Seafarer Exploration Corp. Announces Material Definitive Agreement
Jun. 9, 2010 (Business Wire) -- Seafarer Exploration Corp. (OTCBB: SFRX) announced today a signed Agreement between Seafarer Exploration, Corp. (“Seafarer”) and Tulco Resources, Ltd (“Tulco”). The Agreement grants Seafarer the exclusive rights to explore, locate, identify, and salvage a possible shipwreck within the territorial limits of the State of Florida. The Agreement is for a term of three (3) years, which may be renewed for an additional three (3) years upon expiration of the initial term. The Agreement includes terms of any divisions with the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FLDHR) and Tulco and Seafarer including conservation cost. Seafarer and Tulco are still being reviewed by the FLDHR and cannot conduct artifact recovery operations at the Juno Beach Wreck site unless approved. An 8-K has been filed to reflect more detail concerning this release.
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