case Resolution Objectives and Escalation Procedures
The definitions inTable 2-R below are generic and shall apply to the limited extent that this Annex G covers Hardware warranty only.
Airspan Technical Support case resolution targets are based in Airspan best efforts and set according to the following TL9000 standard:
“Table 2 - R”
TL9000 Severity Classification | Actions | Response Times | Target Service restoration time | Resolution Targets Based on RQMS* |
Business Hours | Non - Business Hours |
E1 (*1) | Worked continuously (7 x 24) until resolution or workaround is provided | 15 min | 30 min | 7 Hr | 24 hr |
E2 (*1) | Worked continuously (7 x 24) until resolution or workaround is provided | 15 min | 30 min | 8 Hr | 10 Days |
Business Critical and Major (*2) | Worked during normal business days and business hours. | 2 hrs | Next Business Day | 24 Hr | 30 Days |
Minor (*2) | Worked during normal business days and business hours. | Next Business Day | Next Business Day | 30 Days | 180 days |
(*1) This Service is provided 7 x 24
(*2) This Service is provided in Normal Business Hours
Note: The times set forth inTable 2 - R above, are subject to Airspan and Axtel working together in conjunction on a reasonable efforts basis to find a workaround for services restoration and resolution within the target times. These times do not represent an obligation or performance indicator.
* RQMS -Reliability and Quality Measurements for Telecommunications Systems.
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
“Airspan Escalation Procedure”
| Axtel’s NOC | |
| | |
| Call Center Airspan | |
| | |
| Airspan Technical Support Engineer | |
| | |
| Airspan Technical Support Manager. | |
| | |
| Airspan Technical Support Sr. Mgr. | |
| | |
| | |
Airspan Technical Support Director | | Airspan Axtel Operation Leader |
At Closing Date, Airspan will provide Axtel with the contact information of the persons involved in this Escalation Procedures, as well from time to time, the changes to such contact information will be provided to Axtel.
2.2.6 Case Progress Status
Airspan Technical Support use the following status to differentiate the case conditions during the evolution of the case investigation. A set of status, its related meaning and its relationship with the case age, are defined in the table below:
Status | Description | Airspan Clock |
Newly Opened | This status is the default. It signifies that no work has been done on the case. | Start |
WIP Level 1 | This status is used when a NTS Engineer is actively working on the Case. | Not Stopped |
WIP Level 2 | This status is used when a Second Level Support Engineer is actively working a case * Second Level Support: Software Support, Product Support. | Not Stopped |
Escalated To Design | This status is used when a Design Engineer is actively working on the case | Not Stopped |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Status | Description | Airspan Clock |
Answer From Design | Design Engineer has concluded its investigation and has replied back to the NTS Engineer | Not Stopped |
With A Axtel | During the course of conducting their research, the NTS Engineer may need additional information or activity from the Axtel. The "With a Axtel” status is assigned when the NTS Engineer is waiting on a Axtel response in order to continue investigation | Stopped |
Interim Solution | If a temporary solution is provided that eliminates Axtels pain until a permanent solution can be delivered, RQMS requirements allow the case to be set to an “IS” status during this window of time if approved by the Axtel. In calculating case age, this interval will be discounted if the permanent fix was delivered on the negotiated commitment date. If the permanent fix does not resolve the reported problem, case status shall be changed to Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2). If the case is returned to a Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2) status after using the IS, the IS time period will be added to the RQMS age of the case. | Stopped |
Future Deliverable | Axtel agrees to live with the problem condition and that the fix will be delivered as part of a future Airspan product release (software release, maintenance release, documentation release or hardware revision. Requirements to use this status include Axtel consent; fix identification, and delivery commitment. This status code does not add time to the RQMS age of the case unless the solution fails and the case is moved back to Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2) status. If the case is returned to a Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2) status after using the FD, the FD time period will be added to the RQMS age of the case. | Stopped |
Solution Delivered | Solution Delivered or available for testing and verification. If the delivered solution does not resolve the reported problem, the status will be changed to Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2). If the case is returned to a Work in Progress (Level 1 or 2) status after using the SD status, the SD time period will be added to the RQMS age of the case. | Stopped |
Pending OEM Vendor | The case has been handed over to an OEM Vendor for resolution | Not Stopped |
2.2.7 Case Resolutions Classifications
Airspan Technical Support case resolutions, which shall be mutually agreed for each case:
· | Cannot Reproduce: After 60 days and a reasonable effort, a problem has not been observed in the Network, is not reproducible or sufficient information has not been provided to adequately troubleshoot the problem and isolate the root cause |
· | Axtel Process: Human errors are present or Axtel has failed to follow procedures recommended and documented by Airspan |
· | Design Intent: The functionality required by customer does not align with the design specifications of the product set forth in Agreement, in which case Airspan shall make clear to Axtel which is such design specification (i.e., the functionality is unsupported), and the issue can only be resolved through new development efforts subject to a separate product development agreement and charges. |
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
· | External Cause: Issue caused by non-Airspan products |
· | Hardware Deficiency: A problem is isolated todefective hardware materials or workmanship or substantial nonconformance to specifications published by Airspan |
· | Hardware Failure: A problem is caused by a hardware component failure that falls within Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) limitations |
· | Airspan Literature: Required Airspan technical document does not exist or the contents of an existing document are in error [for example, an incomplete Airspan Technical Publication (NTP)] |
· | Airspan Process: A problem occurs as a result of a Airspan process deficiency |
· | Opened in Error: The case should not have been opened |
· | Scheduled Event: An outage occurs resulting from planned maintenance, installation, or manual initialization, including such activities as parameter loads, software/firmware changes, and other OA&M activities |
· | Software Deficiency: A problem is isolated to a software design deficiency. |
2.3Axtel Order Process for FWA Repair Services
This process supports the delivery of Airspan FWA Repair Services for Axtel.
When requesting a Hardware warranty repair service, Axtel should have the following required information ready when placing a repair order with Airspan:
1. | Axtel or distributor name |
2. | Axtel ID (Project #, Site ID) |
3. | Requestor name, phone and fax number, and e-mail address |
5. | Part number (PEC or CPC or manufacturer’s part number) |
6. | Quantity (quantity of one per serial number) |
7. | Serial number of the defective part(s) being returned (if applicable) |
9. | Confirmation of the availability of a fully completed Airspan fault report form for said product. |
10. | Any additional information about product (system type or software release) |
11. | Any special shipping instructions |
Upon receiving Axtel’s request and after any diagnostics assistance, Airspan will allocate a part request number to each FRU to be repaired and notify Axtel of the relevant part request number.
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
This part request number, also known as the Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, is critical for tracking individual orders and must be referenced on failure tags, shipping/packing lists, returned defectives, and any correspondence or inquiries concerning the order.
The customer’s representative can call in, fax or e-mail a Repair Service order directly to Airspan the UK using the following contact means:
Office hours (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Local time)
+ 44-1895-467397
All faxed orders will be processed and assigned an RMA# by the close of the next business day. Faxed emergency orders must also be called in to verify receipt of faxes.
To obtain a parts request form by e-mail, please send an e-mail message to any of the above addresses and note “repair order form” in the subject/title field. A form will be sent automatically.
Place the PO number in the subject/title field when e-mailing a completed parts request form back to Airspan. For order confirmation, Airspan will respond with an RMA number to all e-mail orders by the next business day.
2.4.1 Method of Payment for Excluded Services
If Axtel requests a service that is neither part of the scope of this Warranty Service nor within the control or responsibility of Airspan under the Technical Assistance Support Services Agreement, then Airspan will charge additional fees to perform such services, in the event that Airspan agrees to perform them. Airspan reserves the right not to perform any Service not covered by this Warranty.
2.4.2 Package Labeling Instructions and Addresses for Returns
Circuit packs should be packed in anti-static containers designed specifically for the circuit packs in order to avoid damage during shipment. Other parts should be individually wrapped in either anti-static packaging or packaging specifically designed for that product to avoid damage during shipment. Airspan will inform customers of any improper packaging, which will void the warranty.
All materials should be returned pre-paid and sent to the appropriate Airspan repair facility. The customer should use discretion in selecting shipping methods. Airspan recommends that customers insure all packages to cover possible loss or damage during shipping, regardless of warranty status.
A completed Airspan fault report must be filled out and attached to each returned item to assist in failure assessment and problem tracking. Fault reports are sent with each replacement shipment. Axtel can obtain additional supplies by contacting the Airspan Customer Support Center.
Annex G - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Airspan will inform customers of any discrepancy in return shipments. Any discrepancy, whether it is quantity (more or less), product returned not matching what was ordered, inability to determine complete order information, or non-suitable packaging, would be noted and addressed.
Defective Return Packing Slips
Defective return packing slips should be used to return all defective parts to Airspan. Airspan will provide defective return packing slips for use to return shipments. A copy of the defective return packing slip should be placed in all the cartons and attached outside. This duplication will aid in processes and proper identification of returned material. The RMA number and the PO number should be clearly marked on the outside of each box. If a customer supplies a packing slip, the following information must be included on the shipping/packing list for proper handling:
Item (Information Required)
1. | From (Company name, return address, and telephone number) |
2. | Ship Date (Date parts are shipped from Axtel) |
3. | Ship via (Carrier or Enterprise name) |
4. | Waybill number (Carrier or Enterprise tracking number |
5. | Number of Cartons (Number of cartons being sent on shipment) |
6. | Axtel’s PO# (Provided, if applicable) |
7. | Repair order number (RMA# issued by Call Center when order is placed) |
8. | Site ID or Project number |
14. | Serial number (The serial number for each item in the shipment) |
15. | Shipment requested by (Signature of Axtel’s representative) |
Repair Facility Addresses
For RSS’s the equipment should be sent to Solectron Guadalajara and for base stations to Solectron Dumfermline
Attn: Airspan Hardware Support Representative
This address may be modified from time to time by Airspan.
Annex G - - Warranty Services
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
This is the Annex “H” of the Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment, dated as of December __, 2004 (the“Agreement”), is entered into by and among Airspan Communications Limited (“Airspan”), and Axtel, S.A. de C.V. (“Axtel”).
The Parties hereby agree to determine and establish on or before January 31st, 2005, the acceptance procedure to be used in the First Market Application of the New FWA RSS F6 Unit (the“Acceptance Procedure”). The acceptance procedure shall demonstrate, verify and prove that the New FWA RSS F6 Unit shall have at least the same form, function and fit of both of the current RSS Equipment (jointly F2 and F5 RSS equipment), in accordance with the technical specifications set forth in Annex “D” of the Agreement.
Airspan will provide a number of fifteen (15) New FWA RSS F6 Unit to Axtel by January 30th 2005 in order for Axtel to perform and have completed no later than March 15th 2005 a first market application of the New FWA RSS F6 Unit before the New Product Commercial Launch (the“First Market Application”).
The New FWA RSS F6 Unit shall pass successfully the First Market Application made by Axtel pursuant the Acceptance Procedure.
If Axtel considers it necessary, Axtel will have the right to request Airspan to assist Axtel in a verification office of the New FWA RSS F6 Unit. Airspan will provide a quote for this service under this Agreement at reasonable costs and prices.
Annex I
Intentionally Left in Blank
Annex J
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Annex J
PLA FWA Delivery Times
Annex J
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
1.- Delivery Time of any FWA Product
Subject to the provisions of section 5.19 of the Agreement, the firm Delivery of any FWA Product (RSS, complete or segregated RBS Equipment or Spare Parts) shall be 20 weeks after Order Acceptance as provided in Section 2 of the Agreement, provided that the payments for such equipment shall be made pursuant the terms set forth in Section 5.3 of the Agreement.
2.- Partial Deliveries
Partial deliveries of an Order for RSS equipment shall be allowed only in the following circumstances:
a. | For any order of RSS equipment Airspan may deliver no less than 750 RSS units at any one time; |
b. | where Airspan has made a partial delivery in accordance with a. above, the remaining quantities of the Order; or |
c. | unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties. |
Partial RBS deliveries shall only be allowed if Airspan delivers complete units of RBS Kits, either 27B or 18B RBS as per the Description of the RBS Kit, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties.
(iii) | Segregated RBS Equipment or Spare Parts |
Partial segregated RBS Equipment or Spare Parts deliveries shall be only allowed to the 50% of the respective complete Order, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties.
| (iv) | Partial shipments as provided above, shall not release Airspan of its obligations to deliver on time such Products as provided in this Annex J. Any delay in the delivery of such Products shall be subject to the terms set forth in section 3.4 of the Agreement. |
Annex K
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
Annex K
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
1.- | Total Purchase Commitment. Axtel hereby agrees to purchase and take deliveryUS$38,700,000.00 Dollars(Thirty Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) of Airspan equipment from December 22, 2004 through to December 31, 2006 (the“Purchase Commitment”). |
2.- | Purchase Commitment Fulfillment. The Parties hereby agree that the Purchase Commitment mentioned above will be fulfilled taking in consideration the following terms and conditions: |
a) Second Lines Activation Fees. US$[*] Dollars) of Second Lines Activation Fees set forth in Section 22 of the Agreement, will be included in the Purchase Commitment as and when paid by Axtel.
b) The Commercial Terms Letter Purchase. TheUS$[*] United States Dollars) of equipment detailed in the Special Payment and Commercial terms letter dated[*]for delivery between[*] will be included in the Purchase Commitment as and when delivered;
c) Minimum Purchase of RSS Equipment. Axtel shall purchase and take delivery of a minimum of [*] RSS from May 1, 2005 through to July 31, 2006 (for an approximately amount ofUS$14,512,500.00 Dollars);
RSS orders placed in accordance with c) above shall be equal to or greater than [*] units per month
d) Minimum Purchase of RBS Equipment. From[*]Axtel shall purchase and take delivery ofUS$[*]Dollars) of Proximity Base Station Equipment;
e) Minimum Purchase of Airspan Equipment (January - December 2006). For the calendar year 2006, Axtel shall purchase and take delivery of a minimum ofUS$9,332,500.00(Nine Million Three Hundred Thirty Two Thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars) of any Airspan equipment, provided that, of such amount, US$5,586,000.00 shall be of Airspan NonRSS Equipment and the remaining amount (US$3,746,500.00) shall be of any Airspan equipment.
Annex K
Purchase and License Agreement for FWA Equipment (December 2004)
For the avoidance of doubt, the US$4,480,000.00 Dollars of purchases required in f) below will be included in this $9,332,500.00 Dollars total to the extent that the equipment is delivered in 2006.
f) | Minimum Purchase of Airspan Equipment (August - December 2006). From August 1, 2006 through to December 31, 2006, Axtel shall purchase and take delivery of an additional [*] or other Airspan products with a minimum purchase price ofUS$4,480,000.00 Dollars (Four Million Four Hundred Eighty Thousand United States Dollars); |
In order for Airspan to continue its obligation to supply FWA equipment beyond May 1st, 2006, Axtel will be required to place and maintain orders of[*]units a month from January 1st 2006
g) | The parties agree that in July 2005 they will discuss and schedule, if possible, the delivery times for future purchases under the Purchase Commitment, taking in consideration the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. |
3. | Special Term. Any purchase made by Axtel in 2005 for an amount in excess of the amounts set forth in sections (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, shall be accounted for as an Axtel purchase under sections (e) and (f) above, so in the aggregate the Purchase Commitment of Axtel shall not be greater than the amount ofUS$38,700,000.00 Dollars(Thirty Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). |