| Growth Opportunities Sacramento Region Employment Major Sector Employment Gains and Losses Sacramento Region, California, and Bay Area May 2007-2008 Sacramento Sector Region California Bay Area Total Nonfarm -6,500 -16,900 12,500 Private Sector -9,600 -60,000 6,500 Public Sector 3,100 43,100 6,000 Government 3,100 43,100 6,000 Edu. & Health Svcs. 2,700 54,400 4,600 Prof. & Business Svcs. 1,400 27,200 8,300 Other Services 500 7,100 1,400 Nat. Res. & Mining 0 700 200 Information -100 -5,400 700 Leisure & Hospitality -1,000 7,300 2,600 Manufacturing -1,700 -21,900 1,600 Financial Activities -1,900 -34,500 -6,600 Trade, Trans. & Util. -2,100 -4,800 -2,600 Construction -7,400 -90,100 -3,700 May 2003-2008 2003 885,500 2004 898,400 2005 918,700 2006 941,100 2007 949,200 2008 942,700 Sacramento Regional Research Institute, June 2008 Data Source: Employment Development Department |